Frey and Osborne (2013) analysed mobile robotics and machine learning to investigate how susceptible jobs are to computerisation. In Mobile Robotics, new algorithms and developments arrived because they can use big data as sources. These processes led to the fact that previously non-routine tasks could be automatised. Occupations that rely heavily on complex perception and manipulation tasks, creative intelligence tasks, or social intelligence tasks are unlikely to be robotised or replaced by computers in the next two decades. Based on these, the authors stated that the probability of an occupation being computerised could be described as a function of these task characteristics. For example, based on their perception, the requirement of a low degree (they created a 0 to 100 automation risk scale, 0 resulting in low probability) of social intelligence in an occupation makes it more susceptible to automation.
Frey and Osborne (2013) used the O*Net database to implement their methodology; the O*NET was initially collected from labour market analysts and regularly updated. It contains detailed information about occupations, most of which correspond closely to the Standard Occupation Classification 2010 (SOC10) of the Labour Department. The O*NET defines those critical features of an occupation which is necessary for their method. The database allowed them to objectively rank occupations according to the mix of KSA-s (knowledge, skills, and abilities) and subjectively categorise them based on their various tasks. (Frey and Osborne 2013)
This approach was applied in this study; therefore, the initial task was to match the SOC10 with the Hungarian Standard Classification of Occupations 2008 (HSCO08). However, this process was not evident, as a direct translator could not be found. Therefore, this translation was done in several steps (Fig. 1.). First, the SOC10 was translated into the International Standard Classification of Occupations 2008 (ISCO 08) (BLS 2012), which was then translated into HSCO08 (KSH 2021). An additional translation was necessary for one year of the database used in this study; for 2007, an HSCO08-HSCO93 (KSH 2008) matching was carried out as there has been realised an ISCO harmonisation in Hungary in 2008. Altogether, 485 different occupations are classified in the HSCO08 system, of which only 28 resulted in no match1. The complete list of the HSCO08 FO values can be found in Appendix 1.
In the analysis, Hungarian Wage Surveys2 data were used (Krtk 2016)for three selected years (2007, 2011, and 2016). The justification of this selection is the following: the aim of the study is to analyse a 10-year-long period. Since 2016 is the latest data available, the time period is 2007–2016, where the initial year is not distorted by the effects of the global financial crisis. As an intermediate year, 2011 is also selected in the middle of the period, which can be evaluated as the peak year of the crisis' impact in Hungary.
The Wage Survey contains all of the public sector employees by random sampling, while for the non-public sector, all of the employees of the companies above 50 employees are selected based on random sampling; below this limit, all of the employees of a random sampling of companies are included (5–50 employees)3 (Fig. 2.). The database contains annual data on hundreds of thousands of employees.
Initially, a consistency check was run for all available data; however, it turned out that the public sector had to be removed from the analysis for two reasons. First, in Hungary, after 2016, the number of public workers increased dramatically (Molnár et al. 2019) due to government programs. As all public sector employees are affected by the random sampling, their proportion increased heavily, which increased the FO values since most public jobs are associated with high automation risk. Second, the public sector might have different (e.g., political, solidarity, other societal) purposes when employment-related policy decisions are made (as suggested in the literature, e.g., Kóti 2019). As a result, only the data on the private sector employed occupations remained in the analysis (Table 1). As it can be seen, the sample ratio is larger than 8% in all the years, leading to a high-quality data interpretation and validity; therefore, representativeness is ensured.
Table 1
Representativeness of the analysed data
Year | Total no of employees | No of employees in the non-public sector | Sample data | Ratio |
2007 | 2,760,672 | 2,012,084 | 171,895 | 8.54% |
2011 | 2,691,507 | 1,956,592 | 162,673 | 8.31% |
2016 | 2,977,888 | 2,105,079 | 186,568 | 8.86% |
Source: CSO Dissemination Database (2021) |
The authors analysed 175 Hungarian NUTS4 micro-regions. Eventually, the data matching and collection process resulted in 2 micro-region-HSCO matrices (175 regions x 482 occupations) regarding the following two areas:
- the employees,
- the FO values.
Region-specific weighted average FO values (automation risk) were calculated using employment and FO values from these matrices. To interpret the changes in employment and automation risk, regions were categorised into four groups:
General improvement (GenImp): increasing employment and improving FO values,
General deterioration (GenDet): decreasing employment and worsening FO values,
Employment-based deterioration (EmpDet): increasing employment and worsening FO values,
Employment-based improvement (EmpImp): decreasing employment and improving FO values.
This categorisation scheme allows for the identification of the changes, considering whether the FO value improvement or deterioration was due to the general trend of having a lower level of employment or not. Furthermore, to account for the interplay between automation risk, productivity and agglomeration effects, gross value added per employee (Cai and Leung 2020), and urbanisation indices were also estimated4.