Corals were collected by dredging, in which case sample depth was determined as the mid-point of the targeted depth range, or by ROV (see ref. 1 for details), in which case depth was precisely known. Electron probe microanalyses follow procedures in refs. 2 a; oxygen and carbon isotope ratios (δ18O and δ13C) based on ref. 3 and boron isotope ratios (δ11B) based on ref. 4. The analyses were each done at different laboratories (EPMA – CSIRO Mineral Products; O and C isotopes – NIWA; B isotopes – Univ. Western Australia), using different, but adjacent sections cut from the trunks of the corals. For the Australian and New Zealand samples, the Mg/Ca compositions of the Norfolk Ridge specimens were analysed using ICP-AES5. Dating methods varied among specimens, reflecting the range of studies involved. Most specimens were dated using by radiocarbon analysis of calcite, done at the Australian National University, following procedures in refs. 6 and 7 and again using adjacent coral sections, extrapolated to full age. Reservoir ages for deep-water in the SW Pacific poorly known. For analysis of the Tasmanian material, we used 970 years, based on ref. 8 and on the alignment between the growth rates of co-located known age orange roughy and coral Mg/Ca (Suppl. Fig. 1). For the Norfolk Ridge specimens, dates were assigned based on differences in calcite radiocarbon ages relative to a modern specimen (DW1697). L11, K9 and K11 were dated by radiocarbon analysis of surface-derived organic tissue in nodes7,9. L11 and K9 were dated based on the “bomb” radiocarbon signal. For K11, we assumed a surface reservoir age of 330 years, based on ref. 10. Z10909, live caught, was dated by increment count11 and K19 by “wiggle mapping” the Mg/Ca series of the apparently long dead (surface pitted and eroded) specimen onto that of a radiocarbon dated specimen (K18) from the same area. We also note that for the corals overall, the correspondence between the millennial Mg/Ca trajectory and regional climate variables, discussed in the text, corroborates our age estimates for the corals.
Calibration of proxies
We estimate the amount of isobaric temperature change in SW Pacific AAIW based on a global calibration between modern ambient temperature and specimen-mean Mg/Ca ratios for 71 keratoisidid corals (0.14 Cº per mmol/mol [95% CI 0.09 – 0.21], p < 0.0001) (Suppl. Fig. 5A). The slope is similar for 33 SW Pacific corals alone (m = 0.12, CI 0.03 – 0.20, p < 0.02) and for 38 specimens from all other sites pooled (m = 0.15, CI 0.07 – 0.24, p < 0.001), suggesting it is robust. The slopes are much less than those reported for pooled data spanning what is now four gorgonian families12, but previously all considered isidids, reflecting differences among the current families in ambient temperature ranges and apparent temperature sensitivity of Mg/Ca ratios. The slopes of correlations within specimens at seasonal and interannual scales are highly variable and may differ among sites/thermal regimes, possibly due to effects of different growth rates13. However, the overlapping and concordant trends for the SW Pacific specimens suggest a common direct or indirect response to temperature change. In that regard, over the industrial era, Mg/Ca is highly variable, but trends downwards in all specimens (Suppl. Fig. 5B), which is consistent with reports of cooling of AAIW on isobaric surfaces over the last half century. The reported magnitude of the decline varies geographically, but near the sampled area ranges from ~0.005 to 0.02º C/yr14-17, which is similar to our pooled estimate of ~0.005º (CI ~0.003 – ~0.007) C/yr since ~1900 (Suppl. Fig. 5B).
Changes in salinity are estimated based on a variant of the lines method18, detailed by ref. 3. Adjusting the residual δ18O time series for temperature effects steepened and increased the significance of the decline across the radius of K2 (F1,217 = 330.2, p< 0.001), but the decline was significant without the temperature adjustment (F1,217 = 8.5, p< 0.005).
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