Ancient R301C variant of the MC1R gene is present in various breeds of today
To screen for the presence and frequency of the ancient R301C variant of MC1R in today’s canine population, 11,750 dog samples were genotyped as a part of a custom-designed microarray panel test commercially available as MyDogDNATM/Optimal SelectionTM Canine Genetic Breeding Analysis. The R301C variant was present in a total of 265 tested dogs representing 35 different breeds and breed varieties as well as mixed breed dogs. The allele frequency for R301C in all dogs representing 304 different breeds and mixed breeds was 1.5% (N = 11,750; Figure 1 and Table S1). The R301C frequency in the tested Alaskan Malamute population was 100%. The additional 34 breeds in which the R301C variant was found could be classified into old Nordic Spitzes (East-Siberian Laika, Finnish Lapphund, Finnish Spitz, Karelian Bear Dog, Lapponian Herder, Nordic Spitz, Siberian Husky, West-Siberian Laika), other Primitive Spitz Type dogs (Basenji, Cirneco Dell’Etna, Kritikos Lagonikos, Peruvian Hairless Dog – Large, Medium and Miniature), Scent Hounds (Basset Fauve de Bretagne, Beagle, Drever, English Foxhound, Finnish Hound, Hungarian Hound, Plott, Serbian Hound), one gundog breed (Chesapeake Bay Retriever), one guardian dog breed (Pyrenean Mastiff), three Companion and Toy Dog breeds (Chihuahua, Chinese Crested Dog, Phalene),some recently created breeds (Alaskan Husky, Alaskan Klee Kai, Chinook, Northern Inuit, Tamaskan Dog, Saarlooswolfdog), and a nearly extinct sheepdog of theAuvergne region in France (Berger d’Auvergne) . In this study sample the R301C variant was not found in dog breeds with Eastern Asian origin (Akita, Chow Chow, Hokkaido, Kai, Kishu, Shar Pei, Shiba, Shikoku, Korean Jindo Dog) or Middle Eastern/Central Asian origin (Afghan Hound, Saluki, Tibetan Mastiff, Tibetan Spaniel, Tibetan Terrier, Lhasa Apso, Shih-Tzu, Central Asian Ovcharka).
R301C is a novel alternative allele of the E locus
To elucidate the relationship of R301C and other known E locus variants, genotypes were obtained for EM (melanistic mask), EG (grizzle/domino) and e1 (recessive red) alleles of the MC1R gene. Two rare additional recently characterized e allelic variants(1); e2 discovered in Australian Cattle Dog and e3 discovered in Siberian Husky were not genotyped as a part of this study. The R301C variant and the tested E locus variants showed no linkage disequilibrium. The R301C variant was not present in dogs with two copies of the tested E locus variants; EM, EG or e1, while in dogs with two copies of the R301C variant no EM, EG or e1 variants were present. Also, no more than one copy of EM or e1 variants was present when one copy of R301C was found. The rarest MC1R coat color variant, the EG allele, is only found in one of the dog breeds, Kritikos Lagonikos, in which R301C was identified. However, in this study sample no individuals carrying both EG and R301C variants were identified.
Notably, using current conventional practices for calling of E locus genotypes at commercial genotyping laboratories, dogs carrying R301C would have been interpreted as carrying E. As our findings suggested that R301C rather represents an independent alternative allele at the E locus, we refer to it as eA (for ancient red e) for clarity hereafter.
eA allele of MC1R is associated with partial recessive red phenotypes
To interpret the phenotypic impact of the R301C variant on the dog’s coat color, also genotypes for Canine Beta-Defensin 103 (CBD103) and Agouti Signaling Protein (ASIP) were obtained for the analysis. Color phenotypes were available for 125 (47%) dogs of the 265 dogs identified with one or two copies of the eA allele in this study.
The coat color phenotype was altered in all 70 dogs with the eA allele present in homozygous form (N=35) or in heterozygous form paired with the recessive red e1 allele (N=35). Phenotyping using dog owner-provided photos revealed that the eA allele was associated with partial recessive red coat color patterning. These phenotypes manifested in dogs with eA/eA and eA/e1 genotypes as follows. All seven dogs with eA/eA or eA/e1 and KB (or alternatively the intermediate kbr)on the K locus express a non-solid and non-striped eumelanin shade phenotype (Table 1, Table S2 and Figure 2; A-G). In five out of seven dogs, three Cirneco dell’Etna’s and two Drevers (a breed in which the striped kbr brindle pattern is observed), the phenotype is clear fawn and virtually indistinguishable from recessive red e1/e1 (Table 1, Table S2 and Figure 2; A-B and Y). Of the remaining two KB dogs, one Siberian Husky is wolf sable and one mixed breed dog is tan point (modified into saddle tan) (Table 1, Table S2, Figure 2; E-F). Given that the five clear fawn dogs have ay/ay genotype, the wolf sable dog has aw/at genotype and the mixed breed has at/a genotype on the A locus, we conclude that these dogs express the coat color pattern of their A locus despite the presence of one copy of dominant variant on the K locus.
Altogether all 63 dogs with eA/e1 or eA/eA genotype expressing A locus manifested altered phenotype. Of 49 out of 56 dogs with eA/e1 or eA/eA genotype expressing A locus ayfawn, aw wolf sable, at tan point produced color pattern bears high phenotypic resemblance with previously characterized EG domino in Afghan Hound and EG grizzle in Saluki, which have both been suggested to be dependent on the A locus at/at genotype for their manifestation (3). One of the four ayfawn dogs, all of the 40 aw wolf sample dogs and 8 of the 12 at tan point dogs had domino patterning. Three dogs with eA/e1 or eA/eA genotype combined with ayfawn were phenotypically similar to recessive red e/e dogs. We also observed variation in the level of pheomelanin expression in four out of 12 at tan point dogs. One Drever homozygous for the eA allele had no visible increase in its coat color pheomelanin expression; the dog expresses normal tan points, but also the white markings on the centerline of the face and a dudley nose. In contrast, almost no eumelanin pigment is present in two Hungarian Hounds with eA/e1genotype manifesting rich red coat color (Table 1, Table S2). Moreover, in one at tan point Beagle in which tan point coat color modifier Saddle Tan (19) is present, the saddle consists of only a few eumelanic hairs on the back as a result of increased pheomelanin expression (Figure 2; R). This resulting coat color phenotype is called as “pied” in this breed, and we now demonstrate it to be caused by eA ancient red. In addition, all 7 out of 7 a recessive black dogs manifested a coat phenotype highly similar to tan point or wolf sable (Table 1, Table S2, Figure 2; H-I and U-W). This ancient red eA phenotype displays in ayfawn, aw wolf sable and at tan point expressing dogs as pheomelanic facial markings on the sides of the muzzle, around the eyes and also on the inner side of the ears with a receded eumelanin line forming a widow’s peak in the forehead (when enough eumelanic hairs are present in the dog), and often also white markings expressed up the centerline of the face including reduced or loss of pigment in the centerline of the nose. Also, in the a recessive black dogs, ancient red eA expression results in pheomelanic hairs on the face, the legs and the ventral sides. The facial light-colored pigment is present on the muzzle and above the eyes similarly to tan point markings and the hair root is light (Figure 2; U-W).
We observed no phenotype change in 52 dogs genotyped EM/eA (N=16) or E/eA (N=37) strongly proposing that the allele’s dominance hierarchy at E locus is recessive to EM and E and dominant to e, while further information on phenotypes produced by EG/eAgenotype remains to be collected (Table 1 and Table S2). In two Siberian Huskies with one copy of eA and no other tested E alleles present the phenotype was altered to domino as if no wild type E was present. We did not have DNA availability to test for the presence of a rare e3 variant discovered in Huskies (1), but we hypothesize that the actual genotype of these dogs is eA/e3 based on the observed phenotype. Phenotypic impact of eA allele as recessive to wild type E and dominant to e allele is further demonstrated in a litter of Tamaskan Dogs (Figure 3).
Taken together, phenotype data available in 15 different breeds consistently shows that eA results in various increased pheomelanin pigment-containing phenotypes that we interpret to be partial recessive red coat colors. In dogs with KB dominant black or kbr genotype, the K locus is masked and A locus is expressed instead, while in dogs expressing the A locus (in the absence of KB variant) the ability to produce eumelanin is reduced resulting in coat color patterns known by the names “domino”, “grizzle” and “pied” depending on the breed background , but may also result in phenotypes indistinguishable from recessive red (cream), tan point or wolf sable.