2.1. Chemicals and Materials
Analytical-grade chemicals and reagents were all employed in this research project without further purification. Ammonium molybdate tetrahydrate (CAS 12054-85-2), (NH4)6Mo7O24⋅4H2O 99%), copper nitrate hexahydrate (CAS 13478-38-1), (Cu(NO3)2⋅6H2O, 99%), potassium dihydrogen phosphate (CAS 7778-77-0), (KH2PO4, 98%), antimony potassium tartrate (CAS 28300-74-5), (C8H4K2O12Sb2⋅3H2O, 99.5%), were purchased from Research Lab Fine Chemicals, Mumbai, India. Mueller-Hinton Agar (CAS 9002-18-0, MHA) and Dimethyl Sulfoxide (CAS 67-68-5, Hi-Media Laboratories Pvt. Ltd., India)
Characterization was performed by Brunauer − Emmett − Teller (BET) (SA-9600, USA), a Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FT-IR, iS50ABX Thermo Scientific, Germany), an X-ray diffraction spectrometer (XRD-700 X-RAY, Germany), and a UV-Vis spectrophotometer (Biochrom, UK).
2.2. Preparation of copper oxide nanobiochar
First, spent coffee grounds from nearby coffee shops were gathered, cleaned, and oven-dried. At various temperatures (250, 350, and 450 oC), the cleaned spent coffee grounds were treated to gradual pyrolysis in a muffle furnace. To create uniform-sized particles, the obtained biochar was mashed in a mortar and pestle and sieved using a 150.0 m mesh (6, 14). The size of the biochar particles was reduced by acid digestion in a hydrothermal autoclave reactor. The process was typically allowed to finish in a fume hood after 1.0 g of the resulting biochar was put to a hydrothermal autoclave reactor holding 60.0 mL of concentrated HNO3 and H2SO4 (1:3 ratio). Finally, the product was collected, filtered, washed, and stored for further experiments (1, 6). The co-precipitation of metal ions allowed for the modification of nanobiochar. Typically, 200.0 mL of solutions containing CuSO4·6H2O (0.2 M) in a 2:1 ratio were added to 0.4 g of nanobiochar. After that, 1.0 M NaOH was added drop by drop while being stirred rapidly for 1 hr. After allowing the reaction mixture to sit for 24 hrs, the precipitate was ultimately removed, cleaned, and kept for later investigations as shown in Fig. 1(14).
2.3. Adsorption study
In batch-mode adsorption studies, the material capacity for phosphate adsorption was evaluated. In a series of batch mode tests, factors affecting the efficiency of the adsorption, such as pH (3–13) and a dose of adsorbent (15–35 mg), were investigated using the one factor-at–a-time approach. Quantification of the residual phosphate concentration was measured by the ascorbic acid method (Method, 1978) using a calibration curve from phosphate external standards (1, 12, 14, 15). The removal efficiency and the amount of phosphate adsorbed were determined by using equations (1) and (2), respectively.
% removal =
\(\frac{ {\text{C}}_{\text{o}}-{\text{C}}_{\text{f}}}{{\text{C}}_{\text{o}}}\text{*100}\)
Adsorption capacity =
Where Co and Cf are the initial and final phosphate concentrations, qt is the amount of phosphate adsorbed at time t, V is the volume solution, and m is the mass of the adsorbent used. The adsorption isotherm was done by fitting the equilibrium data into the linear form of the Langmuir (Eq. (3)) and Freundlich (Eq. (4)) isotherm models.
$${q}_{e}= \frac{{q}_{m}{k}_{l}{c}_{e}}{1+{k}_{l}{C}_{e}} 3$$
$${q}_{e}= {k}_{f}{C}_{e}\frac{1}{n} 4$$
where qe (mg g− 1) and Ce (mg L− 1) are equilibrium adsorption capacity and equilibrium concentration, respectively; 1/n is the intensity of adsorption; Kf (mg g− 1) (Lmg− 1)1/n is the Freundlich adsorption constant; qm (mg g− 1) is the maximum adsorption capacity; and KL (L mg− 1) is a Langmuir constant (13). Similarly, the kinetics study was done by fitting the equilibrium data into pseudo-first (Eq. (5)) and second-order (Eq. (6)) kinetic models shown below.
\({q}_{e}\) = \({q}_{e}\)(1-\({e}^{{k}_{1}}\)t) 5
$${q}_{e}= \frac{{k}_{2}{q}_{e}^{2}}{ 1+{k}_{2}{q}_{e} t} \text{t} $$6
Where qe and qt (mg g− 1) are the amounts of phosphate adsorbed at equilibrium and at time t, respectively; k1 (min− 1), k2 (g mg− 1min− 1), are the rate constants of the corresponding models.
2.4. Antibacterial analysis of copper modified nanobiochar
2.4.1. Bacterial Test Organisms and Standard Antibacterial Disc
The standard American Type Cell Culture (ATCC) bacterial species of Salmonella typhi, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Streptococcus pneumoniae were obtained from the Department of Biology at Mizan-Tepi University, Ethiopia. The standard antibacterial disc used for the study was gentamicin.
2.4.2. Antibacterial Activity
The Mueller-Hinton Agar (MHA) used was made according to previously reported literature (16–18), which called for mixing 38.0 g of powder media with 1.0 L of distilled water, sealing the mixture in a container, and autoclaving it at 121oC for 15 minutes. After that, the media were put on sterilized Petri dishes. After the media had solidified, 100.0 mL of the working stock culture was distributed with a sterile cotton swab, and stainless steel cork borer wells were formed in each Petri dish. Then different concentrations of nano copper oxide particles and nanobiochar (100 µg/mL, 250 µg/mL, and 500 µg/mL) were prepared by dilution of the stock solution in DMSO (negative control) and poured into the well using a micropipette. The plates were incubated for 24 hours at 37oC (17, 18). The extracts were tested in triplicate, and the findings were shown as the mean standard deviation. The diameter of the zone of inhibition was measured in millimeters (mm).