This prospective investigation examined whether a core assumption of hair EC/ERC analysis, namely that hair EC/ERC concentrations are largely stable within an individual, also holds true in the perinatal period in mothers, fathers, and their children and also when experiencing the major life event of pregnancy and childbirth in mothers and fathers. As a secondary aim, we investigated how hair ECs/ERCs are associated within the family unit across the first two years after birth.
Descriptive classification of hair EC/ERC levels across the perinatal period
In general, the physiological range of hair ECs/ERCs varied widely in both adults and children, consistent with prior research on ECs/ERCs in serum65 and hair33,43. Regarding mothers, hair AEA concentrations were higher than in women within43 and outside the perinatal period29,33. In contrast, 1-AG/2-AG levels were lower at T1, and increased at T4 to a level comparable to women outside the perinatal period33. ERC levels at T1 and T3 were comparable to previous research with postpartum mothers43,48 and were higher than in women outside the perinatal period33, but decreased to comparable levels by T4. Fathers’ hair AEA and 1-AG/2-AG across all time points were higher than reported outside the perinatal period9, whereas hair ERC concentrations were elevated at T1, but decreased to levels similar to outside the perinatal period by T49. Regarding children, concentrations can be compared with Hitzler et al.43, who assessed hair ECs/ERCs in mothers and children shortly after birth and at one year postpartum. Shortly after birth, hair 1-AG/2-AG and SEA levels were lower and hair PEA and OEA higher compared to Hitzler et al.43, whereas all hair ECs/ERCs were higher in this study at 14 months after birth compared to their levels at twelve months. Overall, comparison of hair EC/ERC levels between studies is hampered by differences in hair segment length being analyzed, variations due to continuously evolving laboratory techniques, and different hair sample storage times.
Stability of parental hair ECs/ERCs across the perinatal period
Regarding the stability of hair ECs/ERCs of mothers and fathers across the perinatal period (T1 – T4), consistent with our hypothesis, this study found fair-to-good multiple-test consistency regarding all ECs/ERCs on the mean measure, but poor multiple-test consistency on the single measure. Our finding suggests that between 41% and 73% (when taking the average of several hair samples) and between 15% and 40% (when using a single hair sample) of the variance in hair ECs/ERCs across the perinatal period in mothers and fathers may be attributed to between-person differences, i.e., individual traits. It should be noted that multiple-test consistency was lowest for AEA in the present study and that consistency of hair ECs/ERCs was overall lower compared to Gao et al.’s33 investigation of 100 women, which may be attributable to unique stressors and changes during the perinatal period.
Regarding the effect of the major life event of pregnancy and childbirth on stability of parental hair ECs/ERCs, findings showed that while mean multiple-test consistency was higher, the single measure was slightly lower when including pregnancy and childbirth for both mothers and fathers. This finding indicates that hair ECs/ERCs continue to show stability also in the presence of a major life event and can represent trait-like biomarkers for parents in this time. It should be noted that higher estimates of multiple test-consistency when using measures from all four time points may be due to the higher numbers of included measurements, compared to estimates based on T3 and T4 only. Thus, comparisons of the single measure are more meaningful, suggesting that consistency of a single hair sample taken in the later postpartum period may reflect slightly more trait components than when taken at any time in the perinatal period. Future studies would benefit from investigating other major life events (e.g., graduation, relocation) to corroborate our finding.
Furthermore, results indicated consistently weak to moderate test-retest relative stability for SEA, PEA, and OEA for mothers and PEA and OEA for fathers. Regarding AEA and 1-AG/2-AG, test-retest stability was present for T1 to T2 for both parents, but less consistently at later time-points. As the time between T1 and T2 (about 3 months) was shorter than between assessments from T2 onwards (10 to 24 months), this could explain why associations were particularly strong from T1 to T2 for all hair ECs/ERCs and may indicate that for mothers and fathers AEA and 1-AG/2-AG show short-term stability but may vary more across time compared to ERCs. Our findings align with Hitzler et al.43, who also reported significant associations between maternal hair ERCs assessed shortly after birth and 12 months after birth, but found no significant relations regarding AEA and 1-AG/2-AG. However, Gao et al.33 demonstrated moderate-to-high associations across six six-month intervals for all hair ECs/ERCs, suggesting that time period between assessments and the unique circumstances of the perinatal period may influence the strength of associations.
Finally, results showed that across the perinatal period SEA and OEA in mothers and all hair ECs/ERCs in fathers demonstrated absolute stability. This suggests that hair EC/ERC concentrations averaged across all fathers in this study did not change significantly across the perinatal period, while this was not the case for mothers. Given that pregnancy, childbirth, and the early postpartum period entail major physiological changes in mothers35, including changes to the ECS and HPA axis36,66, it fits that mean levels AEA, 1-AG/2-AG, and PEA were less stable for mothers than fathers. Specifically, maternal hair AEA during the third pregnancy trimester was significantly lower than at 8 weeks and at two years after birth, partly aligning with findings by Kumbholz et al.36 who also found an increase from third trimester to nine weeks after birth. 1-AG/2-AG during pregnancy and 8 weeks after birth was significantly lower than at 14 months, consistent with prior research finding maternal 1-AG/2-AG increases from pregnancy to 12 months after birth43. Finally, PEA levels were higher during pregnancy and eight weeks after birth than at 14 months, which was descriptively also the case in Hitzler et al.43, albeit not significant. Results indicate that regulation of the maternal ECS may change during pregnancy and postpartum, with potential implications for glucocorticoid regulation and immune system functioning in this time. Both AEA and 1-AG/2-AG have been characterized as HPA axis regulators67, with AEA correlating negatively with cortisol29,30,36, and PEA has been attributed anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and neuroprotective properties68. Thus, changes in these ECs/ERCs may reflect adaptive responses to regain homeostasis in the context of cortisol increases over pregnancy69 and an inflammation-immunosuppression-inflammation phenotype during pregnancy70. It remains for future research to disentangle the exact timeline of EC/ERC secretion patterns across the perinatal period to understand their contribution and interplay.
Stability of child hair ECs/ERCs across the perinatal period
Results further demonstrated poor multiple-test consistency for child hair ECs/ERCs taken shortly after birth up to two years of age, indicating a low trait component in this time, and no absolute stability. Furthermore, findings indicated that while all hair ECs/ERCs of children were significantly positively correlated in the early postpartum period (T1–T2), relative stability was subsequently only consistently present from 14 to 24 months after birth for 1-AG/2-AG, SEA, and PEA. This pattern could indicate that the first two years of life represent a particularly sensitive and dynamic developmental period for the ECS71 during which marked ECS changes occur. This is further underscored by negative associations of child hair ECs/ERCs at T1 or T2 with those at T3 or T4, suggesting that higher levels in infancy may be associated with reduced levels in toddlerhood and vice versa. Our findings of low stability for children align with the only other study assessing EC/ERC levels in child hair in the perinatal period up to one year after birth43 and low intra-individual stability in salivary cortisol measured in 5 to 8 month old infants72.
Similar to Hitzler et al.43, children’s hair 1-AG/2-AG and AEA levels decreased from shortly after birth to 14 months. However, in our study 1-AG/2-AG concentrations increased markedly in hair samples taken 8 weeks after birth, reflecting the early postnatal period. This aligns with animal research showing a peak in 2-AG levels in the rat brain during early postnatal development and subsequent decreases73,74. It has been suggested that elevated 2-AG during early development may function to induce suckling behavior and support (neuro)development and growth75. Decreases in hair AEA contrasts rat studies showing that AEA levels in the brain increase from birth into adulthood73,76. Furthermore, research suggests that in neonates and infants there is a greater relative expression of AEA degrading (i.e., FAAH) compared to synthesizing (i.e., NAPE-PLD) enzymes in the human dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), which reduces with increasing age and switches around toddlerhood in favor of AEA synthesizing enzymes71. These findings are consistent with observed increases in AEA and 1-AG/2-AG from T3 to T4. Our findings should be interpreted considering we measured peripheral EC/ERC levels and the ECS is widespread throughout the body, thereby hampering comparability to region-specific findings9.
Regarding child ERCs, findings align with Hitzler et al.43 showing increased hair ERC levels at 14 months after birth compared to T1 shortly after birth, where ERC levels were markedly below parental levels. These ERC patterns align with findings regarding AEA outlined above, which is biologically similar to ERCs, showing that in rats, AEA increases across infancy73 and adolescence77. Importantly, sensitivity analyses by child sex indicated no major differences between male and female children regarding hair EC/ERC trajectories up to 24 months after birth, contrasting research indicating sex-divergent ECS functioning due to crosstalk with sex steroid hormones41,78. Finally, results showed no significant differences between 14 and 24 months of age in any hair EC/ERC levels in children, possibly indicating that the ECS may be more stable in this developmental period. However, further research investigating children’s hair EC/ERC levels across childhood and adolescence is needed to better understand developmental trajectories. This is particularly relevant when considering research showing that the ECS becomes functionally active already during early developmental stages in humans and rodents and its expression patterns in the brain implicates a role also in neurodevelopment41.
Inter-family associations of hair ECs/ERCs
Findings indicated that maternal, paternal, and child hair ECs/ERCs were significantly positively cross-sectionally associated with one another across the perinatal period. While these findings contradict previous research in a comparably small sample on ECs/ERCs43,48, they are in line with HCC research, where positive associations between all family members at child age 6 years were found53 as well as positive maternal-child associations reported at various child ages (9–12 months50; 2 years79; 4–5 years80; 5–14 years51; 7–14 years49; 14 years81; but see45,52 for no associations at 9–12 months and shortly after birth, respectively). The observed synchrony may be explained by an interplay of genetic and environmental factors. Associations in the mother-child dyad at T1 may partly reflect intrauterine interactions of maternal and child ECS via the fetoplacental unit82. Research indicates that endocannabinoid receptors (CB1, CB2) and synthesizing and degrading enzymes (DAGL, FAAH) are expressed in the placenta and that the placenta regulates local endocannabinoid tonus, with implications for correct placental functioning and labor41,66,82. Yet, our finding that positive associations persist beyond the intrauterine period and are present also in father-child dyads, even at T1, suggest additional mechanisms. The finding of hair EC/ERC mother-child and father-child synchrony implicates the ECS as a heritable familial trait. This is supported by recent twin-study research suggesting heritability in endocannabinoid signaling83 and showing that in 138 twins (45 monozygotic; 24 dizygotic) serum endocannabinoid ligands had a certain degree of heritability (AEA 46%; OEA 35%; PEA 39%; SEA 34%), but were also markedly influenced by the environment84. A role for environmental factors also seems particularly plausible considering we found significant maternal-paternal associations. While positive assortative mating, a preference for individuals similar to oneself, could partly explain these findings85, environmental factors including various psychological and lifestyle factors shared or similar within the family context also seem plausible. For instance, nutrition and food intake, stress exposure, sleeping pattern, or physical activity level have all been linked to the ECS41,86–88 and could contribute to ECS synchrony. Furthermore, considering transfer of maternal EC lipids, particularly 2-AG, to the child via breast milk has been suggested24,89, maternal-child synchrony in the postpartum period could partly be attributable to breastfeeding practices. However, the fact that we found paternal-child associations of similar or greater strength in the postpartum period suggests that genetics and other shared environmental influences are equally important. Considering this study covered the first 24 months after birth, contact intensity and frequency likely declines with time hereafter and future research should examine trajectories of inter-family synchrony in hair ECs/ERCs as the child ages to see whether a decline in synchrony can be detected similar to findings with HCC51. Taken together, our results suggest inter-family synchrony in hair ECs/ERCs across the perinatal period, however more research is needed to tease apart genetic and environmental contributions.
Strengths and Limitations
Key strengths include the prospective design, our large sample size, our focus specifically on the perinatal period, and including all family members. However, limitations exist. Firstly, the operationalization of pregnancy and childbirth as a major life event was done post-hoc and not during the design stage of the study. Moreover, as the present investigation is longitudinal, batch effects present a complication91 that may also affect biomarker concentrations in hair samples8, which we statistically controlled for in this study. Furthermore, it remains to be determined what peripheral EC/ERC levels measured in hair samples exactly reflect in terms of ECS functioning, as a first investigation found no significant link with blood and urine EC/ERC levels92. Finally, it should be noted that the present sample involved a community with above-average health and education status54. Hence, investigations in more heterogeneous samples are needed to evaluate generalizability of findings.