Our results investigating fine scale in mixed vs. monospecific pine stands indicate that the variations in quantity and quality of topsoil organic matter are related to the overstory but also to the understory vegetation composition. Here, the PC1, highly correlated to TOC, serves as a predictor of organic matter quantity since soil organic matter is a complex mixture of plant, animal, and microbial residues in several decomposition stages (Brady and Weil 2017) and it is primarily composed of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and small amounts of sulphur, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and magnesium (Bot and Benites 2005). In addition, we use the PC2, highly correlated to the C/N, as a predictor of organic matter quality since the decomposition of organic matter is a process where factors such as a high lignin content of their sclerophyllous foliage with high carbon:nitrogen, carbon:phosphorous, lignin:nitrogen or lignin:phosphorus ratios can slow down the decomposition process, and thus the incorporation to the soil organic matter (Prescott and Vesterdal 2021; De Marco et al. 2022).
Topsoil organic matter as a function of the stand type using a fine-scale approach
Our analysis of fine-scale variations of organic matter-related topsoil properties and forest floor biomass using LMM indicates that there are stand-type effects on TOC, TN, C/N, and bD similar to those described by López-Marcos et al. (2018) at the stand level in Cstock and FFB. Within-stand variance, instead, is too high to find differences among stand-types, although Cstock follows a trend like TOC.
On the one hand, the monospecific P. sylvestris (PS) stands is linked to higher TOC values, and PP to higher C/N values, and this is very likely a consequence of P. pinaster recalcitrant (Herrero et al. 2016), coarse (Amaral Franco 1986) and high C/N leaf litter (López-Marcos et al. 2018). Thus, PS stands have high quantity and quality topsoil organic matter in contrast to monospecific P. pinaster (PP) stands. Even though intermediate values of TOC and C/N are expected in mixed stands (MM) according to the overstory composition, we only observed an intermediate quantity (TOC: PS > MM > PP) but a higher topsoil organic matter quality than expected because the topsoil C/N in MM stands is lower-than-expected from the overstory composition (C/N expected: PP > MM > PS vs. C/N observed: PP > MM ~ PS). There might be some effect of the understory, as indicated by Augusto et al. (2015) or Chen et al. (2019).
Regarding the other topsoil variables, TN follows the same pattern as TOC and Cstock given the close linkage between carbon and nitrogen cycling (Elbasiouny and Elbehiry 2019). Soil bulk density, which is a measure of the weight of the soil per unit volume, is related to the relative proportion of solid organic and inorganic particles and the porosity of the soil and varies inversely with respect to soil organic matter content (Saini 1966). Accordingly, we find opposite trends between TOC and bD across the different stand compositions. The absence of differences in the forest floor biomass (FFB) among stand types found in our study can be related to the multiple processes that affect the forest floor accumulation (Andivia et al. 2016; Prescott and Vesterdal 2021).
Topsoil organic matter heterogeneity. Fine-scale vs large scale approach
The topsoil TOC and Cstock (first 5 cm depth) measured in the 4-m radius subplot responded to the stand type effect in the same way that it was already described by López-Marcos et al. (2018) for the (one pit) upper 10 cm soil of 15-m radius plot in the same study area. At both spatial scales, topsoil TOC and Cstock were higher in PS, lower in PP and intermediate in MM stands, showing a fine-scale trend related to the dominant tree species, as López-Marcos et al. (2018) previously reported at the stand level.
On the other hand, topsoil C/N, which is expected to decreae during organic matter decomposition (Getino-Álvarez et al. 2023), at a smaller spatial scale showed an unexpected trend according to the forest floor C/N ratio pattern previously described by López-Marcos et al. (2018) and at the stand level. The topsoil C/N here was higher in PP than in the other stand types, among which there were no differences. This led us to think that the topsoil organic matter variability at a smaller spatial scale in pine stands is related not only to the overstory but also to the understory composition, as discussed below. Therefore, composite samples as in Cools et al. (2014) may hide understory effects such as those demonstrated in Rodríguez et al. (2009)
The different topsoil organic matter described at the stand level (previously reported by López-Marcos et al., 2018) and at a smaller spatial scale (just described here) could be linked to various trends in tree density and basal area at both spatial scales (López-Marcos et al., 2021c). The impact of different mixing percentages of stands on soil organic matter also influences, as reported by Getino-Álvarez et al. (2023). This is because, as suggested by Yeste et al. (2021), not only litterfall production but also root systems and secretions may play a crucial role. Also, as indicated above, the topsoil properties are the result of aggregated small-scale variations in neighbourhood interactions (López-Marcos et al. 2021a), this neighbourhood including both overstory and understory species, and being more complex in mixed forests (Vandermeer 1989; Michalet et al. 2015).
Defining the quantity and quality of soil organic matter as latent variables that explain their variability
Cstock and FFB, but also the other topsoil variables, showed very high within-stand-type and within-stand heterogeneity in both monospecific and mixed stands so that the differentiation of stand types (monospecific vs mixed stands) was not prioritized in the first dimensions of the PCA. The fine-scale heterogeneity in forest soils is often high as demonstrated by others (Rodríguez et al. 2009; Yeste et al. 2021).
Although the PCA applied on the topsoil organic matter and forest floor variability didn’t show clear subplot segregation according to the stand type, latent variables associated with the principal components, such as the quantity (PC1) and quality (PC2) of topsoil organic matter, were identified, and they explain almost 70% of the total variability found.
TOC, a proxy of organic matter (Howard and Howard 1990; Augusto et al. 2015; Gasch and DeJong-Hughes 2019), increased towards the negative end of PC1, so did Cstock and TN. C/N being almost orthogonal to PC1, means that higher TN in PC1 mostly indicates high organic matter content instead of higher organic matter quality, and hence that PC1 is equivalent with a gradient of quantity of soil organic matter.
On the other side, the C/N ratio, a proxy of the lower quality of organic matter (Yeste et al. 2021; Getino-Álvarez et al. 2023) increased towards the negative end of PC2, meaning that the highest organic matter quality is found in the subplots towards the positive end of PC2. bD over the PC2 is likely to be an indirect effect of the change of the soil's physical properties associated with the formation of aggregates during organic matter decomposition (Prescott and Vesterdal 2021) and, therefore, provides here similar information as C/N. These results suggested that PC1 and PC2 were related, respectively, to the quantity and quality of the topsoil organic matter, which represents the main gradients generating soil variability; almost 70% of the total variation here. The only variable with a weak relationship with both gradients is FFB, which is independent of PC1, the soil organic matter quantity, and is only associated with the soil quality.
The first principal component (PC1) is likely prioritizing the organic matter quantity because of the spatial patterns of trees and other plants in the forest, as the main contributor to the soil organic matter (Augusto et al. 2015; Prescott and Vesterdal 2021), is far more important than the stand type and the mean characteristics of the triplets (i.e., age, density) in our dataset.
The quality of topsoil organic matter was associated with PC2 given its high correlation with C/N ratio, considered an indicator of the soil organic matter quality (Ostrowska and Porębska 2015); the lower the C/N ratio the higher the soil organic matter quality, due to its higher humification degree and more stable soil organic matter (Prescott and Vesterdal 2021; Getino-Álvarez et al. 2023). Compared to organic matter quantity, the differences in quality are relatively small in our experimental set-up because the litter produced by the two dominant trees is relatively similar.
Linking topsoil organic matter quantity and quality with under- and overstory vegetation
The carbon input to forest soil is primarily determined by the type of vegetation, which means, the amount and characteristics of litter inputs that will determine the rate of soil organic matter formation (Cools et al. 2014; Andivia et al. 2016). Therefore, differences between Pinus sylvestris and Pinus pinaster leaf litter found in the same experimental set-up were related to the carbon input (see López-Marcos et al 2018); Pinus pinaster stands presenting more sclerophyllous foliage than Pinus sylvestris stands (Kattge et al. 2020). This finding is supported by the positive relationship found in this study between the C/N ratio and the %GPP since species with more sclerophyllous foliage have higher lignin content and higher C/N ratio (Augusto et al. 2015).
Hence, mixed pine stands (MM) are expected to have intermediate values for both variables (TOC, C/N) according to the overstory composition. However, in mixed forests, we found a C/N underperformance, that means a lower C/N of topsoil organic matter than what would be expected from the overstory composition. These results suggest that the dominant tree species is probably not the only one responsible for the variability in topsoil organic matter. As previously mentioned, these findings open the door to interpretations related to the rest of the vegetation that makes up the forest ecosystem, i.e. the understory. Some authors have already revealed that understory plants are more important to mediate litter decomposition than overstory (Augusto et al. 2015; Chen et al. 2019), e.g., by affecting enzymatic activity and microbial C use efficiency (Deng et al. 2023). In this regard, understory plants have already been demonstrated to generate soil heterogeneity in pine forests (Rodríguez et al. 2009).
According to Raunkiær’s life-forms classification of the understory species found in the same experimental set-up (see López-Marcos et al. 2019), low C/N litter is produced from parts of therophytes, geophytes, and hemicryptophytes that disappear massively every year during the most unfavorable season(s), and high C/N litter, related to high lignin content, recalcitrant organic matter of woody parts (López-Marcos et al. 2019) is expected from chamaephytes and phanerophytes inputs. This is also consistent with the common use of leaf C/N ratio and N content as a predictor of plant strategies (Louault et al. 2005; Ansquer et al. 2009) and, in particular, with the low C/N ratio of the litterfall of many hemicryptophytes of temperate terrestrial ecosystems (Kattge et al. 2020). Therefore, associating the plant's strategies to pass the unfavourable season (see Raunkiær’s classification of life-forms) to the litter inputs nature, and knowing the foliage characteristics of the dominant tree species is necessary to understand the quantity and quality of topsoil organic matter variability.
When the under- and overstory species and understory richness were modeled along the quantity (PC1) and quality (PC2) topsoil organic matter gradients (bidimensional niche analysis) three tendencies were reported. First, in locations with low quantity and quality of the topsoil organic matter, most of the PP subplots are located as well as the optimum of %GPP and the cover percentage of Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Calluna vulgaris, Cistus laurifolius, Quercus pyrenaica (regeneration), Melampyrum pratense, and Pinus pinaster regeneration. Given the high presence of chamaephytes and phanerophytes in the understory and of Pinus pinaster in the overstory, a woodier understory litter input, and a more sclerophyllous overstory litter input are expected.
Second, in locations with high quantity and quality of the topsoil organic matter, most of the PP subplots are located as well as the optimum of %GPS and the cover percentage of Aira caryophyllea, Pteridium aquilinum and Pinus sylvestris regeneration. Given the high presence of therophytes and geophytes in the understory and Pinus sylvestris in the overstory, a more herbaceous understory litter input, and a less sclerophyllous overstory litter input are expected.
Third, in locations with low quantity but high quality of the topsoil organic matter, most of the MM subplots are located as well as the optimum cover percentage of Agrostis castellana, Deschampsia flexuosa, Erica arborea, Erica australis, Hypnum spp., Juniperus oxycedrus, Potentilla montana, Simethis mattiazzii and Viola montcaunica as well as the optimum of the understory richness (Sα). The greatest diversity of litter inputs both from the understory and the overstory is expected there. There is a high presence of hemicryptophytes, phanerophytes, and bryophytes from the understory that showed the greatest species richness. Consequently, there is a more heterogeneous understory litter input with a mixture of herbaceous and woody litter. Also, there is a codominance of both Pinus species in the overstory that, in turn, provides a more heterogeneous overstory litter input with a mixture of more and less sclerophyllous foliage.
Trends first and second are consistent with the assumptions that woodier and more sclerophyllous litter inputs present higher lignin content associated with a higher C/N ratio. The presence of more recalcitrant chemical compounds such as lignin could explain the lower decomposition rate of litter (Wang et al. 2016) and, in turn, the lower carbon input into the soil (López-Marcos et al. 2018). However, the third trend deserves further discussion.
In mixed stands, we expected to find intermediate values of both quantity and quality of topsoil organic matter given the overstory composition. The higher-than-expected quality of topsoil organic matter in mixed stands could be related to the higher diversity of litter inputs derived from the greater diversity of the understory, not only to the overstory mixture. The litter physicochemical diversity can have an important impact on the structure and operation of the litter microbial community when trees with different traits cohabit, since mixed litter has higher fungal and bacterial abundances and microbial community diversity than litter from a single source (Liu et al. 2022), being able to find a positive priming effect (Getino-Álvarez et al. 2023). Fontaine et al. (2003) have already postulated that the higher the chemical diversity of litter inputs is the higher the diversity of the produced enzymes and the probability of occurrence of the priming effect will be. This positive priming effect is defined as changes in the carbon and nitrogen mineralization of soil organic matter (acceleration, or positive priming effect, vs reduction, or negative priming effect) as a result of an increase in general microbial activity due to the greater availability of energy and nutrients released by fresh organic matter (plant residues, dead microorganisms, organic or mineral fertilizers; Fontaine et al. 2003; Getino-Álvarez et al. 2023). Fanin et al. (2020) have already reported a greater impact of labile over recalcitrant substrates on the priming effect magnitude. Indeed, here Sα is related to a high-quality topsoil organic matter since showing its optimum at the end of PC2 gradient. In particular, some understory species, such as Viola montcaunica and Potentilla montana and Desclampsia flexuosa, which have been previously described as key species in the maintenance of high understory richness in the MM stands (López-Marcos et al. 2021a) and codified as hemicryptophytes (López-Marcos et al. 2019), display its optimum in the same areas as Sα. However, even though the priming effect has been already reported in mixtures combining species with contrasting traits (Getino-Álvarez et al. 2023; Tian et al. 2023) little is still known about the mixture effect in pine forests with species belonging to the same genus, as is the case of the tree-dominant species, and even less about its relationship with the understory.
The results here presented suggest that the topsoil organic matter quantity, despite all the fine-scale heterogeneity at the stand level, is related to the overstory litter input, and the topsoil organic matter quality is related not only to the overstory but also to the understory litter inputs. These findings stress the need to include this reviled/unwanted vegetation in the management strategies of pine forest stands in order to conserve a biodiverse understory that contributes to topsoil organic matter of high quality.