Study site
We conducted our sampling in a 0.1-ha plot of semi-deciduous tropical forest in the village of Nditam (province of Mbam et Kim), Cameroon in West Africa (5° 22' N, 11° 13' E and 709 m a.s.l.). Our forest plot was marked in a mosaic of late-secondary and primary forest and savannahs. We chose this patch as it was the least disturbed patch of forest in the nearby area destined for logging. Sampled tree height within the plot ranged from 4 to 42 meters. There was a mean annual temperature of 29°C, annual precipitation 2383 mm, and 72% mean annual humidity (measured by the local weather station). Sampling took place between the 1st of April and the 26th of June 2019.
Sampling design
The plot was marked out, ensuring there were no forest edges, gaps or roads within a 150m radius of the chosen area. All trees with a diameter at breast height (DBH) ≥ 5 cm were then felled one at a time. The trees were felled in a specific order to minimize disturbance to the surrounding trees, starting from the smallest and progressing to the largest. Immediately after felling, trees were thoroughly and systematically searched by 5–15 assistants for caterpillars, ensuring all individuals were collected including any that were displaced from the tree as it fell. All felled trees were identified to species, except for some species in the Drypetes genus, one Ficus and one Chytranthus that could only be identified to morphospecies (Appendix 2). This plot-based approach has proven successful in the assessment of communities of apterous arthropod herbivores (see Volf et al. 2019).
We recorded the exact height (measured from the base of the tree) where each caterpillar individual was located. Each caterpillar was photographed (Canon EOS 700D; 60 mm macro lens) and measured (total length in mm). Caterpillars were then placed individually in aerated rearing containers and given leaves from the host plant on which they were found. Rearing continued until either an adult Lepidoptera emerged, or the individual died. In some cases, parasitoids would emerge from caterpillars during rearing. Parasitoids and caterpillars were stored in 96% DNA grade ethanol and adult Lepidoptera were pinned for future identification. This method of no-choice rearing allows for successful associations between host plants, caterpillars, and parasitoids to be determined (Lill et al. 2002). Exposed caterpillars were categorized into three groups: aposematic, cryptic, and shelter-building. A caterpillar was deemed aposematic if it had bright or contrasting colours or if it had prominent hairs, spines, or bristles which although not always strikingly coloured, are still considered aposematic (Caro and Ruxton 2019). Cryptic caterpillars were, by default, any exposed caterpillars that were not considered aposematic due to their plain colouration or benign morphology. Shelter-building caterpillars were any concealed catepillars that were found within a leaf tie, roll or a self-constructed case. These three categories encompassed all caterpillars collected in this study.
For every sampled tree, the total height, crown height and maximum crown width were measured. All leaves were stripped and approximately counted to express the total number of leaves per tree as well as the ratio of young to mature leaves. A random subset of leaves from each tree was spread over a white background (board 50 x 50 cm) and photographed. The average area of young and mature leaves spread on the board were calculated separately. Leaf areas were calculated using the software ImageJ v1.48. Mean leaf areas for young and mature leaves were then multiplied by the proportional total number of estimated leaves, and then combined to calculate the total leaf area per tree crown. Similar methods are often used to calculate total leaf area (e.g. Sam et al. 2020; Houska Tahadlova et al. 2023)
Vertical stratification
The vertical gradient of the forest plot was divided into 8 equally sized strata of 5 meters: 0–5 m, 5–10 m, 10–15 m, 15–20 m, 20–25 m, 25–30 m, 30–35 m and 35–40 m. There were three trees that marginally exceeded 40 meters in height, but this additional stratum was not included in our analyses as it contained no caterpillars, and the total surface area was deemed too small. To date there is no unified method of segmenting vertical forest layers, however previous studies adhere to keeping each layer the same size (Parker and Brown 2000; Seifert et al. 2020; Amorim et al. 2022). Each caterpillar was assigned to a given stratum dependent on the height at which it was found on the tree. Most tree crowns in our plot were spread across multiple strata so total leaf area of the crown was divided proportionally for each stratum. To facilitate this, the volume of a spheroid was used to approximate crown volume (Vcrown) using the equation:
$${V}_{crown}=\frac{4}{3}\pi {a}^{2}c,$$
Here, a is the horizontal radius of the crown (0.5 × maximum crown width) and c is the vertical radius (0.5 × crown height). When one of the upper or lower caps of the crown occurred within a stratum the total volume was calculated using the equation:
$${V}_{cap}=\frac{\pi {a}^{2}}{3{c}^{2}}{h}^{2}\left(3c-h\right),$$
Here, h is the height of the crown cap, and a and c represent the same as for crown volumes. When a stratum occurred within the centre of the crown (the top and bottom parts of the crown were not present within the stratum) then the volume was calculated by subtracting the volume of the cap above and below and subtracting their combined total volume from the total volume of the spheroid.
Additionally, we calculated the surface area of each tree trunk within a given stratum assuming each tree trunk to be cylindrical using the equation:
$${A}_{trunk}=2{\pi }\text{r}\text{h},$$
This equation calculates the lateral surface area of the trunk where r is the radius of the trunk (0.5 x tree diameter) and h is the length of trunk within a given stratum. In cases where a stratum contained sections of both crown and tree trunk, leaf and trunk area were combined. This provided us with a standardised method of calculating the total amount of occupiable area, hereafter referred to as total surface area, for a caterpillar within a given stratum for each tree individual in our plot. The use of spheroids is commonplace when analysing the structure of forests (e.g. Chen et al. 2005; Walcroft et al. 2005; Seifert et al. 2020). However, the addition of trunk surface area is a novel concept. Caterpillars that were found below the crown represented over 13% of all caterpillars in our dataset, and the addition of trunk surface areas allowed us to include them in our analyses.
Insect identification
All Lepidoptera and parasitoid specimens were identified as far as possible taxonomically and assigned to a morphotype where appropriate based on their physical characteristics. At least one specimen from each morphotype was then barcoded at the Canadian Centre for DNA Barcoding (CCDB; Guelph, Canada) using standard Sanger sequencing protocols (Wilson 2012). In instances where a definitive identification was not possible, the ‘Barcode Index Number System’ (BIN system; Ratnasingham and Hebert, 2013) was used. This method allowed us to distinguish between putative species and has been adopted in many ecological studies on Lepidoptera in recent years (e.g. Delabye et al. 2019; Hausmann et al. 2020). All preserved Lepidoptera and parasitoid specimens are deposited at the Institute of Entomology in České Budějovice (Czech Republic).
Statistical analyses
All statistical analyses were performed using the statistical software R version 4.2.2 (R Development Core Team 2022).
Based on sample sizes, we opted not to include parasitoids in any density-related analyses or network analyses. The low number of parasitoid individuals after dividing the data into eight strata was insufficient for any robust analyses. Parasitoids were only included in analyses that specifically focused on the percentage of individuals within a given population that were successfully parasitised, hereafter referred to as parasitism rate.
All linear models used in our analyses were developed using the ‘lme4´ package in R (Bates et al. 2014). For each model, tree individual (N = 142) nested within tree species (N = 44) were included as random factor. Both variables used as a random factor have been shown to alter caterpillar-parasitoid communities (e.g. Šigut et al. 2018). All best-fitting linear models in our analyses were tested against the null model using both Akaike information criterion (AIC) using the ‘bbmle’ package (Bolker 2017) and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) using the ‘lmerTest’ package (Kuznetsova et al. 2017) to estimate the P value. When comparing the effects of the different caterpillar defensive traits, we did pairwise comparisons using estimated marginal means (EMMs) using the 'emmeans' package (Lenth 2023) to calculate P values between each group.
Species richness, diversity, and community composition
Caterpillar species richness (SR) was calculated as the total number of caterpillar species per stratum. To compare diversity between strata we calculated Shannon diversity indices (H') for each strata using the ‘diversity’ function in the ‘vegan’ package (Oksanen 2010). We generated 1000 bootstrap replicates of each diversity index using the ‘boot’ package for each stratum, we then calculated the standard error of these replicates to estimate the standard error for each index.
To compare proportional composition of the most common caterpillar families (min. total abundance ≥ 100) among strata we used Chi squared contingency tests. For these, we adjusted the P values using the Bonferroni correction to account for multiple comparisons and reduce the risk of type I error. To compare overlap, we calculated pairwise Morisita-Horn (DMH) dissimilarity index (Morisita 1959; Horn 1966) values between strata of caterpillar assemblages using the ‘vegdist’ function in the ‘vegan’ package. This index is based on the abundance of species and was chosen because of its robustness to variations in sample sizes and diversities as it is less affected by the presence of rare species (Beck et al. 2013).
After the removal of singletons, to increase the robustness of richness estimates (Lim et al. 2012), individual-based rarefaction and extrapolation curves for species richness, were calculated for each stratum and between defensive traits using the ‘iNEXT’ package (Hsieh et al. 2016). Species richness estimates (SChao) were calculated for each strata based on asymptotic diversity (Chao and Jost 2015). Additionally, confidence intervals (CI) were calculated and plotted; nonoverlapping CI indicate significant differences between strata (Colwell et al. 2004).
Caterpillar density
To ensure all comparisons between strata were standardised, caterpillar densities (individuals per m² of total leaf + trunk area) were calculated for a given tree species in each stratum. Caterpillars that were found within a stratum containing a total surface area of less than 1m² of foliage for a given tree species were excluded from the dataset (3.4%). To meet the assumption of normality, we log10-transformed the density values prior to further analyses. When comparing density patterns across the entire vertical gradient, median height values of each stratum were substituted so that height could be treated as a continuous variable within our models.
Two linear mixed models (LMMs) were developed to test the density distribution of all caterpillars across strata and caterpillar defensive traits across strata. For both LMMs, a second-degree polynomial distribution was used to approximate the expected density pattern across the vertical gradient.
Network specialisation
Quantitative, density-based interaction matrices were created for each stratum and analysed using the R package “bipartite” (Dormann et al. 2009). Density values were preferred over raw abundances when comparing networks to account for differences in vegetation between strata. To compare specialisation, we used three quantitative network indices that account for interaction frequencies. These indices are less affected by differences in sample size and sampling effort than qualitative indices and thus reflect the network structure more realistically (Banašek-Richter et al. 2004; Blüthgen et al. 2006). They are derived using Shannon diversity indices. We calculated weighted connectance, weighted generality, and weighted vulnerability using the ‘networklevel’ function implemented in the R package ‘bipartite’ to characterize the interactions networks for each stratum. Weighted connectance is the proportion of realized interactions measured as the proportion of links weighted by interaction frequency. Weighted generality and vulnerability are two indices that describe the feeding relationships between caterpillar species and host plants. Weighted generality indicates the average number of host plants that a caterpillar species feeds on, while vulnerability indicates the average number of caterpillar species that feed on a plant species. They are both weighted by interaction strength. Generality and vulnerability indicate the specialisation of a certain trophic level (resource level: vulnerability; consumer level: generality). Only plant species interacting with at least one caterpillar species were considered for all calculated network metrics.
To interpret index values for connectance, weighted generality, and weighted vulnerability, we used null model simulations of the interaction networks for each stratum. To generate null models, we used the ‘vaznull’ function available in the ‘bipartite’ package to randomize the interaction network matrix 999 times within each stratum. These null models were constrained by connectance, with marginal totals proportional to the observed ones (Vázquez et al. 2007), and we measured all network metrics in these random networks, creating a null distribution for each index. The use of null models allows us to gain a better understanding of network properties beyond what we can observe from the index values alone (Dormann et al. 2009).
To account for network size, we calculated standardized effect sizes (Z-scores) and corresponding P values for each specialisation index. This allowed us to compare the interaction networks and determine the degree of specialisation in each. An increase in Z-scores indicates an increase in specialisation between the networks, while a decrease in Z-scores indicates a decrease in specialisation.
Parasitism rates
Parasitism rates were calculated for each stratum for all caterpillars and separately for caterpillars from each defensive strategy. The effect of caterpillar defensive traits on parasitism was tested by a Generalized Linear Model (GLM). An additional GLM was designed to determine whether parasitism was affected by vertical strata (i.e. median strata height).