Study area
The selected study area locates in Honkajoki (22,296220°E; 61,963800°N), in the Satakunta region of Southern Finland. The Honkajoki wind farm, in operation since 2013, consists of 9 wind turbines with a total production capacity of 21.6 MW (Finnish Wind Power Association 2022). The area encompasses various land uses, including agricultural fields, peat production areas, commercial forest land and industrial sites with biogas production, garden, and green house production areas. The nearest population centre lies approximately 2 km to the north. Another wind farm locates 3.5 km to the South and a third one wind power park is under planning about 2 km to the West (Finnish Wind Power Association 2022).
The wind power park data of existing and planned parks was retrieved from Finnish Wind Power Association (2021). The location of individual wind turbines was collected from National Land Survey database of Topographic database 1:10000 (NLS 2021). The height of each turbine was collected from the online map of Finnish Wind Power Association (2021). Forest stand data was collected from Metsäkeskus (2021) which includes the private forest owners forest stand information. Stands around 4 km from nine wind turbines of Honkajoki wind power park were selected as study case totaling 4068 stands. These stands were used as initial state of the forest in the planning area.
Sound propagation includes several physical factors that influence noise attenuation levels. Sound propagation in the free air was calculated following the principles of the ISO 9613-2 (1996) standard with forest attenuation effect being a modification based on the scattering component of the Nord2000 model (Nord2000 2000). We adopted standard conditions for temperature (15° C) and air moisture (70%), as recommended by the Finnish Environmental Agency for noise level calculations (Ympäristöhallinnon ohjeita 4/2014, 2014). Noise attenuation, excluding the scattering effect caused by forest, was calculated according to ISO 9613-2 standard for each nominal midband frequency (Hz). To spatially calculate noise levels, we generated 3 raster layers with a pixel size 2 x 2 meters for each of the frequency bands (6 midband frequencies) and each of the wind turbines (9 turbines). Noise calculations were performed within 3 km radius of each wind turbines, as the Nord2000 model maintains acceptable accuracy up to this range (Kragh 2000).
Each of these raster layers contained values for the initial sound level, distance attenuation, and ground reflection (Supplementary material Table 1), and geometrical divergence for spherical spreading. The starting noise level was set at 104.5 dB (A), as specified for the wind turbine model in the environmental assessment report (YVA 2014). Data processing involved generating Euclidian distance layers from existing wind turbines with a 2 x 2-meter resolution and then calculating values per frequency using these values. A constant ground reflection value was added for each frequency using the raster calculator. Each component contributing to noise attenuation was initially calculated and then reduced from the starting level of each frequency. The results were then summed up to obtain a cumulative dB level using the specified equation (Eq. 1 Supplementary material). Thereafter, geometrical divergence was calculated for each turbine and reduced from the previous result. The cumulative sound pressure level for the wind farm area was derived by summing up the sound pressure levels from all nine wind turbines using the equation. All spatial noise calculations were performed using ArcGIS 10.5.1 (ESRI) software.
Noise attenuation in forest
The attenuation of noise in forests was calculated using a structural model based on the scattering part of the Nord2000. This model, as modified and developed by Selkimäki et al. (2023) is specifically tailored to assess the scattering effects of forests. This model starts with a baseline noise level of 104.5 dB(A) and the calculation is as follows:
\(\text{ln}\left(noise\right)= 4.8202389-0.0256747*\text{ln}\left(ba\right)-0.0277844 \text{*}\text{ln}\left(distance\right)+{\epsilon }\) (Eq. 1)
where noise is the sound level in dB(A), ba is the basal area m2/ha and distance is the measure in meters from the center of forest stand to the closest wind turbine.
Forest simulation
Treatment schedules were simulated for 30 years divided into three 10-year periods. Monsu software (Pukkala 2011) was used to simulate forest development and Pukkala et al. (2021) models were used to forest growth simulation. A treatment was simulated in the middle of the 10-year period if predefined thresholds were met. Typically, a treatment schedule includes forest regeneration, treatment of saplings and thinning or regeneration harvest. Harvest treatments adhered to either on even-aged forestry (usually involving thinnings from below and clear cuttings) or a combination of even- and uneven-aged forestry (mainly thinnings from above), depending on the management scenario.
Forest management objectives
Net present value (NPV) and turbine noise (TN) were used as management objectives in the planning scenarios. NPV was a sum of discounted values of incomes and outcomes during the 30-year planning period. In addition, the discounted value of standing timber at the end of the planning period was added to NPV.
To evaluate the impact of the forest on the turbine noise, we first determined the effect of forests (EF) by deducting the forest structure-based noise (FSN) from the starting noise (IN, 104.5 dB) produced by the turbines. The TN value was then calculated by deducting this EF from the noise due to physical factors (EP) as shown in the following equation:
TN = EP – (IN – FSN) = EP – EF (Eq. 2)
EP was calculated with the models presented in Selkimäki et al. (2023) and FSN was calculated using Eq. 1. Linear and sigmoid sub-utility functions were used to calculate the scaled value for TN (Fig. 1). The idea behind the sigmoid-shaped function was to penalize more treatment schedules, that results higher turbine noise. The sigmoid-shaped sub-utility function for turbine noise is as follows,
\({u}_{s}= 1-\frac{1}{1+{e}^{-(x-{a}_{s}){b}_{s}}}\) (Eq. 3)
where us = sub-utility of turbine noise for a schedule, x = turbine noise, as, bs = parameters of sigmoid function (as = 40 and bs = 0.2).
Forest management scenarios
Four different management scenarios were developed to study how the use of TN as a planning objective influenced the harvesting methods and NPV (Table 4). In all scenarios, the trade-off between TN and NPV was examined by adjusting the objective weights between 0 and 1, thereby constructing trade-off curves. Two of the scenarios employed solely even-aged forestry, while the other two incorporated both even-aged forestry and uneven-aged forestry management alternatives. The other scenario for the both forest management method was executed with even-flow of timber to achieve more realistic use of forests, with the amount of harvested timber being approximately 2 m3/ha. In addition, all four scenarios were executed with either a linear- or sigmoid-shaped sub-utility function for TN. The scenario that employed only even-aged forestry, ensured an even-flow of timber and considered net present value as the sole objective (with a weight of 1) can be considered as the business-as-usual alternative.
Table 4
Different management scenarios executed to study the use of turbine noise as a management objective in forest planning calculations. Even = even-aged forest management, EvenUnEven = uneven-aged forest management, EF = even-flow of timber.
Scenario | Objectives | |
Even | Minimize Turbine noise, Maximize Net present value |
EvenEF | Minimize Turbine noise, Maximize Net present value, Even-flow of timber |
EvenUnEven | Minimize Turbine noise, Maximize Net present value |
EvenUnEvenEF | Minimize Turbine noise, Maximize Net present value, Even-flow of timber |
Optimization method of forest management
To select optimal treatment schedules for stands based on the given management objectives, the reduced costs (RC) method (Pukkala et al. 2009) was used for optimization. The RC executes optimization at the local (stand) level. To incorporate global forest, or landscape level objectives, this method adapts the dual prices from the dual problem related to the theory of linear programming. Due to stand level optimization, the RC is referred to as a decentralized optimization method. In this study, an additive utility function was used as the objective function at the local level.
\({P}_{ij}={\sum }_{l=1}^{L}{w}_{l}{p}_{l}\left({q}_{ijl}\right)\) (Eq. 4)
where Pij is the value of schedule i of stand j, L is the number of local (stand level) objectives, wl is the weight of objective l, pl is a priority function for objective l, and qijl is the quantity of objective variable l in schedule i of stand j. The complete stand-level objective function, including dual prices, maximizing reduced costs of individual treatment schedules is:
\(R{C}_{ij}={P}_{ij}-{\sum }_{k=1}^{K}{a}_{ijk}{v}_{k}\) (Eq. 5)
where vk are the heuristically up-dated “dual prices”. The main phases of the optimization method were:
Produce an initial random solution (select a random schedule for stands)
Set initial dual prices (0 in this study)
Select the best schedule for every stand using Eq. 5
Calculate the values of forest-level goals (constraining variables, even-flow of timber)
Up-date dual prices
Repeat Steps 3–5 until the forest level constraints are satisfied.
A more detailed description of the RC-method can be found in Pukkala et al. (2009). Trade-off curves between NPV and TN were drawn by modifying the weights (wl) between the objectives in different scenarios. THEOpt forest planning optimization software was used to perform optimization calculations (previously used for example in Heinonen et al. 2018; Heinonen 2019).