Study area and study design
The study was conducted in Mekelle, Tigray Regional State, Northern Ethiopia. Mekelle is the capital city of the regional state found located at 390291E and 130 301N latitudes and longitude at a distance of 783 Km north of Addis Ababa. The capital city covers an area of 109 square kilometres with an elevation is 2,084 m/s above the sea level. The climatic condition of the area is characterized by semi-arid weather with bimodal rainfall patterns, with an average annual rainfall of 479 to 650 mm. The annual average temperature is 20.9°C with an annual mean humidity of 75.4% [22]. A cross-sectional study was conducted from January to September 2019. All the butchery shops in Mekelle City were included in the study.
Sampling technique and size determination
Sampling technique
Consecutive sampling technique was employed to recruit the butchery houses. Raw meats from each of the butchery house were collected by using a simple random sampling technique using lottery methods.
Sample size determination
The sample size was determined using a single proportion. The calculation was based on a prevalence of 50%, 5% desired absolute precision (or error) and 95 % confidence interval using the formula.
Where n = required sample size; p = expected prevalence and a desired absolute precision (d) of 0.05, Z-value = 1.96. Therefore, a total of 384 samples butchery houses used for this study were 384.
Data Collection and Sample Processing
Socio-demographic, hygiene and sanitation practice data were collected from the individuals working in the butchery shops. from the study participant in the butchery houses.
Sample collection, handling and transportation
Raw meat samples were collected in a labelled sterile bottle following aseptic techniques and were transported in a buffer peptone water broth (BPWB) in the icebox to Mekelle University, College of Veterinary Sciences, Microbiology and public health laboratory for microbiological and antimicrobial susceptibility testing.
Bacterial Isolation
Salmonella species: were isolated and identified according to the technique recommended by the international organization for standardization. Detection of salmonella species was performed using the standard guidelines from ISO 6579: 2002. This isolation and identification procedure involves principal stages including pre-enrichment, selective enrichment, selective plating and conformation using biochemical test [23].
Raw meat specimens were the pre-enriched inappropriate amount of buffered peptone water and lactose broth in (1:9) ratio or twenty-five grams raw meat was placed in 225 ml of peptone water or lactose broth to produce high resuscitation rates for bacteria and promote intense growth. The sample mixture was shaken approximately for 2 minutes and was incubated at 37±1oC for 24 hours [24].
Selective enrichment
Selenite F broth was used for selective enrichment purpose. About 1ml of the pre-enriched broth was transferred into a tube containing 10 ml of Selenite F broth and was incubated at 37°C for 24 hours [24].
Isolation of Salmonella species
Xylose lysine deoxycholate (XLD) agar, macConkey ager, salmonella and shigella agar (SSA) and bismuth sulfite (BS) agar plates were used for plating out and identification. A loop full of inoculums from Selenite broth cultures were inoculated into XLD, BS, SSA and MacConkey ager plates and was incubated at 37OC for 24 hours. After incubation, the plates were examined for the presence of typical and suspect colonies. Typical colonies of Salmonella grown on XLD-agar have a black centre and a light transparent zone of reddish colour due to the colour change of the media while H2S negative variants grown on XLD agar are pink with a darker pink centre. On BS agar, Salmonella colonies are brown, grey or black, sometimes with a metallic sheen. Typical colonies of Salmonella on SSA are with a black centre (spot black at centre), 1 mm to 2 mm in diameter, and cause the color of medium to change to typical colonies or suspected colonies were selected from the selective plating media, streaked onto the surface of pre-dried nutrient agar plates and incubated at 37oC for 24 hrs then indicated to figure 1 [24].
Isolation of Escherichia coli:
Isolation of E. coli was conducted following standard procedure. Upon arrival to the laboratory, all pre-enriched buffered peptone water broth raw meat samples were subsequently inoculated to MacConkey agar and were incubated at 37 OC overnight bacterial growth were subjected in to lactose fermenter and non-lactose fermenter and the lactose fermenter colony was sub-cultured to Eosin methylene blue (EMB) agar and were incubated at 37 °C for 24 hours. Colonies showing typical dark red to purple red with metallic sheen was taken as E. coli isolates then indicated to figure 2 [25].
Biochemical Tests
Identification of Salmonella species and E. coli was done using different biochemical tests including catalase, triple sugar iron (TSI) agar, Methyl red (MR), urease, indole, motility (SIM agar) and citrate tests. Colonies that showed red slant with yellow butt and H2 S production, Indole negative, methyl red positive, citrate positive and urease negative were confirmed as Salmonella species whereas colonies that showed yellow slant and acid butt with no hydrogen sulfide, Indole positive, motile, methyl red positive, citrate negative and urease negative were confirmed as E.coli [25].
Antimicrobial susceptibility testing
Modified Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion technique was used to perform antimicrobial susceptibility test. The pure colony of E. coli and Salmonella species were tested in separate mueller hinton agar. With a sterile wire loop, five colonies of similar morphological type were transferred to a tube containing 2ml normal slain solution (NSS). E. coli and Salmonella species separate suspension were prepared and matched with McFarland standard (0.5) and was seeded using applicator cotton swab to the muller-hinton agar and put the paper impregnated antibiotic disks within 15 minutes. Petri-dish was incubated at 37oC for 16-18 hrs. After 18 hrs incubation, each plate was examined, and the diameters of the complete inhibition zones noted and measured using callipers and classified as sensitive, intermediate, and resistant by the clinical laboratory standards institute (CLSI) [26]
Data Quality Control
Data completeness, expired date of media and disks and sterility test of media were performed before data collection and sample inoculation. Quality control strain (E. coli ATCC 35218) was used to check the performance of the media and antibiotic disks.
Data management and Analysis
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22 software for windows was used. Descriptive analysis was presented using tables. Binomial and multinomial regression was used to determine association contamination rate and bacterial isolates were determined by calculating odds ratio and 95% confidence interval and P-value < 0.05 was considered as statistically significant.
Ethical Clearance
Ethical clearance was obtained from the ethical review board (ERC-1217/2019) of Mekelle University, College of Health Sciences. Study participants and/or their relatives were informed about the procedures and significance of the study. Consent was obtained from participant and owners of the butchery house. Each data results were kept confidentially. All laboratory tests were free of any charge and results were communicated to relevance offices and community for beneficiary measures.