Data source
We analysed EHR representing children, adolescents and adults presenting as an emergency to Oxford University Hospitals (OUH) NHS Foundation Trust, a large tertiary referral hospital in the South East of England, serving a population of ~725,000. Data were accessed through the Infections in Oxfordshire Research Database (IORD) (11), and were held, accessed and analysed in accordance with NHS standards for data management and protection (more details in Supplementary methods). This study, as part of the Infections in Oxfordshire Research Database (IORD), was approved by the National Research Ethics Service South Central – Oxford C Research Ethics Committee (19/SC/0403), the Health Research Authority and the national Confidentiality Advisory Group (19/CAG/0144), including provision for use of pseudonymised routinely collected data without individual patient consent.
In this retrospective cohort study, we reviewed data from 1st March 2016 to 31st December 2022 for all individuals aged 18 months and older presenting to the Emergency Department or acute medical/surgical assessment units at OUH. We recorded subsequent admission to hospital, admission to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), duration of hospital admission, and mortality during the admission.
Laboratory data
Laboratory data were generated by externally ISO accredited clinical biochemistry and microbiology laboratories at OUH. A full list of laboratory assays and platforms is provided in Suppl methods, and reference intervals for liver enzymes and inflammatory markers are provided in Table 1. Laboratory data were based on those routinely collected, where a request for ‘liver function tests’ (LFTs) prompts a clinical biochemistry profile comprising alanine transferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), bilirubin and albumin. Additional laboratory investigations were requested at the discretion of the clinical team. Abnormalities in these biomarkers were classified based on the upper limit of normal (ULN) for all ages and both sexes – mild, moderate and severe derangement was defined as up to 2x, 2-5x and >5x ULN, respectively, with the exception of albumin, which was classified as deranged if levels were less than the lower limit of normal (LLN) of 32g/L.
HAdV testing was undertaken using a PCR-based multiplex test on respiratory samples or using an HadV-specific PCR on whole blood based on specific clinician request, which usually focuses on patients requiring critical care or in immunocompromised patients under the care of haematology/oncology teams.
Classification and definitions
Patients were stratified into three categories based on their ages at presentation: younger children (<7 years), older children (7-15 years) and adults (≥16 years). Epochs were considered as pre-COVID-19 (1st March 2016 - 10 March 2020), COVID-19 pandemic period (11th March 2020 - 31st December 2022), and nested within the COVID-19 pandemic period, the AS-Hep-UA outbreak (1st Oct 2021 - 31 Aug 2022).
We applied the established strict case definition for AS-Hep-UA, as someone <16 years of age presenting no earlier than 1st October 2021 with an acute hepatitis (ALT and/or AST >500 IU/L), which cannot be accounted for by other causes (7). We additionally applied a more relaxed definition of acute hepatitis of unknown aetiology (AHUA), to identify cases in adults, and also milder cases that would not meet criteria for AS-Hep-UA. We defined AHUA as patients assigned either a primary or secondary diagnostic code from the International Classification of Diseases 10th Revision consistent with hepatitis of an uncertain cause (Table 2; Supplementary Methods) or patients with ALT>2x ULN. Diagnostic codes were assigned by hospital admission coders following patient discharge, based on national clinical coding standards. We also considered presentations of diagnosed acute or chronic viral hepatitis A-E virus infection as a baseline control, and to ensure these cases were excluded from the AHUA category.
Data analysis and statistical testing
Each presentation episode was considered independently; thus individuals may have featured more than once across the study duration. We used the first set of blood tests taken on presentation for analysis. An infecting pathogen was reported if at least one microbiology test was positive. Data were analysed using R v4.3.2 and visualised using ggplot v3.4.4. We tested for the presence of a non-monotonic trend using the non-parametric WAVK test (12), using its implementation in the R package funtimes (13). Fisher’s exact tests and Mann-Whitney U tests were performed using the fisher.test and wilcox.test functions in R. Odds ratios (OR) were calculated using conditional maximum likelihood estimation as part of the fisher.test function. An interupted time series analysis was performed to assess changes in the incidence of AHUA or viral hepatitis A-E (i.e., the number of new episodes identified per month) during the study duration, using a segmented regression framework (14), as follows:
Where yt, βi, αoutbreak, tstart and εt represent the number of new episodes identified in month t, the parameter estimates, a binary variable encoding the AS-Hep-UA epoch, the start of the AS-Hep-UA epoch, and model residuals respectively. Autocorrelation and normality of εt was assessed using the Durbin Watson test in the lmtest R package (15), and Shapiro-Wilk test, respectively. The statistical significance of parameter estimates was assessed using a Student’s t-test.
Associations between HAdV infection and routinely collected blood biomarker data were assessed using Fisher’s exact test. In particular, for each we tested if the proportion of patients falling into each derangement category (described above) differed significantly between patients with HAdV infections or otherwise. Benjamini-Hochberg procedure was used to correct for multiple testing and adjusted p-values, where available, were annotated.