Using HR-PQCT, an accurate and non-invasive technique for bone evaluation, we find satisfactory results on bone quantity and quality in 19 adolescent R-Tx recipients at the time of R-Tx and 6 months after R-Tx compared to matched HC. We also describe the evolution of mineral and bone biomarkers after R-Tx.
Major changes in serum mineral metabolism occur immediately after R-Tx [20]. PTH levels usually decrease but persistent secondary hyperparathyroidism is described in 10 to 60% of patients 12 months after R-Tx [29–30], hyperparathyroidism being an independent risk factor for allograft dysfunction in pediatric R-Tx [31]. In our series, 6 months after R-Tx, 53% patients still display elevated PTH levels (but always < 2 ULN). Hyperparathyroidism and persistent elevated circulating FGF-23 levels can promote renal phosphate wasting and low calcitriol levels [32]. Indeed, up to 10% of patients may present with hypophosphatemia 12 months after R-Tx, correlated with FGF23 levels [30]. Nearly 60% of our patients require phosphate supplementation 6 months after R-Tx, and a quarter of patients present with elevated FGF23 levels. The interest of phosphate supplementation in this setting remains debated, but one should not forget that hypophosphatemia is a main driver of mineralization defects; alternatively, giving too much phosphate on a renal transplant with normal or near-normal renal function may also induce secondary hyperparathyroidism, thus justifying a close and regular control of CKD-MBD parameters after pediatric R-Tx. Of note, even though the interest of cinacalcet after pediatric R-Tx has been discussed [33], none of the patients here received cinacalcet during the study period.
Shroff and al describe 25-OH vitamin D deficiency in half of pediatric R-Tx recipients [34]. Only one of our patients has vitamin D within the target range 6 months after R-Tx, despite native vitamin D supplementation. Given the fact that vitamin D is also a natural inhibitor of the mTor pathway [35], and that native vitamin D supplementation is able to prevent the onset of hyperparathyroidism in pediatric CKD [36], these data highlight the need of a close follow-up of 25D levels and an adequate correction of vitamin D deficiency if necessary [37]. They also highlight that CKD-MBD is closely controlled in dialysis, but maybe less after Tx, because of concomitant other comorbidities and specific post-Tx follow-up. Metabolic acidosis is found in 30% of patients whereas it is associated with altered growth hormone axis, protein degradation and glucocorticoid production [38]. Although these various parameters are poorly correlated with bone histomorphometry, they should be regularly monitored after transplantation in accordance with KDIGO guidelines, with particular interest in the evolution of trends [39–40]. Although, not recommended in daily practice for the follow-up of pediatric CKD-MBD [10], our DXA follow up revealed a significant increase in lean body mass, likely reflecting renutrition.
Few pediatric studies describe HR-pQCT post R-Tx [18–21]. In a cross-sectional study including 55 adolescent R-Tx recipients in 2000, Rüth et al identify a decrease in cortical thickness, at an average of 4.9 years after transplantation [21]. More recently, a study including 14 adolescent R-Tx recipients reveals significantly lower trabecular BMD Z-score 12 months after R-Tx in association with greater glucocorticoid exposure [19]. This study also describes cortical bone loss at transplantation associated with hyperparathyroidism severity and a significant increase of cortical BMD Z-score 12 months after R-Tx, correlated with low glucocorticoid exposure and lower PTH levels. However, this study is characterized by high median PTH level (3.6 ULN) at baseline and a high fracture rate in the first 6 months post R-Tx (10% within 6 months post R-Tx). This study is, therefore, not comparable with our series since our patients are better controlled in terms of median PTH levels at the time of Tx, i.e., 1.9 ULN; moreover, we did not observe any fracture during the 6-month follow up.
Counter-intuitively, we describe higher total and trabecular densities and better trabecular bone at the time of R-Tx compared with HC. These findings are probably due to a rigorous control of mineral biomarkers pre-transplantation, notably for PTH and phosphate levels. Using the same HR-pQCT technique in the 32 teenagers from Lyon included in the 4C study (median GFR of 33 mL/min per 1.73m2), we already provided reassuring data concerning bone health in these children with moderate CKD with tightly controlled mineral biomarkers [14]. However, this study also suggested an inverse bone-vascular cross talk in pre-dialysis: “the better the bone, the worse the vessel”. Higher serum calcium levels as well as higher trabecular bone thickness were indeed associated with higher diastolic and mean blood pressure[14]. This raises the question of whether trying to optimize calcium balance on the growing skeleton can lead to vascular calcifications. A recent longitudinal follow-up study in a cohort of children and young adults with stage 4–5 CKD on dialysis also shows a bone-vessel interaction [41]. Patients with increased trabecular vBMD have worse carotid intimal thickness Z-score. However, due to the buffering capacity of the growing skeleton, which requires calcium accumulation to reach peak bone mass, patients from this cohort showing persistent linear grow display an attenuated pejoration of these vascular measures. Our cohort provides reassuring data concerning cardiovascular outcomes with only two patients displaying left ventricular hypertrophy on the baseline echocardiography. No correlation was found between left ventricular mass index and HR-pQCT parameters and the proportion of patients with normal systolic and diastolic blood pressure 6 months after R-Tx significantly improved from 37–74%. However, neither ambulatory blood pressure monitoring nor any other cardiovascular imaging test were performed. Future studies should focus on the crucial issue of assessing and optimizing skeletal mineralization while avoiding vascular calcification development.
Puberty is a crucial period for the acquisition of optimal bone mass, which has an impact on the risk of osteoporosis later in life [42–43]. In the general adolescent population, physical activity and its associated osteogenic effects have been shown to modify bone strength and quality during this particular period in various studies using DXA and HR-pQCT [44–46]. However, compared with the general population, physical activity levels are lower in pediatric kidney recipients and do not always improve after transplantation [47–48]. We show here that TEE tended to improve 6 months post-transplant and that TEE 6 months post R-Tx correlated with lean body mass and cortical bone parameters. This provides a rationale to promote early physical activity after transplantation, likely having beneficial effects on bone to prevent fractures on the long-term.
We observe a slight degradation of trabecular microarchitecture 6 months after R-Tx at the radius. Such impairment may be partly explained by a less rigorous control of mineral metabolism but also by the combination of bone risk factors that is maximal in the early post-Tx period, such as the use of corticosteroids and calcineurin inhibitors, and the presence (even if supplemented) of hypophophosphatemia and acidosis. Limitations of our study are our small sample size and the assessment of physical activity using a self-administered questionnaire, easier than double-labeled water technic or podometers.