The present study summarizes the preclinical data concerning compound 8, a derivative of PST3093, the long-lasting istaroxime metabolite. Compound 8 is devoid of the oxime moiety and was selected in an in vitro screening based on optimization of selectivity for SERCA2a activation vs inhibition of the Na+/K+ ATPase [11]. The emerging profile of compound 8 indicates that it has a low acute toxicity, it is active in isolated myocytes and in reversing STZ-induced diastolic dysfunction in vivo. Compound 8 effects were qualitatively similar after i.v. and oral administration; incremental effect during repeated once-a-day dosing suggests pharmacokinetics suitable for chronic usage.
Previous results on molecular function in cell free systems [11] indicate that compound 8 enhances SERCA2a enzymatic activity selectively, i.e. without appreciably affecting Na+/K+ pump activity. The present studies at cellular and in vivo levels, confirm this view and collectively point to compound 8 ability to improve Ca2+ confinement within the SR. This extends the conclusions of previous molecular studies to the fully integrated biological system.
The SERCA2a stimulatory activity of istaroxime and PST3093, from which compound 8 was derived, depends on the presence of PLN [9, 20]; thus, suggesting that these compounds enhance SERCA2a activity by relieving its inhibition by PLN. The same likely applies to compound 8 [11], which has a closely similar chemical structure. Hence, these compounds can be collectively defined as “PLN antagonists”, a novel class of drug action.
A diseased heart model (the STZ diabetic rat) was chosen for in vivo studies; this is justified by previous observations with the parent compounds. PLN antagonism by istaroxime, the prototype PLN antagonist, was firstly detected in healthy guinea-pig myocytes [5] and reproduced in murine ones [21]. However, istaroxime effect was substantially enhanced in failing guinea-pig preparations [22]. Rat myocytes, best suited for in vivo studies, are relatively insensitive to PLN antagonism when healthy, to become responsive when SERCA2a activity is depressed by disease. This is the case for STZ-induced diabetes, in which consistent with primarily diastolic dysfunction in clinical diabetes, myocytes are characterized by SERCA2a down-regulation [9, 12]. These considerations, as well as the added translational value provided by relevance to human pathology, led us to adopt the STZ (diabetic) rat as experimental model. Why the effect of PLN antagonism becomes more apparent whenever baseline SERCA2a function is diminished is a matter of speculation, an interesting one, but of limited translational relevance for an agent meant to treat diseased hearts.
Some among the present results were unexpected based on PLN antagonism and deserve to be separately discussed. While SERCA2a stimulation is expected to increase the rate of decay of V-triggered CaT, compound 8 failed to change CaT decay kinetic measured in field-stimulated myocytes (during electrical activity) (Fig. 2C), in which all Ca2+ transports were intact. On the other hand, compound 8 sharply decreased τdecay in the “reloading protocol” (Fig. 3) in V-clamped cells, in which SR uptake function largely depends on SERCA2a only. This apparent discrepancy might be attributed to the variability of the rate of CaT decay in field stimulated cells in comparison to the same parameter measured controlling membrane potential (V-clamp), or to NCX contribution to diastolic Ca2+ clearance. Notably, the same was true for PST3093, which is nonetheless endowed with clear-cut lusitropic effect in vivo [9].
Acute i.v. infusion of compound 8 (Fig. 5) improved diastolic relaxation in STZ rats. Similar results on diastolic indexes were obtained following four oral daily doses at 40 mg/kg and a single dose at 80 mg/kg. This argues against significant changes in SERCA2a-modulating effect by liver metabolism.
Among the main goals of this study was the evaluation of chronic in vivo effects of orally administered compound 8. In vivo data published so far support the high therapeutic potential of istaroxime [6–8, 10], its metabolite PST3093 [9] and follow-on derivatives [11]. Nonetheless, this is the first study evaluating chronic effects of the lead follow-on compound through its oral administration in a disease model. Accumulation of effect over repeated dosing every 24 hours points to a relatively slow clearance of the compound. Accordingly, while compound 8 pharmacokinetics is still unknown, its chemical structure predicts a plasma half-life comparable to that of PST3093 (about 9 hours in humans) [9]. Accumulation of effects was seen with the higher dosage of compound 8 only in DT reduction, likely because of early achievement of saturating plasma levels.
Effects of compound 8 on systolic indexes were marginal; indeed, among systolic indexes, only s’ parameter significantly increased after 4 oral doses (Figs. 6–7). HR was significantly affected by the compound after the lowest oral dose (40 mg/kg), but this effect was not clearly detected at the highest oral dose (80 mg/kg) and after i.v. infusion. Moreover, since effects on HR were absent when the compound was i.v. infused, further investigations are necessary to clarify this point. Nonetheless, a comprehensive characterization of the underlying mechanisms is beyond the scope of the current study.
A pure SERCA2a activator might exert substantial antiarrhythmic effects by inhibiting Ca2+ waves [23, 24], at least under the common conditions characterized by SR instability (e.g. HF). Further, focused studies are necessary to better characterize the potential antiarrhythmic effects of SERCA2a stimulators. Furthermore, SR Ca2+ compartmentalization has potential long-term effects on energetic efficiency and biology of cardiac myocytes [23].
In summary, the specific lusitropic effect of compound 8 in STZ rats, detected both during i.v. infusion and after oral administration, can be attributed to recovery of SERCA2a function. Compound 8 represents the first small-molecule SERCA2a activator that can be considered for oral administration as a chronic treatment of HF based on such an innovative mechanism of action.
Study Limitations
A limitation of echocardiografic studies in small animals is the intrinsic variability of measurements, which may explain why, albeit consistent in pointing to improvement of diastolic function, the parameters affected by the different administration protocols did not coincide. Echocardiography in rodents is also encumbered by the potentially confounding effect of anesthesia, which is nonetheless required for the procedure and necessarily different in i.v. infused and orally treated animals.
In translating the present data to the clinical setting, potential pathophysiological differences between the STZ rat model and clinical HF should be considered. Indeed, particularly conspicuous changes in body fluids, sympathetic nervous activity and HR characterize the STZ animal model, which may impact on cardiac function independently from the changes in cellular Ca2+ handling [25].