3.1 Characterization of AMD
Table 1 displays the pH, EC, and total elemental concentrations of Al, As, Cd, Fe, Mn, Pb, and Zn in AMD.
The pH of the AMD increased significantly with the addition of local alkaline materials throughout the successive steps of the passive treatment. The pH ranged from 2.99 in the P0 drain (non-treated AMD) to 4.83 in the intermediate drain (P5) and reached 6.31 in the final treatment (P9) (Table 1).
The decrease in EC was insignificant, with a change from 3.03 to 2.36, suggesting the presence of soluble ions throughout the entire treatment.
The primary components of the AMD were Al, Fe, Zn, and Mn, and their concentrations decreased as the pH increased. The elements with higher removal rates were Al (reduced from 445 to <0.2 mg/L) and Fe (reduced from 263 to <0.1 mg/L). Starting from the P7 drain, the concentrations of these two elements fell below their LODs (Table 1).
After reaching P9 in the final stage of the alkaline treatment, the Zn concentration dropped from 4,830 to 1,110 mg/L, representing a significant reduction but, as mentioned earlier, still exceeding the MPL for treated water discharged into rivers (Zn = 10 mg/L, monthly average).
The Cd2+ concentration changed from 2.82 mg/L in the P0 drain to 2.47 mg/L in P5 and 0.39 mg/L in P9, representing a notable decrease but still exceeding its MPL (0.2 mg/L, monthly average) (Table 3).
The concentrations of Pb and As were below the LODs (0.02 and 0.1 mg/L) and the MPL in the AMD from P9 (non-treated) (Table S1). The concentrations of Al and Fe in the AMD at the initial step of the passive treatment were lower than expected. It is likely that under acidic conditions, Al and Fe ions form solid oxi-hydroxides and hydroxy sulfates, such as jarosite or goethite-bearing Fe (III) (Webster et al., 1998; Ryu & Kim, 2022). These compounds could retain Pb and As, thereby lowering their concentrations in non-treated AMD. However, it's possible that Pb could also partially precipitate as PbSO4 (Kumpiene, 2010). The decrease in Mn concentration in the AMD during the neutralization process is relatively low (Table 1). However, it is an unregulated element in river water. This may be due to the pH becoming a natural controlling factor as equilibrium is approached. According to Laxen et al., (1984), at pH 5.48 in unfiltered samples, soluble Mn was drastically depleted, and above pH 7.0, this element is practically removed from the solution regardless of filtration.
3.2 Characterization of mining-metallurgical waste
R3 is a waste rich in MnCO3 from the open-pit mine, while R6 is a waste from the nodulization furnace stored in an open-air deposit (Table S3 In Supplementary Data). Both Mn wastes have a basic pH and contain significant total concentrations of metal(oids).
Mn: R3= 31% and R6=33.5%, Fe: 4% and 5.6%, and Al: 0.31% and 0.17%. The concentrations of other elements in these wastes vary: Pb: R3=55 and R6= <0.2 mg/kg, Zn: 89.4 and 204 mg/kg, and As: <0.3 and 49.8 mg/kg. The soluble concentrations of these metals recovered with meteoric water are lower than the detection limits (data not presented), suggesting that their original compounds have low solubility under environmental conditions. Based on the results, it can be assumed that R3 and R6 are not significant sources of soluble or total toxic elements. Both wastes are available in any required volume for AMD treatment.
R3 reacted strongly with HCl, resulting in a high pH (10.55) due to the presence of rhodochrosite. Its EC value was low (Table S4 In Supplementary Data).
Sample R6 reacted less vigorously with HCl, resulting in a basic pH of 8.65, which was lower than that of R3. This difference may be due to R6 having a lower carbonate concentration. Under furnace conditions, carbonates are transformed into oxides. Its EC was higher than that of R3, possibly due to the liberation of Ca from the oxides.
Based on the results of the semi-quantitative XRF analysis (Table S5 in Supplementary Data) and the ICP-OES analysis (Table S3), Al, Pb, Si, and Zn concentrations in R3 are slightly higher than those in R6. Lower concentrations of the remaining detected elements, Ca, As, Fe, Mn, and S, were found in both wastes. The minimal differences observed in the elemental composition of R3 (before the thermic process) and R6 (waste from the thermic process) indicate that most of the elements from R3 are separated from the final product of the furnace (MnO) and concentrated in R6 waste.
The XRD diffractogram of sample R3 indicates the dominant presence of rhodochrosite and minor concentrations of Ca/Mg/Fe carbonates, quartz, pyrite, and magnetite (Figure S1 in Supplementary Data). On the other hand, R6 exhibited signals of gypsum, quartz, Mn-silicates (ribbeite, tephroite), Mn-oxides (manganosite, hausmannite, todorokite, galaxite), Fe-oxides and Fe-silicates (goethite, fayalite, magnetite). The amorphous background partially covered the weak signals. These amorphous materials are abundant in waste from furnaces, especially in Mn ores, where crystals are extremely rare (Figure 1). However, amorphous Mn oxides have been reported as substances with higher sorption capacity than their crystalline counterparts (Dyer et al., 2000; Al-Degs et al., 2001; Zhang et al., 2016; Islam et al., 2018; Wick et al., 2019).
Both R3 and R6 wastes contain approximately 40% Mn, but different sorption behaviors are expected due to their distinct mineral compositions.
The results of the SEM-EDS particle analysis of R3 and R6 were consistent with the elemental composition of the entire sample. As expected, the total concentrations of Mn and other minor elements in the analyzed particles were higher than those in the whole sample (Figure 1).
3.3 Preliminary experiment
The addition of R3 waste to AMD from drain P0 (non-treated) at different solid/liquid ratios (C1, C2, C3) increased the pH value from the shortest contact time and the smallest quantity of waste added. The pH changed to near-neutral values in the AMD of drain P0, ranging from 2.99±0.50 to 6.45-6.65, in P5 from 4.83 to 6.57-6.85, and in P9 from 6.31 to 6.72-7.04 (Table S6 in Supplementary Data).
All trials shown in Table S3 indicate a significant removal of soluble elements (Table S6), primarily Al (P0: 93-95%, P5: 93-98%, P9: 96-99%) and Fe (P0: 93-95%, P5: 93-98%, P9: 96-99%). However, reducing acidity does not sufficiently eliminate Cd and Zn to meet regulatory standards (Balintova & Petrilakova, 2011). Zn2+ removal is observed in P0: 93-95% and in P5: 95-98%, while Cd2+ removal is observed in P0: 14-80% and in P5: 91%. In drain P9, the final step of AMD pre-treatment, the addition of R3 increased the removal efficiency. The Cd2+ concentration dropped below the MPL (0.2 mg/L), but not the Zn2+ concentration. When R3 was added at the highest concentration (3g/25mL), both Cd2+ and Zn2+ concentrations decreased to MPL or lower values regardless of the contact times.
Comparison of preliminary experiment results with the different AMD from drains P0 to P9 indicates that pretreatment with alkaline materials yields favorable results (Table S6). Adding R3 or R6 wastes to AMD from drain P9 reduces the need for acid neutralization, thereby enhancing the sorption capacity of both wastes.
3.4 Experiment designed using Minitab Software
The addition of the two Mn wastes to the three selected drains (P0, P5 and P9) is effective in PTE removal. In all trails, the elements Al, As, Cu, Cr, Fe, Ni, and Pb were below 1 mg/L, and the concentrations of Cd2+ varied from <LOD to 2.19 mg/L and the Zn2+ from <LOD to 241 mg/L (Table 2).
When R3 was used to treat AMD from the P9 drain, the Zn2+ and Cd2+ concentrations were lower than their MPL (10 mg/L and 0.2 mg/L). However, when R3 was used to treat AMD from P0 and P5, the Cd2+ and Zn2+ concentrations exceeded their MPLs (Figure 2).
In comparison, when R6 was used to treat AMD from P5 and P9, the final Zn2+ and Cd2+ concentrations obtained were below the MPL. Nevertheless, when R6 was mixed with AMD from P0 (non-treated), only the concentration of Zn2+ was <10 mg/L, considering prolonged contact times and high solid/solution ratios (C4T4 and C5T3). In summary, in 66.66% of the trials using R3 and 88.88% using R6 to treat AMD from drain P9 , the final Zn2+ and Cd2+ concentrations were smaller than their MPLs (Figure 2). These results show the advantages of treating the pretreated AMD (P9) and R6 waste.
The Mn concentration in non-treated AMD is slightly higher than that in the final treated AMD with R3 and R6 wastes. This behavior can be explained by considering the high sorption capacity of Mn wastes. Figure 3 presents the results of the extrapolation using Minitab software. This figure shows the contour plots of R3 and R6 Mn waste/15 mL AMD-P9 ratios versus contact times (hours) with the final concentrations of Zn2+ in treated AMD.
The efficiency of Mn wastes in removing this metal is proportional to the solid/liquid ratio and contact time. Blue indicates solid/liquid (s/l) ratios and contact times that reduce the Zn2+ concentration below its MPL, changing to green when the concentration increases. Using R3, the MPL of Zn2+ is reached at 30 hours with a ratio of 1.5 g waste/15 mL AMD and at a ratio of 0.5 g/15 mL with a time of approximately 120 hours (Figure 3). Conversely, when using R6 waste, the Zn concentration dropped to between 5-7.5 mg/L within 1 hour or less and with a ratio of 1.0/15 mL or slightly lower (Figure 3). At a lower ratio (0.5 g/15 mL), the contact time increases to approximately 45 hours. In conclusion, these results indicate that waste R6 has a better sorption capacity and is more efficient than R3.
3.5 Zeta Potential (ZP)
1) The Zeta potential (ZP) of R3 at pH 8.4 was -64.8 mV and remained practically constant up to pH 6 (-60.0 mV and -55.8 mV). At pH 5.86, the ZP changed to -38.4 mV, and at pH 4.75, the ZP value became positive at +5.64 mV. At pH 3.2, it increased to +21.8 mV. At pH 4.94, the ZP under the experimental conditions reached 0 (isoelectronic point), as shown in Figure 4.
The ZP of R6 remained constant from pH 8.7 to pH 6 (-52.3 mV, -53.8 mV, -54.8 mV). At pH 4.9, it changed to -17.2 mV, and at pH 2.6, the ZP became positive at +16.8 mV. The isoelectric point (ZP0) was found at pH 3.09, as indicated in Figure 4.
2) After adding R3 and R6 to the AMD, the Zeta potential (ZP) increased proportionally with concentration and contact time. Trial R3C3T1 showed the lowest ZP increases, while R6-C3T5 had the highest increases, indicating that both wastes adsorbed Zn2+, with R6 showing a higher concentration.
3) In the final experiment, in which several Zn2+ concentrations were added to non-treated AMD (NT-AMD), the changes in Zeta potential (ZP) were measured, as shown in Figure 5. The ZP of R3 was -38.9 mV when in contact with NT-AMD, and it increased proportionally with the addition of Zn2+. At a concentration of 5,000 mg Zn2+/L, the ZP reached its highest value (+24.75 mV) (Figure 5). The R6 waste exhibited only positive ZPs, even without the addition of Zn2+, with values ranging from +9.82 with NT-AMD to +41.25 mV with AMD containing 5,000 mg Zn2+/L.
4) These results indicate that both wastes have a high sorption capacity. R6, in particular, demonstrated better sorption efficiency, consistent with the findings of the previous experiment. These results highlight that sorption is the controlling process for cation removal. After adding R3 and R6 to the AMD, the Zeta Potential (ZP) increases proportionally with concentration and contact time. Trial R3C3T1 exhibited the smallest ZP increases, while R6-C3T5 showed the highest, suggesting that both wastes adsorbed Zn2+, with R6 displaying a higher adsorption capacity.
In the final experiment, where various Zn2+ concentrations were added to non-treated AMD (NT-AMD), the ZP variations were measured (Figure 5). The ZP of R3 was -38.9 mV when in contact with NT-AMD, and it increased proportionally with the addition of Zn2+. At a Zn2+ concentration of 5,000 mg/L, the ZP reached its maximum value of +24.75 mV (Figure 5). Conversely, the R6 waste consistently displayed positive Zeta Potentials (ZPs), even in the absence of Zn2+ addition. The ZP values ranged from +9.82 when in contact with NT-AMD to +41.25 mV when exposed to AMD containing 5,000 mg/L Zn2+.
These results indicate that both wastes have high sorption capacity, but that R6 provides a better outcome. They also indicate that sorption is the controlling process for cation removal. Similar results have been reported for organic and inorganic pollutant sorption using synthesized MnxOy (Feng et al., 2007; Chowdhury et al., 2009; Della et al., 2013; Zhao et al., 2016). The surfaces of the finest particles in R3 and R6 are rich in Mn carbonates or oxides, creating a basic micro-environment with negative charges that favor adsorption and co-precipitation. Inner complexes may possibly be formed by exchanging Mn2+ from the carbonates with Zn2+ or Cd2+ from the solution, or they might be co-precipitated as hydroxy sulfates (Zhizhaev & Merkulova, 2014) or hydroxy silicates (Kent and Kastner, 1985).