Western Sicily is a segment of the SCZ (Fig. 1A), a complex stack of double-verging thrust sheets with NE-SW direction resulting from the Neogene-Quaternary Africa-Europe subduction/collisional dynamics (Dewey et al. 1989; Roure et al. 1990; Faccenna et al. 2001a, 2004; Henriquet et al. 2020). In this subduction/collisional frame, tectonic shortening initially involved the Paleogenic deep-water covers of the subducting Neotethys oceanic domain, creating a large accretionary wedge in response to sediment scraping at the top of the descending oceanic slab (Alpine-Tethys Units in Fig. 1B, see Ogniben, 1960; Monaco & Tortorici, 1995). During the Oligo-Miocene, portions of the wedge were pushed by the advancing European backstop and progressively transported toward the south up to tectonically override the platform/basin pre-orogenic configuration of the African continental margin (Catalano et al. 1996; Henriquet et al. 2020). According to the continuing convergence, the African paleo-margin was then positively inverted to create a foreland-ward migrating thrust-wedge. This thrust wedge, locally more than 20 km thick, is formed by deep-water Meso-Cenozoic carbonate units, overriding a more than 10 km-thick carbonate platform (Catalano and D’Argenio 1978, 1982; Bello et al. 2000), and is characterized by a multi-stage tectonic evolution during the last 15 My evolving from thin to thick - skinned structural style (Catalano et al., 2013; Gasparo Morticelli et al., 2015; Sulli et al., 2021) .The thrust-stack includes Meso-Cenozoic shallow to deep-water carbonate successions (Catalano & D’Argenio, 1978, 1982; Bello et al., 2000) deformed into a series of tectonic units bounded by reverse fault contacts. During the tectonic piling, Middle-Upper Miocene terrigenous and evaporites sediments deposited syn-tectonically in a wedge-top/foredeep migrating system (Gugliota et al., 2014 and reference within). The westernmost segment of the SCZ is a roughly NE-SW trending contractional belt (Fig. 1B) interposed between two extensional domains, the Tyrrhenian back-arc to the north (Faccenna et al. 2001b), and the Sicily Channel Rift Zone to the south (SCRZ in Fig. 1A, see Ben-Avraham et al., 1990). Deep seismic explorations have shed light on the crustal setting of many parts of Western Sicily, suggesting that the tectonic belt in the area is made up of multiple horses that structured at different times and various structural levels (Catalano et al. 2000; Finetti et al. 2005). During the thin-skinned tectonic, two main shortening events involved the Meso-cenozoic carbonate units (shallow to deep seated tectonic events, see Avellone et al., 2010) generating two superposed structural levels separated by a flat regional decollement, identified by seismic reflection interpretation as part of a geometric configuration that resembles a duplex deformation context (Catalano et al. 2000; Tortorici et al. 2001; Albanese and Sulli 2012). The upper structural level of the duplex system consists of an early Miocene, 1–3 Km-thick horses’ system involving both shallow and deep-water terrains (Panormide and Imerese-Sicano units) in a shallow-seated tectonic event. This shallow tectonic wedge is detached down-deep along a regional sole-thrust through which the entire imbricate fan has migrated southward slipping over the top-layer of the under-thrusting northernmost part of the Pelagian Block (Fig. 1A). Since the late Miocene-Early Pliocene, back-arc opening in the north along with subduction cessation gave rise to continent-continent collision dynamics along much part of the SCZ (Bianchi et al., 1987; Bello et al., 2000; Catalano et al., 2013; Finetti et al., 2005; Barreca et al., 2020b). In Western Sicily, this later and still ongoing tectonic stage (deep-seated tectonic event, see section 2.1) was characterized by the deepening of decollement levels and the nucleation of foreland-verging horses bounded by deep-seated, high-angle thrust-faults. Overall, thrust-contacts and associated wide-wavelength folding formed a ~ 10 km-thick hinterland-dipping thrust-stack (Catalano et al., 2000; Avellone et al., 2010; Barreca et al., 2010b; Barreca & Maesano, 2012). High-angle thrust contacts have remained mostly buried along the eastern portion of the SCZ (Bello et al. 2000; Finetti et al. 2005; Catalano et al. 2013) whereas, in Western Sicily, these young thrusts system has breached and refolded the previously stacked tectonic units (e.g., the overlain early Miocene shallow thrust-wedge, see Avellone et al., 2010; Gasparo Morticelli et al., 2017) up to pierce the topographic surface with large ramp-anticline culminations. Along these structural culminations, the previously under-thrusted foreland series have been strongly uplifted and exposed in outcrop (e.g., the Trapani-S. Vito lo Capo Mountains and the Mt. Kumeta–Rocca Busambra ridges to the north and the Mt. Magaggiaro - Pizzo Telegrafo ramp anticline system southward, see (Tortorici et al., 2001; Albanese & Sulli, 2012; Balestra et al., 2019; Gasparo Morticelli et al., 2017 and Fig. 1B for location).
Since the upper Pliocene, the thrust wedge system grows through N-verging structures, correlated at depth with the thick-skinned tectonic event, which involves the crystalline basement in the internal sector of the chain (Accaino et al., 2011; Catalano et al., 2013; Gasparo Morticelli et al., 2015). Field investigations and seismic data from the adjacent marine realms documented broad, active N-verging thrusting throughout the central-western sector of the SCZ (Sulli et al. 2021). According to the Authors, these tectonic features developed in the late collisional stage of the SCZ and are interpreted to be the crustal expression of a change in the subduction polarity (from N-dipping to S-dipping) occurred in the southern Tyrrhenian margin since the late Pleistocene (see also Billi et al., 2011). The investigated archaeological site frames therefore in this active contractional tectonic domain and it is located close to the continuation toward the SW of Mt. Grande thrust-ramp (see Catalano et al., 2000, 2002 and Fig. 1B for location). At a more detailed scale, the site lies on a topographically-flat coastal region modeled on 20–50 m-thick Early-Middle Pleistocene bioclastic grainstones (D’Angelo & Vernuccio, 1992; Catalano et al., 2017).
2.1 Seismotectonics
Marine terraces mapped all along the coastal domain (Ferranti et al. 2021) and regional (Ferranti et al. 2008) to local GPS measurements (Barreca et al. 2020b; Pipitone et al. 2020; Parrino et al. 2022) point to Western Sicily as a low-strain-rate shortening region since at least the Middle-late Pleistocene. These data indirectly would suggest an eventual long recurrence time-interval for large earthquakes in the area. Historical catalogs (e.g., Rovida et al., 2020), actually show that only few and low-to-moderate Intensity earthquakes occurred in Western Sicily in the last centuries whereas no record exists before the XVIII century. Among these, the most energetic earthquake was an Imax 7 MCS (Mw = 5.1) seismic event occurred on May 18, 1828 and, even if its location has remained largely unconstrained, it was located close to the city of Marsala (Molin et al., 2008, and Fig. 2 for location). In January 1968, a seismic sequence with a M≃6 mainshock struck the Belice Valley in the central sector of Western Sicily, revealing the seismogenic potential of this part of the Island. As suggested by the computed focal solutions (McKenzie, 1972; Anderson & Jackson, 1987), seismotectonic processes in western Sicily accommodate active compression at the front of the SCZ. Further, hypocenters distribution (up to 35 km depth, see Anderson & Jackson, 1987; DISS Working Group, 2021) indicate how seismic ruptures nucleated along the younger and deep-seated thrust planes (see section 2 and Monaco et al., 1996; Lavecchia et al., 2007; Visini et al., 2010; Sgroi et al., 2012; Ferranti et al., 2019). After the 1968 seismic swarm, other earthquakes with M < 5 occurred in western Sicily such as the June 22, 1981 (Mw = 4.9) seismic shock (Pondrelli et al. 2006). The seismic event was localized near the city of Mazara del Vallo (see Fig. 2), about 20 km SE of Marsala (i.e., the investigated site), where it nucleated at a depth > 20 km. An almost pure reverse mechanism characterized seismic rupture along NE-SW trending nodal planes (Fig. 2). Computed focal solutions of more recent (M ≥ 3) earthquakes (Neri et al., 2005; Alparone et al., 2023; Courtesy of C. Musumeci), confirm that seismic faulting in the area is mainly characterized by a reverse kinematics resulting from an NNW-SSE trending P-axis (Fig. 2 top-right) consistent with geodetic measurement (Barreca et al. 2014b). According to the seismicity recorded in the last 35 years (1987–2023, INGV-ISIDe), only low-to-moderate seismic events (2 < M < 4.3) occurred in Western Sicily during the considered time-interval. Seismic activity is mostly concentrated in the Belice Valley while few earthquakes have been recorded approaching the site of Lilybaeum (Fig. 2).