Structural defects in bulk Nd0.8Sr0.2NiO2
The precursor Nd0.8Sr0.2NiO3 was synthesized via a two-step high-temperature and high-pressure solid-state synthesis method, followed by topotactic reduction using CaH2 (Aladdin, 98.5%, Mg༜1%) at low temperature to obtain the polycrystalline bulk Nd0.8Sr0.2NiO2 with the average grain size of 500 nm36. The Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectra (EDS) mappings at low magnification show the uniform elemental distributions of Nd, Ni, O, and doped Sr in the polycrystalline in Fig. 1a. Figure 1b illustrates the temperature dependence of resistivity for bulk Nd0.8Sr0.2NiO2 under ambient pressure. Notably, it exhibits strong insulating behavior over the temperature range of 2 to 300 K, indicating the absence of superconductivity in bulk Nd0.8Sr0.2NiO2.
The magnifying high-angle annular dark-field (HAADF-STEM) image in Fig. 1c reveals the presence of numerous stripes within the Nd0.8Sr0.2NiO2 grains. Further insight into the interior grains gives clear stripe contrast in Figs. 1d and 1e. Some of these stripes are arranged in parallel to [010] direction (marked by a yellow box in Fig. 1c), while the others exhibit a vertically staggered distribution (marked by a red box in Fig. 1c). The selected area electron diffraction (SAED) displays the elongated diffraction spots extending along the [001] direction in the inset of Fig. 1d, while the diffraction spots are elongated both along [010] and [001] directions in Fig. 1e, suggesting the formation of 90° interleaved stripe configurations.
Subsequently, a detailed analysis of the stripe-like structure is conducted. Atomic resolution HAADF-STEM and iDPC-STEM with the capability of imaging heavy and light elements simultaneously are used to identify these phases as the T′-type (Rn+1NinO2n+2, R is rare-earth) structure, which is classified by the number of NiO2 layers n. As illustrated in Fig. 2a, taking n = 3 (R4Ni3O8) as an example, the apical oxygen of NiO6 octahedra in the parent RP phase (R4Ni3O10) is deintercalated after the topotactic reduction. This conversion changes the RO planes by sole element R, accompanied by the transformation of NiO6 octahedra into NiO2 square-planar. Moreover, the pristine rock salt layers are changed into the fluorite structure after topotactic reduction, with additional oxygen atoms inserted between two R layers as indicated by the red spheres in Fig. 2a. Figure 2b displays a typical iDPC-STEM image of the T′-type phase, highlighting the formation of fluorite slabs and infinite NiO2 layers. The inserted oxygen layer is indicated by orange arrow. The HAADF-STEM image in Fig. 2c reveals that the T′-type phases with different layers number n are alternatively arranged along the c axis separated by the fluorite layers. The intensity profile across the interface is plotted in Fig. 2d. The lattice spacing is reduced at the fluorite layers and the interface is well resolved from the geometrical phase analysis (GPA) in Figs. 2e and 2f. The compressive strain εyy reaches a negative maximum value at the fluorite layers. In addition, the intensity of R atom columns near the fluorite layers is relatively weaker than that in infinite layers, as indicated by the purple stars in Fig. 2d, implying the changed chemical composition according to the Z contrast character of HAADF-STEM imaging. In consideration of the co-occupying Sr and Nd atoms at R sites, the decreased intensity reveals a higher ratio of Sr/Nd localized at the fluorite layers.
Chemical impurities in bulk Nd0.8Sr0.2NiO2
Furthermore, high resolution STEM-EDS measurements were carried out to analyze the element distributions in Figs. 3a and 3b. The deficiency of Ni at the fluorite layers can be easily understood according to the atom model in Fig. 2a. Although the Nd seems to have a relatively uniform distribution, Sr is enriched at the fluorite layers, consistent with the increased ratio of Sr/Nd and thus the decreased contrast of HAADF-STEM image in Figs. 2c and 3a. The doped Sr plays a vital role in the multi-band properties and the minimum energy of infinite-layer nickelate, and the hole carriers provided by Sr are necessary for the superconductivity12. Moreover, the element F is unexpectedly observed at the fluorite layers, accompanied by a deficient oxygen distribution in Fig. 3b. It is noteworthy that the element F is not involved during the whole topotactic reduction process. We suppose that it might come from the impure CaH2 as the precursor of CaF2 could be introduced even with a small amount. It is further confirmed by the X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS) measurements of CaH2 in Fig. S1. Therefore, the chemical compositions of ingredients and target samples should be carefully examined before and after the topotactic reduction, as the unexpected impurities might play a significant role in superconductivity, such as the impurity H as discovered before20. The replacement of O by F atoms could change the valence state of Ni due to the strong electronegativity of F. Meanwhile, the fluorite layer might decouple the NiO2 layers and suppress the hybridization between the c-axis as discussed in the case of La2NiO3F 39–41.
Moreover, atomic resolution EELS elemental mappings show similar distributions to the EDS results in Fig. S2. The EELS near-edge fine structures of O K, F K, Ni L, and Nd M edges were measured both for the infinite-layer phase and T′-type phase, as depicted in Fig. 3c. The O K edge shows almost no changes between the two phases. The distinct K edge of F appears at around 685 eV for fluorite layers, further evidencing the existence of impurity F. Particularly, F only replaces oxygen at the fluorite layers and it is not discovered in the infinite NiO2 layers. Although the fine structures of the Nd M edge show no difference, the prominent increased intensity of the L3 edge for Ni is observed for T′-type phase. The larger ratio of L3/L2 corresponds to the higher valence of Ni. The resultant valence state of Ni leads to the modified 3d-orbital electron filling and thus non-superconducting states according to the superconducting phase diagram23, 42. As the infinite-layer structure and the proper concentration of doped Sr are essential to superconductivity, the presence of various T′-type phases with such imperfects would probably lead to the insulating and non-superconducting characters in nickelates25, 36, 43.
3D block-like configurations
In addition to the T′-type phases arranged vertically to the c-axis (parallel stripes), the stripes parallel to the c-axis (vertical stripes) are also formed as shown in Figs. 1e and 4a, highly intersected with the parallel ones. Figure 4b shows an enlarged iDPC image of the vertical stripes and the atomic structure model is displayed on the upper side. In contrast to the T′-type phases with additional oxygen/fluorine layers, the vertical stripes are formed just by a \(\frac{1}{2}\)c shift of the infinite-layer phase (left) with respect to the other one (right) along the [001] axis, similar to the stacking fault structure. The vertical and parallel stripes can be clearly distinguished by GPA in Figs. 4c and 4d. These two types of defects are coherent with the infinite-layer phase, finally forming a 3D block-like configuration in the bulk nickelates.
To clarify the 3D block-like configurations clearly, the joint region is shown in Fig. 4e with the sample oriented along [001] direction. The boundaries are indicated by the green dotted lines. The relatively uniform contrast at each atomic column for Area 2 indicates two overlapping regions along [001] direction with a translation vector of \(\frac{1}{2}\left[110\right]\), in contrast to that in Areas 1, 3, and 4. Based on the structural analysis along [001] direction above, the 3D atom model is built in Fig. 4f. When viewed along [001] direction, the intersecting domain structures are consistent with the observations of the central region in Fig. 4e. We also compared the EELS fine structure with that of the infinite-layer phase in Fig. S3, no obvious difference is observed for O K, Ni L and Nd M edges, further confirming that the regions are still the infinite-layer phases. The polycrystalline Nd0.8Sr0.2NiO2 are not only segmented by the grain boundaries but also disrupted by the stripe domains as schematically shown in Fig. 4g. These stripe structures are presented with the modified chemical composition and electronic structure within the crystal grains as discussed in Fig. 3, which could be the possible origin of insulating behavior and absent superconductivity in bulk nickelates.
Distortions in infinite layers
At last, the local lattice distortions of the infinite-layer phase are analyzed as there is always a strong correlation between different degrees of freedom in perovskite oxides44. The soft chemical topotactic reduction reduces the perovskite RNiO3 to the infinite layer RNiO2 by removing the apical oxygen atoms in the distorted NiO6 octahedron and thus generates a two-dimensional NiO2 plane with square coordination, as schematically shown in Fig. 5a. iDPC-STEM technique was used to visualize the oxygen45 in the infinite layers in Fig. 5b. Remarkably, there is still residual apical oxygen in Nd/Sr plane after topotactic reduction, as indicated by the orange arrows in Fig. 5c − 5e with a random distribution. To exclude the possible imaging artifacts, iDPC-STEM simulations are conducted based on the perfect atomic model of the infinite-layer in Fig. S4. No extra contrast is observed at the positions of apical oxygen atoms. Therefore, it is suggested that a few residual apical oxygen atoms are still present in the bulk, which could be caused by the insufficient topotactic reduction due to the large volume of the bulk sample, unlike the thin films only with a thickness of tens of nanometers. Besides, the strain effect in thin films could degenerate the equivalent occupancy of oxygen atoms in NiO6 octahedron and facilitate the removal of apical oxygen more easily, in contrast to the similar oxygen coordination environment in the bulk.
The presence of residual apical oxygen would generate a large interlayer coupling between intralayer Ni cations by altering the electron energy levels31 and impact the flatness of the infinite NiO2 planes by introducing local structural distortions, which could serve a crucial role in superconductivity. Hence, the detailed atom position analysis was performed to evaluate the local distortions in Fig. 5f, including the lattice parameter of c/a, the O-Ni-O bond angle, and the deviations of Ni atoms from the center of four-nearest Nd/Sr. The c/a ratio exhibits a wide fluctuation ranging from 0.81 to 0.99 in Fig. 5g, indicating the nonuniform structural distortions. The values c/a measured on a large number of iDPC-STEM images are statistically plotted in Fig. 5h, leading to the average value of approximately 0.886 ± 0.021, comparable to the value of 0.86 in thin films at the same concentration of Sr doping1.
The displacement of Ni atoms is plotted here in Fig. 5i with yellow arrows, and the contour map of the bond angle is overlaid together. Obviously, the bond angles O-Ni-O are largely deviated from the 180°, thereby suppressing the flatness of superconducting NiO2 layers. The regions with large distortions of the NiO2 plane correspond to a large displacement of Ni as indicated by arrows in Fig. 5i. The disorders within the NiO2 layers are consistent with previous X-ray analysis of bulk polycrystalline samples with broaden diffraction peaks36. These observations suggest the complicated distortions in Ni-O planes for polycrystalline Nd0.8Sr0.2NiO2 after chemical reduction. Referring to the widely observed superconducting characters in nickelate thin films, it could therefore be inferred that the strain could suppress the local distortions and potentially flatten the NiO2 planes, which might be necessary for accommodating the superconductivity but absent in its bulk form46–49.
In summary, the microstructure and atomic structure of polycrystalline nickelates were thoroughly analyzed by scanning transmission electron microscopy to reveal the origin of absent superconductivity in its bulk form. A large number of T′-type phases and stacking-fault-like defects are found to form the 3D block-like configurations, disrupting the continuity within crystal grains. The impurity F is unexpectedly discovered to replace the oxygen atoms in the fluorite layers. The fluorite layers in the T′-type phases are found to be Sr-rich and F-rich, leading to the change of valence state of Ni accordingly. Moreover, the residual oxygen atoms were observed in the Nd/Sr plane due to the incomplete topotactic reduction, which could distort the local structure and hinder the flatness of the NiO2 plane. These structural defects and local distortions in infinite layers could be responsible for the insulating and non-superconducting characters in bulk nickelates. Our findings highlight the importance of proper topotactic reduction and structural order to superconducting properties and suggest the possible origin of absent superconductivity in nickelates.