3.1 Content and yield of essential oils
The results showed that the effect of foliar-application treatments and harvests on the content and yield of essential oil was significant (P≤0.01) (Table 1). Plants treated with SW at 1000-dilution had the highest content of essential oils (0.29 %) compared to the control treatment (0.20 %). The highest essential oil yield was obtained in SW at 500-dilution (1.18 mL m-2) and the lowest amount of mentioned trait (0.56 mL m-2) was obtained in control. However, there is not a significant difference in most treatments. The highest essential oil content (0.28 %) was obtained in harvest one, and the lowest (0.23 %) amount of the mentioned trait was obtained in harvest 2. Whereas the second harvest showed a 120.98 percent increase in the essential oil yield compared to the first harvest (Table 2).
All levels of foliar application increased the essential oil content. Plants treated with SW at 1000- and 500-dilutions, as well as cytokinin, showed no significant difference together. These observations indicate the similarity of the mechanism of action of bioactive smoke compounds with the cytokinin. The decrease in the essential oil in the second harvest compared to the first harvest was probably due to an increase in the stem/leaf weight ratio in this harvest (data not shown). It could be due to the number of secretory trichoma in the lemon balm’s leaves being much more than its stems. Phytohormones and SW stimulate the accumulation of primary and secondary metabolites by stimulating cell division and thereby increasing the number of biosynthetic units (Aremu et al., 2012; Verma and Sen, 2008).
Application of SW at 1000-, 500-, 100-dilutions, as well as cytokinin and gibberellic acid, resulted in higher essential oil yield than other treatments. Biosynthesis of terpenoids and phenylpropanoids is restricted to glandular trichomes. Whenever the number of trichomes increases under the application of biostimulants, especially cytokinin and cytokinin-likes, the accumulation of these volatile metabolites also increases (An et al., 2011; Verma and Sen, 2008). Increasing the amount of biomass in the second harvest (data not shown) increased the essential oil yield compared to the first harvest.
3.2 Essential oils composition
The GC-MS analysis of the essential oils revealed 20 compounds, representing 93.73% of the total volatiles in most samples. The average contents of the control sample are shown in Table 3. E-citral (37.28 %), Z-citral (27.81 %), methyl chavicol (11.26 %), linalool (3.89 %), geranyl acetate (3.58 %), methyl hepten (2.55 %) and caryophyllene oxide (2.24 %) were the predominant compounds (Table 3). The application of biostimulants, in addition to the amount of essential oil, also affected its chemical composition.
The results of GC-MS showed that the volatile profile was influenced by foliar-application levels (Table 4). The present study found except for the Application of SW at 5000 dilutions, Methyl hepten increased under all levels of foliar application compared to the control treatment. All levels of treatments caused to decrease in the content of methyl chavicol and linalool, compared to the control treatment. Whereas all levels of treatments except for SW 1:5000 (v/v) caused a considerable increase in the content of two monoterpene isomers: E-citral and Z-citral, compared to the control treatment. All levels of treatments except for SW 1:500 and 1:1000 (v/v) caused to increase in the content of geranyl acetate, compared to the control treatment. Increase in the amount of the compound by application of SW at 100-dilution more than the other treatments. The amount of caryophyllene oxide increased under all levels of foliar application except for cytokinin.
In this study, the basil chemotype was a geranial/neral cluster (Sharopov et al., 2013). The increase in the number of citrate isomers under the application of growth phytohormone in our study was consistent with the results of other researchers. According to Silva et al. (2005), the culture medium supplemented with auxin and cytokinin (IAA 11.42 µmol L-1; BA 8.87 µmol L-1 and IAA+BA) caused to increase of 1.4 fold on nerol (Z-citral) and 4.1 fold on geraniol (E-citral). Because the phytohormones added to the culture medium could have inhibited reactions of reduction from alcohol to aldehydes (Silva et al. 2005).
3.3 Study of gene expression
The foliar-application growth biostimulants had a significant (P≤0.01) effect on gene expression. The abundance of gene expression variations compared to the control sample is shown in Table 5. In summary, it can be stated that except for SW 1:5000 (v/v), all levels of foliar-applications were increased significantly (P≤0.01) level of the geranial dehydrogenase and E-Citral synthase genes expression compared to control. The expression of geranyl acetate (geraniol acetate synthase) gene under all treatments increased, but the increase was not statistically significant. Applying SW at 100 dilutions caused to increase in gene expression of 1.828 fold on geranial dehydrogenase and 1.871 fold on E-Citral synthase. These observations were very similar to those obtained from the application of cytokinin. Levels of foliar application decreased coding gene expression of biosynthetic enzymes, including linalool synthase, chavicol O-methyltransferase/estragole synthase, methyleugenol synthase, trans-alpha-bergamotene synthase, epicubenol synthase, and α-bulnesene synthase.
Metabolism and gene regulation are two fundamental biological processes, and there is a strong link between them. It has been observed that control of gene expression during cell development allows a cell to respond to signals and environmental changes (Van der Knaap and Verrijzer, 2016). Several studies supported the evolution of secondary metabolism by the recruitment of enzymes and pathways from primary metabolism (Carrington et al., 2018). Therefore, one of the factors presumably necessary for the large diversity of secondary metabolism is its high level of catalytic systems. Specialized transcription factors are activated in response to changes in metabolism and elicit the appropriate changes in gene expression (Van der Knaap and Verrijzer, 2016). In this experiment, cell metabolism was strongly influenced by the different levels of foliar application. It means that metabolites and metabolic enzymes regulate each other by a double duty. On the other hand, their shared effect can modulate gene expression.
In this study, the results of RNA microarray technology were in complete agreement with the results obtained from GC-MS. In this study, the content of citrate isomers in essential oil was significantly increased, which could be due to various reasons. The significant increases in the content of germinal and neural monoterpenes indicate that the biostimulants increased the methylerythritol 4-phosphate pathway in the cells. The increased activity of biosynthetic pathways is dependent on the expression of genes encoding key enzymes in the pathway. The overexpression of three key enzymes, including the geranial dehydrogenase, E-Citral synthase, and geranyl acetate (geraniol acetate synthase), caused an increase in E-citral and Z-citral in essential oils compared to the control treatment.
Geranyl dehydrogenase catalyzes the reaction of dehydrogenation of geraniol and then converts it to geraniol. Up-regulation of gene expression of geraniol synthase that catalyzes the conversion of geranyl diphosphate to geraniol (a substrate for the germinal dehydrogenase) was not significantly affected by foliar application levels. A significant part of Z-citral biosynthesis has been through the transformation of its trans-geometric form due to an increase in the expression of genes encoding isomerase enzymes. On the other hand, the application of growth phytohormones and phytohormones-like compounds increased cell division (data not shown) and consequently increased the number of plastids (monoterpene synthesis sites). The synthesis pathways of methylerythritol 4-phosphate occur in plastids. So this may be another reason for the increase in essential oil content and citrate content.
The results showed a down-regulation in the expression of the linalool synthase gene and the content of linalool in essential oils. Linalool synthase catalyzes the conversion of geranyl diphosphate to linalool in the isoprenoid pathway. A similar trend was also observed for chavicol O-methyltransferase (estragole synthase) gene expression and content of phenylpropanoid methyl chavicol (methylheptenone) in essential oils. All levels of foliar application up-regulated the gene expression of sulcatone/methylheptenone synthase, and enhanced the content of methylheptenone (sulcatone) in essential oils. The positive correlation between levels of gene expression and metabolite profiling in this study was consistent with many other studies (Kahrizi et al., 2017; Ghaheri et al., 2019; Esmaeili et al., 2018; Iijima et al., 2004; Young et al., 2012).