4.1 Seasonality
Common vole females produce about four litters of 1–13 young each year, averaging 5.5 young (Reichstein 1957, 1960 ex Niethammer and Krapp 1982). In laboratory conditions, it is an average of 4.2 young per litter. The stated decrease in value is explained by less suitable rearing conditions and embryonic mortality (Reichstein 1964 ex Niethammer & Krapp 1982). These authors calculated the average value based on the number of pups born only. In our case, the average value for all pairs was 2.6 offspring per litter, respectively 3.5 offspring for all fertile females. This shift could only be due to the fact that, in our organized mating, roughly half of the pairs consisted of females with non-preferred males.
The period in which the animals were caught and tested had a more significant influence on the offspring number (p < 0.001) than female choice, following pairing with preferred or non-preferred males. In the first test round in May-June, all pairs were reproductively successful with an average number of 4.2 young per litter. In the second test round, which took place in August, nine pairs were reproductively successful, and the average value was 2.8 young per litter. In the third test round, only seven pairs were successful, with an average of 3.3 young per litter. The observed trend is consistent with published data on the breeding intensity of the field vole in Central Europe during the growing season (Reichstein 1957, 1960, 1964 ex Niethammer and Krapp 1982, Tkadlec & Zejda 1998). It is not entirely clear whether the biological changes are controlled completely by the circadian endogenous rhythm, or whether the circannual endogenous rhythm is also involved. For a critical reassessment, see an inspiring overview of the issue by Kumar & Mishra (2018). In the laboratory, a summer light regime L:D 16:8 was set to maximally promote reproduction, but nevertheless, there was a gradual suppression of sexual activity. This could indicate endogenous rhythms of voles that continue even when the animals are placed in the stable conditions of a laboratory environment with sufficient lighting, food supply and constant temperature (Kumar & Mishra 2018). The observed seasonality in our results was in accordance with the recorded stages of the estrous cycle of females. The frequency of resting diestrus increases towards autumn (Tab. S1-3).
4.2 Behavioral evidence
If we start with the idea that the goal of reproduction is to pass on one's own genes to subsequent generations, it is generally accepted that females may be inclined to select males whose genomes are closely aligned with their own (Thiessen et al. 1997, Jiang et al. 2013). However, it is also necessary to consider that in this way, more isolated populations may tend to reduce heterozygosity and could be threatened by inbreeding depression (Charlesworth & Willis 2009), if there was also no preference for differences primarily represented by different MHC and mediated by smell (Yamazaki et al. 1999). Our experiment of pairing females with an odor-preferred male resulted in a higher number of young, by about one pup. These results suggest that common vole females are able to choose a male with which she will have greater reproductive success based on odor preference. Conversely, females are also able to avoid, if possible, an unsuitable male with whom she may have lower fitness.
Partner preference has also been studied in other small rodents, e.g., house mice (Mus musculus). In this polygynous to promiscuous species, higher litter numbers (93.3 against 71.1%) were also found in pairs with preferred individuals (Drickamer et al. 2000). Also, in the monogamous California hamster (Peromyscus californicus), females with a preferred male produced litters faster and had higher reproductive success than females with a non-preferred male (Gleason et al. 2012). Similarly, in mound-building mice (Mus spicilegus) pairs with preferred individuals based on behavioral similarity were more reproductively successful (Rangassamy et al. 2015). This species lives in monogamous pairs where the father helps raise the offspring. In such a social system, it is quite understandable that similarity in behavior is useful for reproduction. However, in the common vole a species characterized by promiscuity and by males and females living under completely distinct social conditions, higher parental similarity was also associated with incresed reproductive success (Urbánková et al 2023).
When considering the proximate mechanism of the influence of female odor preference, it is necessary to consider both the positive effect of the odor of the preferred male, as well as the negative effect of the odor of the non-preferred male. One mechanism of significant influence could be induced ovulation, which is convenient for random contact of partners at low population densities (Katandukila and Bennett 2016). Induced ovulation is apparently a general trait of voles of the genus Microtus. Proximity of a male behind mesh can lead to ovulation in females, and the exchange of the male behind the barrier can further promote the effect (Clulow and Mallory 1970, Milligan 1974). In the female vole, this neuro-hormonally controlled process could be supported by the positive perception of the male, but on the contrary also delayed or stopped by a negative odor stimulus. When testing sexual odor preference in females, it is important that they are in estrus. Since provoked ovulation should be considered here, proestrus was also included in the odor-sensitive state. On the contrary, in the case of metestrus or diestrus, the absence of preference should be expected (Egid & Brown, 1989).
Female rodents are very sensitive to reproductive odor communication and there are several interactions that need to be considered. Vandenbergh effect chemo-signals from male mice accelerate the onset of puberty in females and influence the onset of ovulation (Vandenbergh 1973). The Lee-Boot effect if females are placed in a larger group without the presence of a male, the estrous cycle is lengthened to the point of complete suppression of estrus (Lee-Boot effect; van der Lee & Boot 1955 in Kelliher & Wersinger 2009; Stopka et al. 2007). Whitten effect—if a male is placed next to the females or they are exposed only to his smell, then they experience a shortening of the estrous cycle, induction and usually synchrony of estrus (Whitten 1958 in Bronson & Whitten 1968). Bruce effect if a female after mating is exposed to a male other than the one she mated with, or just his smell, pregnancy is interrupted and within a week she returns to the estrus phase (Parkes & Bruce 1961).
As mentioned above, females are able to remember the odor of males and respond accordingly (Kelliher & Wersinger 2009). It is important for our study that the females became familiar with the odor of two males during the test and the female was subsequently paired with one of them. Thanks to the smell test, the females received information that there are several males, a higher population density, and can afford male selectivity. Subsequently the females meet a non-preferred male and try to avoid mating or minimize investment in this litter.. Thus, in the case of a non-preferred male, mating likely took place differently than with a preferred male. When interacting with a non-preferred male, activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and glucocorticoids, as well as the hypothalamic-pituitary (gonadal) axis (HPG) and sex steroids, especially testosterone could apply (Ryan et al. 2014). Specifically, it was found in the ground squirrel (Urocitellus richardsonii) that as the total level of cortisol increases, the number of young in the litter decreases, and similarly, as the level of testosterone increases, the size of the litter decreases. On the other hand, the proportion of males in the litter increases with the level of bound cortisol. However, it is also possible to intervene in the number of pups per litter artificially with exogenous gonadotropic hormones, as was found in the red vole (Oksanen et al. 2002).
The regulation of reproduction in voles is directly linked to the population dynamics. The number of offspring is influenced by the population density almost directly (neuro-hormonally) via food supply. The condition of the female and the perspective of the litter also part ofthis regulation. During artificial enlargement of the bank vole litter, the survival and fertility of the mothers decreased. Litter enlargement did not increase the number of pups weaned per mother and significantly reduced the size of pups weaned (Koivula et al 2003). A negative phenotypic (and genotypic) correlation between the number and size of offspring at birth was also found (Mappes & Koskela 2004). In the bank vole there is higher investment in daughters compared to sons, as having a greater number of daughters appears to positively impact female reproductive success (Koskela et al 2009). This shifted ratio was observed in litters obtained from both females who mated with both preferred and non-preferred males.
4.4 Localities, genetic differences and similarities
To assess the influence of genetic differences on odor preference and reproductive success in the common vole, the tested individuals were captured in two locations, 30 km apart. It already follows from earlier findings that a 20 km distance in the Central European landscape generates a different frequency of neutral microsatellite alleles (genetic difference by distance, in a specific case along the highway) (Rico et al. 2009). Despite the lack of genetic differentiation between the populations B and V in MHC (Fst (-0.0038) or Pxy (-0.109)), there were still 13 alleles unique to V and 7 unique to B population. For a behavioural test may be sufficient.
In the GLM along season and preference, the location (Budějovice and Veselí) did not have a significant effect. However, selection of only parental pairs where the male was not preferred, in pairs assembled from different locations had a lower number of young (F(1, 16 ) = 3.8, p = 0.07)., This is likely to be evidence for an effect, albeit it rather weak evidence. Řičánková et al. (2007) showed that female common voles clearly prefer certain males, specifically known ones over unknown ones. In addition, they showed that females can be clearly agonistic against unknown males. This could very well correspond to the fact that non-preferred males from a location 30 km away represent very different individuals for females and mating with them is riskier.
The samples taken for MHC analysis yielded rather surprising results. It was quite clearly shown that preferred males had significantly higher allele composition similarity with females than non-preferred males. However, the studies published so far in this area show a prevalent disassortative pairing, i. e. a preference for a different MHC allelic composition (Penn et al. 2002, Radwan et al 2008). There is also a considerable number of studies that do not show straightforward maintenance of higher MHC allele variability, but a response to local pathogen load (Meléndez-Rosa et al. 2018) or a significant influence of genetic background, sexual differences, or early life experience (Jordan & Bruford 1998). Higher allele similarity, preferred by female voles, corresponds with behavioral personality similarity and correlated positively with offspring number (Urbánková et al 2023). So, in the common vole, odor preference corresponds with behavioral preference, however, allele similarity was not related to offspring number. This is understandable because these genes are mainly involved in pathogen defense and not directly in reproduction. But the question remains whether adequate parameters of allelic similarity were chosen. The indices according to Sørensen-Dice and Jaccard, although originally derived for the assessment of biological/ecological communities, are also used in genetic analyzes (Levandowsky & Winter 1971, Ondov et al. 2016). The procedure chosen by us does not evaluate molecular similarity of individual alleles, but considers them as an indicator of complex odour similarity.
In conclusion, odor preference is driven by MHC similarity and subsequently litter size is influenced by preference. The relationship between the success of reproduction and alleles is not clear-cut, this may be influenced by the measure of similarity we used, or by something that we cannot detect.