In classical material mechanics, moduli are conducted by the relative change of stress (force) and strain (size change), e.g., the Young’s modulus of tensile/compression is defined as E = σ /ε =(ΔF/A)/(ΔL/L), where involves the original shape (L). However, while the strain here is a rigorous definition with exact shape and measures of the test sample, and the determination of these parameters is trivial in common material test, the testee we are dealing with in the new in-situ test has mere measures on shape and size (even if we can do exact measurements in some cases), either for biological tissue or inorganic object. Because the test is applied on a small area of the outer surface of a relatively large sample, the strain is obviously not only the shape change of the cylinder behind the suction area, therefore the original size L of this cylinder is regardless of the “modulus” interested in the present case, as the area marked out by the orange rectangle in Fig. 7. Figure 7a is the FEA simulation of the in-situ tensile on a silica rubber brick sample. Although we have determined the effective strain depth is ~ 5cm in this case of brick sample [27], it is still mysterious to approach the shape and size of an “equivalent cylinder”. And for biological tissue, the dilemma is more complicated, the original shape and size of soft tissue is extremely difficult to be measured, and it almost differs in every individual case. Although we can somehow measure the thickness of plantar tissue, i.e., the distance from skin to the lower end of calcaneus, as the area marked in Fig. 7b, when the detector drives the motion of the suction area, it is easy to image that the whole plantar tissue around (without clear boundary) involves in the shapes change, and even worse the confinement of skin plays crucial role in the stress response, it is meaningless to define the original L here.
On the other hand, it is not unreasonable to doubt if this parameter is necessary in biomechanical characterization. Since we have exactly measurable force (or stress with area) and displacement (strain), given the L temporarily undefined, we may firstly define a series of “apparent moduli” analog to classical moduli: Similar to the classical Young’s modulus, we define the tensile/compression combined modulus as
$$\begin{array}{c}{H}_{TC}=\frac{{F}_{TC}/A}{\varDelta L/L}\#1\end{array}$$
where FTC is the force of both push and pull, A is the area of suction, L is the “original” length, and note the ΔL is the displacement of up and down.
Then the new shear modulus is defined as
$$\begin{array}{c}{H}_{S}=\frac{{F}_{S}/A}{\varDelta x/L}\#2\end{array}$$
where FS is the force of shearing of two directions, and note the Δx is the displacement of tissue sheared to both sides. Due to the relationship between shear and torsion, we have the applied torque T (in the unit of Nm) as
$$\begin{array}{c}T=\frac{{J}_{T}}{L}{H}_{S}\phi \#3\end{array}$$
where φ is the angle of twist in radians, and JT is the torsion constant in the unit of m4, although it firmly depends on the shape of object, and is complicated to determine for irregular shapes, fortunately we can simply derive it, without knowing the exact form in the means of geometry, from Eqs. 2 and 3:
$$\begin{array}{c}{J}_{T}=\frac{TA\varDelta x}{{F}_{S}\phi }\#4\end{array}$$
Then we have the analog torsion modulus (or torsional rigidity analog to classical definition) in the unit of Nm2
$$\begin{array}{c}{H}_{t}=\frac{TA\varDelta x}{{F}_{S}\phi }{H}_{S}\#5\end{array}$$
Note that in the real test of plantar, there are two modes of shearing test (longitudinal and transverse), and correspondingly two moduli HLS and HTS, the HS in Eq. 5 is taken as (HLS + HTS)/2 in practice.
Here the only undetermined variable is L, but whatever it may be, it does not affect the parallel comparison between the moduli in the same category among the tests. The definition can certainly fulfil our current needs to measure and examine the plantar tissue as a healthy indicator, by considering the shape and size are also part of the “eigen” tissue properties to be reflected by the stress-strain behavior, the term “apparent moduli” objectively characterize the properties of a particular tissue. In this way, we may set a nominal value of L to balance the dimension of equations. Currently this parameter is set to be 10mm.
In the future research, with a large number of testing data, we expect to employ machine learning to figure out the underlying correlations and establish a reliable relationship between newly-defined analog moduli H and classical moduli G with a so-called “equivalent length” L. (This work is currently in progress in our group, since it is not a main concern in this work, we hope the results will be reported in near feature).