Comparing the pediatric population with the population of adults the BCR::ABL1-neg MPN are not only much rarer, but also in more than 50% of pediatric patients these neoplasms are triple-negative, i.e. without JAK2 or CALR or MPL mutation, which drive BCR::ABL1-neg MPN in absolute majority of adult patiens [5, 6, 7],
Rarity of BCR::ABL1-neg MPN in children and adolescents severely limits the possibilities to perform clinical studies on these malignancies in pediatric population, and in the consequence, in contrast to adult population, still there are still no established specific diagnostic and prognostic criteria and clear treatment recommendations based on these criteria, including indications for allo-HSCT in pediatric patients suffering from BCR::ABL1-neg MPN [1, 7, 8].
For these reasons there have been no prospective or even retrospective studies on long-term outcomes of allo-HSCT in a representative group of pediatric patients with BCR::ABL1-neg MPN, and the reports published so far on results of allo-HSCT in these patients remain scanty and casuistic [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15].
However, this retrospective study on allo-HSCT outcomes in a larger group of children and adolescents transplanted for BCR::ABL1-neg MPN became possible in the EBMT Registry.
To date the study group is the largest cohort of children and adolescents with BCR::ABL1-neg MPN receiving allo-HSCT ever collected and analysed.
Previously, the largest group of children with primary myelofibrosis treated and cured with allo-HSCT was published by Hussain et al. [14]. This cohort consisted of 8 patients less than 2 years of age diagnosed during infancy. However five of these patients have parents with close consanguinity, two of them had a strong family history of infant myelofibrosis with recurrent early childhood deaths, which might suggest a congenital predisposition. Apart from this report there have been several other reports of familial cases of infant myelofibrosis primarily in regions of the world with high degree of consanguinity [12, 20]. All of the familial cases presented at a very young age and had poor outcomes without HSCT. Thus, the cohort described by Hussein et al. [14] seems to be a very specific one not necessarily reflecting the biology and clinics of BCR::ABL1-neg MPN in the whole pediatric population.
Majority of patients from analysed cohort, altogether 38 (90.5%), underwent allo-HSCT for PMF (n = 33; 78.3%) or for sAML (n = 3; 7.1%) or for post-ET/PV MF (n = 2; 4.8%), i.e. for those BCR::ABL1-neg MPN subtypes, which according to experience in adults are related to worst survival and can only be cured with allo-HSCT, which can induce molecular remission and resolution of bone marrow fibrosis [21]. According to retrospective analysis performed on behalf of the CMWP of EBMT among adult patients transplanted for myelofibrosis between 1995–2018 78.2% underwent allo-HSCT for PMF and remaining 21.8% for post-ET/PV MF [22].
Indeed, allo-HSCT can cure a substantial proportion (55%) of adult patients with MPN, post-ET/PV MF and sAML, but is still not universally applicable due to risk of severe toxic, immunological and infectious complications, which leads to therapy-related morbidity and mortality [21, 22].
Therefore, to determine the prognosis and indications for allo-HSCT in adult patients with PMF or post-ET/PV-MF the risk scores taking into account patient-specific risk factors including molecular markers have been developed currently [23, 24, 25]. In contrast, to the date in children and adolescents with PMF or post-ET/PV-MF, the specific prognostic factors were not investigated and in consequence so far there are no the specific pediatric risk-scores allowing establishing indication for allo-HSCT.
The whole study group was characterized by young median age at diagnosis (5.5 years) and at transplantation (6.1 years), by a short median time between diagnosis and transplantation (8.4 months), and by marked predominance of male over female (59.5% vs 40.5%). For comparison, the median age of adults who underwent allo-HSCT for myelofibrosis between 1995–2018 was 57.2 years, 62.8% were male, and the median interval diagnosis-allo-HSCT was 31.1 months [22].. The rate of performance status below 90 in studied children was somewhat lower (23.7%) than in adults (32.5%) in whom it was identified as one of factors associated with worse NRM and OS [22].
Half of the patients from the studied cohort were transplanted from MSD and the second half from non-MSD. Apart from that almost half (47.6%) of patients underwent allo-HSCT between 2000–2007, and only somewhat more than half (52.4%) between 2008–2022. Thus, there was a unique opportunity to compare allo-HSCT outcomes in pediatric patients transplanted for BCR::ABL1-neg MPN from MSD and from non-MSD as well as in those transplanted between 2000–2007 and between 2008–2022.
In terms of donor type, in children transplanted from MSD the diagnosis profile, median age at diagnosis and at transplantation were similar to those observed in children transplanted from non-MSD.
Among differences between these two subpopulations, the Lansky score below 80 points was more commonly found before MSD-HSCT (25%), than before non-MSD-HSCT (5.3%), the median time-period between diagnosis and transplantation was significantly shorter in case of MSD-HSCT (4.9 months) than in case of non-MSD-HSCT (11 months) (p = 0.008), and bone marrow was significantly more frequent source of HSC for MSD-HSCT (71.4%) than for non-MSD-HSCT (28.6%) (p = 0.008). In case of adults transplanted for myelofibrosis the peripheral blood was the predominant source of HSC (in total 88.9%) irrespectively from the donor type [22].
Myeloablative, chemotherapy-based conditioning regimen was given to 92.7% of patients. Between 2000–2007 it was usually busulfan-based regimen (85%) and no one patient obtained treosulfan-based regimen, whereas between 2008–2022 more than one third of patients (36.4%) received treosulfan-based regimen. Only 7.3% of patients were given non-myeloablative regimen. In contrast, as many as 63.1% of adult recipients with myelofibrosis received the reduced intensity conditioning [22].
GvHD prophylaxis was almost exclusively CsA-based. The T-cell depletion in vivo was used in 90% of patients from non-MSD-HSCT group and it was twice as often as in MSD-HSCT group (p = 0.002).
On day + 60 after transplantation the cumulative incidence of neutrophil and platelet recovery was 85.7% and 78.4%, respectively.
Day + 100 incidence of aGvHD grade II-IV was (36%) and was comparable with that one observed in adults transplanted for myelofibrosis (28–35%) [22].
Day + 100 incidence of aGvHD grade II-IV was significantly lower after MSD-HSCT (20.0%) than after non-MSD-HSCT (52.6%), but the rates of aGvHD III-IV, cGvHD and extensive cGvHD after MSD-HSCT and non-MSD-HSCT did not differ significantly.
In the studied cohort of children the overall occurrence of 6y cGvHD (16.6%) and 6y extensive cGvHD (12.4%) was several times lower than those reported by McLornan et al. [22] in adults transplanted for myelofibrosis.
In this pediatric cohort the cumulative incidence of NRM after 6 years was 17.2%, while McLornan et al. (2021) observed 30% NRM after 3 years in adults. Graft failure and GvHD were the most common causes of NRM in children, whereas GvHD and infection in adults. It is worth noting that NRM did not occur at all in children receiving bone marrow.
In addition, in children obtaining bone marrow also the 6-year PFS and the 6-year OS were significantly higher than in children obtaining HSC from other sources, i.e. 80.1% vs 48.4% (p = 0.04) and 83.5% vs 51.4% (p = 0.02), respectively. In contrast, according to McLornan et al. (2021) there was no effect of stem cell source on survival outcomes in adults transplanted for myelofibrosis between 1995–2018.
For the whole study group after 6 years RI was 17.8%, PFS was 64.9%, GRFS 49.1%, and OS 68.6%. For comparison, in the cohort of adults transplanted between 1995–2018 for myelofibrosis studied by McLornan et al. [22] after 3 years RI was 21–24%, RFS was 47–50%, and OS was 55–60%.
Comparing outcomes of allo-HSCT in studied cohort of children in relation to the transplant period, the 6-year RI between 2000–2007 was significantly higher than between 2008–2022 (30% vs 4.5%) (p = 0.046), however, the 6-year PFS, GRFS, and OS – despite the visible trend to be improved - were not significantly different. Also McLornan et al. [22] demonstrated improvements in reductions in relapse risk and in overall survival over time in adults transplanted for myelofibrosis between 1995–2018.
Several limitations of this study can be recognized, including retrospective, registry-based nature of the analysis, small size of the studied cohort of pediatric patients, a lack of data on pretransplant treatment, a lack of data on mutational status, and a lack of comprehensive marrow status data at the time of allo-HSCT.
On the other hand, to date this is the largest and the first one multicenter study on transplant-specific characteristics and outcomes of allo-HSCT for BCR::ABL1-neg MPN in pediatric patients. The follow-up time is long (22 years) and the analysis supports the potentially curative role of allo-HSCT for myelofibrosis in children and adolescents. In addition, the study identifies problems related to as extremely rare neoplasms as the childhood BCR::ABL1-neg MPN are, especially in the context of allo-HSCT. Namely, there is a lack of comprehensive knowledge about molecular biology of pediatric BCR::ABL1-neg MPN and therefore, there is a lack of prognostic factors and prognostic-scores, and in consequence there is a lack of clear indications to assure appropriate pediatric patient selection for allo-HSCT.
Thus, this retrospective analysis indicates the need of prospective studies to establish molecular-based indications for allo-HSCT in children and adolescents suffering from BCR::ABL1-neg MPN, especially from myelofibrosis, and to develop the optimal pretransplant, transplant, and posttransplant allo-HSCT procedures as it takes place in adult patients with these neoplasms [26, 27].