1.1. The need to plan for food production in urban and peri-urban areas
With over half of the world’s population residing in cities, and an annual urbanisation rate of 1% in developing and middle-income nations (UNDESA 2018), urban provisioning is a priority. Urban residents tend to be greatly reliant on food imports from rural and regional agriculture (Haggblade et al. 2017). The nature of urban living often necessitates dependence on purchased, processed, and prepared foods, due to lack of arable land, and labour to produce it (Haysom and Tawodzera 2018). This renders urban residents, particularly the poor, especially vulnerable to food and nutritional insecurity. Their dependence on food imported from agrarian, industrial, or overseas locations is liable to production shocks such as droughts or floods (Heslin et al. 2020) and to distribution shocks such as global or local trade disruptions (Kummu et al. 2020). Access and affordability of fresh and nutritious food may also be constrained in cities, and coupled with aspirational and lifestyle changes, can induce malnourishment (Chakona and Shackleton 2018). There is a need for decentralised, locally adapted food systems, to improve access to sustainable, nutritious, and just food (Fanzo et al. 2020, Leakey 2020). Urban and peri-urban agriculture is an emerging and potent response to provision fresh and nutritious food, close nutrient loops, create circular economies, and reduce carbon footprints (Opitz et al. 2016). Urban agriculture can take various forms, from intensive indoor vertical farms, to communal agroecological spaces, with a number of intermediate configurations of social, ecological, and technological variables (Armanda et al. 2019). In this article, we use the term urban and peri-urban food production to include all these types of urban and peri-urban agriculture.
Urban and peri-urban food production can incorporate diversity, redundancy, and robustness into food systems at multiple levels. From a logistic perspective, it can reduce risk of supply chain failure and subsequent food and nutritional insecurity. Ecologically, it can reduce impacts from large-scale farming and transportation (Sarkodie et al. 2020), and enhance the structural and functional diversity of urban ecosystems (Kremen and Merenlender 2018, Leclère et al. 2020). Socioeconomically, it can provide urban residents alternatives to monocultured crops and corporate monopolies, while improving access and affordability of fresh and nutritious foods (Augstburger et al. 2019, Bergius and Buseth 2019). However, availability of land, labour, and materials are the main determinants of urban and peri-urban food production, in both the global North and South (Follmann et al. 2021). In the face of densification and development, green space is a critical yet contested component of the urban landscape (Haaland and van den Bosch 2015, Kabisch et al. 2015). Cities across the world have various legislations and allocations for food production in urban and peri-urban areas in communal gardens, private farms, and food forests (Hajzeri and Kwadwo 2019). These allocations help city planning to balance local economies, development interests, and urban environments, often in collaboration with local residents (Buijs et al. 2019).
1.2. Feasibility of food production in urban and peri-urban areas
The feasibility of urban and peri-urban food production could vary across different urban contexts. For example, in densely populated or historically established sections of cities, it could involve planting fruit trees along sidewalks that provide substantial nutrient yields (Botzat et al. 2016, Larondelle and Strohbach 2016, Säumel et al. 2016). In some cases, urban and peri-urban brownfields may be reclaimed by municipalities or citizen collectives to grow food (Bonthoux et al. 2014, Rupprecht et al. 2015, Sardeshpande et al. 2021). Urban parks and gardens established primarily for recreation may also be a significant and legitimate source of food and nutrition (Hurley and Emery 2018, Colinas et al. 2019, Bunge et al. 2019). Structural constraints to urban and peri-urban food production include availability of contiguous land and arable soil (Opitz et al. 2016, Follmann et al. 2021), and also resident and developer preferences for gentrified forms of nature, neighbourhoods, and greenspaces (Zhu et al. 2020). Functionally, the growth, accumulation, and dispersal of biomass (such as leaves, fruits, and roots) associated with urban and peri-urban food production may interfere with urban infrastructure such as roads and waterways (Davoren and Shackleton 2021), and chemical contamination from urban air, soil, and water may pose health risks for consumers of its yields (Amato-Lourenco et al. 2020, Kokkoris et al. 2019). These challenges can be overcome by selection of appropriate species, spatial designs, and location to improve food and nutrition outcomes while also enhancing other ecosystem services such as flood attenuation and heat absorption (Clinton et al. 2018, Langemeyer et al. 2021).
1.3. Applying PGIS techniques to map suitability of urban and peri-urban food production
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Participatory GIS (PGIS) are decision support tools for enhancing spatial planning application in local and urban planning (Luan et al. 2021). GIS techniques use software to model the environment based on outlined multiple social, ecological, and biophysical criteria (Smith et al. 2018). While GIS modelling facilitates the modification and prediction of future outcomes, it can also be riddled with issues of expert domination in the decision-making process, lack of governance and capacity, and absence of local involvement (Bilgilioglu et al. 2022). The social limitations of the GIS approach can be addressed through the PGIS planning approach, which enables local resource users to get involved with the GIS modelling process by contributing local knowledge and defining desired goals and pathways to achieving the goals. PGIS constitutes an interface for local resource users and experts’ engagements thus allowing the integration of local and scientific knowledge systems. PGIS approaches have been applied in multi-criteria analysis and scenario planning to ensure that development addresses the needs of humanity without compromising the sustainability of the environment (Johnson et al. 2022; Yuan et al. 2022). It is therefore assumed that the use of PGIS in this research will empower local resources users to adopt criteria that align with their local realities, to determine areas suitable for peri-urban food production.
1.4. The local context
As in the case of many developing nations, households in South Africa experience the triple burden of malnutrition, which includes undernourishment (not enough food), malnourishment (imbalanced and inadequate diets), and diet-related non-communicable diseases such as stunting, obesity, etc (DoH 2013). Urbanising and westernising lifestyles influence preference for cheap, convenient, and packaged food over traditional, nutritious, and fresh, diverse farm-based food (Van der Hoven et al. 2013). Post-apartheid market liberalisation has facilitated penetration of cheap and calorie-dense low-nutrient foods into local markets for consumers, and incentivised export of high-quality foods such as fruit and vegetables to foreign markets for producers (Porkka et al. 2013). Smallholder farmers who cannot export or sell to mainstream domestic markets often struggle with lack of infrastructure and institutional support to improve yields and sales (Bizikova et al. 2020). In the broader socioeconomic sense, unemployment and inequality manifest in income and food poverty, and limited opportunities for the poor to engage in either primary production or secondary activities to secure an income (StatsSA 2017). Particularly in cities, legacy spatial planning also constrains access to greenfields and greenspace, which can often be a source of food or materials to support the household economy (Sardeshpande and Shackleton 2020a,b, Venter et al. 2020). Allocating and enriching urban and peri-urban spaces for food production are a priority on the National Development Plan for South Africa (NDP 2013), and could also contribute to national-level cross-cutting initiatives like the Integrated Food Security and Nutrition Programme and the Natural Resources Management Programme (NDA 2021). In this study three communities in the peri-urban areas of the eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality (that houses Durban, hereafter eThekwini) were consulted to identify spaces where food production can be undertaken, to enhance food and nutritional security.
1.5. Research questions
The aim of the study was to identify the most compatible configurations of peri-urban food production given the social-ecological conditions at each site. The study combined a two-pronged PGIS approach to identify suitable areas for peri-urban food production, through participatory mapping, and GIS suitability analyses. The research objective was achieved by answering three questions in both the participatory mapping and suitability analyses approaches. The methodology characterised local social-ecological factors, existing and potential land use for food production at each site (Fig. 1). These were analysed to produce socioeconomic and land use guidelines suggesting configurations of peri-urban food production suitable to each site.
1.6. The role of indigenous crops and trees in urban food production
Indigenous crops and trees are important components of agroecological systems, and are often resilient to local ecological stresses and shocks (Mabhaudhi et al. 2016), as well as human disturbance and extraction (Gaoue et al. 2016, Lankoande et al. 2017). On farms, indigenous crops and trees provide pollination services, alternative income, and nutrition for farmers (Leakey 2018). In urban and peri-urban areas, they can also provide habitat connectivity to wildlife (Champness et al. 2019, Zietsmann et al. 2019), including pollinators that are important to rural and urban food production (Bennett and Lovell 2019). This makes them ideal candidates for fragmented landscapes of high-intensity human use, such as urban and peri-urban areas, where large-scale farming is impractical. Foods from indigenous crops and trees are rich in high quality micronutrients (Broegaard et al. 2017, Bvenura and Sivakumar 2017) which are generally deficient in urban diets due to constrained accessibility and affordability. Therefore, in this study, we also attempt to identify the feasibility of planting indigenous crops and trees for food production in urban and peri-urban areas, identifying synergies and constraints as applicable.