Study Area
The study was carried out in Zimbabwe, a landlocked country located in south-east Africa, and lies on coordinates (Lat-17.829167, 31.052222) the Zambezi and Limpopo Rivers. The country is bordered by South Africa to the south, Botswana to the south-west, Zambia to the north, and Mozambique to the east. The capital city is Harare, and the second largest city is Bulawayo. The population of Zimbabwe was estimated at 15 178 979 with 48 percent being male while 52 percent were female, giving a sex ratio of 92 males for every 100 females. The landscape can be divided into three geographical regions: the inland plateau, the high-veld and the Escarpment. The 1,200 m high inland plateau takes up the majority of the country while the peneplains extend between the cities of Harare and Bulawayo. The plateau falls away in the north and south towards the low-veld.
The three main transport modes that serve the Zimbabwean economy are roads, railways, and aviation. Air is important for tourism leaving road transport as the dominant means of transport. There are more than 103 000 km of classified roads in Zimbabwe, 10 753 km of which are paved and 17 072 km are urban (Fig. 1). About 10% of the mapped roads are paved and these primary roads play a major role of facilitating movement of the country’s population and they link the main economic centres within the country, enabling internal transportation of people and goods. The Urban areas are serviced by urban roads that may or may not be sealed and are managed by urban councils. A little more than 70 percent of the mapped road-network is made up of tertiary feeder and access roads. These are gravel roads that link rural areas to the paved primary road network. In addition to the managed roads people are using tracks along which to travel in-between homesteads and to reach the closest roads. The total length of the mapped tracks at the time of writing was 207 950 km.
Map of Zimbabwe
The Fig. 2 shows the workflow according to which the geo-spatial analysis was conducted, illustrating the input data required for determining travel time as well as the output based on the disaster intervention decisions and Infrastructure development decisions.
The first step in the workflow was to pre-process the geo-spatial data used for the geo-spatial analysis. Several geo-spatial circumstances contribute to determine how fast a person can travel across a specific section of the landscape. These are the land-cover present (roads, vegetation cover, or open water, and the slope of the terrain. Accessibility to healthy service was the main focus of the research hence health centre locations were used as destinations points, while each individual pixel of the rest of the country is representing the source locations. Data for creating the traversability grid were therefore collated and pre-processed as outlined below.
Traverse speed grid input parameters:
Roads of Zimbabwe
The geo-spatial accessibility model was developed to cover the whole of Zimbabwe. The main overland transport modes that serve the Zimbabwean economy are roads, and tracks. In this research the roads vector data was extracted from OpenStreetMap. The roads were classified into four road classes’ i.e. paved/sealed roads, urban roads, gravel roads and tracks (Fig. 3. The OpenStreetMap roads of “Trunk”, “Primary”, and “Secondary” are generally paved in Zimbabwe, while the “Tertiary” and “Road” classes delineate gravel roads. The “Tracks” and “Paths” of OpenStreetMap where grouped to represent one class of tracks, which are not constructed roads but are routes used for local travel. A similar classification was also adopted by the Zimbabwe National Road condition Survey of 2016/17. During the 2016/17 survey, roads were classified according to road use and surfacing condition, however they did not include tracks.
The elevation data was derived from the SRTM30 DEM. “SRTM30 is a near-global digital elevation model (DEM) comprising a combination of data from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission, flown in February 2000 and the U.S. Geological Survey's GTOPO30 data set”.
The slope (Fig. 4) was calculated from the digital elevation model as slope in degrees, using the Pythagoras theorem, where no change in elevation over distance is 00 and the maximum slope recorded was 78°.
The same SRTM30 data was used to delineate the river channel network for Zimbabwe, in using resources at the ZCHPC. The Strahler function of TauDEM Version 57 was used to delineate the river channels and a Strahler order of 5 was specifically used define the smallest streams. The waterways delineated from the hydrological model are classified according to the Strahler ordering system.
Open water
The open water was mapped using a classification algorithm based on Sentinel-2 satellite imagery of 2021 for the Zimbabwe National Wetlands Inventory (Fig. 5). The water raster was geo-referenced to the Strahler order extent and pixel size.
Vegetation density
Vegetation density was derived using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), which is widely used to map green vegetation biomass. The NDVI was calculated from Sentinel-2 imagery (of 2022) using the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform (Fig. 6).
Bridges and Impassable Bridges
Where roads cross rivers there are in general bridges and drifts. However, there are also reports for impassable sections of the roads, where the bridge or drift is destroyed or broken and the road is impassable during the rainy season. The bridges were captured as serviceable bridges and those that needed repair, or those that were destroyed, were separated into another point layer and referred to as impassable.
The destination dataset representing hospitals (Fig. 7) and clinics was obtained from OpenStreetMap data, the OCHA archive, as well as the ministry of health and child welfare (MOHCW).
Preceding data pre-processing was the geo-spatial analysis consist of coding, weighting, and aggregating the raster layers into one layer that represents the traversability speed of each pixel in the raster covering the whole of Zimbabwe. First each landcover, in the different data layers, was given a CODE, which was ranked according to the landcover that takes precedence in influencing the traversability (Columns 1 and 2 in Table 1). The higher the data code the higher the precedence. Each landcover was converted into a raster layer where all pixels with that landcover were assigned a specific code (CODE column in Table 1). Then the maximum code was determined for all the landcover code rasters, cell-by-cell basis, such that for example where a road was crossing a river the code of the road would be assigned to that cell (the maximum code).Finally the lookup table (LUT) was used to convert the maximum code layer into a weight layer, representing the number of seconds it would take to traverse each coded pixel in the raster, as in the reclassification table (Table 1, last column). This last column gives travel speed values for each land cover class calculated as the number of seconds to travel across one grid cell (30m). The formula:
[Travel time = (speed/distance) x 3600],
was used to convert the Travel time in km/hr to seconds per 30 meters. Travel time values were calculated as the number of seconds to travel across one 30m grid cell.
In the scripted version of the information system the LUT is integrated into the model workflow in such a way that travel speed values can be altered after each run of the model to produce new output scenarios based on differing input parameters. All the parameters to the landcover grids were defined in the LUT except the slope. This is because the slope pixels were weighted with reference to Tobler’s hiking function. Tobler’s hiking function determines the average walking speeds on different slopes. In this case we assumed an off-road walking speed of 2 km/hr (equal to 54 seconds dwell-time in one pixel) and each increase by one degree in slope increases the dwell-time in one pixel by 6 seconds. However, where slope values of greater than 30 degrees were considered impassable and were assigned a “Barrier” or no-data value.
The following conditional statement was used in a map-calculator to combine the LUT-derived travel-speed-grid with the slope-grid as follows:
h = ifelse(a > 9999,0/0,ifelse(a > 0,a,ifelse(gt(b,30),0/0,ifelse(𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑔h𝑡 b < 0,0/0,(6*b) + 54)))),
where a is the output from the lookup table, b is the slope in degrees. The function 0/0 is used to assigns a no-data value to the resulting pixel.
With this the whole country now has weight-factors, which reflect the relative decrease in speed in less accessible terrains compared to the best accessible terrain. This is the traversability raster.
Table 1
LUT showing land cover classes, travel speed and travel time.
Travel speed (Km/hr)
Travel time (sec/pixel)
Strahler order 5
Strahler order 6
Strahler order 7
Strahler order 8
Strahler order 9
Strahler order 10
Strahler order 11
Strahler order 12
Strahler order 13
Strahler order 14
Open Water
Tracks (non-maintained routes)
Sealed (wide tarred roads)
Urban(roads within urban areas)
Gravel(roads other than wide tarred)
Intact Bridges
Destroyed bridges
The traversability raster was then used as a weight factor in the cost-accumulation iteration, starting from the destination points that are provided. The cost-accumulation creates a new grid with each cell attributed the time it takes to travel to the nearest destination in seconds.
Travel-time unit of Measure
In the last step the travel-time is converted from seconds to hours or minutes as a unit of measure.
Parallelizing the algorithms
The raster-based geo-spatial cost accumulation is implemented in may GIS software, and we found it implemented in ILWIS, R, GRASS GIS, SAGA GIS, and Google Earth Engine. However, in literature we did not find a reference to any of them being parallelized. In this research we developed a solution where the cost-accumulation iteration can be run with data parallelism. At the time of the research the High-Performance Computer of the ZCHPC has about 280 processing nodes with 12 cores each. The PBS Script was developed and used to submit the travel-time processing algorithm to the High-Performance Computer (HPC). With this script the resources were requested, and the processing requests were queued. The PBS could then schedule the jobs to be executed in parallel and required no further input from the user. In other words, the cost accumulation calculation was divided into several jobs that could be submitted as a batch and distributed to several nodes on the HPC. The output tiles were then merged by running geo-spatial computations and remove the edge effect between tiles. We tested whether the speed of computing the national output was improved using the parallel computing script by running the national algorithm on one node and then running it in parallel. The different computing durations were recorded and are being presented in the results section.
Validating the model output
The model output was validated against real experienced travel times. Rural District Councils and individuals were interviewed so as to collect the real experience of travel-times at sampled sites on the ground. The survey form captured relevant data such as areas known to have gaps in health service provision and travel accessibility to services. The questionnaire also captured individual responses on the estimated travel times that they take to reach to the nearest hospital from their rural and urban areas. The results from the interview survey were compared to those of the accessibility modelling using GIS.