2.1 Experimental setup
Four 200 L pilot-scale BRs were installed at the remote operating Eagle Gold Mine in central Yukon Territory, Canada. Each BR vessel was an open-top 55-gallon polyethylene drum covered with a lid and a steel lever lock (Uline, Milton, Canada). Duplicate BRs (BR1a and BR1b) were placed within a shed that was heated to maintain a minimum temperature of 5°C over winter and left to fluctuate with outside temperature when over 5°C. Duplicates BR2a and BR2b were installed outside of the shed where they were exposed to freezing temperatures. MCW was fed into all BRs from the same feed tank that was situated inside the shed. MCW and the carbon source were fed into the BRs through inlet pipes installed near the bottom of each vessel. The MCW flowed from the bottom to the top of the BR vessels to ensure anoxic conditions. Oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) was measured approx. half way up and monthly in the BRs to check and confirm reducing conditions. The outflow from the top of each BR went to its own collector drum. Two collector drums inside of the shed remained open, while the other two collector drums outside of the shed were covered with lids and steel lever locks to prevent particles from entering the vessels. Temperatures inside the BRs were monitored using Oakton Temperature Probes 5+ installed at the top of the BRs, reaching the inside through a hole drilled in the BRs’ lid and sealed with silicone to prevent air ingress. Thirty-psi pressure relief Apollo valves were also installed on the lid to prevent pressure higher than 30 psi in the BRs (Figure 1).
Each BR was filled with 20% v/v locally sourced, shredded spruce wood chips 2.5-5 cm in size and 20% v/v inoculum. The inoculum was a mixture of sediment samples from two different wetlands in the same drainage of and close to Eagle Gold Mine, locations 0459110E 7100937N and 0458249E 7099695N, respectively. The wood chips and inoculum were mixed thoroughly in the BRs that were subsequently filled with 170L MCW. A passive sampling method was used to collect the microorganisms growing inside the BRs. The microorganisms sampled were assumed to be representative of the bacterial communities within the BRs, originating from either the inoculum or the MCW entering the BRs. Sampling bags were made with light cotton material and filled with the same sediment used to inoculate the BRs. Twelve sampling bags (one for each monthly sample) were suspended in the middle of each BR, with fishing lines fed through a hole in each BR lid at the beginning of the experiment. The hole was then sealed with silicon to prevent air ingress into the BRs.
The MCW feed for the BRs was restocked periodically from two different sources at Eagle Gold Mine, referred to as source 1 and source 2. From September 7, 2019 until November 11, 2019, and after May 12, 2020 to September 27, 2020, the MCW was collected from source 1, a pond above ditch A on the Platinum Gulch Waste Rock Storage Area. Between those dates, the MCW was sampled from source 2, a settling pond collecting MCW from ditch A.
2.2 Operation and experimental design
The BRs were operated with a two-week hydraulic retention time (HRT) based on a previous study with similar MCW parameters and carbon sources (Nielsen et al. 2018a). The MCW flow rate, controlled by peristaltic pumps (Cole Palmer Masterflex L/S Standard Digital Drives), was 10.6 mL/min.
The carbon source was molasses (Crosby’s 100% Natural Fancy Molasses) since this was used successfully in previous studies to promote the growth of sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) (Muyzer and Stams 2008). In addition, molasses support diverse bacterial community (Zhao et al. 2010), thus, favoring a better resilience of the bacterial community in the BRs to environmental perturbations (Allison and Martiny 2008; Ayala‐Muñoz et al. 2021). The molasses solution was prepared biweekly. The amount of molasses added was based on the stoichiometric requirement (Eq. 1). Considering a maximum sulfate concentration in the MCW feed of 100 mg/L, the molasses concentration was fed into the BRs at 25 mg-C/L. Molasses solutions were pumped into the BRs for 22 minutes per day at a flow rate of 6 mL/min to achieve the targeted calculated total organic carbon (TOC) concentration per day.
Equation 1:
Given the site’s remoteness and the climatic conditions during winter, effluent samples were collected weekly from the effluent drums after mixing by stirring. The total volume of effluent collected in each drum over the previous week was recorded to verify accurate pumping rates and HRT. The conductivity and pH of the MCW and effluents were recorded weekly using an Oakton PCD650m pH meter equipped with a double junction Cole Palmer Ag/AgCl electrode. Samples for TOC were preserved with sulfuric acid (2%, v/v). Samples for heavy metals (HM) and metalloids were preserved with nitric acid (2%, v/v). Every month, one passive microbiological sample bag was removed from each BR. Sampling bags were frozen by liquid nitrogen in a thermo-flask (Thermo Fisher Scientific container 2122) immediately after collection and transported from the field to the laboratory for storage at -86°C until DNA extraction. Liquid samples were analyzed by ALS, Burnaby, for heavy metals and metalloids (EPA 200/6020A) and TOC (APHA 5310B). Sulfate analysis was performed following the protocol described by Nielsen and collaborators (Nielsen et al. 2018a).
2.3 DNA extraction, sequencing, and bioinformatics
Genomic DNA was extracted from 0.25 g subsamples taken from homogenized passive sample bag contents using the DNeasy PowerSoil Pro Kit (QIAGEN) following the manufacturer’s instructions. DNA concentrations were measured using an Invitrogen™ Qubit™ 3.0 Fluorometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific). The purity of the extracted DNA was measured using a NanoDrop ND-2000 Ultraviolet–visible spectrophotometer (NanoDrop Technologies) at 260 nm for nucleic acid. To ensure the purity of extracted DNA, absorbance was also measured at 230 nm for organic contamination and 280 nm for protein contamination. For pure DNA samples, absorbance ratios should be A260/A280 1.8-2.0 and A260/A230 2.0 (Armbrecht, 2013). If DNA did not pass QC, it was purified using the DNeasy PowerClean Pro Cleanup kit (QIAGEN).
The 16S rRNA variable region V4 to V5 was amplified using primers 515F-Y and 926R (Parada et al. 2016; Walters et al. 2016) and sequenced on an Illumina MiSeq in the Biofactorial Core Facility in the Life Sciences Institute of the University of British Columbia. The raw sequence data were converted into amplicon sequence variants (ASV) by applying the open-source software package DADA2 (Callahan et al. 2016) for modelling and correcting Illumina-sequenced amplicon errors, using the Qiime2 suite of tools (Bolyen et al. 2019). A frequency table with relative abundance information for each ASV was produced. The taxonomic classification of each ASV was assigned by aligning the representative sequence to the Silva SSU database (version 138.1) (Warnow 2015). All data were visualized in R or Excel. For a- and b-diversity measures, all samples were subsampled to the lowest coverage depth and standard indices were calculated in Qiime2. Raw sequencing data are available under NCBI BioProject ID PRJNA924841.
2.4 Carbon leaching experiments
To assess the TOC leaching potential of the wood chips used in the BRs, two duplicate 2L columns filled with 20% v/v wood chips (equivalent to 72g of wood chips per column) were installed in the laboratory at room temperature. DI water was pumped from the bottom to the top of the columns by a peristaltic pump (Cole Palmer Masterflex L\S Standard Digital Drives) for 35 days. The pump was set at 0.08 RPM to achieve an HRT of 14 days, similar to the one used in the pilot scale BRs. Weekly batches of leachate effluent were collected in 2 L jars. Homogenized samples were preserved with sulfuric acid (2% v/v) and sent to ALS, Burnaby, for TOC analysis.