Sturgeons (Acipenseriformes) are ancient fish dating back to the early Jurassic (approx. 200 MYBP) [1]. All 27 species are listed on the IUCN Red List as vulnerable to critically endangered (IUCN 2023), with 23 under CITES control. Between 1970 and 2016, global sturgeon specimens decreased by around 91% [2, 3]. Factors like intensive fishing, poaching, habitat loss, and pollution have greatly affected sturgeon stocks worldwide (IUCN 2023) [4]. Sturgeons, with their long lifespan, serve as flagship species reflecting ecosystem quality. Their fate is critical in European rivers, where the Atlantic sturgeon became extinct in the 1960s in the Danube basin [5]. Ship sturgeon population was functionally extinct by 2002 [5]. Sterlet is the only sturgeon species in the Upper Danube, with only 20 individuals recorded in 2020. Russian sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, and beluga are restricted by dams, and their extinction is predicted in the Lower Danube. Conservation efforts like the Action Plan for the Conservation of the Sturgeons [6] and the "Sturgeon 2020" program aim to protect sturgeons in the Danube. The LIFE-Sterlet Project (2015–2022) and LIFE-Boat 4 Sturgeon (2022–2030) focus on strengthening populations through hatchery breeding. Despite global IUCN Red List inclusion, only three sturgeon species in the Republic of Kazakhstan's Red Data Book—ship sturgeon, Syr Darya shovelnose, and Siberian sturgeon—are categorized as endangered or extinct. Historically, Kazakhstan hosted eight sturgeon species, ranging from vulnerable to critically endangered (Table 1, IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (IUCN 2023). The Ural-Caspian basin has five non-commercial sturgeon species: Russian and Persian sturgeons, beluga, stellate, and ship sturgeons, along with one potamodromous species—sterlet.
Table 1
Representatives of Acipenseridae family in Kazakhstan.
Scientific Name | Common Name | Location | IUCN Status | Status in Kazakhstan |
Huso huso (Linnaeus, 1758) | Beluga | Ural-Caspian basin | Critically Endangered (CR) | - |
Acipenser gueldenstaedtii Brandt, 1833 | Russian sturgeon | Ural-Caspian basin | Critically Endangered (CR) | - |
Acipenser persicus Borodin, 1897 | Persian sturgeon | Ural-Caspian basin | Critically Endangered (CR) | - |
Acipenser baerii Brandt, 1869 | Siberian sturgeon | Irtysh river basin | Critically Endangered (CR) | Endangered (Category ІІ) |
Acipenser stellatus Pallas, 1771 | Stellate sturgeon | Ural-Caspian basin | Critically Endangered (CR) | - |
Acipenser nudiventris Lovetsky, 1828 | Ship sturgeon | Ural-Caspian, Aral-Syrdarya, and Ili-Balkhash basins | Critically Endangered (CR) | Extinct (Category I) (Aral and Ili populations) |
Acipenser ruthenus Linnaeus, 1758 | Sterlet | Ural-Caspian, Tobol and Irtysh rivers basins | Vulnerable (VU) | - |
Pseudoscaphirhynchus fedtschenkoi Kessler, 1872 | Syr Darya shovelnose sturgeon | Syr Darya river basin | Critically Endangered (CR) | Extinct (Category I) |
The Caspian Sea and rivers flowing into it are the last of the preserved natural habitats and hence in need of conservation; they are also the habitats in which most of the worldwide sturgeon populations on the verge of extinction [4] are currently found. Most sturgeons, as migratory fish, spend some periods of their life in rivers after migrating from the sea between early spring and late autumn; beluga do not stop migrating, even in winter. Spawning begins at the onset of spawning temperatures from May to June, and their juveniles move downstream shortly thereafter [7]. Rivers are convenient for studying sturgeon biology and ecology, as well as for counting migrating individuals during the spawning period. The Ural River is the only river in the Caspian basin with unregulated flow in the lower and middle reaches, which currently has preserved – albeit not sufficiently qualitative – natural spawning grounds. Another unique feature of this river is that it is inhabited by roughly 11 anadromous and potamodromous endangered fish species (The Red Data Book, IUCN 2023). The Ural River is the third longest river in Europe, with an average annual water flow of 380 m³/s near the Kushum village, flowing through the territory of two countries with different cultural, political, and environmental heritage.
Currently, the number of populations have reduced to critical values, biological parameters of individuals have reached a minimum, and only single spawners pass for spawning. As a result, no annual juvenile sturgeon is observed in the river. The spawner catch for artificial reproduction is also one of the reasons for the absence of sturgeon. Winter forms have not been found in the spawning populations of the Ural River since the mid-90s, which disrupted the intraspecific differentiation in populations, except for a small amount of winter stellate sturgeon. According to various studies, the effectiveness of natural reproduction of sturgeons in the river Ural has now been reduced to zero, past the point of no return [7]. The Persian sturgeon has also disappeared from catches since 1990. Since 2008, the spawners of the ship sturgeon have not been found in the river. The last sturgeon of its juveniles was recorded in 2007, and migrations of beluga and sturgeon juveniles only occurred until 2010. Currently, there are irregular reports of sturgeon of juvenile stellate sturgeon and sterlet by single specimens because single anadromous spawners pass to spawning grounds. During 2010–2016, 220 specimens of juvenile stellate sturgeon were reported to be migrating (156 in 2014 and 64 in 2016). In 2018, only 56 specimens of sterlet and stellate sturgeon juveniles were caught. Moreover, during the period from 2007–2021 in the West Kazakhstan region, only a single sterlet fry was registered between 2010 and 2012 [8]. To reduce the anthropogenic load on the Ural-Caspian basin, it is necessary to consolidate the integrated management of water resources of all the Caspian littoral countries by applying the principles outlined by the Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) and Ramsar Convention [4]. In June 2007 in Orenburg (Russia), the First International Ural River Basin Workshop (NATO Advanced Research Workshop) was organized with participation of researchers from Russia and Kazakhstan, FAO, the Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands (RAMSAR), the International Association for Danube Research and many others. As an outcome of the conference, a resolution “Rescue of Sturgeon Species by Means of Transboundary Integrated Watershed Management in the Ural River Basin” was adopted.
To understand the biology of sturgeons, and for many production processes in Kazakhstan, telemetry methods are applied by using sensors to tag sturgeons grown in hatcheries [9]. In the early 2000s, studies of Ural sturgeon were conducted using high-tech satellite and acoustic tagging, emphasizing beluga as an object of profitable fishing at the time of the survey. However, these works have faced many problems including insufficient salinity of the Caspian Sea, radio-frequency interference, the stress for incubated sturgeons, and frequent poaching nets in the northern Caspian Sea and Ural River delta, despite the ban on sturgeon fishing in the sea. Furthermore, these studies are expensive and only applicable when the number of sturgeons is sufficient for the study. Modern means of monitoring water areas, such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and satellite imagery have recently been proposed as methods to optimize the protection regime on the river. In addition, to restore natural reproduction, patent works have been developed for the creation of artificial spawning grounds for sturgeons.
An important aspect of effective management of rare species is non-invasive environmental monitoring using the molecular method of environmental DNA analysis, successfully applied and superior to the traditional fish survey (TFS) [10–14]. The success of this method can be attributed to the fact that it is rapid and accurate, non-invasive and sensitive, relatively inexpensive and less labor-intensive than other methods, facilitating the detection and management of specific species – including rare ones [15–20] – as well as identification of entire communities [21–24]. It has also been used as a tool for the relative quantitative assessment of target species [25], fish communities reflecting internal ecological interactions [26], and restoring shifts in their spatial structure throughout lotic ecosystems [27]. Despite the vast amount of research in the field of fish eDNA, there is a clear gap in the detection of rare sturgeon species. Dejean et al. (2011) [28] were the first to use the sturgeon – namely the Siberian sturgeon – in an experiment on the persistence of eDNA in the aquatic environment.
The geography of eDNA studies of rare species of Acipenseridae is currently expanding, providing information on the identification, distribution, and relative abundance of populations. For example, in North America, green sturgeon DNA has been found at sites of their known presence in the Sacramento River [29], as well as outside its established range [20]. The Gulf sturgeon and extremely rare Alabama sturgeon have been found to be able to overcome dams during migration in the Mobile River Basin [30]. A follow-up study of the Alabama sturgeon recommended using a convenient precipitation method due to small volumes and additional sampling instead of water filtration. As a result, logistics are simplified, increasing the spatial and seasonal coverage of rare species. Moreover, additional samples of benthic water can be included; sturgeons are bottom-dwelling animals, thus the likelihood of obtaining false negatives is reduced [31]. Conventional and quantitative PCR eDNA assays have also been developed and tested for lake and Atlantic sturgeons protected in Canada and the USA [32–35]. Analysis of eDNA in the diets of piscine predators can be used to reveal information on the ecology of lake sturgeon larvae. For example, a study showed the predominance of their numbers on sandy transects rather than on gravel ones, reflecting the survival strategy for juveniles [36]. In China, eDNA was used to monitor the spatio-temporal distribution of Chinese sturgeon in the Yangtze [37], where changes in eDNA concentrations were correlated with breeding seasons [38]. In addition to targeted detection, Acipenseridae species in fish communities have been detected through metabarcoding [38, 39]. In a tracer experiment, Fremier et al [40] used in situ injections of eDNA from white sturgeon not native to streams with different hydrology and geomorphology. As a result, these authors recommended increasing sampling in low-slope areas where eDNA is retained and removed to the benthic zone.
Despite the ongoing development of species-specific primers for sturgeons, their reliable species identification remains questionable. The difficulty in their genetic determination lies in the high degree of similarity between different species of Eurasian sturgeon (for example, only one base differentiates Acipenser stellatus from A. ruthenus) and consequently their frequent interspecific hybridization [11, 41], leading to the appearance of various mitochondrial haplotypes and maternal mtDNA inheritance (mtDNA). A recent study of sturgeon eDNA conducted in Iran by Jafroudi et al [42] using primers developed by Waraniak et al. [36] also highlighted the challenges of distinguishing Caspian sturgeons.
Specific primers are being developed for the unique mitochondrial haplotypes of the target species within this family. Thus, the existing test systems for distinguishing native (A. sturio and A. oxyrinchus) and non-native (A. baerii, A. gueldenstaedtii, A. ruthenus, and A. stellatus) sturgeon species in Danish marine waters have proven to be efficient in both in silico and in vivo sampling. However, these primers are not able to distinguish among Ponto-Caspian species, namely the Siberian and Russian sturgeons, and sterlet [43]. Schenekar et al [44] developed an assay for A. ruthenus and possibly Huso, but this also amplified other non-target sturgeons. According to the approach proposed by Farrington and Lance [45], positive detection of North American species using common markers, in combination with the absence of positive detection by species-specific markers makes it possible to determine the occurrence of other sturgeon species with an overlapping range. As an alternative to species-specific detection, metabarcoding using universal “teleo” primers amplifying the 12S mtDNA fragment successfully detected Danube sturgeons [11, 46]. This study proposes an efficient eDNA isolation technique and demonstrates the effective use of eDNA as a tool for detecting and obtaining a snapshot of the seasonal distribution of rare and endangered Ural-Caspian sturgeons in the Lower Ural River (~ 1084 km).