Treatment of respiratory failure, airway management, invasive monitoring and circulatory support were the main critical care measures carried out for critically ill patients in the resuscitation room. Some patients turned out to have traumatic injuries and some of these injuries were missed out in the prehospital phase by EMS. Therefore an interdisciplinary resuscitation room concept for all patients with impaired vital parameters with fast primary survey, (invasive) stabilization, early bedside sonography and computed tomography is probably beneficial compared to primary allocation and admission of critically ill patients to specialty based ICUs (e.g. neurological ICU), only based on the main clinical symptom. A relevant amount of patients - especially the non-survivors - showed a reduced level of consciousness ad ED admission as the leading symptom but only a few patients turned out to have neurological diagnoses as the main discharge diagnosis (Tables 1, 3 and 4).
Our study enables an overview about a mixed, non-limited real-life patient collective in a 754-bed academic teaching hospital, serving for four districts. Most patients showed a reduced level of consciousness, respiratory problems, metabolic or respiratory acidosis and elevated serum lactate while other vital parameters were often only mildly impaired (Table 1). The rate of critically ill patients, performed interventions (Table 2) and leading clinical problems (Tables 1, 3 and 4) were comparable to the non-trauma resuscitation room collective described by Bernhard et al at a German university hospital [1].
The amount and type of conducted critical care measures demonstrate that these techniques are crucial skills for interdisciplinary high-volume ED. Especially airway management, non-invasive and invasive ventilation as well as circulatory support are skills that are necessary within the first minutes after patient arrival. Invasive ventilation after rapid sequence induction in the ED was necessary in 29% of the analysed patients. This fraction is comparable to another collective in a German university hospital [4]. Therefore structured concepts are necessary to enable a guideline-based and rapid medical treatment. For trauma patients certified concepts with courses and certification (e.g. Advanced trauma life support®) are current standard in every trauma centre, while for non-trauma patients medical and organisational settings differ widely [2, 5–7]. In trauma a structured concept and guideline adherence can lead to significant reduction of mortality [8]. The mortality in our collective was much higher compared to major trauma patients in the German Trauma Registry but especially mean age differs between the trauma registry patients and our collective [9]. Overall, airway management in the ED is a current field of clinical research although outcome data is mostly not available [4, 10, 11]. A mean ED treatment phase of 148.2 min in our collective points out that this concept led to relevant resource consumption. This must be taken into account when implementing such a strategy. The length of stay in the ED was longer than described by Bernhard et al, but we did not differentiate between the first phase in the resuscitation room and the second phase of transports to computed tomography and treatment time until an ICU-bed was available [1]. Unfortunately we did not document the exact use of human resources regarding consultant, resident and nurse deployment, which is one of the major limitations in our study. Overall, data about resuscitation room management of critically ill patients collectives is rare and therefore it remains unclear if an invasive, rapid approach is generally beneficial compared to less invasive ED care and rapid transfer to ICU. However, rapid critical care treatment in the ED is probably beneficial for patients in septic shock. Very early continuous infusion of norepinephrine seems to be beneficial in septic shock and leads to shortened ICU stay and earlier restoration of circulation [12–14]. If continuous norepinephrine infusion is restricted to ICU settings, delays in shock therapy are probably inevitable. Severe pneumonia with end-organ dysfunction and sepsis of other origin also accounted for a relevant number in our collective (Table 3). Invasive measurement of arterial pressure seems to be more accurate in septic shock compared to oscillometric standard measurements [15]. Our approach of frequent placement of arterial lines seems to be more accurate and therefore probably beneficial in correct clinical evaluation and risk stratification. If fluid and vasopressor therapy is delayed due to non-correct oscillometric values, this might affect patient outcome negatively.
Non-trauma patients admitted to the resuscitation room had a high 24-hour and in-hospital mortality which was comparable to another collective described in a German university hospital [1]. All patients that were handed over in the ED under on-going cardiopulmonary resuscitation died in the resuscitation room after airway management and exclusion of reversible causes of cardiac arrest. Overall, the rate of survival in patients transported by EMS under cardiopulmonary resuscitation is low, which is supported by current literature, but outcome data differs widely due to different study settings and criteria [16–18]. If patients with refractory cardiac arrest are transported early and with high quality CPR this might improves outcome [19]. One reason for 100% fatal outcome in our subgroup was, that patients qualified for veno-arterial extracorporal life support (V-A-ECLS) under cardiopulmonary resuscitation bypassed the ED and were directly transferred to our cardiologic ICU via EMS. Patients under on-going CPR were selected via telephonic triage to either resuscitation room or V-A-ECLS in the ICU. In some ED ECLS is already implemented and this resuscitation technique is not restricted to ICU [16]. In the last decade survival of selected patients receiving ECLS improved over time [20].
Admission diagnosis in the resuscitation room matched with discharge diagnosis in 74% of the patients. In non-pneumonic sepsis higher rates of mismatch between admission diagnosis and discharge diagnosis were observed, compared to other admission diagnoses and pneumogenic sepsis. Atmna et al. reported a discordant diagnosis in patients diagnosed with pneumonia in the ED in 29% of the cases [21]. However, it remains unclear which factors led to discordant diagnosis in our setting. In supposed gastrointestinal bleedings the rate of discordant diagnosis between ED and ward was 50%. The main reason for this observation was probably the time point of documentation. The ED diagnosis was documented prior to transport for esophagogastroscopy.
Non-survivors showed a significant higher rate of conducted critical care measures which is explainable due to more impaired vital functions. Significant baseline differences in vital parameters and blood gas analysis were detected in comparison between survivors vs. non-survivors, except for respiratory rate and pain scale. However, respiratory rate showed a mean of 22/min in both groups, which is a non-physiological value. Risk stratification of ED patients during triage and initial assessment is crucial for allocation of patients and resources. Several scores were developed and compared to differentiate critical from non-critical patients [22–24]. All patients included in this study were classified as critically ill patients initially. Within this group - representing 1.22% of all ED patients - the amount of GCS reduction, acidosis and elevation of lactate were highly significantly associated with fatal outcome. Impaired vigilance and lactate elevation are associated with fatal outcome in ED patients with severe sepsis [25]. Despite several scores to detect patients at risk, failure of vital sign normalisation is more strongly associated with mortality than single measures [23]. Therefore these parameters are useful in risk stratification within the group of already detected critically ill patients. The clinical value of point of care lactate measurement is also shown by Kramer et al, but after exclusion of patients receiving cardiopulmonary resuscitation at ED arrival, initial lactate did not differ between survivors and non-survivors [26].
Although it was not purpose of our study often bridging time was observed until ICU admission was possible. It can be assumed that without invasive ED management, the patients would have received some necessary therapy later. Future (randomised) studies have to compare direct ICU admission via EMS versus initial resuscitation room management regarding patient outcome.