3.1. Preparation of materials based on porous carbon from Mikania micrantha
Mikania micrantha has corrugated stems that can reach a maximum height of 6 meters (20 ft) and leaves that are 4–13 centimeters (1.6–5.1 in) long with a heart-shaped base and a pointed tip. 4.5–6.0-millimeter (0.18–0.24 in) clumps of white blossoms are present. In traditional medicine systems, Mikania micrantha leaves are employed as ulcer preventatives and wound healers. Additionally, the leaves are used as an antimicrobial, antipyretic, and anti-inflammatory agent, as well as an anti-cold congestion decoction.[55, 56] The raw, green leaves of M. micrantha contain various chemical components. It can be used for a variety of medical purposes. This plant's anticancer, antioxidant, anti-diabetic, antibacterial, and anti-diarrheal characteristics are just the tip of the iceberg of its therapeutic potential. These functions can be attributed to the presence of phytochemicals such flavonoids, alkaloids, saponins, tannins, phenol, and carbohydrates.[55, 56] Pectin, crude fibre, carotenoids, water, oil, and polyphenols are only some of the nutrients found in the raw green leaves. Carbohydrates are the primary building blocks of the synthesis, or carbon precursors.[55, 56]
$$KOH+N{H}_{4}Cl\to N{H}_{3}+KCl+{H}_{2}O \left(5\right)$$
With the help of the KOH activator, there was first a solid-solid reaction, and then a solid-liquid one. The KOH also decreased throughout the process, becoming K metal. Carbon precursors undergo oxidation, yielding carbon dioxide (CO2) and carbonate (CO3). The cross reaction occurs at the same time. K2CO3 is produced at temperatures between 400 and 600°C during the activation phase. When heated over 600°C, K2CO3 dissociates into K2O and CO2. Over 800 degrees Celsius will be reached at the end of the process. Carbon precursors undergo chemical reactions with the produced CO/CO2 and K compounds at temperatures exceeding 700°C. This chemical activation process is permanent because it causes the carbon lattice structure to expand. The resulting carbon materials have an exceptionally high level of microporosity. The fundamental mechanism is depicted by the following equations (6)-(10).[57–59]
$$6KOH+2C\to 2K+3{H}_{2}+2{K}_{2}C{O}_{3} \left(6\right)$$
$$2{K}_{2}C{O}_{3}\to 3{K}_{2}O+C{O}_{2} \left(7\right)$$
$$C{O}_{2}+C\to 2CO \left(8\right)$$
$$2{K}_{2}C{O}_{3}+2C\to 2K+3CO \left(9\right)$$
$${K}_{2}O+C\to 2K+CO \left(10\right)$$
The heteroatom content, surface area, and porosity of the resultant carbon may all be linked back to the reaction temperature and KOH. Using a carbon precursor and potassium hydroxide (KOH) ratio of 1:1, BPC materials were synthesised at varying pyrolysis temperatures.
3.2. Morphological and structural analysis
Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) and transmission electron microscopic (TEM) measurements were used to analyze the microstructures and morphologies of the as-prepared samples. Images of the prepared biomass-derived porous carbon (BPC) sample taken with the scanning electron microscope are shown in Fig. 1a–f.
When BPC is carbonised, its porous framework becomes highly developed and is inhabited with nanoflakes. Both the highly developed nutrition and metabolic channels of the leaves derived from M. micrantha biomass materials and the pore channels created by moisture and small-molecule gases released after a thermal breakdown in the presence of a KOH activator were credited with contributing to the nanoflakes architectures of the BPC materials.[57, 60–62] Because of these passages, the KOH activator can reach deep into the carbon materials, interacting with them to increase the pore diameters.[57, 63, 64] The BPC-MM-600 shows fewer holes and nanoparticles at lower temperatures (Fig. 1a). Figure 1b demonstrates that the nanoflakes' uniformity increases and their porosity structure becomes more systematic with increasing temperature. When heated above 800°C, the product's internal structure begins to degrade, and the channel's inner walls become flimsy. We can see fewer nanoflakes (Fig. 1c). The roughening of the BPC materials' surface is proof that the KOH activator reacts well with the carbon particles in the biowaste. The number of holes significantly rises after the addition of the KOH activator. This was because the biowaste included carbon matrices, which caused the pores to dilate and enlarge. According to EDX analysis, heteroatoms are present in the BPC framework MM-800 (Figure S2b). The EDX analysis confirms the presence of heteroatoms in the synthesized BPC materials from the natural source. The microstructural features of the ready-made BPC framework MM-800 were better understood through transmission electron microscopy investigation. TEM measurement (Fig. 3d, e), which supplements the findings of FE-SEM, revealed the produced BPC framework MM-800 to have an interconnected nanoflake structure. Porosity in the carbon components of the constructed BPC framework MM-800 is clearly visible in TEM images, as illustrated in Fig. 3d. XRD and Raman spectroscopy were used to determine the degree of graphitization in the samples. On the other hand, Fig. 2a shows that the XRD patterns of BPC materials exhibit two diffraction peaks at 2θ values of 26.3 and 44.2, which are assigned to typical (002) and (101) reflections of graphitic carbon (JCPDS no. 41-1487); a broad peak was observed in BPC, indicating the amorphous carbon structure of Mikania micrantha leaves prior to graphitization (Fig. 2a). The XRD data thus demonstrated the good crystallinity of the BPC sample synthesized in a single step. Raman spectroscopy (Fig. 2b) also provided evidence of the graphitic structure. Graphite's D band at 1350 cm− 1 is usually interpreted as representing defect sites or disordered sp2-hybridized carbon atoms, the G band at 1580 cm− 1 as representing the in-plane vibration of sp2-bonded carbon atoms, and the 2D band at 2800 cm− 1 as representing the two phonon lattice vibration.[52, 65–69] Determining the degree of crystallization or defect density in carbon materials typically involves calculating the intensity ratio of the D band to the G band (ID/IG). BPC materials, MM-600, MM-700, and MM-800 all had ID/IG ratios of 0.93, 0.97, and 0.95, respectively. Creation of pores and enhanced structural disorder following carbonization account for the higher ID/IG values seen in BPC samples.[52, 65–69] Raman spectra of MM-700, in comparison to other samples, revealed shorter D and G bands and a strong 2D band, both of which are indicative of a successful transformation of biomass into graphitic carbon.[52, 65–69]
The pyrolysis temperature highly modulates the appearance and structure of the synthesized materials. Two crucial characteristics from an electrochemical viewpoint are the electrode conductivity and the electrode surface area.[57, 70–75] The contact area between the electrode and the electrolyte can be increased, and the conductivity can be increased if the specific surface area of the electrode is made more prominent.[57, 70–75] Good conductivity requires a pyrolysis stage at high temperatures, which has the added benefit of forming a hierarchical porous structure, an indicator of a high specific surface area.[57, 70–75] At 77 K, the porosity was determined using nitrogen adsorption-desorption. Figure S3 demonstrates the results. All of them fit the profile of a type IV isotherm typical of mesoporous materials with an H4 hysteresis loop. It was clear that the porous textures varied depending on various samples. Micropores were evidenced by the existence of a strong adsorption inflection at low relative pressures and well-developed plateaus in the BPC sample's adsorption-desorption isotherm (Figure S3), and the sample possessed a narrow pore size distribution. The MM-700 sample had a high BET surface area, measuring 850.62 m2 g− 1, and a total pore volume of 0.85 cm3 g− 1, of which 0.75 cm3 g− 1 was attributed to micropores. Electrolyte penetration and ion adsorption are aided by MM-800's wide accessible surface area and optimal pore size distribution, most of which come from micropores, leading to improved energy storage capacity. In contrast, the other BPC materials, MM-600 and MM-800, showed a lower BET surface area of 365 and 560.25 m2 g− 1 and a very small total pore volume of 0.45 and 0.62 cm3 g− 1 due to extensive corrosion and degradation of the original structure using lower and higher pyrolyzed temperatures. XPS analysis provided additional confirmation of the elemental composition of the MM-700 sample (Fig. 3a-c). Survey spectra (Figure S4) demonstrate that both materials include oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon, which are represented by three prominent peaks at binding energies of 532.6, 400.2, and 284.6 eV, respectively.
Figure 3 (a-c) displays the deconvoluted XPS spectra for carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen. The C = C bond in the samples is responsible for the peak in the C1s spectra at the binding energy of 284.8 eV; C = O and C-N are produced at the binding energy of 285.65 eV and 288.63 eV, respectively.[65–69] Nitrogen is present in the resulting BPC framework MM-700. However, its presence may be broken down into its constituent pyridinic-N (398.3 eV), pyrrolic-N (400.1 eV), and graphitic-N (402.3 eV) atoms, as seen in Fig. 3b.[65–69] Incorporating heteroatoms into active carbon material matrices may improve the BPC framework's electrochemical characteristics. Doping heteroatoms into electrode materials is a primary way to boost their pseudo-capacitive property. The contribution of pseudocapacitance from BPC materials, which can take part in the faradic redox process, is bolstered by the presence of pyrrolic-N. Similarly, pyridinic-N-containing electrode materials enhance the wettability behavior of the electrode material. [65–69] Incorporating the heteroatom into the BPC matrix allows for the enhanced electrochemical performance of an MM-700-based electrode. Deconvolution of the O1s spectrum reveals three peaks, one each for C = O (531.5 eV), C-O (532.9 eV), and C-N (535.6 eV) (Fig. 3c).[65–69] In addition, the data show that the chemical composition of the three samples is comparable. The presence of oxygen on the surface of a material can contribute as a major impact on its electrochemical behavior, and this is true even for carbons that have been purposefully doped with other heteroatoms.[76] They can serve as redox-active functionalities and increase the wettability of carbon surfaces in aqueous solutions. Redox-active organic functional groups contribute a finite amount of faradaic charge to the overall specific capacitance. Increasing the amount of O can significantly increase the cell's volumetric and gravimetric capacitance and so serve as a crucial factor for boosting the overall performance of supercapacitors, albeit this typically works at the modest expense of the cell's power density.[76]
3.3. Electrochemical analysis
3.3.1. Three-electrode application
Charge storage capabilities of biomass-derived porous carbon (BPC) samples were studied using cyclic voltammetry (CV), galvanostatic charge-discharge (GCD), and impedance analysis. In a three-electrode configuration, the potential range is set between − 0.2 to 1 V relative to the Ag/AgCl reference electrode. Neutral (Na2SO4), acidic (0.5M H2SO4), and alkaline (1M KOH) electrolytes were all used in the system to distinguish the suitable supporting electrolyte. With a wide potential window of -0.2 to 1 V vs. Ag/AgCl reference electrode at 5 mV/sec scan rate (Figure S5), the MM-700 materials exhibit specific capacitance (Csp) values of 102, 484, and 72 F/g in the aforementioned electrolytes, respectively. The MM-700 uses H2SO4 as its electrolyte and has a greater Csp at a lower scan rate than other BPC architectures made with different annealing temperatures due to the smaller size of H+ ions in the supporting electrolyte. For this reason, all the electrochemical investigated is conducted in an acidic electrolyte.[65–69]
The Csp of the BPC materials MM-600, MM-700, and MM-800 in acidic electrolytes is 317, 484, and 381 F/g, respectively, at a low scan rate of 5 mV/sec (Fig. 4a). Because of its huge porous structure, active surface area, and the presence of heteroatoms in its interconnected carbon framework, the MM-700 may have the highest capacitance among synthetic carbon materials. In addition, the XRD, Raman, SEM, and BET investigations indicated that the pre-activated carbon precursor carbonization should occur at a temperature of 700°C. But the synthesized BPC materials MM-600 show the lower working potential window in a three-electrode system i.e. 0 to + 1 V with a reference to Ag/AgCl electrode. This may be due to the poor graphitization, active surface area, and pore volume of the synthesized BPC materials. Moreover, the graphitization does not occur sufficiently at this temperature, as shown by XRD, Raman, and SEM. Redox-active N, O-containing functional groups in the materials are hypothesised to contribute to double-layer capacitance and pseudocapacitance by the distorted quasi-rectangular form of both curves with a hump in the potential barrier of -0.2 V to 1 V in an acidic electrolyte.[77–79] Increases in pseudocapacitance and specific capacitance can be inferred from MM-700's more pronounced hump and bigger ringed region. Figures S6a, S7a, and S8a show the CV curves plotted against scan rate (10 mV/s to 100 mV/ s) for the synthesized BPC materials MM-600, MM-700, MM-800, respectively, using acidic electrolytes. The CV curve maintains its near-rectangular shape even as at increased scan rate, demonstrating the superior rate capability of BPC materials MM-700. However, a distinct phenomenon for BPC-based electrodes is seen as the scan rate increased from 10 mV/s to 100 mV/s. The quasi-rectangular shape gradually evolves into an irregular shape. In addition, studies have demonstrated that an increase in scan rate correlates with a drop in the Csp of electrode materials. At low scan rates, the maximum amount of the inner region of the active electrode was used to carry out the electrochemical reaction. The greatest Csp ever recorded is the result of scanning at the slowest possible speeds. This is because the highest Csp is achieved at the slowest period, allowing the inner charges to expand and permeate deeply into the hierarchical porous carbon matrices of the active electrode materials. Since the inner active section of electrochemically active materials often does not participate in electrochemical reactions, increasing the scan rate causes the Csp of electrochemically active materials to decrease.[50–52, 65, 66, 68, 69, 80, 81] The manufactured BPC materials share the aforementioned electrochemical properties. All of the ready-made BPC materials exhibit reduced Csp at increased scan rates. At a high scan rate of 100 mV/sec, the synthesized BPC materials MM-600, MM-700, and MM-800 provided respectively the specific capacitance of 47, 157, 140 F/g under identical conditions using a three-electrode system (Figures S6a, S7a, and S8a). At all scan rates, the synthesized BPC materials MM-700 demonstrate higher specific capacitance than other synthesized BPC materials MM-600 and MM-800 due to the higher surface area, pore volume, and optimum amount of doping of heteroatoms N and O in the carbon matrices (Fig. 4c).
The GCD curves of BPC-based electrodes were examined in a three-electrode system to examine the impact of chemical activators on the electrochemical behavior of the as manufactured BPC electrode materials. Different activation temperatures result in distinct constant current charge and discharge curves for activated carbon electrode materials, as shown in Fig. 4b. The diagrams show that the activated carbon electrodes behave like a conventional electric double-layer capacitor with an isosceles triangle configuration. The GCD curves are symmetrical, indicating that the electrodes are reversible.[82] The quasitriangular geometries of both profiles are indicative of high Coulomb efficiency and reliable EDLC operation. The redox-active N, O functional groups cause pseudocapacitance, which accounts for the minor departure from triangular forms.[83] The capacitance is improved by the BPC's material's greater adsorption/desorption capacity for electrolyte ions, as indicated by the substantially longer discharge time of BPC MM-700 compared to other synthesized BPC MM-600 and MM-800. This squares nicely with the wider CV-encircled region of MM-800 that was previously discussed. The discharge profiles allowed us to determine that a current density of 1 A/g, the specific capacitance of MM-700 was 393 F/g. In contrast, other synthesized BPC-based materials MM-600 and MM-800, demonstrate the specific capacitance of 282, 292 F/g under identical conditions (Fig. 4b It's well knowledge that carbon materials' surface area, pores, and channels are key properties since they allow for the formation of several electrical layers during the charging-discharging process. High coulombic efficiency and electrochemical reversibility were indicated by the triangular and almost linear charge-discharge patterns found for the synthesized BPC materials with a minor IR drop. For nitrogen/sulfur-doped porous carbon sheets in an acidic electrolyte, Y Chen et al. reported a maximum specific capacitance of 132 F/g at an applied current density of 1 A/g.[84] Y. Gao et al. reported that the synthesized porous carbon materials show a specific capacitance of 220 F/g which is synthesized from a crab shell as a carbon precursor.[85] The BPC electrode's GCD curves for a range of 2 to 15 A/g current densities are depicted in Figures S6b, S7b, and S8b. Even as the current density increased from 1 to 15 A/g, the GCD curve maintains its ideal quasi-triangular shape, indicating that the electrochemical properties are preserved. The synthesized BPC materials MM-700 show 215, 170, and 150 F/g at 6, 10, and 15 A/g current density using a three-electrode system under a wide potential window − 0.2 to 1 V vs Ag/AgCl reference electrode. In contrast, other synthesized BPC materials, MM-600 and MM-800, demonstrate the specific capacitance of 120, 90, 60 and, 140, 125, 103 F/g under identical current densities but different working potential windows. As mentioned above, the BPC MM-600 works under 0 to + 1 V vs. Ag/AgCl reference electrode in a three-electrode system. At all current densities, the synthesized BPC MM-700 shows a higher specific capacitance in a three-electrode system using strong acidic electrolyte compared to other synthesized BPC materials MM-600 and MM-800 due to higher pore volume, surface area, and optimum amount of O, N heteroatom doping.
3.3.2. Electrokinetic measurements:
The charge-storage mechanism of BPC materials was studied by electrokinetic analysis. Pseudocapacitive properties could be observed in the BPC materials due to the presence of a redox peak in the CV diagram, as shown in Figs. 5a, b, c. There are two ways to store charge in pseudocapacitive electrode materials: diffusive and capacitive. Capacitive contribution is associated with the electrostatic adsorption/desorption of ions on the double layers, whereas the redox reaction provides the diffusive contribution. By analysing the CV curves at different scan speeds according to Dunn's power law equation, we may be able to deduce how the pseudocapacitive material stores charge. The formulas are presented in equations (11) and (12): [65–69]
$$i=a{v}^{b} \left(11\right)$$
$${log}i={log}a+blogv \left(12\right)$$
Where a and b are free-floating parameters, v represents the scan rate. The value of b can be calculated from the slope of the log i vs log v graph. A value of 0.5 for a and b is commonly used to suggest a diffusion-controlled process, while a value of 1 implies a capacitive-controlled response. To determine the charge-storage mechanism of the biomass-based BPC materials synthesized in the electrokinetic experiment, 0.5M H2SO4 was utilized as a supporting electrolyte. The b values for the cathodic and anodic peaks of the BPC materials MM-600, MM-700, and MM-800 in acidic electrolytes were (0.72 and 0.54), (0.95 and 0.92), and (0.85 and 0.82), respectively, as shown in Fig. 5d, e, f. The overall charge accumulation in the active BPC electrode materials was seen by using the combined capacitive and diffusive contribution, which is illustrative of the experimental b values of the carbon nanomaterials. Capacitive contribution as a main element in the charge storage process is also recommended by the BPC framework MM-700, as shown in Fig. 5e, which has a greater value than the synthetic BPC MM-600 and MM-800. For a better understanding of the charge storage mechanism of the BPC framework, the total charge can be separated into its capacitive (k1V) and diffusive (k2V1/2) components. Dunn and coworkers proposed these equations (13, 14).[65–69]
$$i\left(V\right)={k}_{1}v+{k}_{2}{v}^{1/2} \left(13\right)$$
or,\(\frac{\text{i}\left(\text{V}\right)}{{\text{V}}^{1/2}}={\text{k}}_{1}{\text{v}}^{1/2}+{\text{k}}_{2} \left(14\right)\)
Using the aforementioned calculations, we find that the capacitive contributions to the total charge amassing at a scan rate of 5 mV/sec are, for the synthesized BPC materials MM-600, MM-700, and MM-800, 41%, 85%, and 66%, respectively, as shown in Fig. 6a, b, c. Compared to previously produced BPC frameworks, the capacitive contribution of the MM-700 materials is the biggest towards total charge accumulation due to their larger surface area, pore volume, and heteroatoms on their carbon matrices. The contribution of capacitive and diffusive storage to the total charge storage versus different sweep rates was plotted as shown in Fig. 6d, e, f for the synthesized BPC materials MM-600, MM-700, and MM-800. At slow scan rates, the electrode materials' overall charge is largely built up by the diffusion-controlled process due to the ease with which ions can be moved in the nanopores of the electroactive materials. The opposite effect occurs at very fast scan rates.
3.3.3. Electrochemical Impedance spectroscopic measurement:
The Electrochemical Impedance spectroscopic measurement (EIS) was obtained between 0.1 Hz and 100 kHz to study the ion transport and charge transfer. The linear component of the Nyquist diagram at low frequencies represents the charge transfer process at the electrode/electrolyte interface, as shown in Figure S7, and the capacitance behavior of the electrode. The diameter of the semicircle represents the charge transfer resistance (Rct) in the high-frequency region and the equivalent series resistance (Rs), which includes the intrinsic resistance of the electrode material, electrolyte ionic resistance and the contact resistance between the electrolyte and electrode, is represented by the intercept on the horizontal axis.[86] As shown in Figure S7, the BPC-based electrode MM-700 has a substantially smaller semicircle diameter and intercept than MM-600 and MM-800, indicating lower Rs and Rct. Both samples exhibit nearly vertical lines in the low-frequency domain, which is indicative of perfect EDLC behavior and low impedance. The computed Nyquist diagram was generated using an equivalent electric circuit and is depicted in Figure S7 sheds light on the EIS behavior. When the calculated curve agrees with the measured curve (Msd), it means that the equivalent electric circuit can describe the complete behavior of the supercapacitor.[87] The synthesized BPC frameworks MM-600, MM-700, and MM-800, show respectively Rct values of 6.39, 2.36, and 3.56 Ω in an acidic electrolyte. Compared to other synthesized nanomaterials, the Rct of BPC framework MM-700 shows higher electron carrier efficiency at the electrode/electrolyte interface. Because of its larger surface area, larger pore volume, and BPC structure, MM-700 materials have a lower Rct compared to MM-600 and MM-800. The enhanced electrochemical performance of the BPC framework MM-700 can be attributed in part to the higher efficiency with which electrons can be transferred.
3.3.4. Real device fabrication:
We have built a solid-state symmetric device to test the efficacy of the BPC material MM-700 sample using PVA-H2SO4 gel electrolyte. The electrochemical performance of the MM-700 electrode was also tested with a two-electrode setup, and the findings are shown in Fig. 7. Further supporting the carbon samples' optimal electrical double-layer capacitance behavior, the CV curves of the MM-700 electrodes in Fig. 7a showed reasonably regular rectangular forms in the two-electrode system. Note that the fabricated device's CV curve region is the largest of the three samples, suggesting it may have the highest specific capacitance.
CV and GCD curves were recorded in the voltage range of 0 to 1.8 V to explore possible applications since the quasi-rectangular form of CV was maintained even if the voltage window stretched to 1.8 V (Fig. 8a). Figures 7a and b display the CV curves and GCD profiles for scanning rates ranging from 10 to 100 mV/s and current densities ranging from 1 to 30 A/g, respectively. Even at a fast scan rate of 100 mV/s, all CV curves are nearly rectangular, indicative of the characteristic EDLCs trait. The quasi-triangular shape of the GCD curves and the lack of a noticeable IR decrease across a range of current densities in Fig. 7b indicate low equivalent series resistance and high electrochemical reversibility. The BPC MM-700 electrode has a calculated specific capacitance of 119 F/g at 1 A/g current density, and it retains a high value of 41 F/g at 30 A/g even at the thirty-fold current density. An energy storage device's energy and power densities are crucial in a commercial setting. The highest energy density of the manufactured MM-700 is 55.55 Wh/kg at 1 A/g current density, while the maximum power density is 13.284 kW/kg at 30 A/g current density. When compared to other carbon-based supercapacitors made from biomass, such as those made from maize husk,[88] rice straw,[89] Gardenia jasminoides Ellis flowers,[90] phoenix fallen leaves,[91] is significantly higher. Compared to previously reported porous carbon materials, the energy and power density achieved by devices built from synthetic porous carbon materials is higher, providing a significant advantage in practical applications.
3.3.5. Device stability:
It is well known that supercapacitors, to be useful, must have high performance over a long number of cycles. So in our case, we have to find the chemical stability of the synthesized BPC carbon materials.
The cycle stability of the synthesized BPC materials has been examined using three and two-electrode systems. In a three-electrode system, the synthesized nanomaterials have 95% specific capacitance retention even after 5000 continuous charge-discharge cycles in strong acidic electrolytes. In our curiosity, we have also checked the stability of BPC materials in fabricated solid-state devices. The fabricated device displays 97% specific capacitance retention even after 5000 continuous charge-discharge cycles in strong acidic electrolytes. The hierarchical porous structure, large active surface area, and high O, N contents of the electrode material BPC MM-700 were achieved by using KOH as the pore-forming agent and melamine as the pore modifier and nitrogen supplier. More active sites and unobstructed routes for ion transfer were made possible by the hierarchical porous structure and broad surface area, while electron conductivity, wettability with electrolyte, and pseudocapacitance were all enhanced by the rich O, N-containing functional groups. High specific capacitance, excellent long cycle life, and high specific energy are just some of the results of the synergistic effect of various entry points on MM-700's capacitive performance.