Susceptibility to optical illusions can result in individuals failing to accurately process visual information and misinterpreting reality in the presence of specific environmental cues (Gregory, 1997, 1998). Size illusions, in particular, occur when individuals misperceive the size of an object due to the surrounding background (Shapiro & Todorovic, 2017). One of the best-known size illusions is the Müller-Lyer (Figure 1a), which occurs when individuals perceive the same line as being longer when in proximity of two arrowheads pointing inward, as compared to outward (Gregory, 1963; Shapiro & Todorovic, 2017). This illusion is traditionally thought to occur because individuals wrongly extrapolate three-dimensional information from two-dimensional images, perceiving the line between inward-pointing arrowheads as being farther, and thus longer, than the one between outward-pointing arrowheads (Gregory, 1963, 1966), although the exact mechanisms explaining this illusion are yet discussed (Howe & Purves, 2005). Another classical size illusion is the Delboeuf illusion (Figure 1b), which occurs when individuals perceive the same circle as being larger if surrounded by a smaller than by a larger concentric circle (Coren & Girgus, 2022). This illusion is thought to occur because the smaller surrounding circle assimilates the internal circle, making it look larger, whereas the larger surrounding circle contrasts it, making it look smaller than in reality (King, 1988).
Several studies have shown that humans are widely susceptible to both the Müller-Lyer and the Delboeuf illusions (Shapiro & Todorovic, 2017), although there might be important intra-specific variation linked to cultural, genetic and environmental factors (e.g., exposure to urban environments: Deręgowski, 2017). Despite some early studies on other species, it is only more recently that researchers have started systematically investigating how species other than humans perceive size illusions (see Fujita, Nakamura, & Watanabe, 2017, for a review). As the perception of illusions occurs automatically in humans, and as humans partly share their visual system with other species, it is indeed possible that susceptibility to optical illusions is widespread across animals (Feng, Chouinard, Howell, & Bennett, 2017). Studying optical illusions in a comparative perspective, indeed, may be informative for several reasons. Comparing susceptibility to optical illusions across species, for instance, is a non-invasive way to acquire information on the similarity of their visual systems, and to infer whether these systems share a long evolutionary history in common or rather emerged multiple times as the result of convergent evolution (Fujita et al., 2017). If the same susceptibility to illusion is shared by different species, for instance, it is possible to infer that these species evolved similar mechanisms to visually perceive the world (Feng et al., 2017). In the same line, comparing susceptibility to optical illusions across species is also informative to understand the ecological and environmental conditions in which such susceptibility might emerge, and infer the adaptive significance of illusory perceptions (Fujita et al., 2017).
In species other than humans, studies have shown important variation within and across species in their susceptibility to optical illusions, with some contradictory results. Therefore, it is not yet clear to what extent different species share similar perceptual systems, and/or whether such variation rather depends on specific contextual factors (e.g., methodology, demographic characteristics of the study subjects). A recent review, for example, reports the existence of studies on optical illusions (including the Müller-Lyer, Delboeuf, Ebbinghaus, Kanisza, Zollner and Rotating snake illusions) in ten species of mammals, eight of fish, four of birds and two of reptiles (Santacà, Agrillo, & Miletto Petrazzini, 2021). For the Müller-Lyer illusion, in particular, there is evidence that several species perceive it in a way similar to humans, including rhesus macaques, Macaca mulatta (Tudusciuc & Nieder, 2010), capuchin monkeys, Cebus capucinus (Suganuma, Pessoa, Monge-Fuentes, Castro, & Tavares, 2007), horses, Equus caballus
(Cappellato, Miletto Petrazzini, Bisazza, Dadda, & Agrillo, 2020; Murayama, 2012) , pigeons, Columba livia (Nakamura, Fujita, Ushitani, & Miyata, 2006) and teleost fish (Sovrano, da Pos, & Albertazzi, 2016). For the Delboeuf illusion, results are more controversial. Whereas chimpanzees, Pan troglodytes (Parrish & Beran, 2014), rhesus monkeys, Macaca mulatta, capuchin monkeys, Cebus capucinus (Parrish, Brosnan, & Beran, 2015), cats, Felis catus (Szenczi, Velázquez-López, Urrutia, Hudson, & Bánszegi, 2019) and bearded dragons, Pogona vitticeps (Santacà, Miletto Petrazzini, Agrillo, & Wilkinson, 2019) appear to perceive it in the same way as humans, other species perceive it in the opposite direction (guppies, Poecilia reticulata: (Lucon-Xiccato, Santacà, Miletto Petrazzini, Agrillo, & Dadda, 2019); other teleost fish: (Santacà, Lucon-Xiccato, & Agrillo, 2020); partially dogs, Canis lupus familiarias: Byosiere, Feng, Woodhead, et al., 2017), or do not perceive it (ring-tailed lemurs, Lemur catta: (Santaca, Regaiolli, Miletto Petrazzini, Spiezio, & Agrillo, 2017).
Clearly, some taxa appear to be especially underrepresented in research on optical illusions. To the best of our knowledge, for example, only two studies have so far been conducted in ungulates (Cappellato et al., 2020; Murayama, 2012). In one study, bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) trained to select the larger of two circles later preferred the circle that was surrounded by six smaller rather than larger inducer circles, suggesting susceptibility to the Ebbinghaus illusion (Murayama, 2012). In the other study, horses (Equus caballus) spontaneously preferring a longer over a shorter carrot stick also preferentially selected a carrot stick between two inward-pointing arrowheads over an identical one between two outward-pointing arrowheads, suggesting susceptibility to the Müller-Lyer illusion (Cappellato et al., 2020). Therefore, ungulates appear to be a promising but yet understudied taxon to study optical illusions in a comparative perspective.
The main aim of this study was to investigate how different ungulate species (i.e., guanacos, Lama guanicoe, llamas, Lama glama, Skudde sheep, Ovis aries, and Damara goats, Capra hircus) perceive two optical size illusions: the Müller-Lyer and the Delboeuf illusions. In ungulates, eyes are positioned on the side of the head, providing them with a wide field of view to detect predators (Sugnaseelan, Prescott, Broom, Wathes, & Phillips, 2013) but likely reducing their ability to perceive depth and distance, as the overlap between the visual fields of both eyes is limited (Fowler, 2011). Although visual acuity may vary across species (Carroll, Murphy, Neitz, Hoeve, & Neitz, 2001), vision is considered the dominant sense in ungulates (Fletcher & Lindsay, 1968; Lindsay & Fletcher, 1968), playing a crucial role in environmental perception (Baldwin, 1979, 1981), individual recognition (Davis, Norris, & Taylor, 1998; Lickliter & Heron, 1984; Taylor & Davis, 1998) and selection of ecological resources (Arnold, 1966; Bazely & Ensor, 1989). In ungulates, vision is indeed well-suited for detecting movement, identifying objects (Caro, 1994; Hirata, Arimoto, Hattori, & Anzai, 2019) and distinguishing shapes and patterns (Baldwin, 1981; Blakeman & Friend, 1986; Roitberg & Franz, 2004; Schaeffer & Sikes, 1971).
Although different ecological characteristics might be linked to the emergence of differences in visual systems (Wasserman, Lazareva, & Shimizu, 2012), in this study we hypothesized that, if their visual systems share a long common evolutionary history, ungulate species should be susceptible to optical illusions, as already shown in dolphins and horses (Cappellato et al., 2020; Murayama, 2012). In particular, we predicted that guanacos, llamas, sheep and goats would be similarly susceptible to both the Müller-Lyer and the Delboeuf illusions, preferring the food stick between two inward arrowheads over an identical one between two outward arrowheads in the Müller-Lyer task, and preferring the food surrounded by a smaller circle over an identical one surrounded by a larger circle in the Delboeuf task.