Microalgae biomass characterization showed approximately 6% carbohydrates and 40–60% crude proteins (Becker 2007). These values vary according to the species, culture medium condition, and method applied for extraction and quantification. It is known that proteins act as a storage medium to meet the growth and nutritional demands of developing plants (Rasheed et al., 2020) and participate in the stabilization of organic C and N in soil (Rillig et al., 2007). In this research, the plant's productivity presented in Lorentz et al. (2020) is attributed to the application of microalgae biomass, considering the report by Battacharyya et al. (2015), which associates the biochemical content of this biomass with precursor compounds of plant growth-promoting phytohormones.
Despite the wide variety of recognized species of algae that benefits in soil quality and crop improvement, the main attributes that confirm their effectiveness remain uncertain (Alobwede et al. 2019; Solomon et al. 2023). Living and/or dead cells containing beneficial microbiota have been applied to plants and soil to promote plant growth and to convert inaccessible mineral forms into available nutrient forms through nitrogen fixation, mineralization, and phosphate solubilization (Priya et al. 2014; Alvarez et al. 2021). Lin et al. (2013) point out that Anabaena, Calothrix, Lyngbya, Microcoleus, Nostoc, Oscillatoria, and Phormidium are common genera of cyanobacteria in soils. Chlorophytes such as Chlorella, Cladophora, and Klebsormidium, and diatoms including Hantzschia, Navicula, Nitzschia, and Pinnular are also frequently present (Lin et al. 2013). The present study was conducted in acidic soil, with pH values < 5 (Table 2). It was observed that regardless of the treatment, the chlorophyte Chlorella vulgaris stood out with the highest organism density. The lowest diversity of organisms was found in the chemical treatment. Zancan et al. (2006), working with corn crops subjected to long periods of intense fertilization, detected a reduction in species diversity and development of cyanobacteria, indicating an adverse effect of intensive chemical fertilization on the microalgae community in the soil, as found in the present study. The highest density of Chlorella vulgaris in the soil, as also found by Castro et al. (2017), can be explained by its rapid growth and high resistance to environmental stresses (Han et al. 2018). Results showed that cyanobaterial density was generally highest, and this may be one of the reasons why the biological treatment presents a good performance in nutrient recovery. To be more specific, these taxa are capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen and then used to promote plant growth (Kholssi et al. 2022). The genus Pseudanabaena limnetica, considered rare in soil (Lin et al. 2013), presented 394,554 org. (cm3)−1 of organisms in this treatment.
Besides soil microalgae, biomass application (biological treatment), derived from wastewater treatment in HRAPs, can provide entry into the system of other microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) present in the treatment process. Other studies have been moving towards its use not only as a fertilizer, due to its chemical composition, but also as a bio-stimulant, due to the composition of its microbial community, as some species perform functions that can contribute to soil improvement and consequently increase productivity (Ronga et al. 2019).
Considering the results of soil chemical characterization (Table 2) throughout the experiment and the lower plant productivity presented by Lorentz et al. (2020) associated with higher organic matter content in the control treatment, it is indicated that nutrient release through organic matter decomposition in this treatment was not sufficient for crop development as in the other two treatments. Regarding the biological treatment, the lower organic matter content is attributed to the productivity achieved by its degradation. Yilmaz and Sönmez (2017) evaluated the potential of different microalgae biofertilizers on soil organic carbon. They concluded that increasing the applied biofertilizer dose reflected positively on the increase in OM compared to control treatments. The positive reflection of the increase in OM pointed out by Yilmaz and Sönmez (2017) may be related to the initial fertilization with conventional chemical fertilizer N:P:K (15:15:15) in all treatments - except the control - associated with the doses in which the biological treatments were added with values up to 15 times higher than the chemical. In this research, only simple superphosphate (P2O5) was used at the seeding of Uruchloa in a single dose, while N:P:K fertilizer doses (20:0:20) were applied after the expected cuts.
Soil microorganisms use N as a source of energy and C in forming cells and tissues. The higher the C/N ratio, the lower the decomposition rate, mineralization, and N availability for plants (Dijkstra et al. 2009). In this way, the C/N ratio directly influences the degradation of residues and nitrogen cycling in soils. In this research, the C/N values were close to 11, corroborating the findings of Al-Maliki and Breesam (2020). Their results suggest that chlorophyte's applied microalgae biomass accelerated the mineralization of C, resulting in greater carbon decomposition and nutrient availability in the soil, promoting better plant development.
To become available to plants, soil N depends on the mineralization rate of organic matter (Pandey 2020). As well as, in its transformations, several reactions can occur, which lead to low efficiency of use, attributed to denitrification and ammonia volatilization, besides probable immobilization by the microbiota (Jílková et al. 2020). The treatments did not affect the total N contents, although the NO3− contents were higher in the chemical treatment. Wang et al. (2018), when comparing the application of organic and inorganic fertilizers for long periods, indicated increases in NH4+ and NO3− values in soils that received inorganic fertilizers, certainly due to their ready availability in this type of fertilizer. Alobwede et al. (2019) detected, throughout all the experiment, an increase in soil total N with the presence of Chlorella sp. and Spirulina. In our experiment, in addition to the presence of Chlorella in all treatments, cyanobacteria were also detected in both the control and the biological treatment, which may explain the similar levels of total nitrogen (Ntotal) between treatments.
Some studies have further demonstrated investigating the potential of microalgae to increase the availability and absorption of micronutrients from the soil in the wheat crop, and highlighted that they become an organic carbon input (Renuka et al.,2018). Gougoulias et al. (2018) and Solovchenko et al. (2020) indicated that chlorophytes accelerated C mineralization, resulting in greater carbon decomposition and nutrient availability for plant development. In this research, the soil characteristics associated with the plant productivity results presented by Lorentz et al. (2020) between the treatments corroborate these previous results. Furthermore, C levels are generally linked to the amount of MO (Longo et al. 2011), which was once again confirmed in this research, given that the highest levels of MO and C were identified in the control treatment.
Phosphorus (P), one of the most essential and limiting nutrients for agricultural production (Badza et al. 2020), has low use efficiency, approximately 20% (Solovchenko et al. 2016). Its higher retention capacity is linked to the lower available P value. In contrast, higher values of this property are associated with higher amounts of organic matter (OM), which implies lower phosphate adsorption and consequent loss of this nutrient with the possibility of environmental pollution, such as eutrophication of water bodies and leaching into groundwater. Lower available P values in the biological treatment are related to its lower content of OM, which may be related to its use for higher plant productivity. The P from microalgae biomass, being organic, is slowly mineralized and released at a rate close to absorption by crops, resulting in lower losses of this nutrient by runoff, decreasing the risk of eutrophication (Solovchenko et al. 2020).
The highest calcium values in the control treatment may be associated with the highest OM content. The highest amount of K in the chemical treatment was already expected, as this received an N:P:K 20:0:20 mixture. Also, the highest amounts of sulfur and iron were detected (p < 0.05) in the biological treatment. These two nutrients are extremely important in the development of plants, the first for participating in N metabolism and the synthesis of proteins and amino acids, and the second for contributing to the adsorption process of the first, reducing losses by leaching (Uchida 2000). The high levels of S in the biological treatment can be explained by its content and form (elementary S) in the biomass, which has not yet been converted into SO4−, the form preferred by plants. The Fe contents in all treatments were high (Uchida 2000). However, it was higher in treatment B. Fe is associated with the adsorption of pollutants (heavy metals), phosphorus fixation and acts as a cementing agent between soil particles, affecting their cation exchange capacity (Li et al. 2024).
Extracellular hydrolytic enzyme activities involved in nutrient cycling were evaluated. β-glucosidase, according to Guo et al. (2021), is an enzyme directly related to OM levels and decomposition processes that occur in the soil. Therefore, the highest value of this enzyme in the control treatment may be associated with the highest content and type of OM present in the soil.
Tian et al. (2022) evaluated maize cultivation with different fertilizations and found a higher activity of acid phosphatase during chemical fertilizer application, compared to organic fertilizer application, as in this study. Touhami et al. (2022), evaluating combined applications of N and P in pastures, researchers detected an increase in phosphatase activity, correlating this increase with the mineralization of organic P. The higher activity of arylsulfatase (AS) in the chemical treatment may be related to the mineralization of S, which is more readily available in this treatment.
The higher activity of LAMP in the biological treatment may be explained by some nutritional deficiency in the microalgae biomass, given that this enzyme is responsible for protein decomposition (Parvin et al., 2018) and amino acid addition - produced in response to some signal of need or stress based on N, C levels or some other stimulus (Jacobson Meyers et al., 2014).
Based on the results of Lorentz et al. (2020), organic fertilization allowed plant productivity close to conventional chemical fertilization. The authors assume that this result comes from the composition of the biomass applied in the biological treatment (several important nutrients for the development of the grass) and from the C/N ratio < 20, which favors the mineralization of the compounds (White 2006). The research's premise was that adding biomass would increase soil nutrient levels, which was not observed. However, the plant development was superior to that of the control treatment.
Final considerations
The use of microalgae biomass derived from wastewater treatment from milking parlors was evaluated and proved to be a promising fertilizer for agriculture following the recovery of nutrient-rich waste. The cost of chemical fertilizers, resistance to pesticides, and climate change have made microalgae biomass an opportunity for sustainable and resilient agriculture. However, further research needs to be conducted, considering longer evaluation times and aspects related to soil type, temperature, and humidity, among others, that may influence the results.