The autoimmune reaction due to the molecular similitude between antigens of Streptococcus pyogenes and proteins in the tissues of joints, heart, and central nervous system is the primary speculation underlying the development of RF and RHD [2]. Few genetic polymorphisms in the particles that participate in the immune responses have been contributed in RF and RHD vulnerability [46]. The activation cascade of the complement proteins is the first-line defense barrier against Streptococcus pyogenes infections. As of their significant role in disposing of rheumatic etiological agents, the deficiency of lectin pathway molecules is considered as responsible for the seriousness and vulnerability to rheumatic morbidities [47, 48]. The current writing about the role of MBL and ficolins in the pathogenesis of RF and RHD is as yet rare; however, their double function regarding RF has been hypothesized [11].
Pathogens are recognized and bound to ficolins, resulting in their neutralization and opsonization, followed by activation of the complement lectin pathway [49]. Although ficolins together with MBL are fundamentally similar both in terms of structure and function, these proteins likely have diverse roles in immunity. Ficolin-3 can actuate the lectin pathway of complement to a much higher degree than ficolin-1, ficolin-2, and MBL. Exclusively among ficolins, ficolin-3 was highly resistant to collagenase-treatment as compared with the other initiators of the lectin complement pathway [50].
Unfortunately, studies on the significance of ficolins in RF and RHD are insufficient, despite their obvious contribution in activation of the innate immune response through complements and in autoimmunity [51].
Few previous studies on FCN1 and FCN2 genes have found that some polymorphisms of both genes could give a protective role against RF, by empowering bacterial elimination in addition to activation of the expression of these genes leading to an increase in the production of their proteins. Contrarily, they could also make the patients more susceptible to symptoms of RHD, probably due to contribution in tissue injury and chronic inflammation, in this way emphasizing the double action of ficolin-1 and ficolin-2 in both cases [16, 41, 42].
Up till now, the role of FCN3 gene polymorphism in RF and RHD pathogenesis remains unknown. As far as we could possibly know, this is the first study to investigate FCN3 gene polymorphisms (rs4494157 and rs10794501) together with their related genotypes and levels of serum ficolin-3 in patients suffering from RF and RHD.
In the current study, the significant high serum level of ficolin-3 in patients suffering from RF with and without RHD in comparison with control reflects its role in complements initiation and subsequent pathogenesis of RF and RHD. There have been no reports concerning the relationship between ficolin-3 and RF but several findings are indicating that high levels of ficolin-3 may contribute to the induction of inflammation as in diabetic retinopathy [52], SLE [29], leprosy [53], ovarian cancer [28], acute leukemia [26] and associated with post-operative graft loss in kidney transplantation [30].
Based on the increase in inflammation development associated with high levels of ficolin-3, It was assumed that the involvement of ficolin-3 in immune evasion of Streptococcus pyogenes in RF and RHD patients is as a result of its anti-opsonic response to complements overactivation [54].
Interestingly, lectin pathway activators, including MBL, both ficolin-1 and 2 were appeared to bind to Streptococcus pyogenes leading to MASPs activation [11]. Although no direct binding of ficolin-3 on Streptococcus pyogenes was found, it is known that the Streptococcus pyogenes cell walls contain long polymers of GlcNAc, that is a target for ficolins [55] and could, therefore, be a potential ligand for ficolin-3 also. So, our findings open a new window to study the potential interaction between ficolin-3 and Streptococcus pyogenes.
Given the (rs4494157), we observed that higher ficolin-3 levels were also associated with certain genotypes of FCN3 that contain the A allele in intron 7. Interestingly, intron 7 contains CpG islands and enriched for typical modifications of histone that are known to characterize active enhancers [56, 57].
Several regulatory proteins (such as SPI1-Spleen focus forming virus (SFFV), CTCF-CCCTC-binding factor, EGR1-Early growth response protein 1 and Proviral Integration 1) bind to this intronic area, as shown by chromatin immune-precipitation technique in several cell lines (such as HMC-cardiac myocytes, NHL-lung fibroblasts, and BJ-skin fibroblast). The variants within this sequence may increase the activity of enhancer in light to inflammation signals, resulting in stimulated gene transcription and higher levels of its protein [53].
Additionally, the possibility of regulatory proteins binding in this site could modify the alternative splicing of exon 4, whose inclusion in the most abundant FCN3 transcript leads to a longer collagenous tail [53].
The most important result in this study was related to the FCN3 A allele (rs4494157). Our finding suggests that this allele may be a risk factor for the progression of RF to its chronic form. Thus, patients conveying the FCN3 A allele may be at high risk for recurrent infection, and a higher likelihood to develop in RHD. Consequently, early identification, carefully monitoring should be given for those patients. Besides, clinicians must confirm adherence of those patients to secondary prophylaxis intervention [58]. Actually, secondary prophylaxis adherence of RF patients is typically poor, especially in young people which was perceived as the principal explanation for RF repeats and RHD advancement [58, 59].
Significant differences in the distribution of MBL2 and FCN3 alleles and genotypes have been identified among the population from various continents. These distinctive genetic patterns may almost certainly affect serum MBL and ficolin-3 levels, accordingly modifying worldwide susceptibility for the disease [60, 61]. What's more, the presence of the C allele in controls in highly significant patterns as compared to RF patients could show that the presence of the C allele may have a defensive action against the occurrence of RF and RHD. Moreover, these data propose that the cardiac manifestations development of RF is related to high ficolin-3 levels and its linked genotypes, also, that this relationship is a direct result of a certain mechanism related to FCN3 gene polymorphism and not related to an acute-phase reaction.
In interpreting the results of our study, some restrictions should be addressed. First, SNPs selection was dependent on what we have found in the literature. However, there are many SNPs that could be highly prominent in ethnics included in this study. Second limitation, the sample size was not huge enough to clarify a more extensive picture for FCN3 genotype distribution among Egyptian adolescents. So, to verify these findings, further larger sample-based studies are recommended in Egyptians and Mediterranean ethnics. Third, the present study does not include long-term patients’ follow-up, so it is difficult to recognize which patients develop RHD and its associated risk factors.