The mining of work face 7221, the grouting of the Bed-separation cavity under PKS, and the control of ground subsidence are influenced by various parameters. These parameters can be categorized into three main aspects: stratigraphic parameters, design parameters of the work face, and parameters of the Bed-separation grouting slurry. The calculation of large-deflection inclined thin plates combined with the slurry model is used to analyze these parameters. The stratigraphic parameters encompass the PKS site's thickness, the main roof's thickness, and the lithology characteristics associated with stratigraphy. These parameters were established by the examination of the workings during the exploration process. The design parameters for the working face encompass various factors such as the length and width of the working face, the mining height, the inclination of the coal seam, and the mining speed. The inclination of the coal seam is typically determined during the exploration phase of the working face. On the other hand, determining the mining height requires considering the impact of the coal mining machine and the roof support. It is important to note that these two parameters will remain unchanged in the context of this paper. The parameters for bed-separation grouting slurry encompass the quantity of grouting holes, the initiation and completion time of grouting, and the concentration of the slurry. The design of slurry concentration should be based on the grouting pump power, the yield value of slurry in the grouting pipe, and parameters such as pressure drop and flow rate. It is important to note that the content of this paper will remain unaltered.
In brief, the redesign parameters on the 7221 work face for grouting encompass the length, width, and mining speed within the design limits of the work face. Additionally, the Bed-separation grouting slurry parameters encompass the number of grouting holes and the grouting start and end times. The primary aim of implementing slurry filling and mining activities at the 7221 work face is to effectively manage ground subsidence and ensure that the subsidence value within the protection zone of the neighboring villages remains below − 10mm. This objective is crucial due to the two villages close to the work as mentioned above face. Another objective of Isolated Overburden Grout Injection is to maximize the extraction of coal resources while simultaneously slurring the fly ash to facilitate trash filling and recycling, hence achieving environmentally sustainable mining practices.
6.1 Mining parameter redesign for 7221 work face
In order to ascertain the extension distance of the mining length and width of the work face, the spatial vertical distance between the 7221 work face and the two villages was re-measured. In order to maintain building subsidence values below − 10 mm in the two villages, it is necessary to forecast the ground subsidence basin size accurately. This will ensure that the village protection zones align with the tangent of the basin's inscribed function line. Figure 18 depicts the modified dimensions of the working face mining length and width and the associated ground subsidence basin. The current configuration of the 7221 work face entails a mining length of 588m and a mining width of 100m.
Additionally, the ground surface subsidence basin is characterized by a length of 794m and a width of 376m. A solid red line in the accompanying image visually represents the boundaries of this subsidence basin. To optimize the extraction of coal reserves and safeguard the integrity of the village structures, the operational front of the mining site was reconfigured, taking into account the dimensions of the subsidence basin, as indicated by the black dashed line in the diagram. According to the measurements, the distance between the opening cut line of work face 7221, and Gaochangying village is determined to be 963 meters. Additionally, it has been observed that the nearest point of the work face to the protection zone of Houlou Gaojia village is around 170 meters.
Based on the observations depicted in Fig. 6 to Fig. 8, it becomes evident that the complete extraction of the working face occurs when the mining width exceeds 140m. Additionally, managing PKS deflection and Bed-separation filling mining, which is influenced by the PKS deflection and Bed-separation, becomes challenging when employing Bed-separation slurry filling mining. Consequently, limiting the work face mining width to less than 140m is recommended to mitigate these difficulties. The objective is to modify the mining breadth of work face 7221 to increase its width downward while ensuring the subsidence basin engraved line does not encroach upon the protected area of Houluo Gaojia Village. The design of the ground subsidence basin includes an engraved line that extends tangentially along the strike expansion of the protection zone in Gaochangying village. This engraved line determines the mining length of the 7221 work face, which is designed to be 795m. In Fig. 6 to Fig. 8, the mining breadth of work face 7221 is observed to have been expanded by an additional 40m.
Consequently, the work face has reached its maximum mining capacity at a width of 140 meters. In this study, we have recalculated the PKS deflection, Bed-separation development height, Bed-separation cavity volume, and maximum ground subsidence values for a work face with mining widths of 110m, 120m, 130m, and 140m. The recalculated results are presented in Fig. 19. The figure illustrates the relationship between mining length, width, PKS deflection, and bed-separation development. When the mining length is 795m, and the mining width is 100m, the PKS deflection and bed-separation development measure 1900mm. Similarly, when the mining width is increased to 110m, the PKS deflection and bed-separation development increase to 2800mm, with the maximum height of bed-separation development reaching 2100mm. Finally, when the mining width is further increased to 120m, the PKS deflection and bed-separation development measure 3800mm, with the bed-separation development height remaining 2100mm. The bed-separation cavities exhibit a volume of approximately 4.2×104m3 for widths ranging from 110m to 120m, whereas a narrower width of 100m results in a reduced volume of 3.4×104m3. The observed ground subsidence values exhibited significant variation, with maximum measurements of 740mm, 1077mm, and 1369mm corresponding to mining widths of 100m, 110m, and 120m, respectively. The PKS deflection and Bed-separation value exhibit significant changes when the mining width expands to 130m and 140m. These changes reach their peak value of 4000mm when the mining length ranges from approximately 250m to 400m. Additionally, the maximum subsidence value of the ground exceeds 1000mm, posing a substantial challenge for Bed-separation slurry filling mining. The height of the Bed-separation development and cavity volume do not exhibit substantial differences under mining widths of 130m and 140m compared to other design widths. Therefore, the design mining widths of 100m, 110m, and 120m are chosen. Various grouting parameters were devised to assess the deflection values of PKS and the maximum ground subsidence values resulting from different mining widths. These parameters were then comprehensively compared.
After determining the mining length of work face 7221, several mining widths were combined to design different mining speeds. This design considered the PKS deflection, Bed-separation development height, cavity volume, and maximum ground subsidence value. The initial operational face was engineered to achieve a mean excavation rate of 4 meters per day, covering a total distance of 588 meters over a mining duration of 147 days. Due to the expanded dimensions of mining in terms of length and width, the 7221 work face has been reconfigured to accommodate mining speeds of 3m/day and 4m/day. The outcomes of a comparative analysis, which involved assessing the deflection caused by mining-induced PKS, the development of bed separation, and ground subsidence, were graphically presented in Fig. 20. The disparity in mining velocity solely impacts the mining process's temporal aspect and does not influence the ultimate outcomes. When comparing the rate of change for each deformation value, it is observed that for mining widths of 110m and 120m, the mining speed is 3m/day. It is noted that the ultimate deformation value is bigger for these widths, but the pre-deformation speed is smaller compared to a mining width of 100m, which has a speed of 4m/day. Using specific mining parameters can effectively mitigate the challenges associated with controlling the PKS phenomenon and ground subsidence deformation during the initial stages of mining operations. By increasing the mining width and reducing the mining speed, it is possible to achieve the dual benefits of enhanced coal resource extraction and improved capacity for waste disposal through an increase in the volume of bed-separation cavities. Enlarging the mining breadth led to an augmentation in the magnitudes of the last deflection of the PKS and ground subsidence. Additionally, additional analysis and examination are required to thoroughly examine the outcomes of the final deformation after mining while using the technique of Bed-separation slurry filling.
6.2 Design of grouting parameters of the 7221 work face
Once the length, width, and mining speed dimensions for the 7221 work face have been established, the Isolated Overburden Grout Injection method is employed to define the parameters for slurry filling in the work face. This includes determining the number of slurry holes and the specific starting and finishing times for the slurry filling process. A linear relationship exists between the quantity of injection holes and the amount of slurry injected into the Bed-separation cavity. This relationship directly impacts the ultimate deflection of the PKS and the ground subsidence in the Bed-separation area. The initiation and termination of the grouting process are contingent upon the mining velocity. The grouting procedure will commence once the Bed-separation cavity has been sufficiently developed to satisfy the grouting criteria. Subsequently, the grouting holes will be terminated once the volume of the grouting slurry aligns with the predetermined design specifications.
The initial design of the mining length for the work face is 7221 meters, with a width of 100 meters. Additionally, there are a total of five grouting holes in the design. The current dimensions of the mining area are 795m in length, with varying widths of 100m, 110m, and 120m. The design of the volume of slurry injected into the Bed-separation cavity and the location of the slurry injection holes are based on the control requirements for ground subsidence and the volume of the Bed-separation cavity. The dimensions of the ground subsidence basin have been determined as follows: the length is 1059m, and the width is 390m. These measurements are based on the assumption that the maximum sinking value of the control ground is -350mm. Consequently, the predicted volume of the ground subsidence basin amounts to 22906m3.
The isovolumetric concept determines that converting to the PKS flexural space volume amounts to 19,382m3. In order to meet the specifications for ground subsidence management, the grouting process must ensure a minimum volume of 19,382m3 for the Bed-separation cavity. The number of grouting holes can be determined by comparing the calculated volume of the Bed-separation cavity under various mining design parameters with the desired volume. Based on the grouting parameter statement, it was seen that the mean grouting volume for each grouting hole in the 7221 work face amounted to about 30m3/day. Furthermore, the grouting operation was successfully concluded 42 days after ceasing mining activities in the work mentioned above. According to the parameter report, the commencement of the grouting operation coincides with the arrival of the mining line at the initial grouting hole location.
Based on the theoretical framework of the large-deflection inclined thin plate combined with grouting model, it can be shown that when the pace of expansion of the Bed-separation cavity resulting from daily mining operations surpasses the rate of grouting, the slurry has a propensity to infiltrate the Bed-separation cavity readily. Consequently, this presents an opportune moment to initiate the grouting process. To the growth rate of Separation with varying widths and mining rates, as depicted in Fig. 17, it is observed that distinct mining velocities yield diverse initiation and completion periods for grouting. These outcomes are presented in Table 12. It is postulated that the initiation of mining at the 7221 work face coincided with the commencement of the original design on December 6, 2017. The completion of mining as per the original design occurred on June 3, 2018, while the grouting activities were concluded on July 14, 2018. The redesign of the 7221 work face will involve the integration of various mining parameters, such as the number of grouting holes, grouting start and finish time, and corresponding grouting volume. These parameters will be systematically organized in a table format to meet the requirements of ground subsidence control. Consequently, the deflection values of the PKS will also be recorded and presented in Table 9.
Table 12
Design of the number of grouting holes and grouting start and finish time with different mining parameters
Mining width, speed | Bed-separation cavity volume(m3) | Number of grouting holes | Grouting start time | Grouting finish time | Grouting volume(m3) | PKS deflection value(mm) |
100m, 3m/day | 33989 | 7 | January 25, 2018 | August 29, 2018 | 47793 | 976 |
100m, 4m/day | 33989 | 8 | January 8, 2018 | June 30, 2018 | 47793 | 976 |
110m, 3m/day | 41946 | 11 | January 20, 2018 | August 28, 2018 | 79553 | 892 |
110m, 4m/day | 41946 | 13 | January 6, 2018 | July 1, 2018 | 79553 | 892 |
120m, 3m/day | 41273 | 13 | January 17, 2018 | August 31, 2018 | 97608 | 816 |
120m, 4m/day | 41273 | 16 | January 2, 2018 | July 10, 2018 | 97608 | 816 |
6.3 Comprehensive Mining and Slurrying Parameters 7221 work face slurry filling mining plan selection
The implementation of Isolated Overburden Grout Injection was conducted in the 7221 work face to enhance the management of ground subsidence and safeguard the structural integrity of village structures. In order to maximize the acquisition of coal resources, the parameters for mining and grouting were reconfigured to align with the prevailing mining circumstances. To save the architectural structures of Gaochangying and Houlou Gaojia village, a comprehensive assessment of the 7221 work face's maximum mining length was conducted. Subsequently, many alternative work face widths were devised as part of the redesign process. The selection of the working face width was based on the requirement for the Bed-separation cavity volume to align with the fly ash waste handling capacity. Additionally, the deflection of PKS and the maximum deformation rate of Separation could be effectively managed by implementing grouting techniques. To ensure the timely and efficient execution of grouting activities, the design of various mining speeds is carefully coordinated to establish six distinct combinations of mining parameter design schemes. Upon consulting the initial design scheme, an estimation was made about the expected completion time for the grouting process. Additionally, the number of grouting holes and the designated start time for grouting were reconfigured by integrating the volume of the Bed-separation cavity and the typical rate of grouting per grouting hole.
Table 13 displays the mining and grouting parameter schemes that have been ultimately determined. A total of six schemes have been created. The variations in design widths result in differences in the PKS deflection value, deflection space volume, and Bed-separation cavity volume when the maximum subsidence of the control ground subsidence basin is -350mm. Consequently, the handling capacity of fly ash waste and mined coal resources also differs. Variations in mining speeds primarily dictate disparities in the durations of mining and grouting processes and the number of grout holes that need to be installed. When considering the protection requirements of ground buildings and the primary objectives of coal resource extraction and fly ash waste management, it is advisable to choose a mining program with a bigger width among the options of 100m, 110m, and 120m. The mining rate significantly impacts the duration of mining and grouting operations, and an extension of these activities results in higher mining and grouting expenses. The acceleration of mining operations leads to a quick increase in PKS deflection and ground subsidence values. To effectively regulate the thin plate, it is necessary to either increase the number of grouting holes and perform simultaneous grouting or enhance the power of the grouting pump. However, these measures also result in an escalated cost of grouting.
The initial dimensions of the work face 7221 are 588m in length and 100m in width. The average speed of progress is 4m per day. Additionally, there are a total of 5 grouting holes. These parameters may be found in Table 2 and Fig. 4. Table 10 compares the percentage increase in coal resource mining, mining, and grouting duration, volume of injected Bed-separation slurry, and the number of grouting holes for the original 7221 work face and the six mining design schemes mentioned above. Comparing the pros and disadvantages of each design scheme with the original design scheme can enhance the intuitive understanding, hence facilitating a more informed selection of the most suitable scheme for mining purposes.
Table 13
Comparison of different mining and grouting scheme designs for 7221 work face with the original design
Mining width, speed | Percentage increase of coal resource extraction (%) | Duration of mining(day) | Duration of grouting(day) | Percentage increase of grouting volume (%) | Number of grouting holes |
100m, 3m/day | 135.2 | 265 | 216 | 308.8 | 7 |
100m, 4m/day | 135.2 | 198 | 173 | 308.8 | 8 |
110m, 3m/day | 148.7 | 265 | 220 | 514 | 11 |
110m, 4m/day | 148.7 | 198 | 176 | 514 | 13 |
120m, 3m/day | 162.2 | 265 | 226 | 630.7 | 13 |
120m, 4m/day | 162.2 | 198 | 189 | 630.7 | 16 |
Depending on the design alternatives for large-deflection inclined thin plate and grouting model, which consider various combinations of mining width and mining speed, each program exhibits distinct advantages and disadvantages. Consequently, a judicious selection should be made depending on the mining conditions. The completion of the 7221 work face in mining serves as the basis for the theoretical design presented in this study. The design is focused on comparing the effects of various mining and grouting parameters on the decision-making process of mining programs, considering the developed mechanical model. By formulating a more rational mining and grouting strategy, the objective is to achieve increased coal production while simultaneously implementing environmentally sustainable practices, minimizing the adverse effects on the surrounding ecosystem.