Approach of watershed management activities have eventual role in soil conservation and protection of land degradation by adopting improved and refined efficient tool based on sub-watershed (SW) prioritization which is considered as effective initiatives for their sustainability. Present study has aimed to identify SWs in the topographically elevated drought–prone Barind Tract in NW Bangladesh from where runoff water flows to the surrounding perennial river basins making the areas vulnerable to soil erosion and land degradation. Here, the management approach by morphometric and hypsometric analyses have taken to assess the impact of geomorphological processes on SWs hydrology with the help of geomorphic information system (GIS) and remote sensing (RS) tools with statistical and geospatial technique for prioritizing SW. The analysis of morphometric parameters indicates that the sub-watersheds (SW2, SW11 and SW13) have high susceptibility to soil erosion. On the other hand, the hypsometric analysis shows that SWs (except WS13) are prioritized as high grade. The correlation matrix of 18 (eighteen) geomorphic parameters of studied SWs indicates possible interrelationship between multiple parameters in order to obtain the first factor rotated loading matrix. The sub-watersheds (SW2 and SW11) are categories as high priority class using the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and the Weight Sum Approach (WSA), and reveals that they are more susceptible to land degradation than that of others. The high rates of soil erosion and land degradation result serious environmental hazard in ecosystem, and create economic hardship. Finally, it may be reveal that findings of present study will be remarkably important for stakeholder to enable decision-making process for strategies in watershed development and management initiatives through ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) for soil and water conservation in the country.