The most effective product of the four tested during 2016-2017 was "Hosen" (Futriafol 125 gr/liter, Adama, Israel), applied at 2 liter/ hectare (results not presented). During 2017-2018 we treated the trees with Hosen at different concentrations to find the lowest and most effective concentration that could decrease mal secco symptoms in the trees.
Mal secco symptoms appears in Israel during the beginning of the spring when the trees start blooming around the beginning of April to mid Jun when the temperatures rise and the development of the disease is reduces. We evaluated mal secco new symptoms appetence seven times, every approximately two weeks from mid April to the end of June (table 1).
Table 1. Evaluation of new mal secco symptoms in the Oza orchard in the year 2018 (2017-2018)
liter/ hectare
Percentage of trees with new symptom- Cumulative result
8.35 a
10.00 a
11.65 a
15.00 a
16.65 a
20.00 a
Hosen 2 l/h (year II)
0.00 a
0.00 a
0.00 a
0.00 b
0.00 b
0.00 b
0.00 b
Hosen 1 l/h (year I)
0.00 a
3.41 a
3.41 a
3.41 ab
3.41 ab
5.11 ab
6.76 ab
Hosen 2 l/h (year I)
0.00 a
0.00 a
0.00 a
1.77 ab
3.54 ab
5.31 ab
5.36 ab
Hosen 4 l/h (year I)
0.00 a
0.00 a
0.00 a
0.00 b
0.00 b
0.00 b
0.00 b
Results presented as percentage of the infected trees out of all living trees in the treatment. Same letters represent statistical similarity according to SNK, P<0.05
At the end of the evaluation, we noticed that at the beginning of the spring the symptoms on the trees are fewer. Closer to the end of the spring (end of June) we could see more trees expressing symptoms. The trees treated with Hosen 2 l/h (year II) for two successive years did not display symptoms while on the Hosen 2 l/h (year I) trees we could see symptoms. Hosen 1 l/h (year I) treatment was the less effective and while Hosen 4 l/h (year I) was effective as Hosen 2 l/h (year II).
Table 2. Evaluation of new mal secco symptoms in the Oza orchard in the year 2019 (2018-2019)
liter/ hectare
Percentage of symptomatic trees - Cumulative result
20.00 a
46.67 a
68.33 a
68.33 a
71.67 a
Hosen 2 l/h (year III)
0.00 b
0.00 c
4.92 bc
6.51 bc
6.51 bc
Hosen 1 l/h (year II)
1.52 b
16.96 b
21.93 b
27.36 b
30.84 b
Hosen 2 l/h (year II)
6.95 ab
8.89 bc
12.22 bc
15.56 bc
19.18 bc
Hosen 4 l/h (year II)
2.56 b
2.56 bc
2.56 bc
2.56 bc
2.56 bc
Results presented as percentage of the infected trees out of all living trees in the treatment. Same letters represent statistical similarity according to SNK, P<0.05
We applied the same treatments on the same trees during the second year of the experiment (2018-2019). The same results were found for the different treatments at the end of the evaluation of the second year (table 2). At the end of the second year we found that 71.67 percent of the untreated control trees were displaying mal secco disease symptoms. The Hosen 2 l/h (year III) treatment had only 6.51 percent of the trees with symptoms. Hosen 2 l/h (year II) had higher percentage of trees with symptoms (19.18) yet ,still much lower than the control. Hosen 1 l/h (year II) as in the first year reduced the percentage of symptomatic trees but not as well as Hosen 2 l/h (year II or III) (30.84%). The most effective treatment was again Hosen 4 l/h (year II) with only 2.56% of the trees with disease symptoms.
Following these results, three more infected orchards, two lemon orchards in the Negev desert (Patish and Paame Tashaz, south of Israel) and one lime orchard in the Golan Heights (Gonen, north of Israel) were treated with "Hosen" with the different concentrations. All experiments were conducted for at least two years. Application of Hosen at the spring and autumn (five applications – March, April and May and October, November). These orchards differ from the Oza orchard by their age, the Oza orchard was a young orchard (3 years from planting at the beginning of the experiment) with relatively small trees in size, while the other three orchards were older orchards (6 to 9 years old at the beginning of the experiments) with bigger trees in size. Summary of the results are presented in table 3.
Table 3. Evaluation of new mal secco symptoms in the Patish, Paame Tashaz and Gonen orchards in the year 2019 (2018-2019).
liter/ hectare
Percentage of symptomatic trees compered to untreated control at the end of the experiment
Paame Tashaz
Hosen 1 l/h (year II)
Hosen 2 l/h (year II)
Hosen 4 l/h (year II)
Results are given as percentage of trees displaying symptoms compared to the number of symptomatic trees in the relevant control