The dynamic changes of mobile terminals have led to the more complex environment for edge computing resource allocation. Edge nodes are generally mobile wireless devices or network devices with limited processing capacity, and have relatively limited computing resources. The importance of computing tasks for terminal devices changes dynamically , and the corresponding computing efficiency also changes. Therefore , the dynamic resource allocation is particularly important in the edge computing environments. In order to maximize the efficiency of using edge computing resources, increase the profit of edge node, and reduce the cost of edge terminal devices, exploring an efficient dynamic resource pricing and allocation mechanism for edge computing is an urgent problem that we need to solve. In this paper, 1 Springer Nature 2021 L A T E X template Dynamic Pricing in Edge computing Resource Allocation Based on Stackelberg Dynam we describe the dynamic pricing and resource allocation problem between edge node and terminal devices as a Stackelberg dynamic game model, and solve the Nash equilibrium solution of the model through Bellman dynamic programming theory. During the resource allocation process, to get the optimal computing resource price of edge node and the optimal computing resource usage of terminal devices.