In this study, we study the relativistic quantum dynamics, specifically focusing on a spin-0 system described by the Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau (DKP) equation within the context of an Ellis–Bronnikov-type wormhole endowed with topological charge. Our objective is to find the solution to the DKP equation, which, notably, takes the form of the Heun differential equation. Through this investigation, we ascertain the ground energy levels associated to this system. Furthermore, we extend our exploration to the DKP oscillator and employ a similar methodology to derive the ground state energy levels of the oscillator field. In addition, we introduce an electromagnetic four-vector potential and study the DKP oscillator in the wormhole background. An intriguing aspect of our findings lies in the influence of the wormhole's non-trivial topology as well as external potential on the energy levels of this relativistic quantum system.
PACS numbers: 03.65.Vf, 11.30.Qc, 11.30.Cp