The study was carried out between 2020 and 2022, considering interviews with the farm manager and incorporating various sources of system of information (electronic spreadsheet records of productive information, georeferenced information of soil use, and others). Using this information, an ABM was implemented in the NetLogo v6.2 platform (Wilensky & Stroup 1999) to simulate the production system. The modeled farm is located in the Department of Florida (Uruguay) at the Cristaline shield region of the country (Panario 1988) and covers a total area of 2,018 hectares. However, for this study, only a grazing area of 606 hectares, predominantly consisting of native pasture (Perez-Rocha 2020), was considered, while the remaining area is dedicated to agriculture and was not included in the developed model.
The analyzed system is a cattle farm with a pastoral base that engages in a full-cycle operation (breeding-finishing system). The breeding herd is in another part of the farm, and the developed model only includes the pasture-fattening phase of steers, which are then finished in a feedlot. The producer has also established forest plantations with the primary objective of providing shade and shelter for the livestock. Additionally, the aim is to obtain wood for commercial purposes when the harvesting cycle is reached.
The study area includes Eucalyptus dunnii forest plantations at two different planting densities distributed across three paddocks. On one hand, two dense stands occupying an effective planting area of 50.4 ha, with a density of 1,100 plants/ha (called frame 1). On the other hand, there is a stand covering an area of 26.6 ha, with a planting spacing of (2 x 3) + 18 m, resulting in an initial density of 526 plants/ha (called frame 2). Figure 1 shows the satellite photo sketch and its implementation in the NetLogo platform; tree plantations in frame 2 are located in paddock number 2, while stands in paddocks number 5 and 6 are at frame 1, which are denser. All plantations were established between 2017 and 2018, except an afforested paddock (number 4) with more than 30 years old plantation, and it was assumed without growing in simulation periods.
As observed in Fig. 1, the study area encompasses a total of 31 paddocks where the fattening of steers occurs, following a defined paddock rotation. Steers are fattened on pastures, entering with a weight range of 350 to 450 kg/animal. The property currently manages a total of 420 animals. At next paragraphs, a description of the ABM model, applying an adaptation of the ODD protocol (Grimm et al. 2013) is provided.
2.1 General Description
In general terms, the ABM integrates two pre-existing local developed simulation models: i) the dynamics of pasture growth and steer fattening, based on the prey-predator model (Dieguez & Fort 2017), which simultaneously considers pasture growth and animal grass intake densodependant, estimating a daily forage balance, and ii) the dynamics of tree growth were implemented using the SAG growth projection model (Methol 2008; Hirigoyen & Rachid 2014; Rachid-Casnati et al. 2019), based on inventory data collected in the case study.
With dendrometric results, the annual biomass production of the stem was estimated using SAG model, and the estimation of branch biomass is obtained from the Hirigoyen et al. (2021) function. For the estimation of carbon in woody biomass, a parameter of 21.87% based on the density of E. dunnii (Doldán et al., 2008) and Carbon in sampled biomass of E. grandis (Schinato 2022) was applied. Annual values fixed by biomass and annual greenhouse gas emissions from livestock are converted to the common unit of CO2e, according to the Intergovernmental Panel of Climatic Change (IPCC 2006, 2019) factors.
The model structure and dynamics (number of animals, animal and forestry management measures, reference of animal liveweight gains; LWG) were adjusted based on information provided by the system manager. Data collection involved electronic records, property sketches, and in-person and video conference interviews conducted in 2021 and 2022. Additionally, the model considers a decision subsystem representing pasture management and the entry and exit of animal lots to the system.
The ABM aims to simulate the interaction between animals, forage, and trees in an SSP system, where livestock production is combined with sustainable forest management, from the perspective of carbon-neutral production systems. The model focuses on assessing the impact of management strategy on primary (forage and forestry) and secondary (livestock) productivity, considering the dynamics of grass, animal liveweight (LW) coevolution, and tree growth, all in interaction. In addition to productive variables, GHG emissions by animals and carbon fixation by forest plantations are calculated according to IPCC (2006, 2019) standards.
2.2 Design Concepts
The model includes three types of agents: animals (steers), pasture (patches grouped in paddocks), and trees with two planting densities, one dense and the other with defined alleys, referred to as frames 1 and 2, respectively (see Fig. 1). Each agent has specific attributes: steers have a LW and LWG, the forest has stem and branch volume, and other dendrometric variables such as the diameter at breast height (DBH), basal area (BA) and projected height (H) provided by the SAG submodel. The pasture is described by its dry matter (DM) production.
2.3 Agent Behavior
The animals move through the paddocks following their numerical sequence and directly harvesting forage biomass from the patch they are in. Their LWG depends on the available biomass in the patch they stay at the forage rotation, with a Holling type III consumption, and pasture grows with a logistic function (Pastor 2008) adjusted using satellite remote sensing data (Baeza et al. 2010) for the case study. Trees grow using the equations of the SAG model (Methol 2008; Hirigoyen & Rachid 2014; Rachid-Casnati et al. 2019), calculating stem and branch volume. Both volume, growth and also annual loss of specimens are functions of planting density, according to SAG model estimation.
2.4 Interaction Between Agents
The main animal-pasture interaction is the grass intake and is defined according to the PPGL model (Dieguez & Fort 2017) for prey-predator or Lotka-Volterra dynamics (Pastor 2008). Trees cast shade, which positively affects LWG according to the SimForGan model (Varela 2019).
2.5 State Variables
State variables include the quantity of available pasture, tree density, energy consumed by animals, animal LW, as well as pasture and tree growth rates. GHG by animals and CO2e fixation by trees are also calculated, combining Tier 2 methodologies proposed by IPCC (2006, 2019). Carbon fixation is considered only in above-ground biomass (branch and branches), with no consideration of underground biomass. Carbon fixation of pasture biomass is also not considered.
2.6 Events
Events include pasture and tree growth and the daily movement of animals. Another event is the exportation (and incorporation) of lots of 20 animals, according to established weight limits (initial weight and target weight). Sequence of movements of animals and LW thresholds were provided by the farmer.
2.7 Details
The model was implemented using the NetLogo platform (Wilensky & Stroup 1999). The Time and GIS extensions were used to adjust the time step (daily tick) to the Gregorian calendar and the distribution of patches based on georeferenced paddock location georeferenced information.
2.8 Initialization
The total number of animals managed simultaneously is 420 steers, as farmer records stated. The location and size of paddocks, as well as those including forests, are defined based on information provided by the producer (see Fig. 1).
2.9 Parameters
The following parameters were included in the model calculations: native grass pasture digestibility 50% (Miller & Albicette 2005), pasture crude protein content 9%, estimated from study samples. For GHG emission calculation, a Ym value of 0.065 was considered. The maintenance and activity coefficients of animals (Cfi and Ca) were 0.322 and 0.17 MJ/day/kg, respectively, and the conversion factors for Carbon, CH4, and N2O were 3.67, 28 and 273, respectively. The parameter for animal nitrogen retention was set at 0.07 (IPCC 2006, 2019). The annual pasture productivity in the case study, based on remote sensing, was 4,558 kg DM/ha/year, with seasonal growth rates of 11, 6, 16, 17 kg DM/ha/day for autumn, winter, spring, and summer, respectively, according to satellite remote sensing data (Baeza et al. 2010). These values were used to define the Kmax and Kmin values (22.0 and 5.3 cm/ha, respectively) for logistic growth, required for the PPGL model (Dieguez & Fort 2017). The conversion of DM volume and grass height considered was 300 kg DM/cm (Do Carmo et al. 2015), and a metabolizable energy value of 2 Mcal/kg DM for the pasture (Mieres et al. 2004). The effect of grazing in paddocks with forest plantations increases LGW by 10% for both planting frames, based on previous studies (Varela 2019).
2.10 Model Rules
The livestock management decisions were established by the farmer, considering steers exiting the system in batches when at least 20 animals reach the target LW (450 kg/animal). Upon departure, the batch is replaced with the same number of steers but with the initial LW (350 kg/animal), and this batch begins the fattening process again. Another rule defined by the producer is that grazing is conducted sequentially in numerical paddock order (e.g. 1, 2, 3..31, 1, etc). In terms of grazing decisions, the technical details of moving animals according to DM allowance were discussed with the farmer and generally align with local technical advice on extensive grassland systems management (Do Carmo et al. 2015). However, some DM thresholds were discussed with the farmer to introduce an objective parameter into the simulation model. The daily decision was modeled such that if the next paddock in the numerical sequence to which animals will be assigned does not have an offer of 2,000 kg DM/ha, they are assigned to the paddock with the highest biomass available in the system. Animals remain in the paddock until a remaining amount of 1,500 kg DM/ha is reached, after which the numerical sequence of paddocks continues, adhering to the previously mentioned rules. Paddocks with forests are also included in the rotation."
2.11 Statistical analysis
To assess the model's coherence, its results were compared separately with the original models incorporated in the Agent-Based Model (ABM). While this comparison may seem redundant, it is essential due to the potential bias introduced by spatial and individual heterogeneity among agents. Therefore, a regression analysis between the ABM and the other reference models is warranted. Specifically, we compared the animal component of the ABM with PPGL simulations, considering parameters such as LW and LWG of animals over a 10-year simulation period. Additionally, the results related to afforestation were compared with the SAG model, focusing on the annual evolution of the number of trees, basal area, diameter at breast height, and wood volume for both plantation frames.
To perform a goodness-of-fit test, several regression-related parameters were calculated using the R statistical software (R Core Team 2021), including:
The Mean Squared Error (MSE) is a common estimate for measuring the predictive accuracy of a model (Tedeschi 2006), being the sum of the square of the differences between the ABM monthly results (Yi) and reference model output (Xi), divided by the number n of data (Eq. 1).
\(MSE=\frac{{\sum }_{i=1}^{n}\left({Y}_{\text{i}}-{X}_{\text{i}}\right){ }^{2}}{n}\) (Eq. 1)
From this value, which is an absolute indicator, the result is relativized by the average or deviation of the observed values, leaving an indicator without magnitude. The Relative Prediction Error (RPE) is then calculated, which is expressed as a percentage from the square root of the MSE and the mean of the observed values (Eq. 2). This is an indicator of goodness-of-fit between actual and predicted values, where RPE values < 10% indicate that the model's predictions are good, values between 10–20% suggest reasonable predictions and values > 20% indicate mediocre predictions (Fuentes-Pila et al. 1996).
\(RPE=\frac{\sqrt{MS}E}{\widehat{Y}}\) (Eq. 2)
The square root of the MSE (RSE), but relative to the standard deviation of the observed values, (σ) is calculated to evaluate the error associated with the predictions of the model regarding the inherent variation in the observed values (Eq. 3). Values close to zero are considered better than positive values (< 0.5, very good prediction; 0.5–0.75, good prediction; 0.75–1, moderate prediction; > 1.0, the model needs improvements (Moriasi et al. 2007).
\(RSE=\frac{\sqrt{MS}E}{\sigma }\) (Eq. 3)
The Concordance Correlation Coefficient (CCC) was calculated as presented in (Eq. 4) (Lin 1989, 2000) using the R DescTools package (R Core Team, 2022). The CCC combines measures of both precision and accuracy to determine how far the observed data deviate from the line of perfect diagonal of concordance. This coefficient increases in value as a function of the nearness of the data's reduced major axis to the line of perfect concordance (the accuracy of the data) and of the tightness of the data about its reduced major axis (the precision of the data). Values of CCC near + 1 indicate strong concordance between x and y, values near − 1 indicate strong discordance, and values near zero indicate no concordance; there is no agreement on how to interpret other values.
\(CCC=\frac{2{\sigma }_{XY}}{{{\left(\widehat{X}- \widehat{Y}\right)}^{2} + \sigma }_{X}^{2} + {\sigma }_{Y}^{2}}\) (Eq. 4)
The Model efficiency (MEF) was calculated according to Tedeschi (2006) (Eq. 5) as an indicator of goodness-of-fit where MEF = 1 indicates perfect goodness-of-fit; MEF < 0 indicates that the values predicted by the model are worse than the observed mean.
\(MEF=\frac{{\sum }_{i=1}^{n}\left({Y}_{\text{i}}-\widehat{Y}\right){ }^{2}- {\sum }_{i=1}^{n}\left({Y}_{\text{i}}-{X}_{i}\right){ }^{2}}{{\sum }_{i=1}^{n}\left({Y}_{\text{i}}-\widehat{Y}\right){ }^{2}}\) (Eq. 5)
2.12 Scenarios
With the implemented ABM model, simulations were conducted over a 10-year period varying the total stocking rate from 300 to 700 (each 50) steers to study its impact on system carbon assessment.