1.1 Test materials
Populus davidiana × P. bolleana seedlings were obtained by tissue culture. Test strains: Suillus luteus and Paxillus involutus were isolated from a forest in Zhanggutai experimental forest farm, Changwu County, Liaoning Province.
1.2 Test Preparation
Preparation of sterile soil: To prepare the soil for the purpose, we mixed grass charcoal soil and vermiculite in a ratio of 2:1. Put into sterilization bags in 120℃ autoclave sterilizer for 2 h, put into pots (diameter : 20 cm, height : 14 cm) and set aside.
Preparation of mycorrhizal reagent: About 1 month before seedling transplantation, Suillus iuteus and Paxillus involutus were previously inoculated on a PDA medium (Formula: glucose 20 g, potato 200 g, agar 20 g, KH2PO4 3 g, MgSO4 1.5 g, peptone 1.5 g, distilled water 1000 mL). Later it was inoculated in a conical flask (500 mL) containing 200 mL of PDA liquid medium by drilling three pieces with a sterile punch (φ= 1cm). The mycorrhizal reagent was obtained by incubation on a cradle with oscillation (25 °C, 170 RPM). Before its use, we poured mycorrhizal reagent into a disintegrator to stir the mycelium for homogenization. Finally, we mixed homogenized liquid and water in a ratio of 1:3 for later use.
1.3 Experimental design
In this experiment, "compartmented cultivation system" was used to limit the growth space of seedling roots and thus exclude the influence of roots on the soil of hyphosphere, so as to quantitatively analyze the effect of extraradical hyphae of ectomycorrhiza on the relevant physicochemical properties of soil. A three-chamber culture system was made from acrylic panels, with a 30 um aperture nylon mesh separating the culture system into a plant growth compartment, a buffer compartment, and a mycelium compartment. The detailed dimensions of the culture system are shown in Fig.1.
Establish 3 treatment groups: Inoculation with S. luteus (Sl); Inoculation with P. involutus (Sl); No inoculation (CK). We made six replicates of each treatment group, total 18 seedlings.
One Populus davidiana × P. bolleana tissue cultured seedling was transplanted in each plant growth compartment, and after the seedlings were successfully transplanted. Then they were innoculated by perforated root irrigation method (Holes were punched into the rhizosphere soil, and then the bacteria solution was poured into the rhizosphere soil along the holes). Inoculation of 100 mL of bacterial solution per seedling.
The seedlings were harvested 60 d after inoculation treatment. Taking the culture system apart and the 2 cm thick soil on the surface of the root compartment and mycelium compartment was removed. The remaining soil was then well mixed and used to determine soil pH, available phosphorus content and acid phosphatase activity.
1.4 Material and methods
1.4.1 Mycorrhizal colonization rate
After harvesting the seedlings, three seedlings were randomly dug from each treatment to observe mycorrhizal morphology (under stereoscope). Mycorrhizal colonization rate was determined using statistical sampling method. The mycorrhizal colonization rate was calculated according to the following formula:
Mycorrhizal colonization rate (%) = Number of root segments colonized by mycorrhiza/Total number of root segments ×100
1.4.2 Seedling growth index measurement
Seedling height and ground diameter measurement: Three seedlings were randomly sampled from each treatment, and the plant height and ground diameter were measured using a tape measure and vernier caliper, respectively.
Biomass measurement: Electronic balance was used to weigh the fresh weight of aboveground and underground parts, and each treatment was repeated 3 times. Then dried in a constant temperature drying oven at 80 °C to a constant weight, and the dry weight was weighed.
1.4.3 Soil PH measurement
The collected soil samples were air-dried at not more than 40°C and processed through 2 mm sieve.
Preparation of suspensions:Use a measuring cylinder to take 5 ml air-dried soil sample into a 50 mL conical flask, and add 5 times the sample volume of distilled water. Using a mechanical oscillator, the suspension was continuously shaken for 60 min and then left to stand for 2 h, during which time air should be avoided from entering the conical flask.
pH measurement:At 20 ± 2 °C, the suspension was stirred before measurement so that the soil particles could be distributed relatively uniformly in the suspension without entrapping air, and then pH was measured immediately (Li et al., 2007).33
1.4.4 Soil acid phosphatase activity measurement
Soil acid phosphatase activity was measured by spectrophotometric method. 0.1g of the above fresh soil was accurately weighed and placed in a 1.5 mL centrifuge tube for measurement by Nanjing Jiancheng Kit.
1.4.5 Soil available phosphorus content measurement
Extraction and measurement of available phosphorus content: Weigh 2.50 g of air-dried soil sample after a 1mm screen, put it in a 150 mL dry conical flask, add 50 mL distilled water, keep the liquid temperature at 25℃, shake for 30 min on a 180 RPM Oscillator, filter immediately with Phosphorus-free filter paper, and leave the filtrate to be measured. Referring to the Chinese national standard (LY/T1233-1999), the molybdenum antimony anti-colorimetric method was used for the measurement.
1.4.6 Plant tissue phosphorus measurement
Extraction and measurement of tissue phosphorus content: The harvested seedlings were placed in a constant temperature drying oven at 80℃ to dry. The samples were pulverized and digested using H2SO4-H2O2. Accurately absorb 4 mL of the digestion solution into a 50 mL volumetric flask for determination of tissue phosphorus content. Referring to Li-Ping's method (Li, 2020). The molybdenum antimony anti-colorimetric method was used for the determination.
1.4.7 root system segment surface scanning electron microscope and element energy spectrum analysis
The roots were washed with tap water when the seedlings were harvested, and the roots were cut off under a stereoscope. The samples were placed in glass vials with fixation fluid, pump the air out of the bottle and stored in a 4℃ refrigerator. The samples were sent to the Analysis and Testing Center of Shenyang Agricultural University and analyzed by Hitachi Regulus 8100 electron microscope for root system segment surface scanning and phosphorus elemental energy spectrum.
1.5 Data Analysis
The obtained data were collated using Office Excel 2018; a one-way analysis of the significance of differences with SPSS 26.0, α = 0.05; plotted with GraphPad Prism 8.0.