Learning BIPA or learning Indonesian for foreign speakers has been going on for several decades, both held by domestic universities and universities abroad. Many researchers and BIPA activists have conducted studies on BIPA and its learning that impact the BIPA learning is more organized and innovative. BIPA learning is an activity that is systematic and planned. BIPA learning is a system consisting of aspects and sub-activities that are interrelated and function to achieve learning objectives. As a system, BIPA learning in its implementation follows sequential steps and is chronological-causative.
The most conscientious in BIPA learning is an effort to understand objectively and consistently apply BIPA learning activities that are oriented and lead to achieving the optimal learning objectives. For this reason, BIPA teachers must have the understanding and skills to apply learning following the learners' characteristics and their learning needs. Therefore, initial knowledge of the characteristics of learners and BIPA learning is a prerequisite to leading and moving on to other forms of activity. Teachers' understanding of learner characteristics helps them develop analysis and predictive maps of constructive and destructive things (Estari, 2020). With this understanding, teachers can plan and implement effective learning programs by anticipating the factors hindering the learning process (Darkun, 2019).
The main objective of learning BIPA is to improve the Indonesian language skills of foreign learners. Through systematic and programmed learning, BIPA learners know and have skills in Indonesian following their learning goals and needs. In addition, BIPA learners also gain cultural insights and experiences that support their language skills in natural contexts. This communicative ability is a prerequisite for successful communication in social interaction (Herdiawan, 2020). Therefore, to achieve success in communicating, BIPA learners have language skills and cultural understanding.
Everyone needs a language to build self-capacity personally and socially in interaction. Through language, BIPA learners can develop cultural knowledge and build their self-image in social life. People need a language to explore information about community cultures (Lupyan & Lewis, 2017). Using a language, each individual can explore the culture and life patterns of the people where the language is the lingua franca (Nanda, 2021). BIPA learners need to understand the Indonesian language and culture to be involved in communication and interaction with the Indonesian people, both interactions in the academic community and social interactions in society.
Foreign learners who study Indonesian in Indonesia have academic goals, including wanting to carry out further studies in Indonesia, research the language, culture, or life of Indonesian people, and deepen their knowledge about Indonesia for the needs of their study development in their country of origin. However, some BIPA learners want to master Indonesian because they will work and live in Indonesia. This reality has implications for the performance of BIPA learning institutions to be more concerned with developing programs and developing learning strategies that are under the needs of foreign learners so that they can provide learning services more optimally.
The results of preliminary studies through interviews show that BIPA learners generally expect to acquire knowledge and skills in Indonesian for natural communication. They want to be directly involved in the discourse of social interaction in society. According to them, learning in formal classes and only sourced from books does not provide knowledge and language skills that support their communication needs. They want optimal opportunities to practice using Indonesian in natural communication. For them, learning in the classroom emphasizes mastery of language material without providing opportunities to practice it. This condition makes them face many problems when they communicate in daily conversation.
BIPA learners expect to get real learning experiences to use in everyday communication. They hope to gain language experience and knowledge of Indonesian culture in a natural learning context. Learners prefer various learning strategies in the teaching and learning process (Siregar & Haswani, 2020). In learning, they need to deal directly with the learning object and communicate it with the Indonesian people.
Based on the learners' needs and desires, the BIPA learning program at the State University of Malang applies a tutorial learning model. Tutorial learning in this context is a learning process outside the classroom that utilizes objects in the natural environment as learning resources. BIPA learners learn languages through contextual language practice based on tutorial objects used as learning resources. In learning activities, learners are guided and directed by tutors who act as learning partners. The application of this tutorial model is a new phenomenon different from classical BIPA learning practices in general. This phenomenon deserves to be the object of study to reveal the characteristics of the learning model.
In connection with the description above, this study aims to describe the tutorial learning model for improving the communicative competence of BIPA learners. The focus of the problems studied in this study includes (1) the design learning of tutorial in learning BIPA, (2) the implementation of tutorial BIPA learning, (3) the results of tutorial BIPA learning, and (4) the obstacles in the implementation of tutorial BIPA learning. This study contributes theoretically and practically to language learning, especially Indonesian language learning for foreign learners. Findings about learning needs, learning techniques, and learning procedures theoretically contribute to new knowledge in educational science, especially language learning theories. This knowledge contributes to the course of language learning strategies, second language learning, and foreign language learning. Practically, findings related to learning procedures and learning design function as a reference in language learning that involves foreigners as learners. For future researchers, these findings can give references in developing theoretical frameworks, methods, and discussion of study results.
Literature Review
In the last decade, the interest of foreigners to learn Indonesian is quite high. The increase in the interest of foreigners needs to get good attention and service from the organizers of the BIPA learning program. In essence, foreigners learning Indonesian have various purposes, including conducting further studies in Indonesia, getting to know the culture of Indonesian society, conducting research on the Indonesian language and culture, and working in Indonesia (Suyitno et al., 2018). In this context, the BIPA learning program is a vehicle for improving Indonesian language skills, as well as introducing Indonesian culture to foreign students learning Indonesian (Zulfahmi Hb, 2017).
In general, foreign students who study Indonesian in the BIPA learning program are adult students (Suyitno et al., 2018). They have mastered their first language before learning Indonesian. In this context, Indonesian is a second language for foreign students. The effect of mastering the first language is often a factor causing difficulties in learning a second language which can be an obstacle to the successful implementation of BIPA learning (Arumdyahsari et al., 2016). For this reason, learning Indonesian for foreign students needs to find a learning model that can minimize the emergence of various difficulties in learning. Learning that utilizes environmental media as a concrete learning resource is a viable model choice. In studying, foreign students will learn the Indonesian language and culture by experiencing direct communication events. In studying, they are accompanied by tutors as learning partners and communication partners. This learning model is called the BIPA tutorial model.
The tutorial model is an intensive learning model for foreign students that aims to help foreign students face learning difficulties. The learning difficulties referred to can be in the form of difficulties related to material received during class learning or foreign students' difficulties in understanding Indonesian culture (Raymundo, 2023). Through learning the tutorial model, foreign students can learn the Indonesian language and culture in a more relaxed situation because tutorial learning tends to be semi-formal. It is hoped that the creation of a relaxed learning environment can provide comfort and courage for foreign students to ask tutors about material they find difficult. The application of the tutorial model in BIPA learning is carried out by directing foreign students in situational Indonesian language practice activities.
In essence, the tutorial learning model applies the principle of direct learning, where students directly practice the target language in communication. This learning model provides opportunities for foreign learners in learning the language to practice using the target language optimally and naturally (Boschman et al., 2019). In learning, learners are directly involved in the context of natural communication. They get the optimal opportunity to practice the target language they are learning. The learners can realize their learning tasks, determine their learning experiences, and direct their learning actions. Schechtel et al. (2020) explained that learning activities provide opportunities for learners to reflect on their experiences to build a unique new experiential learning framework according to their needs and learning styles.
The tutorial learning model leads learners to a more meaningful language learning experience. Learning experiences become meaningful when all domains of learner abilities and all learning domains (cognitive, psychomotor, and affective aspects) are involved and integrated during the learning process (Eshun & Mensah, 2013). In learning activities, learners see, hear, and experience directly through the process of observing and investigating objects that are the topic of learning while interacting and communicating in Indonesian. Bačić (2020) stated that communicative and natural language learning contributes to a comprehensive learning experience. Learning a language is not learning knowledge about language but learning how to use language to communicate (Woodrow, 2018).