2.1. General framework
The numerical experiment is based on simulating crop functioning in a downstream plot receiving surface runoff from an upstream plot that is hydrologically connected (Fig. 2). In addition to simulating crop functioning within the downstream plot, our approach relies on simulating the upstream runoff. Thus, the downstream plot is supplied with water from both rainfall and runoff simulated in the upstream plot. Both plots are typified by Mediterranean conditions in terms of crops, soils, and climate. The experiment relies on a few key assumptions. First, each of the upstream and downstream plots is assumed to be homogeneous in terms of parameters, state variables, and fluxes. Second, hydrological connectivity induces a complete transfer of upstream runoff toward the downstream plot. Here, we provide an overview of the numerical experiment setting, and a detailed presentation is provided in Supplementary materials - Section 1.
The numerical experiment is conducted using the AquaCrop model, which meets a set of requirements. This crop model (1) is a water-driven model in accordance with arid to semiarid Mediterranean regions where water is the principal limiting factor for crop functioning, (2) has been extensively validated across various Mediterranean conditions and for a range of state variables related to water budgets and crop growth, and (3) has the capability to simulate runoff, thus minimising costs in numerical simulations by preventing the use of a second simulation model.
[Fig. 2 about here.]
The simulations of downstream crop functioning, which account for additional water supply from upstream runoff, are generated to encompass a wide range of situations typical of Mediterranean conditions. This is achieved by considering a diversity of environmental drivers that influence crop functioning, such as (1) crop type, whose hydrological functioning and phenology are expected to vary significantly from crop to crop, (2) soil available water capacity, which is expected to vary significantly in relation to soil depth and texture via hydrodynamic properties (Cousin et al. 2022), and (3) climate forcing, including rainfall, temperature and reference evapotranspiration, which is expected to encompass variability over several decades.
In each situation of the downstream plot, we consider a range of upstream runoff magnitudes to account for the variability in Mediterranean hydrological conditions. This is achieved by simulating the upstream runoff based on a set of environmental drivers of runoff generation. Some of these drivers are the same as those identified for downstream crop functioning, including crop type, soil available water capacity, and climate forcing. In addition to these drivers, the drained area of the upstream plot is also considered for upstream runoff. This driver, hereafter referred to as the impluvium, is characterised using the ratio of upstream to downstream plot areas. A small value of the ratio would indicate a downstream plot near a hillslope summit in a landscape. Conversely, a large value would signify a downstream plot along the slope or at the bottom of a hillslope.
To generate simulations that are typical of Mediterranean conditions, we rely on the database provided by the environment research observatory OMERE (Observatoire Méditerranéen de l’Environnement Rural et de l’Eau, www.obs-omere.org, Molénat et al. 2018), as this database meets a set of requirements. First, it allows for the consideration of a range of climate forcings, as it includes data collected over the last three decades. Second, OMERE observations are collected within the Kamech catchment (Cap Bon Peninsula, northeastern Tunisia), which is representative of semiarid Mediterranean regions in terms of crops, soil, and climate. Third, the AquaCrop model was shown to acceptably simulate runoff and crop functioning under the agro-pedo-climatic conditions of the Kamech catchment (Dhouib et al. 2022).
2.2. Overview of the AquaCrop crop model
Detailed presentations of AquaCrop (https://www.fao.org/aquacrop/en/) are provided by Raes et al. (2009) and Steduto et al. (2009). Here, we outline the specificities related to our methodological choices.
AquaCrop is a crop model designed to simulate crop functioning and the principal components of the water balance. Specifically, tailored for arid and semiarid environments, it is categorised as a water-driven model (Todorovic et al. 2009). Indeed, it adjusts crop growth based on vegetation transpiration, itself driven by root zone soil moisture. This characteristic makes it well suited for Mediterranean regions, where water acts as the principal limiting factor for agricultural production.
AquaCrop simulates, on a daily time step, the components of soil water balance across the soil‒plant-atmosphere continuum (infiltration and runoff, deep percolation and capillary rise, soil evaporation and vegetation transpiration), as well as plant growth and production (canopy crop cover, root growth, aboveground biomass, yield). Crop transpiration (Tr) is derived from canopy crop cover (CC) and reference evapotranspiration (ET0). Aboveground biomass (AGB) is then derived from Tr and normalised water productivity (WP*), which accounts for atmospheric CO2 concentration. Yield (Yld) is calculated as the product of AGB and the harvest index (HI). Runoff is determined using the empirical curve number method that accounts for crop type, agricultural practice, and hydrological soil group in relation to the soil infiltration rate and antecedent soil moisture. The soil water balance is calculated by discretising the soil into five horizons based on pedological characteristics.
The AquaCrop forcing variables encompass climate data (e.g., air temperature, reference evapotranspiration ET0, rainfall, and atmospheric CO2 concentration) on a daily timescale. The model parameters consist of soil properties (texture and depth, soil moisture at field capacity, permanent wilting point and saturation, saturated hydraulic conductivity), cultural parameters (e.g., maximum canopy cover, crop coefficient), and agricultural practice data (e.g. fertilisation, sowing date).
2.3. Setting the agro-pedo-climatic conditions
We assumed the same variability for the agro-pedological conditions within the upstream and downstream plots. All possible scenarios for each of the two plots are next combined to ensure the representativeness of the resulting AquaCrop simulations. When dealing with climate conditions, including rainfall, air temperature and ET0, for instance, we assumed uniformity across the two plots.
2.3.1. Crop types and subsequent crop parameters
We chose wheat as the cereal crop and faba bean as the legume crop. There are two reasons for this choice. First, these two crops are among the main rainfed crops within the Kamech catchment (Mekki et al. 2006) and in the Mediterranean region (FAO 2022). Second, wheat and faba bean are two very different crops, especially in terms of phenological cycle duration and agricultural practices (sowing and harvest dates), as well as in terms of hydrological functioning (different soil cover rates implying different infiltration-runoff ratios). Indeed, faba bean is a row crop with a short phenological cycle, whereas wheat is a cover crop with a longer phenological cycle. Supplementary materials - Sections 2 and 3 detail the setting, according to the study area, of the crop parameters, the choice of sowing dates, and the fertilisation rates.
2.3.2. Soil characteristics and hydrodynamic properties
In the current study, we consider soil to be homogeneous with depth. Soil hydrodynamic properties include (1) soil moisture at field capacity (FC), at permanent wilting point (PWP), and at saturation (Sat), as well as (2) the saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat). These properties are determined based on soil textures observed within the Kamech catchment. For this, we use data analysis from 10 soil pits collected at various locations within Kamech (Coulouma et al. 2017). This leads to the identification of three dominant textures in accordance with the USDA classification triangle, namely, clay (C), clay-loam (CL) and sandy-clay-loam (SCL). Then, soil textures are converted into hydrodynamic properties using the nominal values proposed by the AquaCrop user guide (Table ST3 in Supplementary materials - Section 2).
When dealing with soil depth, we set three different depths, namely, 0.5 m, 1 m, and 1.5 m. These values are chosen on the basis of the variability of soil depth observed in situ within the study site, where soil depths range from a few centimetres to two metres (Molénat et al. 2018).
By combining three soil textures and three soil depths, we simulate nine situations for soil available water capacity, which is defined as the maximum amount of plant available water that a soil can provide (Cousin et al. 2022).
2.3.3. Climate forcing
To account for the inter- and intra-annual variability in climate conditions, especially rainfall and reference evapotranspiration (ET0), we consider a climate period consisting of 25 years from September 1, 1995, to August 31, 2019. This period is the maximum window for which the OMERE data are available. The climate forcing data used (e.g., air temperature, rainfall, reference evapotranspiration ET0) are collected by the meteorological station located at the outlet of the Kamech catchment.
For this climate series, the annual averages for rainfall, air temperature during the vegetation growing season (October to May) and ET0 are 629 mm, 14.8°C and 1310 mm, respectively (Supplementary Materials - Section 4, Fig. SF2). The years 1996 and 2019 are the wettest, with cumulative rainfall of 1036 mm and 862 mm, respectively. The years 1997, 2002 and 2016 are the driest, with cumulative rainfall of 406 mm, 394 mm and 416 mm, respectively. Regarding air temperature, 1999 and 2009 are the coldest years, with an average air temperature of 14.2°C over the crop growth period [October - May]. The years 2001, 2002 and 2007 are the warmest, with an average air temperature of 15.4°C over the crop growth period [October - May] (Supplementary Materials - Section 4, Fig. SF2).
To deepen the analysis of AquaCrop simulations, we classify the years of the climate series using the FAO aridity index (Spinoni et al. 2014). This index expresses aridity as the ratio of atmospheric water supply (rainfall) to atmospheric water demand (ET0). We opt for this index because (1) it considers several climate variables when using ET0 to quantify aridity, and (2) it is suitable for analysing AquaCrop simulations since AquaCrop involves ET0 when calculating the aboveground biomass. According to the FAO aridity index, the climate series comprises two subhumid years (SH), 10 dry subhumid years (DSH), and 13 semiarid years (SA), accounting for occurrences of 8%, 40%, and 52%, respectively (Fig. 3). Additional details about the calculation of the FAO aridity index are provided in the Supplementary Materials - Section 4.
[Fig. 3 about here.]
2.4. Simulating the upstream runoff
The upstream runoff is quantified using AquaCrop simulations based on the agro-pedo-climatic conditions discussed in Section 2.3. The agro-pedo-climatic conditions include two crop types, nine situations for soil available water capacity (three soil textures and three soil depths), and 25 years of climate. To account for the impluvium area, simulated upstream runoff is weighted by the α ratio, that is, the ratio of the upstream to the downstream plot area (Fig. 2), which is set to three nominal values: 0.5, 1 and 2. By combining two crop types, nine conditions for soil available water capacity, and three ratios of the upstream to the downstream plot area, we obtain 54 situations of upstream runoff and thus 54 simulated time series of runoff, each spanning 25 years. Subsequently, each simulated time series of upstream runoff is added to the corresponding time series of rainfall in the downstream plot.
The set of simulated time series of upstream runoff, after weighting by the α ratio, depicts a range of annual cumulative values from 9 mm to 691 mm, representing 2–97% of the annual rainfall, depending on the year. To further analyse the impact of upstream runoff on downstream crop functioning, we classify these annual cumulative values into four classes relative to three quartiles (Table 1). We refer hereafter to classes of upstream runoff.
[Table 1 about here.]
2.5. Simulating downstream crop functioning
Downstream crop functioning is simulated with AquaCrop, considering the agro-pedo-climatic conditions (Section 2.3) and the upstream runoff (Section 2.4). For each of the two downstream crops (wheat and faba bean) and each of the nine downstream situations in terms of soil available water capacity, 54 AquaCrop simulations are run, varying in the simulated input of upstream runoff. This results in 486 simulations for each of the two downstream crops to be linked for comparison purposes to the corresponding nine reference simulations (3 soil depths, 3 soil textures) of crop functioning without upstream runoff from connectivity. On a yearly basis, these 486 simulations amount to 12,150 simulations for each downstream crop, totaling 24,300 for both.
2.6. Simulation analysis
To study the impact of water infiltration due to the runoff-runon process on downstream crop functioning, we focus on two agronomic variables driven by crop functioning, namely, aboveground biomass (AGB) and yield (Yld). We conduct a quantitative analysis, which involves calculating the relative differences in AGB and Yld between simulations with and without connectivity (Eq. 1, XWC and XOC stand for the value of the simulated variable with and without connectivity, respectively). This allows us to (1) globally quantify, for all considered situations, the impact of upstream runoff by hydrological connectivity on the functioning of the downstream crops (wheat and faba bean) and (2) understand the influence, on this impact, of environmental conditions within the downstream plot (upstream runoff, climate forcing, soil texture and depth, crop).
For each of the two downstream crops, the relative difference Δ is calculated at the annual timescale along the 25-year time series for any of the 486 combinations (3 soil depths, 3 soil textures, 54 upstream runoff). A year Y is considered a hydrological year spanning from the beginning of September of the calendar year [Y-1] to the end of August of the calendar year [Y]. This results in a total of 12,150 relative differences calculated for AGB and Yld for each crop in the downstream plot and for each of the 25 years. Δ > 0 (< 0) indicates that additional water input through hydrological connectivity has a positive (negative) impact, since it leads to an increase (a decrease) in AGB and Yld compared to the case without connectivity.
Before analysing all relative differences Δ, it is necessary to conduct some filtering in relation to simulation realism and AquaCrop modelling accuracy.
A first filtering step prevents the analysis of unrealistic simulations. For this, we filter AquaCrop simulations based on an agro-economic constraint, namely, yield. Following field-based expert recommendations, we select simulations with Yld (wheat) > 0.5 ton/ha and Yld (faba bean) > 0.25 ton/ha, knowing that yields below these values are considered null. To avoid eliminating significant impact changes between with and without connectivity, this filter is applied to simulations with connectivity if Δ > 0 and without connectivity if Δ < 0.
A second filtering step defines a threshold value for Δ to account for uncertainties in the AquaCrop simulations. For this, we refer to Dhouib et al. (2022), who reported that the model satisfactorily simulates AGB, with a relative error between observations and simulations of approximately 11%. Therefore, we choose a threshold of 0.11 for the absolute value for Δ, above which the impact of water input through connectivity is considered significant as it exceeds the modelling uncertainty. If negative (positive) Δ values are greater (lower) than or equal to -0.11 (0.11), we consider that the impact of water input through hydrological connectivity on crop functioning is insignificant. Since the model has not been evaluated for yield in the study area, we use the same threshold on Δ for AGB and Yld.