Despite efforts in building a local reference database, in combining public databases and through using different assignation methods, only a small fraction of the diversity could be taxonomically assigned (18S: 17%; COI: 9.3%), much lower than in other COI studies (e.g., 100% in 55, 51% in 56). However, the assignment process employed here was intentionally more stringent to limit false taxonomic assignments. Some studies used a low similarity threshold for the COI of 85% versus the 95% used here (Table 3). The low rate of assigned OTUs was also reflected in the average number of OTUs found in each ARMS, as the proportions of OTUs retained here (Eukaryota only) were lower than with a less stringent threshold. For this reason, previous studies using ARMS on the coral reef cryptobiome found higher numbers of identified OTUs, ranging from fourfold 18 to eightfold 15 compared to the present study. Comparison of our results with previous studies also needs to consider (1) the OTU clustering threshold; (2) the filtration step (removing bacteria or keeping only a subset of taxa, like metazoans); (3) the completeness of the local reference database and (4) the number of sites studied.
In Reunion, OTU assignments in all the fractions were dominated by Annelida and Porifera, results comparable to those from the Red Sea 16. Other cryptobiome inventories using ARMS found a high proportion of Arthropoda and few Porifera 13. The difference in assigned proportions could be explained by the higher substitution rates of nucleic acids in COI in Arthropoda than in Porifera 57 which decreases the probability of references being genetically close for Arthropoda, thus diminishing the numbers of assigned COI OTUs.
Table 3
Summary of the parameters employed for ARMS deployment and OTUs processing in reef cryptobiome studies. Extended information is available in ESM 18. Filtration steps: sequences with Stop codon were removed (Cod), singleton sequences were removed (Sin), filtration based on abundance of reads (*), bacterial sequences were removed (Bac) and sequences were kept based on their taxonomy 1: only metazoans and macroalgae; 2: only metazoans.
Site | # sites | # ARMS | Immersion time (months) | Deployment and retrieval month | OTU threshold | Filtration | Assignment threshold | % OTUs with phylum assignment | # OTUs (total) | # OTUs by ARMS (mean ± sd) | Reference |
Cod | Sin | Bac | Tax |
Florida (USA) | 1 | 9 | 6 | Nov - May | NA (CROP) | V | V | V | | 97% blast 90% SAP | 72% | 1 391 | 536 ± 30 | Leray & Knowlton 2015 |
Virginia (USA) | 1 | 9 | 6 | Sep - May | NA (CROP) | V | V | V | | 97% blast 90% SAP | 59% | 1 204 | 434 ± 55 |
Gulf of Aqaba (Jordan) | 2 | 5 | 16 | Oct - Feb | NA (CROP) | V | V | V | | 97% blast 80% SAP | 63% | 1 197 | 609 ± 114 | Al-Rshaidat et al 2016 |
Saudi Arabia coast | 3 | 9 | 13 | Apr - May | 97% | | V | | | NA | NA | 1 700 | 1 297* | Pearman et al. 2016 |
Thuwal (Saudi Arabia) | 11 | 33 | 24 | Feb, May, Jun - May, Jul | NA (CROP) | V | V | | | 97% blast SAP | 58% | 3830 | 660 ± 151 | Pearman et al. 2018 |
Saudi Arabia coast | 22 | 87 | 24 | Feb, May ,Aug - May, Jun, Jul, Nov | ESM not available | | | | | ESM not available | 55% | 10 416 (1 471 by site) | 828 | Carvalho et al. 2019 |
Saudi Arabia coast | 4 | 33 | 24 | May - May | 100% (ASV) | V | V | | | RDP | NA | 33 832 ASV | NA | Villalobos et al. 2022 |
Mo’orea (French Polynesia) | 1 | 3 | 24 | Jan - Jan | NA | | V | V | | 97% blast 85% blast 90% SAP | 55% | 2 456 | NA | Ransome et al. 2017 |
Bali (Indonesia) | 2 | 6 | 11 and 23 | Jul - Jun | 97% | V | V | | | 85% blast | 51% | 31 900 | 6 580 to 14 237 | Casey at al. 2021 |
Hawai'i | 1 | 6 | 23 | Jul | 97% | V | V* | | 1 | 97% blast 85% LCA | NA | 893 | NA | Nichols et al. 2021 |
Singapore | 4 | 12 | 24 | Jun - Jun, Jul | 97% | V | V* | | 2 | RDP 80% confidence | 100% | 410 | NA | Ip et al. 2022 |
Marine communities are generally dominated by a few taxa, with most of the diversity represented by rare species whose presence may vary in space and time 58,59. This is congruent with our results, as only a small part (9% for the COI at the ARMS level) of the OTU diversity represented the core community of the reef cryptobiome across immersion times, as was also the case in the Red Sea 13,15. Low similarity values among ARMS replicates (for the COI, ranging to 20% for the fraction 500–2000 µm to 38% at the ARMS level) indicate considerable variation in species composition at small spatial scales (i.e., < 5 m). The partitioning of beta diversity provided similar values to those found in the Red Sea 16, with an average OTU replacement rate of 60% between two ARMS at the same site. The partitioning of beta diversity also indicated that replacement was higher for the motile than for the sessile fraction, suggesting a greater stochasticity in motile faunal communities. Moreover, although deploying 15 ARMS over different seasons and immersion times, this sampling effort failed to recover the total estimated eukaryote diversity of that site, highlighting the overwhelming diversity of cryptic species on coral reefs 11,60.
Deployment of ARMS over different seasons and immersion durations revealed significant temporal effects on the cryptobiome communities retrieved. While the overall alpha diversity of OTUs sampled with ARMS did not depend on the immersion time, we observed an increase in the alpha diversity of motile organisms between 6 months and 1 year and a decrease in the alpha diversity of sessile organisms between 1 and 2 years. Moreover, immersion time and deployment and/or retrieval seasons influenced the composition of the cryptic communities sampled by ARMS. Similar trends in community structure were detected by both markers and across the three fractions, even though the community compositions were different 18,55.
Succession in communities across immersion times
The cryptobiome in ARMS differed according to immersion duration. Contrary to the initial hypothesis, the number of OTUs collected did not systematically increase over time. Instead, the cryptobiome showed a strong temporal turnover, with an average replacement at the ARMS level of over 62% of the OTUs between two immersion times, compared to 54% mean replacement among replicates of sets. For sessile organisms, we observed a replacement of taxonomic groups increasing with immersion time. Reflecting their ability to be early colonisers, ascidians, cirripeds and hydrozoans were more abundant in 6-months ARMS. Their diversity decreased with immersion time in favour of Porifera and Rhodophyta OTUs that became more diverse. In Hawaii’s reefs, similar patterns were observed, with sponge diversity increasing throughout 2 years of ARMS immersion without reaching an asymptote 42. Rhodophyta included crustose coralline algae known to undergo species successions after colonising newly available substrates 61. The paucity of OTU taxonomic assignations did not allow to consistently analyse such species successions. However, the decrease in ascidian diversity appeared mainly due to a decline of solitary ascidians. By their capacity to grow by lateral expansion, colonial organisms have an advantage over solitary forms by completely overgrowing space-limited hard substrata 62,63. For the motile cryptobiome, we observed a decrease of annelid diversity with immersion time, while arthropods reached their maximum diversity in 1-year ARMS (especially those deployed and retrieved in the hot season).
The decline in similarity among ARMS replicates with immersion time (from 38% for ARMS deployed in the hot season and immersed for 6 months to 29% for 2-years ARMS) underpin two ecological processes. In the early stages of ARMS colonisation, communities among replicates were rather similar (communities in 6-months ARMS and deployed respectively in the cool or hot season were on average 34% or 38% similar, compared to the mean similarity of 28% between any two ARMS), suggesting initial colonisation by a suite of pioneer species. For the ARMS deployed in the hot season for which three immersion times were available, the mean similarity among 6-months and 1-year ARMS replicates decreased by 5% while species replacement increased by 9% at the ARMS level. Therefore, we hypothesise that a pool of pioneer species first establishes itself in the ARMS and that these are partly replaced by subsequent colonizers, including rare species, which arrive stochastically. From 1 to 2 years of immersion, the similarity continued to decrease (− 4%), but in this case, we observed a decrease in the species replacement by 5% and an increase by 9% of the richness difference. This suggests the maintenance of part of the communities (the core communities) and the overgrowth by some species that become dominant in some ARMS replicates. The decreased similarity among replicates over time and the beta diversity decomposition both suggest an ecological succession principally driven by stochastic events. These results are in line with the hypothesis that multiple stable equilibria linked to stochastic events are more probably in systems with large regional species pools, low rates of connectivity and high productivity, such as the coral reef cryptobiome 28.
Season shapes communities
The study site on Reunion’s outer reef slope was subject to seasonal variations in environmental conditions. The spatio-temporal dynamics of cryptic communities may therefore be linked to this seasonal variability. To our best knowledge, this study is the first to highlight the role of season in shaping the composition of communities sampled by ARMS.
Similarity values within season indicated greater variability in the species composition in the hot than in the cool season. For the sessile fraction, species replacements among ARMS replicates deployed in the cool season reached 58% against 65% for those deployed in the hot season. The increase in dissimilarity in summer is hypothesized to be related to the seasonal reproduction of reef biota. Thus, these ARMS may have collected additional taxa that reproduce around this time of year (e.g. eggs of gastropods, fishes) 64. However, alpha diversity was not significantly different between hot and cool seasons and the richness difference values remained low.
Comparisons among deployment seasons showed significant differences more often than comparisons among seasons of retrieval and the season seemed to affect sessile taxa more than the motile fractions. Rhodophyta represented greater proportions of OTUs in ARMS deployed in the hot season. This is consistent with the fact that macroalgal growth and biomass increase with temperature on coral reefs at Reunion 65. Furthermore, the proportion of Mollusca OTUs increased during the hot season, which might be related to an increase of their food resources, including Rhodophyta 32. Conversely, sessile suspensivore taxa such as Porifera, Cnidaria and Bryozoa, demonstrated higher proportions of OTUs in ARMS deployed in the cool season. Ascidians appeared to be more influenced by the retrieval season and represented a higher proportion of OTUs in ARMS collected in the cool than in the hot season. Several other studies have shown a seasonality in ascidian abundance, which is generally correlated with the supply of nutrients in the environment 35. Thus, the greater proportion of OTU from sessile suspensivore taxa were consistent with the peak of Chl-a and POC concentrations (Fig. 2) as well as δ13C enrichment of reef waters 66 during the cool, dry season. The stronger hydrodynamic conditions during this time of year likely facilitate the advection of nutrients to sessile filter feeding reef biota 67. Nevertheless, the ascidian recruitment patterns seem to be species-specific with variations between seasons, orientation and position on the substrata 35. Given their short pelagic duration and limited larval swimming ability, ascidians generally have a relatively localized dispersal 40. The stronger hydrodynamic conditions that prevail during the cool season may therefore also favour the dispersal of ascidian larvae and thus their colonisation of ARMS 65,67. Overall, the seasonal variations in coral reef communities include complex interactions of environmental factors, including SST, irradiance, rainfall, and nutrient availability. Taxon-specific studies are needed to better understand the implications of such seasonal variations.
Implications for future studies
This study showed that both immersion duration and season affect the composition of the communities sampled by ARMS. Both parameters need to be taken into account in designing a sampling plan and in data analysis. We therefore recommend to deploy and retrieve ARMS during the same time of year or season. As the number of OTUs do not increase with immersion duration, a year-by-year basis of ARMS deployment and recovery may allow for a more rapid assessment of changes in cryptobiome communities than the conventional immersion duration of 2 years. Short immersion times are often more compatible with project funding timeframes and also reduce the risk of losing ARMS units (e.g., due to cyclonic events). Given the lack of available base-line data on the temporal dynamics of the cryptobiome, carrying out a short pilot study aiming to evaluate possible seasonal effects, before starting a longer-term monitoring program, would likely further improve the interpretation of the results.