Advanced thermoelectric performance in Pb 1.02 Se-0.2%Cu. The strategy of dual interstitials doping is introduced into n-type PbSe thermoelectric material by selecting Pb and Cu, which can firstly fill intrinsic Pb vacancies in stoichiometric PbSe and then induce massive interstitials to optimize electrical transport properties. Notably, Pb and Cu dual interstitials doping in n-type Pb1.02Se-0.2%Cu contributes to superior thermoelectric performance compared with other n-type PbSe samples optimized by single interstitial doping (Fig. 1). A maximum room-temperature PF value of 32.83 µW cm− 1 K− 2 can be obtained in n-type Pb1.02Se-0.2%Cu, which exceeds other n-type PbSe samples with single interstitial doping, including 21.85 µW cm− 1 K− 2 in PbSe-4%Pb,47 26.69 µW cm− 1 K− 2 in PbSe0.996,48 23.72 µW cm− 1 K− 2 in PbCu0.00125Se,25 19.91 µW cm− 1 K− 2 in PbZn0.0125Se,21 and 17.11 µW cm− 1 K− 2 in PbNi0.01Se23 (Fig. 1a). In this work, the room-temperature PF value increases from 25.18 µW cm− 1 K− 2 in Pb1.02Se and 28.14 µW cm− 1 K− 2 in PbSe-0.2%Cu to 32.83 µW cm− 1 K− 2 in Pb1.02Se-0.2%Cu. Such high room-temperature PF value in Pb1.02Se-0.2%Cu stems from its suitable carrier density tuned by Pb and Cu dual interstitials doping, which finally contributes to an enhanced room-temperature ZT value of 0.54 in (Fig. 1b).
Both the electrical conductivity (σ) and Seebeck coefficient (S) are closely related to carrier density. Therefore, the optimized carrier density in Pb1.02Se-0.2%Cu with Pb and Cu dual interstitials doping can tune these two thermoelectric parameters (σ and S) into an optimal range, thus resulting in large PF (PF = S2σ) value (Fig. 1c). Moreover, the well optimized electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient in Pb1.02Se-0.2%Cu not only enhance near-room-temperature PF (PFRT) value but also obviously boost the average PF (PFave) value and average ZT (ZTave) value to 24.18 µW cm− 1 K− 2 and 1.01 at 300–773 K (Fig. 1d). Compared with other n-type PbSe with single interstitial doping, Pb1.02Se-0.2%Cu present much higher value in both PFave value and ZTave value at wide temperatures, indicating large advantages of dual interstitials doping strategy.
Electrical Transport Properties. This work firstly prepared n-type PbSe samples with single Pb interstitial doping, Pb1 + xSe (x = 0.005–0.03), and then introduced Cu interstitial doping into optimum Pb1.02Se component to work as dual interstitials dopant. The powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) patterns of Pb1 + xSe (x = 0.005–0.03) and Pb1.02Se-y%Cu (y = 0.0–1.0) are shown (Supplementary Fig. 1). Thermoelectric performance in Pb1 + xSe (x = 0.005–0.03) and Pb1.02Se-y%Cu (y = 0.0–1.0) are presented (Supplementary Fig. 2–6 and Supplementary Table 1), and the optimal content are picked out to make a comparison. Although extra Pb phase can be observed in Pb interstitial doped PbSe matrix, the expanded lattice parameter and increased carrier density (Supplementary Fig. 7) can prove that part Pb and Cu atoms indeed successfully enter into interstitial sites in PbSe lattice, which can favorably tune the electron transport properties in n-type PbSe thermoelectric materials.
Temperature-dependent electrical transport properties in n-type Pb1.02Se, PbSe-0.2%Cu and Pb1.02Se-0.2%Cu samples are compared (Fig. 2). Pb1.02Se-0.2%Cu shows medium electrical conductivity at low temperature range (300–600 K) and then exceed the values in Pb1.02Se and PbSe-0.2%Cu at high temperature (600–773 K), which obviously shows dynamically tuned electrical transport properties (Fig. 2a). And the temperature-dependent Seebeck coefficient (Fig. 2b) shows same tendency with electrical conductivity. To unveil these special electrical transport properties in Pb and Cu interstitials doped PbSe samples, temperature-dependent carrier density and carrier mobility are measured. Both Pb1.02Se and PbSe-0.2%Cu samples with single interstitial doping present dynamic carrier density optimization that the carrier density continuously increases with rising temperature (Fig. 2c). This dynamic optimization in carrier density arises from the growing solubility of Cu or Pb interstitial in PbSe matrix when temperature rises, and Cu or Pb interstitial will release extra free electron into matrix to amplify the carrier density.25, 26, 49 It is shown that Pb1.02Se owns smaller carrier density than that in PbSe-0.2%Cu in the whole temperature range, indicating a lower interstitial solubility of Pb in PbSe matrix. When Pb and Cu as dual interstitials doping in Pb1.02Se-0.2%Cu, its temperature-dependent carrier density can be fully optimized in a large range, from 1.27×1019 cm− 3 at 300 K to 3.90×1019 cm− 3 at 773 K, due to the combined effects of Pb and Cu interstitials. The temperature-dependent carrier mobility (Fig. 2d) show all the interstitial doped PbSe can preserve high carrier mobility, thus leading to excellent electrical transport properties.
The PF value in Pb1.02Se, PbSe-0.2%Cu and Pb1.02Se-0.2%Cu samples were picked for further analysis (Fig. 2e). It is seen that Pb1.02Se-0.2%Cu with dual interstitial doping has an obviously higher PF value compared with Pb1.02Se and PbSe-0.2%Cu with single interstitial doping. To further unclose the relation between carrier density and PF value, theoretical calculations are presented based on single Kane band (SKB) model and the electrical transport coefficients can be written as follows:
Hall carrier density
is Fermi level. In PbSe thermoelectric material, the variable constants band degeneracy NV=4, longitudinal effective mass ≈ 0.7 me, transverse effective mass ≈ 0.4 me,50 average longitudinal elastic modulus Cl≈9.1×1010 Pa,51 band gap Eg≈0.29 eV and deformation potential coefficient Edef≈25 eV.52 The calculation results (Fig. 2f) show that the theoretical maximum power factor in n-type PbSe requires an optimal dynamic optimization in carrier density in the whole temperature range. Owning to the fully optimized temperature-dependent carrier density in Pb and Cu dual interstitials doped Pb1.02Se-0.2%Cu, its experimental PF value can well match the theoretical value, thus leading to high PFave value at wide temperatures.
Theoretical Charge Density. Theoretical charge density and electron local density are employed to investigate the bonding environment that has close relations with electrical transport properties. From the defect formation calculation results (Supplementary Fig. 8), Cu interstitial (Cui), Pb interstitial (Pbi) and Se vacancy (VSe) have low formation energy in Pb1.02Se-0.2%Cu sample at Pb-rich condition. Thus, the density functional theory (DFT) calculation is implemented with these defects in this work to analyses effect of Pb and Cu dual interstitials doping on carrier transport properties in Pb1.02Se-0.2%Cu.
The 2D iso-surface representation of charge density within (10 − 1) plane in undoped PbSe and Pb1.02Se-0.2%Cu are calculated (Fig. 3a, b). The charge density analysis shows the transfer of electrons among Pb, Se, and Cu atoms, in which the red and blue color means the large accumulation and depleted region of charge, respectively. Both Pb interstitial and Cu interstitial can produce overlapping electron clouds with matrix to form broad charge channel (Fig. 3b), which significantly facilitates the charge transfer and could benefit high carrier transport properties. Moreover, larger range of overlapping electron clouds induced by Cu interstitial than that in Pb interstitials can be clearly observed in the 3D iso-surface charge density (Fig. 3c), which results in superior electrical conductivity in PbSe-0.2%Cu than that in Pb1.02Se. Se vacancy (Fig. 3e) cause deficiency of charge density but it can theoretically provide two free electrons into PbSe matrix. Therefore, all these Cui, Pbi and VSe are intrinsic electron-dominated defects, and they could play favorable roles in electron transport in n-type Pb1.02Se-0.2%Cu. Additionally, the electron localization function (ELF) provides yard stick for the degree of electron localization.53 The ELF map of Pb interstitial, Cu interstitial and Se vacancy are given (Supplementary Fig. 9), and the value is definition between 0 and 1. When ELF = 1, it indicates that electron is perfect localization, while ELF = 0.5 suggests homogeneous electron gas.54–58 The ELF value of 0.2 around Cu interstitial is very low, which signifies that the electrons around Cu interstitial is easy to delocalize. Pb interstitial has an ELF value above 0.5 with high electron localization, but the electrons around Pb interstitial can be also partly delocalized to participate carrier transport. As a result, both theoretical charge density and electron localization function confirm Pb and Cu dual interstitials can benefit high carrier transport properties in n-type Pb1.02Se-0.2%Cu.
Microstructure Observations. The microstructures in Pb and Cu dual interstitials doped Pb1.02Se-0.2%Cu are observed by Cs-corrector transmission electron microscopy and also compared with undoped PbSe samples. The annular bright field (ABF)-STEM morphological image in Pb1.02Se-0.2%Cu (Fig. 4a) reveal the presence of some ellipsoidal nanoprecipitates and dislocation lines. In order to identify the composition, the EDS analysis is conducted and the results are depicted (Fig. 4b1-b4). Figure 4b1 is a magnified image of the nanoprecipitate captured in. It can be observed that the Pb element is enriched in the precipitate area, and the precipitate size is approximately several hundred nanometers. Figure 4c displays an enlarged ABF-STEM image of the other regions shown in Fig. 4a, and numerous dislocations can be evidently observed. While stoichiometric PbSe sample has scare dislocation lines but a large number of Pb vacancies (Supplementary Fig. 10). Thus, it can be concluded that the Pb interstitial doping can effectively fill the Pb vacancies and the dislocations in Pb1.02Se-0.2%Cu mainly arise from Pb and Cu dual interstitials doping.
The high angle annular dark field (HAADF)-STEM image at the atomic level (Fig. 4d) show that some interstitial atoms present in the middle part of the image. Additionally, Fig. 4e displays an enlarged depiction of Fig. 4d with observed direction along the [110] axis. As the contrast of the HAADF image is proportional to the atomic number, it enables a clear distinction between brighter Pb (atomic number 82) and darker Se (atomic number 34) atoms. The presence of Pb interstitial atoms is confirmed by the line profile along the red line in the inset of Fig. 4e, because clear interstitial atoms have the same intensity as Pb atoms. A typical atomic image of the dislocation region is displayed (Fig. 4f), while an inverse fast Fourier transform (IFFT) image (Fig. 4i) provides a clearer depiction of the dislocation lines. The HAADF-STEM image of the interstitial Cu atoms region are demonstrated (Fig. 4g, h and Supplementary Fig. 11). The presence of interstitial atoms in the marked lattice site (labeled with a white box) is indicated (Fig. 4h). Due to the principle of Z-contrast, the atomic number of Cu being 29, its contrast is expected to be close to that of Se atoms, but much darker than the Pb atoms. Additionally, the smaller atomic size of Cu enables it to be clearly distinguished from the interstitial Pb atoms observed (Fig. 4e). Consequently, it can be determined that the interstitial atoms indicated by the red arrows (Fig. 4h) represent Cu interstitial in PbSe matrix. Thus, the introduction of additional Pb and Cu results in a large number of Pb nanoprecipitates, dislocations, and interstitial Pb and Cu atoms in the Pb1.02Se-0.2%Cu sample. And these hierarchical defects can block the phonon transport thus largely decrease the lattice thermal conductivity.
Thermal Transport Properties and ZT values. The temperature-dependent total thermal conductivity in Pb1.02Se, PbSe-0.2%Cu and Pb1.02Se-0.2%Cu, in which Pb1.02Se and Pb1.02Se-0.2%Cu have parallel lower values (Fig. 5a). The low total thermal conductivity of Pb1.02Se originate from the low electronic thermal conductivity (Supplementary Fig. 12d), but relatively low total thermal conductivity of Pb1.02Se-0.2%Cu stem from the inferior lattice thermal conductivity is provided (Fig. 5b). The lattice thermal conductivity can be obtained by subtracting the electronic thermal conductivity from total thermal conductivity, κlat = κtot-κele, in which κele = LσT based on the Wiedemann-Franz law, and the Lorenz number L is calculated by experimental Seebeck coefficient according to Single Parabolic Band (SPB) model (Supplementary Fig. 12c). The comparatively lower lattice thermal conductivity in PbSe-0.2%Cu than that in Pb1.02Se indicates that Cu interstitials can more easily enter interstitial sites than Pb interstitials, which is consistent with the results of defects formation energies calculation (Supplementary Fig. 8).23 The further reduced lattice thermal conductivity in Pb1.02Se-0.2%Cu compared with PbSe-0.2%Cu at high temperature could arise from the dynamic effect of Pb and Cu dual interstitials doping to promote phonon scattering.
To compare results of single Pb interstitial doping, single Cu interstitial doping and dual interstitials doping at 300–773 K, the temperature-dependent ratio of weighted carrier mobility to lattice thermal conductivity (µW/κlat) are calculated out (Fig. 5c). Obviously, the µW/κlat value of Pb1.02Se-0.2%Cu surpass that of Pb1.02Se and PbSe-0.2%Cu at 300–773 K, which demonstrate Pb and Cu dual interstitials doping in PbSe is a valid method to simultaneously boost electrical and thermal transport properties at wide temperatures. More detailed thermoelectric transport properties in Pb1.02Se, PbSe-0.2%Cu and Pb1.02Se-0.2%Cu can be found in Supplementary Fig. 12. Finally, the temperature-dependent ZT values are further enhanced in Pb1.02Se-0.2%Cu than that in single Pb or Cu interstitial doped PbSe samples, and the ZTRT value enhances from 0.40 in Pb1.02Se and 0.37 in PbSe-0.2%Cu to 0.54 in Pb1.02Se-0.2%Cu at 300 K (Fig. 5d). Such distinct enhancement of ZT value at 300–773 K are mainly benefit from the increased PF value. Compared with other single interstitial doped PbSe, such as PbSe0.996,48 PbCu0.00125Se,25 PbSe-4%Pb,47 PbZn0.0125Se,21 and PbNi0.01Se,23 Pb1.02Se-0.2%Cu presents an optimal temperature-dependent PF values (Fig. 5e), which contribute a largely enhanced ZT value at 300–773 K (Fig. 5f). The PFave value of 24.18 µW cm− 1 K− 2 and ZTave value of 1.01 at 300–773 K can be achieved in Pb1.02Se-0.2%Cu (Supplementary Fig. 13). The superior thermoelectric properties in Pb1.02Se-0.2%Cu demonstrate a viable strategy of dual interstitials doping to advance lead chalcogenide thermoelectric materials at wide temperatures.