6.1 Synthesis of haloamines
Reagent grade chemicals and ultrapure water (18.2 MΩ·cm, Milli-Q, Millipore) were used to prepare all stock haloamine solutions and dilutions and wrapped in foil to protect against UV induced decay. The haloamines were made by combining hypochlorite (OCl⁻) or hypobromite (OBr⁻) with ammonia chloride (NH4Cl) at various halogen to nitrogen ratios (X2/N) and pH values. A 4.99% sodium hypochlorite solution (NaOCl) solution was used to make hypobromite ion (OBr⁻) solutions. The OCl⁻ concentration was determined before use by measuring the absorbance on a Hach DR6000 Spectrophotometer (Hach Company, Loveland, CO) at 292 nm, using a molar absorptivity (εOCl-,292nm) of 362 M-1cm-1 35. The OBr⁻ stock solution was prepared by combining OCl⁻ with Br⁻ at a Br⁻/Cl2 molar ratio of 1.05. The exact OBr⁻ stock solution concentration was determined by monitoring the absorbance for OBr⁻ at 329 nm (εOBr-,329nm = 332 M-1cm-1)36.
The NH2Cl stock solution was prepared by adding OCl⁻ dropwise to a well-mixed pH 9 ammonia solution at a Cl2/N molar ratio of 0.6. The NH2Cl stock solution concentration was determined by measuring the absorbance at 243 nm (εNH2Cl,243nm = 461 M-1cm-1)37. The NHCl2 stock solution was prepared by buffering a NH2Cl solution with 10 mM acetate and rapidly dropping the pH to 4. The NHCl2 solution was aged for at least 4 hours to maximize formation of NHCl2. The NHCl2 and NH2Cl concentrations were determined by reconciling overlapping UV spectra at 243 (εNH2Cl,243nm = 461 M-1cm-1 and εNHCl2,243nm = 235 M-1cm-1) and 294 nm (εNH2Cl,294nm = 15 M-1cm-1 and εNHCl2,294nm = 282 M-1cm-1).
The NH2Br stock solution was prepared by combining ammonia and OBr⁻ solutions at a Br2/N molar ratio of 1:1000 at pH 9 (the large excess of ammonia buffered the solution). The NHBr2 stock solution was prepared by combining ammonia and OBr⁻ at a Br2/N molar ratio of 1:2 at pH 7.2 in 10 mM phosphate buffer. The NH2Br and NHBr2 concentrations in each stock solution were determined by reconciling overlapping UV spectra at 232 (εNH2Br,232nm = 82 M-1cm-1 and εNHBr2,232nm = 2000 M-1cm-1) and 278 nm (εNH2Br,278nm = 425 M-1cm-1 and εNHBr2,278nm = 715 M-1cm-1)38.
The NHBrCl stock solution was prepared by combining a NH2Cl solution with HOBr at a NH2Cl/HOBr molar ratio of 3:2 at pH 5 in 10 mM acetate buffer. At these conditions, NHBrCl will rapidly form and is sufficiently stable for analysis within minutes 39. The NHBrCl concentration was equal to the HOBr added, and the NH2Cl concentration was equal to half the NHBrCl concentration.
6.2 PTR-ToF-MS operating parameters and sampling procedure
A Vocus 2R PTR-ToF-MS (Aerodyne, Inc., Billerica, MA, USA) was used to measure haloamine concentrations. The internal parameters used in PTR-ToF-MS greatly impact ion sensitivities and detection transmission efficiencies 40. The following optimized parameters were used: focused ion molecule reaction (FIMR) pressure = 2.3 mbar, FIMR temperature = 120 °C, big segmented quadrupole (BSQ) voltage = 275 V, H3O+ ion source flow rate = 15 sccm, FIMR front voltage = 650 V, FIMR rear voltage = 25 V. These settings resulted in E/N = 155 Td, where E is the electrical field strength and N is the gas number density, which is sufficiently high to prevent excessive water clusters in high humidity samples. The PTR-ToF-MS parameters used in this study are commonly used in studies 41,42 but were further optimized in the current work for NH2Cl, NHCl2, and NH2Br signals by adjusting FIMR parameters including temperature.
Headspace sampling was used to measure haloamine concentrations in standards for calibration curves and samples from kinetic experiments. 5 mL of a solution was pipetted from a bulk standard or experiment into a 2 dram (7.4 mL) screw-top vial (Fisherbrand vial N51A, Fisher Scientific, Inc.), and a ⅛-inch Teflon line (length of ~20 cm) was connected to the Vocus inlet and held 1 cm above the liquid surface of the solution (it took approximately 30 seconds to transfer samples for measurement on the PTR-ToF-MS). The Teflon line was held in the vial until the Vocus signal stabilized, approximately 15-20 seconds. The PTR-ToF-MS was operated at 1 Hz time resolution and with sufficient flow pressure (using a LI-COR 850 CO2 monitor as a pump downline) to result in <1 second response time. All standard headspace measurements were completed in at least triplicate except in the case of NHBr2 which will be discussed later.
Data processing of the Vocus concentration data was done using PTRwid (version v_003_jul_01_2021) with the configuration file customized to cause all five haloamines and their halogen isotopes to be added to the unified mass list43. The protonated m/z ratio (as measured by the Vocus) of the isotopes of each haloamine, volatile buffer, and acetone are shown in Table 1. The PTRwid data processing resulted in a concentration time series at 1 Hz time resolution which was further analyzed using MATLAB (Mathworks, Portola Valley, CA, USA). Headspace sampling was performed until a consistent mass spectrum was observed for 15-20 seconds.
6.3 Calibration curves
The NH2Cl, NHCl2, and NH2Br stock solutions were used to make a series of dilutions to make standards for calibration or the mass spectrometer. The NHBrCl standards were made by combining NH2Cl and HOBr for each individual standard. NHBr2 is inherently unstable and rapidly decays so it was impossible to make a series of standards diluted from a stock solution. Therefore, the standard curve for NHBr2 was made by simultaneously monitoring the decaying concentration of the NHBr2 stock solution using UV-Vis spectroscopy and then immediately pipetting a sample for analysis. This procedure was then repeated every few minutes on the decaying NHBr2 solution to obtain the data needed to make the NHBr2 calibration curve.
6.4 Kinetic experiments
Two kinetic experiments, one without NOM and one with NOM, were performed to assess the effectiveness of using PTR-ToF-MS to measure haloamine mixtures undergoing formation and decay. To maximize brominated haloamine formation, prechlorination used Br⁻ and free chlorine concentrations at the upper range that occurs in drinking water treatment 44 before ammonia addition to form haloamines. For the experiment without NOM, a solution of 2 mg/L as Br⁻ (25 μM) in 10 mM phosphate buffer at pH 7.2 was prepared and dosed with 4 mg/L as Cl2 of free chlorine (56 μM). The solution was mixed for 1 minute, the median prechlorination duration45, and then ammonia was added at a Cl2/N molar ratio of 0.6 to form haloamines. The same procedure was repeated for the experiment with NOM except that 2 mg/L as C of Upper Mississippi River NOM (International Humic Substance Society, St Paul, MN, USA) was also present in solution before free chlorine addition. Ammonia addition initiated the start of a kinetic experiment because within milliseconds the monohaloamines, NH2Cl and NH2Br, form. Monitoring continued for 30 minutes using PTR-ToF-MS as well as the indophenol and total chlorine DPD colorimetric methods. Samples were continuously taken from the bulk sample and put in the screw-top vials to be analyzed by the PTR-ToF-MS and samples were taken at approximately 2, 10, 20, and 30 minutes to be analyzed using the colorimetric methods.