Our results indicate that D1R + MSNs in the NAcSh differ by sex in action potential (AP) waveform and spontaneous glutamatergic transmission. In summary, we found AP duration to be longer in males and that females exhibited a lower amplitude but increased frequency of sEPSCs. There was no evidence that any one stage of the Estrous cycle drove the observed sex differences or a lack thereof. To our knowledge, this is the first body of work to focus on D1R + MSNs in the NAcSh during mid-adolescence in pubertal aged mice.
Here, we observed a longer AP duration in D1R + MSNs from male mice relative to females. The width of the mammalian action potential waveform is influenced by the activation of both voltage-gated sodium (Nav) and potassium (Kv) channels.(35) While blocking Nav channels has previously been shown to lengthen AP duration in MSNs in the NAc of adolescent rats, this manipulation also resulted in a reduction in AP amplitude.(36) As we found no evidence of sex differences in AP amplitude, our results suggest that rather than Nav channels underlying the observed sex difference, Kv channels may be responsible. Activation of Kv channels limits cellular excitability by repolarizing the membrane after Nav channels close.(37) Although there are many subunits of Kv channels expressed in the striatum, recent findings from Otuyemi et al. (38) indicate that, at least in the dorsal striatum, D1R + MSNs from adult mice of both sexes express Kv2.1 and Kv4.2 channels. The localization of Kv2.1 (distributed across the soma and proximal dendrites) suggests that these channels may have contributed to our observed sex difference in AP waveform, rather than Kv4.2 channels (which are on distal dendrites). Kv2.1 channels may be found in non-conducting clusters or in conducting non-clusters, and in response to glutamate, clustered Kv2.1 channels can disperse across the cell surface.(38–41) Therefore, it is plausible that during mid-adolescence, the number of and/or clustering patterns of Kv2.1 changes over murine ontogeny, possibly in response to glutamatergic transmission, and that the ontogeny of Kv2.1 is impacted by sex but not by the stage of the Estrous cycle. Further evidence supporting this notion can be found in the work of Brundage and colleagues (42), who also observed evidence for sex differences in the function of Kv channels in the striatum of mice from PND 30 onward.
Spontaneous excitatory postsynaptic currents (sEPSCs) differed in both frequency and amplitude in a sex-dependent manner. Here, we observed D1R + MSNs in the NAcSh of female mice to have a decreased event amplitude and an increased event frequency when compared to the same cell type in males. As cells were held at -80 mV during these electrophysiology recordings, N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-type ionotropic glutamate receptors can be eliminated as strong contributors to this sex difference due to the magnesium block at this voltage.(43) Kainate receptors (KAR) GluR6, GluR7 and KA2 are expressed in the striatum of mice and rats,(44–46) and as we did not pharmacologically isolate AMPARs here, we cannot exclude KAR involvement in the sex differences observed for sEPSC frequency or amplitude. However, when considering that the majority of KARs are expressed outside of the postsynaptic density,(47) their involvement as a major contributor to sex differences in EPSCs appears unlikely, although to our knowledge, KAR distribution has not yet been investigated during mid-adolescence in both sexes. Thus, α-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid type ionotropic glutamate receptors (AMPARs) are likely the predominant mediators of the observed sex differences in excitatory synaptic transmission.
Functional AMPARs are present on mature synapses, function in basal neurotransmission, and have been shown in other brain regions to have a high likelihood of being present on large dendritic spines.(48–52) Previous work by Forlano and Woolley (53) suggests that female MSNs in the NAc exhibit a greater dendritic spine density and a greater number of large-headed spines than males. Furthermore, during adolescence, synaptic pruning of D1R + and D2R + MSNs has been observed to be greater in males.(1) Thus, it is plausible that the increased SEPSC frequency observed in females is a reflection of having a greater number of functional synapses than males. In addition to synapse number, overall network activity influences sEPSC frequency. Furthermore, differences in frequency can be mediated by both pre- and postsynaptic mechanisms, such as altered presynaptic release probability or insertion of AMPARs into previously “silent” synapses, respectively.(54) The latter phenomenon, through which postsynaptic AMPAR insertion results in increased EPSC event frequency, is a well-documented developmental event.(54) This again points toward differences in the number of functional synapses as a plausible explanation for the increased event frequency in females.
Our findings do not elucidate what specific alteration or combination of changes in AMPARs contributed to the sex difference in amplitude observed here. Changes in the number of AMPARs expressed on the cell surface, incorporation of GluA2 subunits, alternative splicing of the flip-flop module, and editing at the R/G site can influence the amplitude of postsynaptic currents by impacting desensitization, recovery from desensitization, and single channel conductance.(55–62) There is also evidence that the expression, editing, and alternative splicing of AMPARs changes over ontogeny in both mice and rats.(59, 63, 64) For example, editing at the Q/R site, which reduces single channel conductance, is completed prior to parturition in mice.(65, 66) Thus, our findings highlight potential sex differences in AMPAR ontogeny.
To our knowledge, only Willett and colleagues (27) have reported on excitatory synaptic transmission and membrane properties of NAcSh MSNs from both sexes, finding no evidence of significant sex differences. Their work was conducted in rats at PND 21 in MSNs not identified by subtype, and the recorded neurons were in an area of the NAcSh that was more dorsal to that in our study. Thus, one interpretation of our finding of significant sex differences in the NAcSh during PND 35–47, while Willett and colleagues did not find any at PND 21, could be that sex differences in glutamate transmission and action potential half-width emerge between pre- and mid-adolescence. On the other hand, the discrepancy in findings might also be a result of important methodological differences. Therefore, to better understand exactly when and where sex differences emerge, future studies should target specific populations of MSNs at multiple developmental stages.