Experimental materials
Forty ICR mice, 6-8 weeks old, weighing 28-35 g, purchased from Peking University Medical Department, animal licence number: SCXK (Beijing) 2021-0013.Total Superoxide Dismutase Test Kit,TNF alpha Mouse Uncoated ELISA Kit purchased from Nanjing Jiancheng Bioengineer Institute,Mouse IL-1 beta Uncoated ELISA,IL-6 Mouse Uncoated ELISA Kit,IL-10 Mouse Uncoated ELISA Kit purchased Thermo Fisher,a-amylase assay kit purchased Changchun Huili Biotech co,LTD.Trypsin, fetal bovine serum (FBS), DMEM / F12 medium, paraformaldehyde fixative, phosphate buffer (PBS) were purchased from Servicebio; collagenase ; DAPI, blocked goat serum, FITC labeled goat anti-rabbit secondary antibody from Beijing Boosen Biotechnology Co., Ltd; CD29, CD44, CD90, CD166, I resistance were purchased from Abcam Company, USA;Bcl-2, caspase-3,GAPDH antibodies and TUNEL kits was purchased from Servicebio.L-Arginine was purchased from GlpBio (USA).Glutamine was purchased from Sigma(USA).
Isolation and Culture of UCMSCs
The umbilical cord tissue was sourced from healthy Holstein cow embryos at three months of age. These specimens were generously provided by the Changping base of the Beijing Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.The extracellular matrix of the minced tissues was dissociated using 2 mg/mL collagenase type I for 60 min.To neutralise the enzymatic process, complete DMEM/F12 supplemented with 10% foetal bovine serum (FBS) was employed. The resultant cell suspension was centrifuged at 1200 rpm for 10 minutes after being filtered through a sieve with a mesh size of 80 µm. The cell pellet was then reconstituted in a full DMEM/F12 mix with 10% FBS, seeded onto 6-well plates, and cultivated at 37 ℃ in a humid incubator with 5% CO2.UCMSCs were cultured in complete medium.When the MSCs reached 80% fusion by microscopy, the cells were digested by using 4 mg/mL trypsin II and harvested in 15 ml sterile centrifuge tubes and subjected to passaged culture.
Immunofluorescence Staining
We performed immunofluorescence staining. After the concentration of third generation UCMSCs reached 40-50%, cells were fixed in PBS containing 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA) for 15 min at room temperature and washed for 3 × 5 min. Cells were then permeabilised with 0.1% Triton X-100 for 30 min at room temperature and washed for 3 × 5 min. Non-specific binding sites were blocked by incubating the cells with 10% sheep serum at room temperature for The non-specific binding site was blocked by incubating the cells with 10% sheep serum for 30 min at room temperature. After blocking, MSCs were incubated overnight at 4℃with the following primary antibody: FITC-bici CD73, CD90, CD105, CD29 and CD45 antibodies (1:200, Abcam, Cambridge, MA, USA). After incubation, MSCs were washed three times in PBS containing FITC-coupled goat anti-rabbit secondary antibody (1:100, Santa Cruz, CA, USA) for 2 h at 37℃ in the dark and washed for 3×5 min. MSCs were counterstained with 1 µg/mL DAPI for 15 min at room temperature in the dark. finally, fluorescence was captured under a fluorescence microscope signal(Nikon TE-2000-E, Tokyo, Japan).
Multi-Differentiation Potential of UCMSCs
Osteogenic Differentiation of UCMSCs
UCMSCs were seeded into 60mm cell culture dish(2.0 × 105cells/well).When third generation UCMSCs reached 30% confluence,the medium was placed with osteogenic medium.After 21 days cultivation,Alizarin Red staining was performed to detect calcium deposition.
Adipogenic Differentiation of UCMSCs
As stated previous,third-generation UCMSCs reached 30% confluence were grown in medium for adipogenic differentiation.After 14 days,Oil Red O staining was used to assess the level of lipid buildup.
Chondrogenic Differentiation of UCMSCs
About chondrogenic diffrentiation,third-generation UCMSCs reached 30% confluence were cultured in chondrogentic medium.After 21 days,The degree of chondrogentic expression was determined using Alcian Blue staining.
Clone Formation Assay of GMSCs
Third generation stem cells were isolated, centrifuged and then diluted into a single cell suspension with culture medium. After counting, 100 cells were inoculated into cell culture dishes. 7 days to observe cell morphology under an inverted microscope using Giemsa staining.
Animal modelling and grouping
Mouses were randomly divided into 4 groups ( n = 10).Control group,AP group,MSCs group(umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells group),and AP+Glu+MSCs group(UCMSCs combined with glutamine treatment group).AP group,after anaesthesia, the mice were given two intraperitoneal injections of 20 % L-Arg ( 200 mg/100 g·bw) at 1h intervals in the control group and an equal volume of sterile saline in the control group.AP+MSCs group,after modelling, UC-MSCs were injected into the tail vein of rats at a rate of 2×105 /100 g. AP+Glu+MSCs group,Mice were fed glutamine 0.4 g/(kg-d) after UCMSC injection (2×105 /100 g.)via tail vein after modelling.Both control and AP groups were given 300 microlitres of sterile saline tail vein.
Histopathological observations
The pancreatic and liver tissues of each group were fixed with formaldehyde, dehydrated, sectioned and stained with HE. And their pathomorphology was observed under light microscope. Two pathologists were blinded and scored the degree of oedema, haemorrhage, cellular necrosis and inflammatory cell infiltration in the pancreas according to the literature criteria[19], and the average score of the 10 high magnification fields of view was used as the final score for each section.Twenty-four hours after modelling, no rats died in the control group (success rate: 100%), three died in the AP group (success rate: 70%), two died in the AP + MSCs group (success rate 80%) and one died in the AP + MSCs + Glu group (success rate: 90%). All surviving mice were anaesthetised by intraperitoneal injection of pentobarbital (50 mg/kg) at 24 h postoperatively, blood was collected from the eyeballs, executed, and the serum and pancreatic tissues were retained for subsequent experimental testing. The serum and pancreatic and liver tissues were retained for subsequent experimental testing.
ELISA for serum amylase, lipase, and inflammatory factors Inflammatory factors
After thawing the serum at room temperature, the expression levels of amylase, lipase,SOD and inflammatory factors ( IL-6, TNF-α, IL-10, IL-β) were detected by ELISA according to the steps described in the kit instruction.
CM-Dil labled UCMSCs
UCMSC were mixed with CM-Dil live cell dye (Thermo Fisher, USA) and incubated in the dark according to the instructions of CM-Dil live cell dye (Thermo Fisher, USA).After 30 min, the solution was processed by centrifugation and the precipitate was retained. The precipitate was resuspended in 9% saline and injected intravenously into a successfully established AP mouse model to observe its colonisation in pancreatic and liver tissues.
Detection of apoptosis using TUNEL assay
Fixed liver tissue was dehydrated, embedded, sectioned and dewaxed to water by automatic dehydrator. The tissue was immersed in xylene Ⅰ for 5-10 min, xylene Ⅱ for 5-10 min, anhydrous ethanol Ⅰ for 5 min, anhydrous ethanol Ⅱ for 5 min, 95% alcohol for 5 min, 85% alcohol for 5 min, and water for 10 min, respectively. 5 min, anhydrous ethanol Ⅰ, anhydrous ethanol Ⅱ 5 min, 95% alcohol 5 min, 85% alcohol 5 min, 75% alcohol 5 min. 5 min, 85% alcohol, 75% alcohol 5 min, UP water 5 min, citric acid microwave repair 8 min, PBS wash 3 times 8 min, PBS washed three times, each time 5 min; dark preparation of fluorescent TUNEL incubation solution (A:B = 1:30) was prepared in the dark and incubated at 37 ℃ for 1 h. The sample was washed with PBS three times, each time for 5 min. 5 min; add DAPI to stain the nucleus for 15 min, rinse with PBS, seal with glycerol gelatin, and store at -20 ℃. The samples were stored at -20 ℃ (the reagents were prepared and used in the dark). The above specimens were processed according to the SOP of pathological examination. The above specimens were dehydrated, trimmed, embedded, sliced, stained, sealed, and microscopically examined according to the SOP procedure. The above specimens were dehydrated, trimmed, embedded, cut, stained, sealed and examined by microscope according to the SOP procedures.
Determination of the expression levels of apoptotic proteins using western blotting
Liver tissue was removed and placed into 2 mL grinding tubes, then 3 mm steel beads and RIPA lysate (mass ratio sample:lysate = 1:10) were added to each tube. Then add 3 mm steel balls and RIPA lysate (mass ratio of sample:lysate = 1:10) into each tube. The tubes were placed in a high-speed low-temperature tissue grinder at -20 ℃ for 4 times, each time for 60 s. Remove the tubes and put them into a refrigerator at 4 ℃ for lysis; after 30 min, remove the tubes and centrifuge them at 4 ℃ for 10 min at 12,000×g. Remove the supernatant and measure the protein concentration with the BCA Protein Quantification Kit. Take 50 μL of each group, add 5× Loding buffer at the ratio of 4:1, mix well, and then store at -80 ℃ for 15 min at 95 ℃ in a thermal cycler. The concentration of primary antibody: Bax 1:5 000, Bcl-2 1:2 000, Caspase-3 1:2 000, β-tubulin 1:2 000, incubate overnight at 4 ℃ with gentle shaking; wash the PVDF membrane with TBST three times, each time for 5 min; put the PVDF membrane into the secondary antibody (dilution: 1:5 000), incubate at room temperature for 2-3 h with gentle shaking; incubate the PVDF membrane with TBST for 3 times, and incubate at room temperature for 2-3 h with TBST. Wash the PVDF membrane with TBST 3 times, each time for 10 min. lay the PVDF membrane on the exposure plate, mix the A and B reagents of ECL emitting solution and add them dropwise, and react for 1 min; put the exposure plate with the membrane into the dark room, and adjust the exposure time and exposure according to the strength of the signal. Finally, use image J to analyse the grey value.
Statistical analysis
GraphPad Prism 9 software was used to perform one-way ANOVA and to plot thegraphs. The significance threshold was set to p < 0.05. All data are expressed as themean ± SEM.
Identifcation of UCMSCs
The morphology of UCMSCs in different passages (P5 and P10) showed typical long spindle-shaped cells (Fig. 1).The ability of UCMSCs to generate colonies suggests that GMSCs have a good capacity for colony formation (Fig. 1a). Next, we determined the multispectral differentiation potential of UCMSCs in vitro."In an in vitro experimental setting,UCMSCs exhibited distinct phenotypic responses contingent upon the specific culture conditions employed. The observed outcomes included the formation of rounded intracellular lipid droplets indicative of adipogenic differentiation(Fig1 b), the aggregation of chondrocytic cells suggestive of chondrogenesis(Fig1 c), and the development of osteoblastic features(Fig1 d), respectively, under divergent culture stimuli.
Immunofluorescence analyses revealed robust positive expression of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC)-specific marker genes, including CD73, CD90, CD105, and CD166(Fig1 B). The fluorescent signals emitted a green hue, demonstrating distinct cellular morphology characterized by well-defined edges, while DAPI staining enabled clear visualization of cell nuclei. Importantly, the primitive hematopoietic progenitor cell marker CD45 exhibited complete absence of fluorescence signals, consistent with the canonical surface marker profile of MSCs.
Control group: no inflammatory cell infiltration in pancreatic tissue, no obvious atrophy, degeneration and necrosis of follicles.AP group: degeneration and necrosis of some follicular epithelial cells, necrotic cells are swollen and structurally blurred; cytoplasm is vacuolated, nuclei are shrunken or lysed, and boundaries are unclear; interstitium is infiltrated with inflammatory cells(Fig.2). AP+Glu+UCMSC and AP+MSCs group: the peritoneum of pancreatic tissue was composed of thin layers of fibrous tissue, with clearer lobes; the structure of pancreatic islets and follicles was intact, the degree of pancreatic oedema was smaller than that of TP group(Fig.2).
In the control group, the liver lobules were structurally intact, the hepatocytes were uniform in size, there were no pathological changes such as degeneration and necrosis, and there was no inflammatory cell infiltration; in the AP group, punctate necrotic rupture of the hepatocytes was seen, with obvious congestion and oedema, accompanied by inflammatory cell infiltration; the vascular congestion and oedema were significantly reduced in the AP+MSCs and AP+MSCs+Glu group, and occasional punctate necrosis was seen, with a small amount of inflammatory cell infiltration, and inflammation in the hepatic tissues was obviously ameliorated, and no cases of piecemeal necrosis and cellular rupture were detected(Fig.2).
Serum amylase, lipase,SOD and inflammatory factor findings
The serum amylase and lipase concentrations in the AP group were higher than those in the control group at 24 h after surgery (Fig.3,P < 0.05), and the serum amylase and lipase levels in the AP+MSCs group and the AP+MSC+Glu group were significantly lower than those in the AP group (Fig.3,P < 0.05). There was no statistically significant difference between the AP+MSCs group and the AP+MSCs+Glu group (Fig.3,P > 0.05).SOD activities in AP group were lower than control group(Fig.3,P < 0.05),and AP+MSCs group and the AP+MSCs+Glu group SOD activities were significantly higer than AP group(Fig.3,P < 0.05).There was no statistically significant activities difference between the AP+MSCs group and the AP+MSCs+Glu group (Fig.3,P > 0.05). Serum inflammatory factors showed that IL-6 and TNF-α were significantly higher and IL-10 and IL-β were significantly lower in the TP group than in the control group (Fig.3,P<0.05). Compared with the AP group, the serum concentrations of IL-6,IL-β and TNF-α in the AP+MSCs group and the AP+MSCs+Glu group were lower, whereas the concentrations of IL-10 were higher (Fig.3,P<0.05), and there was no statistically significant difference between the AP+MSCs group and the AP+MSCs+Glu group (Fig.3,P>0.05).The inflammatory response of rats after 24 h of modelling was more obvious.
CM-Dil-labelled UCMSC was injected into AP mice through the tail vein, and then the colonisation in the damaged and control group pancreatic tissue and liver was assessed by fluorescence microscopy. The figure shows the presence of red fluorescence distribution in the pancreas of the AP+MSCs group and AP+MSCs+Glu group compared to the control group indicated that there was a handful significant colonisation of pancreatic tissues by UCMSCs after injection.The presence of colonisation of MSCs was not observed in liver tissue(Fig.4).
Liver apoptosis
Hepatocytes in the AP group underwent apoptosis (Fig. 5A), whereas no apoptosis occurred in the control group, and apoptosis in the AP group was more concentrated in the periphery of the liver tissue.The amount of apoptosis was significantly reduced in the AP+MSCs group and the AP+MSCs+Glu group.The apoptosis index of the AP group was significantly higher than that of the control group (p< 0.05,Fig.5B), and the apoptosis index of the AP+MSCs group and the AP+MSCs+Glu group was significantly lower than that of the AP group ( p< 0.05,Fig. 5B). MSCs+Glu groups had significantly lower apoptotic indices than the AP group (p< 0.05,Fig. 5B). The apoptotic index of AP+MSCs group was slightly higher than that of AP+MSCs+Glu group, but there was no significant difference (p> 0.05).
For Caspase-3 protein, the expression was higher in the AP group compared to the control group (p< 0.05,Fig 6B), and lower in the AP+MSCs and AP+MSCs+Glu groups (p< 0.05,Fig 6B), whereas the expression content of Bcl-2 protein increased in the AP+MSCs and AP+MSCs+Glu groups compared to the AP group ( p< 0.05,Fig 6B), there was no significant difference between AP+MSCs group and AP+MSCs+Glu group (p> 0.05, Fig 6B).