Study area as Case Study
The Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (GAMA) was used as the case study; a densely populated urban area in Accra-Ghana (Fig. 1). The choice of GAMA was guided by the fact that Ghana seem to be better organized in terms of data availability, relative to the rest of the sub region(F. Frick-Trzebitzky, 2018) and because of the researcher’s familiarity with the area. GAMA is made of 15 administrative areas (ARUP, 2016)but the research was conducted in 5 of these administrative areas. These five administrative areas lies within Longitude 5.804253 and 5.492637 West and Latitude 0.527292 and − 0.082525 North, covering a total land mass of about 891 sq km. The climate is Coastal Savannah with two rainy seasons of unequal intensity, averaging 730–800mm per annum. The soils in the area have developed on thoroughly weathered parent material with alluvial soils and eroded shallow soils (Oppong-Anane, 2006, p. 4).
The population density of the 5 administrative areas, Ga East, Ga West, Ga South, Ga Central and Accra Metropolitan Area is 1,238.8 persons/km2, far higher than the national average of 103.4 (GSS, 2014). The landform is characterized by low lands with occasional hills averaging 20 m above sea level and a water table that varies between 4.8 m and 70 m below surface. Slopes are gentle, below 11 percent except in a few places where they are above 22 percent (Nyarko, 2000).
Design Methods and Strategy
Design methods were selected to chart well defined steps that guided the research(Yüncü, 2008) and to integrate the research findings into the design process. These included the application of the concept-test, optimizing essential functions, behavior patterns, analysis-synthesis (Alexander, 1964; Jones, 1992; Lynch, 1971; Rowe, 1982) and the Living Labs concept (Mats; Eriksson, Niitmano, Kulkki, & Hribernik, 2006; R. Bernhard; Katzy, S. Kulwant; Pawar, & Klaus-Dieter Thoben, 2012). The strategy was Research for design which used research as a vehicle to enrich and inform the design to ensure effectiveness (Cross, 1982; S. D. Lenzholzer, I and Jusuck Koh, 2013; S. D. Lenzholzer, I and van den Brink, Adri, 2017; Yüncü, 2008).
Data Types and Sources
The different data types and their sources are summarized in the figure below (Fig. 2)
Data Collection Process and Analysis
Data collected was both spatial and non-spatial and included land cover, rainfall, soil infiltration characteristics to model Runoff. The non-spatial data were obtained through site visits, interviews and information obtained through literature and included site descriptors on soil (eg presence of hard pan), historic information, some unique features on buildings in certain areas. Some of these non-spatial data were made spatial by associating them with various geographical elements using GIS techniques(Osman, Nyarko, & Mariwah, 2016). The spatial data included buildings, roads, streets (paved and unpaved), paved surfaces, bare areas, green vegetated areas.
Land cover extraction - Three focus areas were selected within the research area to capture variations in land cover types (Fig. 3). The focus areas and their respective sizes are; Area1 (10.2 km2), Area2 (10.2 km2), and Area3 (10.5 km2). Land cover classes within the focus areas were identified and extracted from 20 cm pixel 2014 Orthorectified aerial photographs of the research area, aided by a good knowledge of the research area obtained through field visits by the researcher (Justice, 2002; Stuebe, 1990, p. 612). The land cover types identified and extracted was based on an adaptation from the Climate Change and Urban Vulnerability in Africa (CLUVA) project (CLUVA, 2012).
The orthophoto images were obtained in tiles and were mosaicked together using the Erdas imagine software. Extraction of land cover was partly automated using the Feature Analyst software where the software was trained and used to extract the roofs of buildings and partly manual by digitizing the land cover types (Plates 1a, 1b,1c, 1d, 1e) using GIS techniques (Chabaeva, 2004, p. 2; Verbeeck, 2011). This methods of extraction actually allowed for more precise results to be obtained (Chabaeva, 2004). Un-extracted land cover types identified as ‘left over space’ (LOS) were visually assessed and classified as (LOS) bare, paved or vegetated based on the pre-dominate cover type, flood maps. The land cover types were used to estimate the proportion of each land cover as a percentage of the land area and imperviousness which is the percentage of the cover types made of impervious surfaces. The data collected was subjected to simple statistical analysis using central tendencies (mean and median), analysis of variance and the Linear Mix Model (REML) to determine the extent of the relationship between the land cover types in a Genstat environment.
Infiltration characteristics of soils: Soils at the study area (at the series level) were determined using soil maps which was used to guide a small scale field infiltration test as detailed in (Asiedu, 2020). Results of the field infiltration tests were used to categorize the soil series into Hydrologic Soil Groups (Table 1) using the USDA Hydrological Soil Group (HSG) classification method (Asiedu, 2020; United States Department of Agriculture, 2009).
Relating Land cover to HSG - The choice of CN factor values for each of the land cover types were based on HSG for the different soils of the three focus areas (Table 4) as described in (Asiedu, 2020). Area2 and Area3 were assigned different HSGs for the different soil series with corresponding CN factor values. Area1 had only one soil series and thus had a single HSG with a corresponding CN factor value. The composite approach where all hydrological soil groups in a focus area were considered yielded a composite CN value of 93 for Area1, 89 for Area2 and 83 for Area3 (Table 2).
Table 2
CN factor values for Landcover types based on HSG in focus area
Land cover type
Area1 HSG
Area2 HSG
Area3 HSG
Paved Street
B, A
B, A
B, A
A, B, C
A, B, C
A, B, C
(ISWM, 2010)
PC Building
LOS (paved)
B, A
B, A
A, B, C
A, B, C
Unpaved Street
LOS (bare)
Playfield (bare)
B, A
B, A
B, A
B, A
A, B, C
A, B, C
A, B, C
Dirt road
Fallow, Bare
Fallow bare
Fallow, bare
(ISWM, 2010)
(USDA-NRCS, 2004a)
B, A
A, B, C
Cultivated land
Cultivated land
(ISWM, 2010)
B, A
A, B, C
(USDA-NRCS, 2004a)
B, A
A, B, C
Herbaceous, Poor & Cultivated poor
(ISWM, 2010; USDA, 1986)
Notes: PC Building – partially completed buildings; UndeVeg – Undeveloped vegetated land; LOSVeg, LOSpave, LOSbare – left over space covered with vegetation, pavement or bare surface, respectively. Curve Number* - apart from impervious areas like roofs and pavements whose CN value does not vary with HSG, the cited references for the other cover types have CN values which vary with HSG. |
Rainfall Data
Daily rainfall data was collected from raingauge stations closest to the three selected sites; Accra Academy, Pokuase, and Mempehuasem, for Area1, Area2 and Area3 respectively as suggested by (Barbosa, 2012, p. 6791; Critchley, 1991, p. 3.4). These were used to estimate direct runoff at a given return period. A 44-year data period from five rain-gauge stations within the study area (Accra Academy, Pokuase, Mampehuasem, Weija and Korlebu stations) were also used to calculate the return period. Seven years daily rainfall data between 2006 and 2015 was obtained from Ghana Meteorological Agency in Accra and used for the runoff analysis.
Runoff Estimation
Runoff estimation was based on the Curve Number model and was used following guidelines in the National Engineering Handbook (United States Department of Agriculture, 2004b; USDA-NRCS, 2004a), supported by Integrated Storm water Management manual (ISWM, 2010) and Dile, et. al., (Y. T. K. Dile, Louise; Srinivasan, Raghavan, and Rockström, Johan, 2016). The Curve Number (CN) is a very popular model for direct runoff estimation under wide geographic and climatic conditions (T. Y. K. Dile, Louise; Srinivasan, Raghavan and Rockström, Johan, 2016; Ponce, 1996). The model is popular for its simplicity, low data requirement; especially important for a data-poor developing country like Ghana (Dingman, 2002, pp. 443–445). Its adaptability, extensive usage over many geographical areas, and high level of sophistication (Y. T. K. Dile, Louise; Srinivasan, Raghavan, and Rockström, Johan, 2016, pp. 1155,1156; Dingman, 2002, pp. 443–446; Grove, 1998, p. 1016; Ogden, 2017, pp. 49 − 41; Oliveira, 2016, p. 420; Ponce, 1996) has made it a preferred model especially in areas where information on antecedent conditions is not available (Dingman, 2002). Its main weakness though is its inability to make any distinction between actual retention / potential retention and actual runoff and potential runoff (T. Y. K. Dile, Louise; Srinivasan, Raghavan and Rockström, Johan, 2016). The model is also sensitive to spatial differences in rainfall within a catchment (Ponce, 1996). To reduce these weakness, data from closest rain gauge stations to the focus areas were used. Runoff analysis was based on daily runoff greater than 12.7 mm (0.5 inches) as stated in the United States Dept. of Agriculture, Urban hydrology document (USDA, 1986, pp. 2–11). Also rainfall ≥ 40mm was used to reduce error seen in very high direct runoff estimates as a result of small rainfall levels(Grove, 1998). Figure 4 summarizes the entire process. The data collected was subjected to simple statistical analysis using central tendencies (mean and median), analysis of variance and the Linear Mix Model (REML) to determine the extent of the differences between the three areas, Area1, Area2, and Area3 in a Genstat environment. The median was chosen as the central tendency for the rainfall- runoff analysis (Miller, 1994).
Development of Schema and Site Selection - A schema was developed for the entire study area using the overlay method patterned after (McHarg, 1992; Terrasa-Soler, 2012). The schema guided the selection of potential test sites for the location of various interventions by categorizing the areas into low risk, medium risk and high risk areas and was prepared using data from level of exposure to floods, soil type, extent of vegetation cover, geological cover, and extent of imperviousness, among others. Details on the preparation of the schema is beyond the scope of this research and is provided in another paper.
Selection of Test Sites and Design concept – Facilities with extensive roof area within residential areas in areas identified by the schema as low risk for each Focus area were selected and used to model the implementation of interventions. A test sites selected from Focal area1 (Living Labs Site, LLS) was modelled after the living Labs concept as explained by (Mat Eriksson, Niitamo, Kulkki, & Hribermik, 2006; R. B. Katzy, S. K. & Pawar, & Klaus-Dieter Thoben, 2012; Leminen, 2013) was used for the purposes of this paper. There were 5 separate sessions with the selected Living Labs site. The sessions were used to gather data on circulation, study activity patterns on the site as explained by Lynch (1971), conduct infiltration and soil profile tests, study the general nature of the site, alongside discussion sessions which lead to the development of outline proposals.
Site Description: The test site (LLS) belongs to a Parish and is located within a residential area. It sits on a crest (34 m elevation) and is composed of church buildings, conference and housing facilities, a cluster of basic schools for two communities and a French School for both Basic and Senior High School levels. The parish has about 2600 parishioners and 10 supporting staff. The schools have 1923 pupils and 82 teachers. The combined roof area of the buildings and structures on site is 6879.7 m2 (1.7 acres) spread over 27283.9 m2 (6.742 acres). The dominant soil type of the area is the Nyigbenya-Haacho complex which characteristically has hard pan formation in areas exposed to the elements (Brammer, 1967, p. 52; Obeng, 2000, p. 19). The site is almost bare of vegetation except a few scattered trees like Millettia thornningii (Miletia), Swietenia macrophylla (Mahogany) Albizia lebbeck, and Blaghia sapida (Ackee Apple), Eucalyptus sp. There are no ground covers. The bare nature of the site (Plate 2) exposes it to heavy dust generation during dry periods and sediment ladened runoff generation during rainy periods. The site relies on limited surface drains and an extensive pervious area to manage stormwater runoff. However, due to heavy compaction and an underlying hard pan in the area, a lot of sediment ladened runoff is generated from the extensive bare surfaces during rainfall which is emptied unto nearby streets. Infiltration tests and soil profile tests run for the site confirmed the presence of hard pan at 1.2m depth at areas with infiltration of between 14 mm/h to 190 mm/h. Areas with no hard pan at 1.2m depth had infiltration ≥ 300 mm per hour.
Data Processing
The figure below (Fig. 4) provides a brief on the process flow for the different types of data collected and derivations used and how they relate to each other.
Direct runoff – Direct runoff for each focus areas was estimated based on the relation:
\(Qa=\frac{({P-0.2S)}^{2}}{P+0.8S}\) Eq. 1
Where Qa – direct runoff in depth over the drainage area (mm)
P - Actual rainfall (PQ) in depth over the drainage area (mm)
S - Potential maximum retention of rainwater by the soil after run-off begins (mm). S is related to the soil and cover conditions of the watershed through the Curve Number (CN), which has a range of 0-100 (Marsh, 1978, p. 59.52).
In this research S was related to CN (Chang, 2015; United States Department of Agriculture, 2004b) by the relationship:
\(S=\left(\frac{1000}{{CN}_{w}}-10\right)x25.4\) Eq. 2
\({CN}_{w}=\frac{{Q}_{T}}{ {A}_{T}}\) Eq. 3
Where CNw − is Composite CN
QT - is sum of the products of the percentage of area of individual land cover types and their corresponding CN values; AT is total area of focus site in Acres (ISWM, 2010; United States Department of Agriculture, 2004b, pp. 10–15).
QT is given as follows:
\({Q}_{T}=\sum _{n}^{i}Ai x CNi+\dots An x CNn\) . Eq. 4
Ai - area of the ith land cover type, and CNi is the CN value of the ith Land cover type for a given HSG (United States Department of Agriculture, 2004b, pp. 10–15).
Runoff Volume - Effective Runoff volume was estimated based on (Juliana, 2017) using the relation;
\(ER=R x A x C\) Eq. 5
Where ER is Effective Runoff (m3); R is rainfall (mm); A is catchment area (m2) and C is runoff coefficient. Effective runoff is defined as the difference between rainfall and infiltration capacity (Ponce, 1996, p. 13).
Harvestable roof runoff - Harvestable roof runoff per rain event per household was calculated based on (Siabi 2015, Rahimi 2018):
\(Q=R\_f x A\_r x C\_\) Eq. 6
Where Q - is quantity of water collected during rainstorm; Rf - is Rainfall in (mm);
Ar - is Surface area of roof; C -is the Runoff Coefficient.
Runoff Coefficient (C) was calculated based on (Marsh, 1978, p. 13) as:
Relationship between roof runoff and Roof size – Harvestable roof runoff was estimated for roof sizes ≥ 81m2 guided by (Juliana, 2017; Lani, 2018; Takagi, 2018). To account for the impact of the many small and illegal structures scattered throughout the study area, runoff estimates from roofs < 81m2 was also included in the analysis. Percentage Harvestable Roof runoff was calculated from the ratio of daily harvestable roof runoff and daily direct runoff per rain event.
Development of a Schema - A schema was developed for the entire study area using the overlay method patterned as previously explained after (McHarg, 1992; Terrasa-Soler, 2012). The schema guided the selection of potential sites for the location of various interventions and was used to zone the focus areas into low risk, moderate risk and high-risk areas.
Development of Concept drawings - Combining a Living Labs approach with the concept-test model and analysis-synthesis approach as explained by (Mats; Eriksson et al., 2006; R. Bernhard; Katzy et al., 2012), research results were integrated into a design process for the design of the selected test site, leading to the preparation of concept drawings and a detailed design for the selected test site in Area1.
2.4 Application of Design Methods
This section shows how the data collected and the results of the analysis were integrated into the design process.
Outline proposal for Living Labs Site–To facilitate the design process, the selected test site was divided into four main zones based on activity patterns (Fig. 7).
Zone A is dominated by a bare-surface football park and the main church building. For the football park, roofwater from nearby buildings could be harvested and stored in trenches filled with grade gravel within the hard pan layer and overlaid with successive layers of sand and topsoil to allow planted grass to be sub-irrigated by capillary action. Roofwater from the main church building which is at a lower elevation could be managed using infiltration wells.
A secondary play area made of sand pit populated with various play structures for children was proposed for Zone B which may be fenced to define the space and modelled to receive runoff from the immediate surroundings.
Parking space was created in Zone C for Sunday church services. To reduce the volume of stormwater generated runoff from Zone C, roofwater may be harvested and stored in surface tanks which could be used to irrigate soft play areas and for flushing of toilets in the schools’ lavatories. In addition, infiltration wells and infiltration trenches could be introduced to infiltrate roof runoff to recharge groundwater in places where it was more appropriate.