Plastic debris of the LDPE, PP and PET types from the Aneho, Kodjoviakope and Fishing Port sites on which the study is conducted; contain PAH, PCB and pesticide pollutants. This proves that the Togolese coast contains pollutants of this nature. The presence of these pollutants is justified by their transfer from air to water, from soil to water, and from the discharge of wastewater from factories. Indeed, PAH and PCB particles have been found in air masses from Asia and America (Primbs et al., 2008).
The LDPE plastic debris from the three sites showed 15 PAHs, PP debris showed 11 PAHs and PET debris showed 9 PAHs out of 18 reported (Figs. 2, 3 and 4). This abundant presence of PAHs on LDPE compared to PP and PET samples at all sites shows an existing affinity between PAHs and LDPE. Speaking of the polymeric nature, LDPE and PP are all polyolefins while PET is aromatic in nature. However, according to Alimi et al (2018), the sorption capacity of contaminants on LDPE is higher than that of PET. This could explain the abundant adsorption of PAHs by polyolefins to the detriment of PET. Contrary to the results of Rochman et al. (2013) who pointed out that PS adsorbed low molecular weight PAHs more efficiently than PPs, in this study abundant PAH adsorption on PETs should be expected than on polyolefins. Indeed, due to strong hydrophobic interactions generated by the presence of pi (π) bonds in both compounds, PAH sorption should be more abundant on PET than on polyolefins (LDPE and PP). Reconciling the two ideas, it can be stated that the majority of PAHs adsorbed by polyolefins are of high molecular weight. And secondly, it can be estimated that this abundant adsorption may be due to the age of the plastic in the sea. Indeed, it has been proven that plastic in the sea degrades (Hong, 2015 ; Sizing, 2023). Thus, the longer the residence time, the more the plastic degrades. And the more it degrades the more it increases a high surface to volume ratio giving them the ability to adsorb persistent organic pollutants present in the marine environment (Boucher et al., 2016 ; Lee et al., 2013).
The highest concentration of PAHs detected in LDPE plastic debris at all sites was Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene with a value of 110.94 ng/g compared to an average of 11.6 ng/g found in nine (09) samples from the North Atlantic Gyre (Wong-wah-chung, 2019). This type of PAH was not found in the PET samples from the three sites on the Togolese coast, nor in the PET samples from the North Atlantic Gyre. Thus, analysing these results, it can however be said that Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene will be a PAH with high molecular weight since according to research, the partition coefficient of PE-water increases with the molar mass of PAHs (Choi et al., 2013). Another finding was that Naphthalene was found to be the most abundant in PP plastic debris at all sites with an average concentration of 129.83 ng/g compared to an average concentration of 315 ng/g found in five (05) PP samples from the Indonesian coast of Cilacap (Wong-wah-chung, 2019). This result supports the second hypothesis that the abundant PAH adsorption may be due to the age of the plastic in the sea. Indeed, Naphthalene being a low molecular weight PAH should through strong hydrophobic interactions generate the presence of pi (π ) bonds in both compounds to allow abundant sorption of PAHs on PETs.
Also, a critical look at Fig. 5 shows that on the three sites, the highest PAH adsorption on LDPE with an average concentration of 1182.6 ng/g; also on PP (336.57 ng/g) and on PET (274.06 ng/g) is obtained on the Fishing Port site. The Fishing Port is the most polluted site in terms of PAH, followed by Aneho and Kodjoviakope. This can be explained by the geographical location of the Fishing Port on the Togolese coast. Indeed, the fishing port is adjacent to the autonomous port of Lome. Thus, most of the boats that leave other continents and come to the Lome Port emit exhaust gases that constitute a source of PAH. Moreover, these ships transporting oil sources (made up of PAHs) may experience seepage. In addition, the existence of factories in this area whose wastewater discharge also constitutes a source of organic pollutants. The study carried out on plastic granules on Chemu Lagoon beach (Ghana) located near the Tema refinery showed a high concentration of PAHs per granule with a value of 2751 ng/g (Yeo, 2017). This result confirms the influence of maritime traffic and industrialised areas on the fishing port.
The detection of PCB in the nine samples of plastic debris from the three sites showed the same disproportionality that was reported for the detection of PAH. Plastic debris of the LDPE type showed the presence of 11 PCBs, that of the PP type showed 7 PCBs and that of the PET type showed 5 PCBs out of the thirteen notified (Figs. 6, 7 and 8). This difference can be explained by sorption processes. Indeed, highly chlorinated PCBs have a high affinity with PE plastic debris (Wong-wah-chung, 2019). PCB 138 is the most abundant detected on LDPE and PP polymers. On the other hand, in PET samples, the most abundant PCB is PCB 18 with an average concentration of 0.96 ng/g compared to 0.04 ng/g found in three samples from the North Atlantic Gyre. Being of the same polymeric nature, it can be estimated that this difference in concentration is due to the stay of the PET and the different nature of the environments (temperature, salinity and pH). Indeed, an increase in the salinity of the medium and the residence time of the particle generally leads to an increase in sorption (Rochman, 2015 ; Munier, 2018 ; Guo, 2019).
Figure 9 shows that, taking into account the volume of PCB concentrations in all the plastic debris collected at the sites, Aneho is the site with the highest PCB uptake, followed by Kodjoviakope and the Fishing Port. These results obtained slightly biased the arguments made when the Fishing Port was the most polluted site with regard to PAH pollutants. However, given that these sites are on the same coastline, marine currents could shift pollutants from one site to another, especially as the Aneho site is located on the slope of the Fishing Port. In addition, under the same action of marine currents, plastic debris can be transported from one site to another or from one coast to another. Work on microplastics in the Gulf of Guinea region, and in Nigeria in particular, reinforces the point that pollutants vary from coast to coast. In fact, this work has proved the existence of PCBs in concentrations of between 0.00 and 0.53 mg/kg, or in ng/g a value of between 0.00 and 530 (Fred-Ahmadu, 2022). As these two countries are on the same coast, ocean currents can easily carry these PCBs from the Nigerian coast to the Togolese coast.
The study was also able to detect the existence of pesticides. Figure 10 shows that pesticides were identified only at the Fishing Port site. Of the 33 pesticides listed, only two were detected on PET-type plastic samples. These were Terbutryn and Aclonifen, at concentrations of 1.74 ng/g and 0.24 ng/g respectively. This low level of pesticide detection can be explained by the fact that most pesticides photolyse rapidly to give other by-products, since quantities of between 0.04 and 2.02 mg/kg (i.e. 40 and 2020 ng/g) have been found in Nigerian marine ecosystems (Fred-Ahmadu, 2022).