Soil physical-chemical features
Features of investigated soils among the five different BAF fragments show interesting similarities and differences. In most of the analyzed soil physical-chemical properties, we observed that RFs ≠ SFs ≠ TFC. Regarding human effects, past disturbances played a pivotal role in creating such clear differences. As argued by Roder et al.26, in more natural conditions like the RFs in this study, soils develop under mature forest vegetation, with higher spatial canopy cover and a well-developed organic surface horizon (O). Thus, O horizons can release basic cations in greater amounts, increasing soil pH36, while the forest canopy intercepts precipitation and limits leaching processes, thus limiting the loss of more soluble nutrients (basic cations)37. Conversely, environments like the TFC, representing the most disturbance, have less developed vegetation cover with a following enhancement of leaching processes and, consequently, decrease in soil pH. Pearson correlation coefficients (Supplementary Material 1) clearly confirmed such a behavior, showing a strong positive correlation between pH vs SOM (r = 0.62**), CEC (r = 0.53**) and, consequently, all basic cations (K+, r = 0.61**; Ca2+, r = 0.70***; Mg2+, r = 0.72***); an inverse correlation was observed for SOM vs Al3+ (r = - 0.35**).
Soil macro (N and P) and micronutrients (S, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn) showed a clear decreasing trend from RFs to TFC, i.e., from more preserved natural environments to less preserved ones. They all correlate to SOM (N: r = 0.50**, P: r = 0.43**, S: r = 0.37**, B: r = 0.65***, Cu: r = 0.44**, Fe: r = 0.27**, Mn: r = 0.70***, Zn: r = 0.32**), confirming previous studies showing SOM as the main source of such elements in tropical acidic and dystrophic pedosystems9,10,26,38–40.
Results on investigated soil physical-chemical parameters show the pivotal role of human disturbance as a driving-factor in affecting pedoenvironment dynamics and behaviors. Even if pedoenvironments like those featuring RFs and somewhat even SFs are characterized by high to moderate resilience, with most of the investigated parameters improving as human disturbance decreases, recovery seems to be highly time-dependent. Indeed, the best soil conditions were found in those BAF fragments with no history of deforestation, exploitation for livestock, or agriculture, at least during the last century (RF1), while the worst in the TFC, where humans acted as driving force until recently (30-40 years ago). Such observations suggest an efficient but highly time-dependent, slow recovery of BAF ecosystems from human disturbance, underlying the importance of their conservation and recovery.
Soil organic carbon stocks (SOCs)
The carbon concentrations measured using CHNa were significantly higher than those measured using WBm, with mean values of 180.9±18.6 t ha-1 and 128.6±14.3 t ha-1 respectively. On average, CHNa measurements of SOC were 40% higher than WBm, with the greatest difference in the SF1 plots, where SOC was 99% higher with CHNa. Such results demonstrate that CHNa can play a pivotal role in detecting significant differences in SOCs values among different environments. Walkley-Black method is less able to quantify SOC, and thus may under- or over-estimate SOC change when comparing between disturbed environments or between different management strategies. This outcome is in line with studies conducted worldwide that reported an underestimation in SOC values by using WBm compared to CHNa21,41–44. This is an intrinsic problem of the WBm, since it exhibits great variability in the dichromate oxidation degree and efficiency depending on factors such as SOC composition, soil bio-chemical-physical features, land cover and use, investigated soil horizon, etc.42,45. The CHNa detected higher SOC concentrations than the WBm, especially in soil horizons of BAF fragments with higher C content (Tables 1 and 2). Similar results between the two methods were observed in lower C content conditions, as for the TFC or for deeper soil horizons. The decreased efficiency of the WBm compared to CHNa can be explained by the well-known affinity between iron-enriched tropical soils for OC46; thus, at increasing SOC amount, WBm underestimated its content, for previously explained reasons (vide supra), while CHNa is more reliable. Another factor could be associated with past land uses. Indeed, Davis et al.47 reviewed the SOC methods for tropical soils of Brazil, showing that in more anthropized or less natural areas (like those featured by relatively recent fires) WBm resulted in smaller and more variable results, especially for soil surface mineral A and Ap horizons. Thus, the authors concluded that underestimation of SOC content in such soils should be expected with WBm measurements. Segnini et al.48 and Tivet et al.49 confirmed that in the tropical soil of Brazil, WBm strongly underestimated SOC contents; Tivet et al.49 also identified historical land use as a factor affecting the efficiency of WBm.
Due to the concomitant combination of several issues (vide supra), conversion factors are extremely site-specific49, thus demonstrating the need to develop models calibrated for each investigated pedosystem to achieve a reliable comparison among SOC stocks. Despite SOC underestimation, WBm was the only method available to researchers in many cases; consequently, developing site-specific correction factors represents a strategy to improve data quality. Researchers worldwide proposed the application of a large range in correction factors (from 0.09 to 2.21) to increase WBm reliability44. A contradiction arises from the literature that authors often report the need to use CHNa to calibrate WBm measurements; this was done by sending samples outside investigated countries with related costs21. So, even if it is still widely used as a relatively low-cost method, it frequently requires a review/calibration process due to the large variability in the conversion factor. For instance, Gessesse and Khamzina21 revealed that in soil samples collected in several locations in Ethiopia, the most common correction factors did not improve the reliability of WB vs CHNa derived results. Thus, they proposed using the Bland and Altman method50, commonly applied in clinical research, for assessing the conversion factor, concluding that a correction factor of 1.32 for non-calcareous, carbon-poor Ethiopian soils can be considered reliable. This research, as with many others41,42,44,45,51–59, confirmed that correction factors are extremely site-specific and, thus not easily applicable without a double-check control with more expensive and sophisticated laboratory tools. As concluded by the review of Pribyl60, any factor used for OC conversion in SOM cannot be assumed as a universal constant; indeed, such numbers may be influenced by a combination of many factors (vide supra) that have the potential for serious error. Consequently, even if in the absence of other alternatives WBm often remains the only possibility to assess SOC, it is urgent to find new solutions that increase the reliability of data in unfavored socio-economic conditions. From this point of view, participatory and networking-based research promoted by Universities, Research Centers, Governments, and other institutional bodies, non-governmental organizations (NGO), represent opportunities to remedy this gap in data reliability. Implementing such kinds of projects is not only of scientific importance but also a moral question18. Indeed, GHG emissions, prevalently produced by developed countries, are responsible for climate change, mainly affecting developing ones61.
The use of CHNa is also recommended in soil carbon credit (SCC) evaluation62. Our results confirm such a recommendation, with SCC being 10% greater when assessed through CHNa vs WBm (Table 3). We also observed that in most well-preserved soil conditions (as in RFs fragments), the quantified amount of SCC is up to two times higher compared to less preserved ones (like TFC) (Table 2). Funding provided by selling SCC could play an important role in promoting BAF recovery activities. Indeed, since they are already well established in the agricultural and forestry sectors63, it could be proposed to increase their use in the voluntary offset market, where they could be sold to contribute to governance environmental policies, such as the Kyoto Protocol's Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), or the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (REDD+) program4,64. Principles developed to ensure the quality of agricultural and forestry-based carbon credits could be also useful for evaluating and promoting the environmental and socio-economic value of BAF conservation and restoration programs. Accurate and reliable SOC measurement is a prerequisite for developing a BAF carbon crediting program, as well as for monitoring SOC changes following project implementation. Assessing the correct amounts of SOC represents a challenge to reverse the loss of forests and carbon stocks in threatened natural ecosystems64.
Looking at the SOCs vs soil depth, the RFs forest’s physiognomies showed the highest values in all investigated depths compared to the other BAF fragments. In particular, if compared to the TFC (the most degraded fragment or the least natural one), RFs stocked around 4.5-5 times more SOC across each depth for both CHNa and WBm methods. The SFs seem to represent an intermediate stage between the aforementioned physiognomies. Depending on the measurement method (CHNa or WBm), SFs contained 2.5-3.5 times less SOC than RFs, but contained 1-1.5 times more than TFC.
Our results also show the deficiency in the IPCC recommended depth (0-30 cm) for soil sampling to quantify SOC4. Another important fact relates to the IPCC recommendation4 for 0-30 soil sampling in SOCs quantification purposes. As argued by Jandl et al.8, such pre-established depth guidelines can dramatically underestimate overall SOC quantification, and sampling activities to at least 1 m soil depth can reveal additional important information. The present research confirmed that: i) the SOCs between 40-100 cm were only slightly lower (≤10%) than stocks found in the first 0-40 cm; ii) by extrapolating SOCs data from 30-100 vs 0-30 cm soil depth, the amount is significantly comparable, confirming Muños-Rojas et al.65 suggestion of soil sampling up to 1 m depth for SOCs quantification. Indeed, if SOC stock into the 30-100 cm soil depth was not measured, up to 50% of overall SOC (along the soil profile) would not be quantified.
We observed a clear increasing trend with decreased human disturbance level in both SOC stocks and CO2e amounts. As argued by Chenu et al.66, under most preserved environmental conditions, SOC stock can approach a long-term equilibrium, with SOM inputs coming from vegetation and animal residues, roots and their exudates, etc., balanced by its degradation from mineralization processes. This equilibrium that can be shifted, as observed in the investigated areas, by changes in land management. Our results agree with Roder et al.26, which demonstrated a decrease in SOM as human disturbance increases in fragmented BAF. Souza et al.40 demonstrated that BAF recovery results from a large increase in SOCs after stopping human disturbance. In the present study, we demonstrated that such an increase in SOM was particularly due to Riparian Forests (RFs), which contained a significantly higher amount of SOCs compared to Semideciduous Seasonal Forest (SFs) and the Transitional Forest to Cerrado (TFC). Previous research by Britez67 confirmed that among BAF physiognomies, the Semideciduous Seasonal Forest can be characterized by low SOCs stock (between 31.7 and 37.5 t ha-1 up to 100 cm soil depth), especially in the case of relatively recent human disturbance. The results from our present research validate such a hypothesis, clearly showing a decreasing SOCs trend as SF1 → SF2, i.e., at increasing human disturbance.
Multivariate statistics
The FA and PCA combine soil physical-chemical features and SOCs, providing a more complete and complex perspective by quantifying relationship with factors other than human disturbance and depth. Furthermore, these models allow hypotheses about mechanisms involved in SOCs behavior compared to pedoenvironmental features to be explored.
Factor analyses (FA)
Factor 1 (F1) shows that more natural, well-preserved fragments, i.e., the Primary Riparian Forests (RFs), which feature a higher amount of SOM, thanks to a more developed forest cover and species complexity, are also characterized by (i) higher macronutrient contents (N and P), and (ii) higher CEC, exchangeable cation, and % base saturation, thus reflecting overall higher soil fertility. Under these conditions of high naturality, SOCs amounts increased, with the CHNa method showing a higher statistical correlation than the WBm, confirming its higher analytical reliability. F1 also showed that increasing SOM led to a significant increase in Cu and Mn soil availability, which is consistent with SOM being one of the most influential factors modulating macro- and micro-nutrient availability in tropical soils2. Factor F1 can be explained as the influence of BAF naturality in stocking higher amounts of SOC thanks to favorable pedoenvironmental conditions. Factor F2, confirmed the strong relationship between SOM and SOCs, showing that at increasing BAF fragments naturality, we observed an increase in SOM and consequently stocked SOC. This factor adds to the pivotal role played by iron, showing that it increased at increasing SOM amounts. This was due to the well-known processes of SOM accumulation enhanced by organo-mineral interactions in tropical soils, with iron oxides playing an important role in stabilization68. Thus, F2 can be explained as the Fe vs SOM interaction. Factor F3 showed that at increasing bulk density (BD), i.e., soil depth (vide supra), a decrease in SOC and consequently soil macro (N), micronutrients (S, B), and exchangeable cations (K+), was observed. Since we know that such an increase in BD along soil depth follows the TFC > SFs > RFs trend, i.e., is inversely correlated to the BAF fragment conservation state, this factor can be explained as the key role of BD in indicating BAF conservation state. This interpretation is consistent with previous studies69,70, which showed that mean bulk density increased with soil depth, with this process being particularly enhanced by passing from well-preserved to degraded areas. Pontes et al.71 argued that human activities increased soil BD while decreasing porosity and creating a hostile edaphic environment for plant roots. Consequently, after human disturbance ends, the regeneration processes will be affected by BD initial conditions and the time required for establishing good edaphic conditions for plant roots. As the first pioneer species started colonization, porosity improved, creating more favorable conditions for hosting species from later successional stages. During this process, which requires a long time depending on starting conditions, BD will decrease, thus indicating improved conditions in the time-dependent steps toward BAF recovery.
Principal component analyses (PCA)
The PCA further visually helps us in confirming the FA outcomes. The five investigated BAF fragments are distinctively grouped with the greatest difference between group centroids along the first principal component (Fig. 2). Soil samples collected from the most developed, natural BAF physiognomies, i.e., RF1 and 2, form a distinct group along the first principal component. Arrows (indicating soil physical-chemical parameters) showed that these environments correlate with increased SOM and, consequently, SOC stocks and related extraction methods, together with N and B that are typically macro- and microelements in well-structured Atlantic Forest pedoenvironments26. The worst preserved BAF fragment (TFC) is located on the opposite position of RFs, visually confirming that soil samples collected in this environment have lower levels of all measured parameters besides bulk density. This environment is mainly influenced by Al3+ and BD, i.e., by acidic and more compacted soils. Again, PCA also confirmed that SFs physiognomies represent a transitional stage between highly-preserved (RFs) and most degraded (TFC) BAF fragments. Samples collected in SFs environments form two distinct groups located along the passage from TFC to RFs. The most important parameters in these environments are mainly soil micronutrients, which are pivotal in enhancing forest development towards more stable conditions26.
Overall, soil development and conservation features are strongly influenced by vegetation/forest conditions and vice versa, thus showing a positive feedback relationship (Fig. 2). As human activities (Fig. 2, number “1”) with related disturbance end (Fig. 2, letter “a”), after a variable period of time (depending on human disturbance intensity and years passed after last activities), vegetation start a relatively slow process of recovery (Fig. 2, letter “b”). Such a process strongly improves (Fig. 2, number “2”) soil's overall physical-chemical properties (Fig. 2, letter “c”), including fertility and the amounts of SOC stocked in the entire profile. Indeed, as vegetation reaches higher maturity, canopy cover increases, which results in (a) increased organic material inputs and (b), the formation of a thick soil organic (O) horizon; factors (a) and (b) preserve SOCs from mineralization and leaching processes thus substantially increasing its reserves along the entire soil profile10. Indeed, shrub and tree species create more organic complexes and deeper root networks, up to 18/20 meters9,10. Consequently (Fig. 2, number “3”), the overall soil-plant system improves over time with respect to nutrient exchange, overall fertility, quantity of SOCs, complexity, biodiversity, etc., until reaching a dynamic equilibrium representing the forest/soil climax. The duration to reach this climax is strongly dependent on human disturbance, including the number of years since anthropogenic activity ended and whether additional effects such as climate change affect forest growth and development patterns.