AR remote collaboration for supporting assistance or training, on-site workers always need to operate specific devices(e.g., replacement or disassembling parts) when have little relevant experience or knowledge to efficiently perform the task, in such cases, it is very critical to enable remote experts can provide local workers with non-verbal cues on the no-site. This includes two significant challenges, that is, how to enable remote experts to easily and intuitively express cues, and how to convert AAS-based cues into standard guidance symbols. In this part, we will review related works on AR remote collaborative work in three points around these two critical challenges.
2.1 SAR-based remote collaboration
According to survey papers[1, 11, 12, 30, 31] closely related to AR remote collaboration, the SAR interface is one of the most popular conditions(e.g., desktop-based, handheld, head-mounted displays(HMD), SAR-based interface) used on the working site and the on-site workers, significantly, prefer the SAR-based interface because of freeing up hands and no need to wear a helmet. As confirmed by the literature, there is much research on SAR-based remote collaboration in training, repair, assembly, etc.
Baumeister et al.[32] investigated into the influence of AR instructions in terms of users’ cognitive load using three interfaces: SAR, AR-HMD, and VR-HMD, and found that the SAR interface has the advantages of reducing the word and cognitive load. Recently, Wang et al.[33] developed SAR-based assembly guidance platform, UcAI, converting the expert’s potential experience into AR-based instructions of effective visual features. The control user study showed that UcAI has a remarkably positive influence on reducing users’ cognitive load, improving assembly efficiency, and reducing the potential for confusion or error, Specifically, in high-precision operation tasks. Due to the rapid development of gesture recognition sensors, gesture-based cues provide a new world for AR remote collaboration. Wang et al.[23] discussed the effects of sharing the 2.5D gestures in a SAR remote collaborative assembly compared with the AAS condition. They found that gesture-based cues and AAS both have a significant impact on remote collaborative tasks concerning the average completion time and user general collaborative experience. Higuchi et al.[34] designed a SAR remote collaborative system based on sharing gaze and gesture cues, which can real-timely guide the local user to build a Lego setting task. Nevertheless, this SAR remote collaborative platform has a limitation of the fractured ecology[15]. In particular, when the remote expert interacts with the mobile device, the no-site users may confuse the spatial relationship between hands and virtual objects. To overcome this limitation, Wang et al.[35] evaluated the gesture and head pointing (GHP) cues in SAR remote collaboration. They believe that the SAR non-verbal cues in a typical assembly task can improve the collaborative experience. Furthermore, Wang et al.[36, 37] proposed an AR remote collaborative platform for training in manufacturing employing 3D virtual replicas, and found that AR instructions based on the combination of gestures and virtual replicas have a positive influence on user experience, such as presence, attention, enjoyment, and confidence.
Although there is some MR remote collaborative research on training, assembly, and maintenance, they focus on the advantages of the naturalness and flexibility of non-verbal cues based on AAS, gestures, and 3D virtual replicas. More significantly, a large body of study points to the fact that SAR visual cues have quite a positive effect on remote collaboration on performance and general user experience.
2.2 Sharing AAS cues
AAS-based cues are widely used in remote collaboration on assembly and training because it’s easily implemented and freely and naturally express the key visual communication information[1, 11, 12, 30, 38]. There has been a large number of scholars have been putting a premium on how remote experts naturally and intuitively express AAS and improve remote collaboration platforms using AAS cues.
A versatile SAR remote collaboration system, TeleAdvisor, was designed by Gurevich et al. [24, 25] based on the pair of camera and projector in the local site to connect the remote expert using a desktop-based interface creating AAS for performing a Lego construction task and equipment maintenance. They found that TeleAdvisor is a hands-free, practical, and low-cost strategy that improves remote collaboration in terms of task efficiency and understanding, in particular, minimizing the local users’ cognitive load. Recently, Wang et al.[23] proposed a SAR remote collaboration platform providing AAS and gesture cues, and the results showed AAS cues are more beneficial to remote users naturally expressing instructions. Kim et al.[39] developed an AR remote collaborative platform to explore the influence of three different visual cues (e.g., gestures, pointer, AAS), and the results showed that AAS, particularly, the combination of gestures and AAS, requires less cognitive effort, provides better communication cues, and increases the feeling of co-presence in the case of the dependent view. Wang et al.[14] also evaluated VR/SAR remote collaborative platform sharing AAS using gestures, and discovered AAS cues are beneficial to remote collaboration on building a Lego setting task.
The rapid development of AR technology and the deployment of advanced processors in mobile devices have opened up novel opportunities for improving AR remote collaboration. Latterly, Marques et al. [3, 4, 7, 8, 28, 40, 41] systematically studied how the AAS cues impact AR remote collaboration by taking advantage of mobile devices (e.g., smartphones and tablets) in local sites, as shown in Fig. 2. This AR remote collaboration system architecture adopts the desktop interface in the remote site based on a laptop and the AR interface in the local site based on a mobile phone, providing domain experts’ AAS instructions for local workers in maintenance and assembly tasks. They found a list of key requirements guiding developers in creating AAS cues, the stabilized AAS and video efficiently providing important ways for remote experts to cooperate with local professionals, and the critical strategies procedure on comprehensively understanding the remote collaborative process. There are lots of researchers who have explored several ways to provide a better awareness based on AAS. Cidota et al. [42] developed an AR virtual colocation system sharing visual and verbal cues, and results showed that, compared to verbal communication, the visual cues were significantly preferred by users over verbal or no notifications. Then, Kim et al.[43, 44] extended Cidota’s work to investigate how remote users can share ideas with local users by AAS-based cues, providing peripheral visual communication cues, to perform a real-world task under the condition of having an independent or a dependent view.
Most center attention on easily and intuitively expressing cues and the use of AAS to augment the on-site setting, such as sketches, pointers, and pre-designed visual cues (e.g., arrows), effectively enhancing remote collaborative tasks[8, 45, 46]. In daily life, sketches or annotations are a key interaction way always being used to highlight and indicate certain real-world objects of collaborative environment or to add signal tags and explanations. Importantly, the combination of sketches or annotations and AR remote collaboration technology can provide a powerful method of efficiently offering partners more visual cues facilitating overall mutual understanding of the working settings. It should be noted that the above-mentioned works showed that sharing AAS cues is very useful for meliorating remote collaborative tasks, and the AAS cues are one of the important visual cues commonly used in remote collaboration. Thus, we firmly believe that sharing AAS cues also drives performing the training task at an industrial manufacturing center.
2.3 Converting visual cues
During manual operations, reasonable AR-based guidance instructions are essential for improving performance efficiency and psychological aggregation, and minimizing cognitive and psychological fatigue[33, 47]. This view can be proved in user behavior. When the AR-based visual cues meet the user’s need recognition, workers require less experience and relevant information retrieval times and workload efforts to know the collaborative intention[33].
The issue of enhancing visual guidance cues for AR instructions has gained attention in recent years. Mohr et al.[48] proposed a prototype system that can convert the key guidance procedure in the printed technical documentation into three-dimensional AR animations registered to the physical object by recognizing annotated explosion diagrams. The system can generate an interactive AR presentation which can be useful for assembly training and understanding the structure of products. Engelke et al.[49] presented a new concept being enable experts to convert task descriptions into AR-based instructions, and the results showed the efficiency of the concept and the application.
For an assembly training task in the industrial sector, Wang et al.[36] proposed an adaptive MR remote collaborative platform, reducing user demonstration operations, that the remote expert can easily interact with three-dimensional virtual replicas on a Virtual Reality (VR) site, then the guidance animation can be displayed in partners’ views, allowing the local worker to assemble the product following these instructions. For on-routine maintenance, Kritzler et al.[50] designed a providing remote assistance system, RemoteBob, that could enable remote experts to share guidance instructions using AAS and virtual replicas with on-site workers, and found that virtual replica cues could avoid miscommunication, provide clear visual cues, and reduce operations errors. However, there is a fractured ecology of the local or remote interface which easily makes a distraction for users. For remote maintenance, Scurati et al. [26] introduced an exhaustive and standard vocabulary of symbols representing AR instructions on the basis of guessability and homogeneity, and they believe that the proposed approach is a starting point for determining criteria principles, accepted by AR manuals, for designing AR instructions.
The aforementioned study shows that AR instruction design should meet users’ mental representation and take into account users’ cognitive state as well as common sense[51, 52]. Recently, although AI-based VR/AR interfaces increasingly attract more and more attention by using deep learning in training that is relevant for maintenance and assembly, there is little research keeping an eye on ATI in remote collaboration on training. Thus, for assembly training in an industrial manufacturing center, these researches have room to be improved by ATI of visual guidance cues, particularly, AAS.
2.4 Summary
Based on the comprehensive review of the aforementioned research, we can extract three significant insights. First, with the rapid development of VR/AR technologies and suitable VR/AR devices becoming available, an increasing number of visual communication cues (e.g., AAS, gestures, gaze) have been exploited to enhance remote collaboration for assembly training and maintenance. Nevertheless, the research did not focus on converting visual communication cues into standard symbols in AR, as a result, there was little research on ATI. Second, although lots of researchers explored sharing AAS cues in SAR remote collaboration for physical tasks, they did not consider how to transfer AAS cues to standard AR instructions in industry and explore the effect of ATI in remote collaborative tasks. Third, providing assistance based on AAS is a good way to enhance AR remote collaboration concerning performance. However, the guidance cues based on AAS have a certain degree of arbitrariness when created by remote experts, which can darkly affect collaboration efficiency, leading to more verbal cues for better understanding to each other.
Therefore, to address the limitations of prior research on sharing AAS cues and open the potential of AAS in remote collaboration on training, we designed a novel SAR remote collaborative platform. Firstly, the platform can share the AAS-based visual cues which are naturally and intuitively created by remote experts to express instructions and improve mutual collaboration using a computer that is the most widely used and familiar interaction interface in our daily life and work. Secondly, the platform combines ATI cues and AAS notifications in a complementary way to allow remote users to designate the specific area or objects in SAR on-site working settings, and to better understand and grasp the dynamic interplay between collaborative members influenced by cultural differences and personal experiences and more. Thirdly, using the platform, we conducted a formal user study in which local workers followed the instructions provided by remote experts to perform an assembly training task in a SAR workspace by using two conditions of AAS and ATI visual notification.
It is important to note that the specific needs and preferences of remote collaborators may vary depending on the nature of their work and the tasks they are performing. As such, it may be useful to conduct further research or gather feedback from local/remote collaborators to better understand their needs and preferences when it comes to SAR remote collaboration based on sharing AAS and interfaces. Through these efforts, we hope that a better understanding can be gained of the interaction situation and mutual collaboration between local workers, enabling the development of more effective strategies and measures of offering better performance and a more immersive experience for training tasks.