Phenotypic Evaluation of Seminal Root Traits
The phenotypic performance and broad-sense heritability (HB2) of five seminal RSA traits (LRN, SRN, RHL, RD and TRV) from the RIL population and their parents are shown in Table 1. Notably, XX329 had more LRN, SRN, RD and TRV compared to TAA10, while TAA10 had longer RHL than XX329. Significant differences in root traits were observed among the RILs. Specifically, LRN ranged from 36.98 to 2.35 roots per plant with a mean value of 8.84, SRN varied from 4.22 to 6.00 roots per plant with an average of 5.18, RHL spanned from 0.53 to 1.41 mm with a mean value of 0.96 mm, RD was between 0.20 and 0.13 mm with a mean value of 0.17 mm, and TRV varied from 0.14 to 0.02 cm3 with a mean value of 0.05 cm3. The coefficient of variance (CV) of seminal RSA traits varied from 6.37% for SRN to 52.37% for LRN. The estimated HB2 of these five root traits ranged from 76.25 to 98.49%, among which LRN, SRN and RHL exhibited higher heritability (98.01, 91.39 and 98.49%, respectively) compared to RD and TRV, which were 76.25% and 84.48% respectively. The Shapiro-Wilk test for normality distribution showed that RD displayed normal distributions (P > 0.05), while the distribution of LRN, SRN, RHL and TRV exhibited deviations from normality (P < 0.05) (Figure 1). The frequency distribution histograms showed pronounced transgressive segregation for each trait, indicating that TAA10 and XX329 contributed positive alleles for these traits.
Correlation among Seminal Root Traits and yield components
The BLUP values of yield-related traits including SL, FSN, SSN, TSN, PHT, HD from the RIL population have been reported in Xu et al. (2022). These values were utilized in the current study to calculate correlation coefficients between seminal root traits and yield components. Of all root traits, LRN exhibited a significantly positive correlation with HD (P < 0.05). SRN showed a positive correlation with FSN and TSN (P < 0.01)) (Table 2). Additionally, RD and TRV were notably positively correlated with GL, GW and TGW (P < 0.05) (Table 2).
QTL analysis
In this study, we detected seven QTL associated with LRN, SRN, RHL, RD and TRV on chromosomes 2D, 4D, 5D and 7D (Table 3). Of these identified QTL, three QTL associated with LRN (QLrn.qau-5D.1, QLrn.qau-5D.2 and QLrn.qau-7D) were identified on chromosome arms 5DS, 5DL and 7DS, respectively. QLrn.qau-5D.1 and QLrn.qau-5D.2 carried the favorable alleles contributed by TAA10, while QLrn.qau-7D had the favorable allele contributed by XX329. QLrn.qau-5D.1 had a LOD value of 2.55 and accounted for 4.98% of LRN variation. QLrn.qau-5D.2 had a LOD value of 5.78 and contributed to 12.17% of phenotypic variation (Figure 2A). QLrn.qau-7D had a LOD value of 2.84 and accounted for 5.35% of LRN variation. For SRN, a major QTL (QSrn.qau-2D) with a LOD of 7.30 was detected on chromosome arm 2DS to control SRN. This QTL explained 14.73% of the phenotypic variance for SRN and was associated with positive alleles from XX329. For RHL, a major QTL located in a region on chromosome 4DL (QRhl.qau-4D) explained 9.32% of the observed RHL variation, with the positive allele contributed by TAA10. Additionally, a minor QTL (QRd.qau-2D) with LOD of 2.86 was detected on chromosome arm 2DS, controlling RD. This QTL explained 7.16% of the phenotypic variance for RD and was associated with positive alleles from XX329. A QTL located on chromosome 5DL (QTrv.qau-5D) with a LOD score of 2.95 explained 6.97% of phenotypic variation in TRV. The positive allele for QTrv.qau-5D was contributed by XX329.
Fine mapping and verification of QLrn.qau‑5D.2
Residual heterozygous line (RHL) is an efficient tool for QTL fine-mapping without extensive backcrossing (Liu et al. 2018; Tuinstra et al. 1997). Fortunately, we successfully identified a RHL from the RIL population that carries a heterozygous segment in the target region of QLrn.qau‑5D.2. Hence, we chose to focus on fine mapping the major QTL QLrn.qau‑5D.2. The confidence interval of this QTL was determined to be between marker 5D432 and 5D483 (Figure 2A, B). To fine mapping QLrn.qau‑5D.2, six new polymorphic InDel markers between TAA10 and XX329 were developed to genotype the segregating populations the segregating progenies of RHL (Table S2). Based on genotype of these markers, nine sets of NILs with overlapping recombinant segments were developed (L1-L9) (Figure 2C). The phenotyping analysis on LRN was applied among these homozygous non-recombinant lines. In the progeny test, NILTAA10 (with TAA10 allele) exhibited a significantly larger lateral root number than that of NILXX329 (with XX329 allele) within the populations L1, L2, L4, L6 and L8 (P < 0.01), while no significant differences were observed between NILTAA10 and NILXX329 within the populations L3, L5, L7 and L9. Taken together, QLrn.qau‑5D.2 was precisely mapped to an approximate 5.0 Mb interval flanked by markers of 5D1204 and 5D122, corresponding to the genomic region from 386.3 Mb to 391.3 Mb in the IWGSC RefSeq v1.1. (Figure 2C).
To further validate and assess the effect of QLrn.qau‑5D.2 on LRN and yield component traits, we evaluated the effect of a set of NIL pair (L6) under field conditions. The results revealed that the average LRN of NILTAA10 was 33.33% higher than that of NILXX329 in the NIL pair derived from L6 (Figure 2C). In addition, an analysis of RIL lines possessing TAA10 or XX329 homozygous allele across the interval of QLrn.qau 5D.2 between markers 5D1204 and 5D122 revealed that the lines with the TAA10 allele exhibited a higher LRN than those with the TAA10 allele, which suggested that the 5D1204-5D122 interval contained a functional unit that controls LRN (Figure S1). To determine the possible pleiotropic effects of QLrn.qau‑5D.2 associated with the effect on LRN, we measured a series of other yield-related traits in the set of NIL pair. Notably, NILTAA10 displayed significant increases in PHT, SL, SC, TN and GYP, with improvements of 5.7%, 9.0%, 12.0%, 23.96% and 24.44%, respectively (P < 0.05), when compared to NILXX329 in the L6-derived pair (Table S3).
Analysis of candidate genes
To identify the candidate genes in the 5.0-Mb interval of QLrn.qau-5D.2 (5D1204-5D122), we searched the annotated genes based on the gene annotations of the Chinese Spring reference genome (IWGSC RefSeq v1.1). This interval contained 80 high-confidence genes (Table S4). Utilizing the Wheat eFP Browser database, we analyzed the expression patterns of these genes in different tissues. Among them, 39 genes were primarily expressed in root tissues (Table S5). It is well-established that Auxin plays a pivotal role in the formation of lateral and adventitious roots (Lavenus et al. 2013; Lee et al. 2019; Wang et al. 2022). The orthologs of the above 39 genes in Arabidopsis and rice were analyzed by using Triticeae-GeneTribe (Table S6) (Chen et al. 2020; Xu et al. 2022). Interestingly, five predicted genes (TraesCS5D02G286000, TraesCS5D02G286100, TraesCS5D02G288000, TraesCS5D02G291800 and TraesCS5D02G293100) have been identified to be associated with the auxin-related pathway, suggesting that they might be the candidate genes (Table S7). DNA sequence analysis uncovered SNP variants of TraesCS5D02G286000 between TAA10 and XX329. These variants were found in the upstream region of the translation start codon and the downstream region of the termination codon, respectively. For TraesCS5D02G286100, only one single InDel was found in the upstream region of translation start codon and downstream region of the termination codon between TAA10 and XX329, respectively. As for TraesCS5D02G288000, 6 SNPs were observed between two parent lines. In particular, one SNP in the exon 3 was found in XX329, as compared with TAA10, which led to the substitution of amino acid (Asn/Ile). For TraesCS5D02G291800, a total of 17 SNPs and 11 InDels were found between TAA10 and XX329. These variants included 3 SNPs in the upstream region of translation start codon, 1 SNP in the intron, as well as 13 SNPs and 11 InDels in the downstream region of the termination codon. For TraesCS5D02G293100, altogether 17 SNPs and 3 InDels were identified between two parents. Notably, 4 SNPs were located in the exon 1 and exon 3, resulting in 3 amino acid substitutions.
Given the missense mutations in TraesCS5D02G288000 and TraesCS5D02G293100, which involved in auxin-associated pathways, between TAA10 and XX329, we hypothesize that these genes may play a role in auxin-induced lateral root development. We first examined the expression patterns of these two candidate genes in roots of NILTAA10 and NILXX329 from one NIL pair of L6 under 0.1 μM IAA treatment. The results showed that the accumulation of TraesCS5D02G28800 mRNA continued to increase in NILTAA10 after 3 h of IAA treatment. In contrast, there was no dramatic change in the transcript level of this gene in NILXX329 following IAA treatment (Figure 3A). Compared with NILXX329, the transcript level of TraesCS5D02G28800 remained consistently higher in NILTAA10 throughout the 3 h to 12 h period of IAA treatment (Figure 3A). As for TraesCS5D02G293100 mRNA, there was a significant increase in the transcript level of this gene in NILTAA10 and NILXX329 after a 6-h IAA treatment (Figure 3B). Moreover, the relative expression level of TraesCS5D02G293100 was significantly higher under IAA treatment for different durations in NILTAA10 than that of NILXX329 (Figure 3B). Next, we examined how NILTAA10 and NILXX329 plants response to different concentrations of IAA treatments. There was a noticeable difference in lateral root number between NILTAA10 and NILXX329 in response to increasing IAA concentrations from 0.01 to 1 μM. The NILTAA10 plants exhibited more lateral root number compared to the NILXX329 plants (Figure 3C). These data indicated that TraesCS5D02G288000 and TraesCS5D02G293100 may be involved in the development of lateral roots, partially in an auxin-associated manner.