Search results
Figure 1 shows the detailed search strategy. A total of 893 articles were identified during the initial search. After 306 duplicates were removed, 588 articles were screened on title and abstract. This screening phase resulted in 189 articles that could be assessed for full text. After full-text screening, 88 articles were excluded. This resulted in 101 articles being included in this scoping review.
Study characteristics
The included papers represented 100 unique studies. Most articles (N = 18) were published in 2021, followed by 2020 (N = 15), and 2017 (N = 13). As shown in Fig. 2, the most common study types were either Randomised Controlled Trials (RCTs) (N = 18) or pilot studies (N = 16).
Only 8 articles provided a definition of the concept of self-management (Table 3). One article described that self-management implies that ‘people are in charge of their own lives with their disease and its treatment, enabling motivation to change’ [37].
Table 3
Self-management definitions.
Self-management definitions
A person’s conviction in his or her ability to manage challenges and complete a task successfully.
Self-management implies that people are in charge of their own lives with their disease and its treatment, enabling motivation to change.
The individual’s ability to manage the symptoms, treatments, physical, and psychosocial consequences and lifestyle changes inherent in living with a chronic condition.
The ability of the patient to deal with all the aspects of a chronic disease condition.
The actions taken by an individual to manage symptoms, treatment, emotions, and lifestyle changes as part of living with a chronic condition.
A process that facilitates an individual’s confidence and capability to engage in health-promoting behaviours in order to deal with the impact of their condition on all aspects of their health-namely, a sense of self, physical, emotional, social and medical domains so as to maximize function and quality of life.
1. The e in eHealth
This section focusses on the functionality, modality, TRL-level, and eHealth development details of the used technologies. Details about the functionality and modality of the eHealth interventions can be found in supplementary material 1. Of all included studies, 76 studies mentioned the name of their eHealth technologies. Some articles reported on studies using the same eHealth technologies (e.g., ‘EDGE’[32], [45]–[48], ‘It’s Life!’[37], [49], [50], ‘MasterYourBreath’[51]–[54], ‘COMET’[55], [56]). Fifty unique eHealth technologies were found in this review.
Most articles (N = 91) included (self-)monitoring (e.g., monitoring of symptoms) as function of their technology. 69 articles included the function of education or information (e.g., education on COPD), and 27 articles supported communication (e.g., eConsults with HCPs, peer-to-peers support chats). Most articles (N = 68) included more than one function within their technology.
Figure 3 shows that a (smart) measurement device (e.g., wearable or monitoring system) was most common (N = 39) modality, followed by a smartphone (N = 27), and tablet (N = 25). If studies used more than one device, the combination of (smart) measurement device with a tablet (N = 19) or smartphone (N = 8) was most often made.
This review found no article which explicitly stated their TRL. According to our assessment and categorization, 47 eHealth technologies in the articles were assessed to be in the development phase (TRL4-6), N = 53 in the deployment phase (TRL7-9), and no technologies within the research phase (TRL1-3).
Details about the eHealth development process showed that only 14 studies explicitly mentioned to have used either a user-centred design, participatory design, scenario-based methods, reflective life-world research, or action research approach. Furthermore, 18 studies reported details about the theories on which their self-management intervention was based on. Some of which were targeted towards behavioural change techniques independent of technology use, others were technology related and more targeted towards technological adoption or persuasive design. Table 4 shows the different theories that were mentioned. The social cognitive theory was most often used (N = 5).
Table 4
Used theories within the eHealth self-management intervention.
Behavioural change
Health Belief Model (HBM)
[57], [54]
Social Cognitive Theory
[54], [58]–[61]
Self-care theory
Transtheoretical Model
[58], [54]
Five A’s Model
Attitude-Social influence Self-efficacy model (ASE)
Self-efficacy theory
I-Change model
Self-Determination model
Tech to Goal (TGG)
Theory of planned behaviour
Technological adoption/ Persuasive design
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
Unified Theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT)
eHealth based Person-Centred Care (PCC)
Goal setting theories unspecified
Implementation theory unspecified
Health promotion unspecified
2. The health in eHealth technologies for self-management
Figure 4 shows how many eHealth technologies used in the studies addressed the different positive health dimensions. All included articles (N = 101) addressed (at least) the dimension bodily functioning, 45 daily functioning, 13 participation, and 12 articles mental well-being. We were not able to identify any indications that the dimensions meaningfulness and quality of life were explicitly addressed in any of the eHealth technologies supporting self-management. Details about the positive health dimensions can be found in Supplementary material 2.
Most studies (N = 48) focussed on one specific dimension namely, bodily functioning. Others (N = 42) focussed on two dimensions, 11 articles on three dimensions, and only 3 articles focussed on four dimensions within their eHealth technology. The combination of the dimensions bodily functioning and daily functioning was most often made (N = 33). Followed by the combinations bodily functioning, daily functioning and mental well-being (N = 5), bodily functioning and participation (N = 4), bodily functioning, daily functioning, and participation (N = 3), Bodily functioning, mental well-being and participation (N = 3), body functioning, mental well-being, participation, and daily functioning (N = 3), and bodily functioning and mental well-being (N = 1).
When comparing the presence of the dimensions with the years of the studies (Fig. 5), we found in the years 2013 to 2015 and 2017 to 2018, the dimension bodily functioning is dominantly present, followed by daily functioning. From 2017 to 2021, a small increase in the presence of the dimension mental well-being can be seen over the years. In the years 2020 and 2021, the presences of the dimensions daily functioning and participation is almost equal compared to bodily functioning.
3. The self in self-management
All 101 included papers (partly) described who was the intended population for the intervention (as stated in the intervention description), the included population (as stated in the in- and exclusion criteria), and the final actual study population (stated in the demographics of study participants). In some studies, certain inclusion criteria were required to participate, thereby restricting the group of eligible participants (i.e., the actual population). This scoping review extracted the following inclusion criteria: disease specific (needing to have a certain severity of COPD), capability related (needing to be cognitive capable, able to read and write, understand certain language, willing/able to provide consent), age related (needing to have a minimum or maximum age), smoking (history) related (being a (former) smoker), and technology related (needing to have digital skills, access to internet, own a certain device). Details about the self in self-management can be found in Supplementary material 5.
Intended population. There was some variation in the specific intended populations targeted in the articles. As shown in Fig. 6, the majority of the articles N = 59 were targeted at persons with COPD in general, N = 23 studies focused on one or more specific COPD severities, and N = 19 studies on COPD in combination with other chronic conditions. Some articles included more than one comorbidity.
Included population. Figure 7 presents an overview of the identified included population. More studies (N = 50) than outlined in the section “intended population (N = 23)”, had disease specific inclusion criteria (focusing on one or more COPD severities). 50 articles had capability related inclusion criteria, reflected in that participants needed to, for example, be cognitive capable and/or able to write and/or read to be eligible for participation. Furthermore, in 38 articles participants needed to have a certain minimum age, with a minimum of 40 years old being the most common. In eight articles, the age needed to be below a certain maximum. The maximum of 70 years old was most common and thereby, four times mentioned as inclusion criteria. A total of twelve articles had inclusion criteria regarding smoking (history) in which participants needed to be for example, an (ex-)smoker. Finally, 39 articles had technology related inclusion criteria. Participants needed for example, to own a smartphone or tablet and/or have digital skills in order to participate. Only one study explicitly mentioned to have no exclusion criteria based on age, comorbidities, and previous participation in pulmonary rehabilitation (PR). Also, in this same study, participants did not need to have previous experience using digital technology.
Actual population. Figure 8 shows the actual population included in the studies. Of the 25 articles that mentioned the severity of their participants, most participants had a moderate or severe COPD. Out of the 101 articles, only 21 shared a clear description of the education level of their participants which were then categorized for this article. The educational level of participants could be categorised in low, medium and high education which were almost equally distributed. Of the 71 articles that shared the mean age of their participants, we calculated the combined means which resulted in 64,85 years old. The gender of participants was clearly mentioned in 88 articles and were almost equally distributed. Of the 30 articles that shared the smoking history of their participants, almost half of the participants (51%) were reported as current or former smokers. In the 11 articles that described technology related experience, 89% of the participants had experience with technology.
4. The management in self-management
This section describes which self-management processes and BCTs were found within the different eHealth technologies. Details about this section can be found in Supplementary materials 4 and 5.
Self-management processes
Figure 9 shows the self-management processes found in the articles. No article explicitly described which self-management processes were reflected in the intervention design. When analysing how the self-management process was supported within the different studies, we identified that most studies (N = 94) addressed the process of taking ownership towards health needs (e.g., by including self-monitoring of symptoms or setting goals). 71 focussed on the process of learning (e.g., by including education within their technology), 27 on healthcare resources (e.g., by enabling communication with healthcare professionals within the technology), 23 on performing health promotion activities (e.g., by performing exercise or skill training), and 17 on social resources (e.g., by involving caregiver/family or peer-to-peer support), 1 on adjusting (e.g., ways to cope), and 1 on integrating illness into daily life (e.g., alternating daily live to conserve energy). We found no eHealth technologies specifically focussing on the self-management processes: meaning making, spiritual resources, psychological resources, processing emotions or community resources.
Behaviour Change Techniques
Figure 10 shows the BCTs extracted in this study. Only two studies explicitly stated which behaviour change techniques they used. When analysing the descriptions in the studies, we identified that feedback and monitoring were mostly used in the different articles (N = 88) (e.g., monitoring activity status). This is followed by shaping knowledge (N = 66) (e.g., receiving education), goals and planning (N = 38) (e.g., action planning), associations (N = 23) (e.g., receiving status updates), social support (N = 14) (e.g., communication with other people with COPD), regulation (N = 11) (e.g., addressing medication adherence), repetition and substitution (N = 10) (e.g., habit formation), rewards and threat (N = 6) (e.g., receiving visual rewards), natural consequences (N = 5) (e.g., information about health consequences), Self-belief (N = 5) (e.g., increasing self-efficacy), comparison of behaviour (N = 5) (e.g., follow along exercise video), Comparison of outcomes (N = 2) (e.g., information about effect physical activity), antecedents (N = 1 (e.g., adding objects to the environment), and identity (N = 1) (e.g., prompt identification as a role model). The BCTs covert learning and scheduled consequences were not observed to be present within the studies.