General Approach
In this study the details of the HCSREM are discussed by demonstrating the model’s utility through analysis of a retrospective real-world cohort of patients who were diagnosed with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Although the proposed framework can be applied to an assortment of longitudinal biomarkers, the biomarker of interest is ctDNA level as measured by the maximum variant allele fraction of all somatic variants detected through liquid biopsy. Since a major advantage of the method is the ability to incorporate patient information, several relevant covariates were considered. Finally, to enhance interpretation, model results are displayed graphically in the form of estimated longitudinal projections, each based upon a patient’s set of distinct traits. Within this process, patient-level projections are directly compared where comparisons are enhanced by velocity plots which are defined subsequently.
Data Source and Patient Cohort
The cohort used to illustrate the utility of the methodology is based on observational data and was sourced from the GuardantINFORM anonymized clinical-genomic database, which includes structured commercial payer claims collected from inpatient and outpatient facilities in both academic and community settings. Due to the observational nature of the data, the methods in this study adhered to the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) guidelines where applicable.18 The GuardantINFORM database is fully deidentified and complies with Sections 164.514 (a)–(b)1ii of the US Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regarding the determination and documentation of statistically deidentified data. The generation of de-identified data sets by Guardant Health for research purposes was approved by the Advarra Institutional Review Board; patient identity protection was maintained throughout the study in a de-identified database. Retrospective analysis of de-identified data is approved by Advarra IRB number Pro00034566. As the data is de-identified, obtaining patient consent was waived by the approving ethics committee.
Patients selected for the cohort were diagnosed with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and had at least three Guardant360 (G360) liquid biopsy tests in the US between June 1st, 2014 and June 30th, 2023. Only patients receiving targeted therapies for EGFR mutations were included, with the following therapies considered: osimertinib, afatinib, dacomitinib, erlotinib, gefitinib, and amivantamab. All patients were required to retain at least three blood samples while on a specific line of anti-EGFR therapy, or within 30 days prior to line of therapy initiation and 30 days post end line of therapy. Patients whose first G360 test on the line of therapy was more than 120 days after the start of line of therapy were excluded. For patients with multiple lines of therapy meeting these criteria, the earliest line of therapy was selected for study inclusion. Finally, patients with suspected germline mutations were removed from the cohort.
Response Variable and Study Covariates
The response variable, ctDNA measurements captured over time, is reported as a percentage. In instances where samples contained ctDNA levels below the assay’s limit of detection, values were replaced with ctDNA levels of 0.04%, the lowest value in the cohort and consistent with the limit of detection of the test. All covariates except mortality were captured at baseline where the baseline period is defined as six months prior to the index date, i.e., the date of the patient’s first G360 test. Baseline covariates include age (in years), line of anti-EGFR therapy, smoking status (yes/no), gender (female/male), and the Van Walraven Elixhauser Comorbidity (ELIX) score specific to lung cancer patients (expressed as a weighted measure across multiple common comorbidities19). As the cohort is based on real-world-data, it is not possible to directly align treatment start date with the patient’s first G360 as is achievable in a prospective study. Therefore, days between the first G360 test and start of treatment was added as a covariate to serve as a statistical control and was set to zero days in the analysis to mimic a post treatment scenario. Patient mortality captured as alive vs deceased within the study timeframe was also included.
Proposed Statistical Model
In this section we provide an overview of the mathematical details of the HCSREM. As previously stated, this model was selected as it is malleable enough to capture variable nonlinear trends, and it allows for the direct incorporation of patient characteristics in the form of covariates. In addition to these properties, this model can provide a unique corresponding temporal ctDNA pattern for each combination of covariate values. It is the ability to provide this type of patient-specific information that makes this methodology attractive in targeted oncology efforts.
The model is partitioned into first- and second-level equations, which create the hierarchical structure. The first-level equation assumes the form of a truncated cubic spline and captures how a particular patient’s ctDNA levels change over time (see Eq. (1)). At a high level this is achieved by creating a function that is split into various pieces that traverse the abscissa. Within each piece, a cubic polynomial is used to fit the data where the ends of the consecutive cubic polynomials are connected by knots. Knot location, as well as the number of knots can be strategically devised based on data inspection, though “automated” methods for determining knot quantity and placement exist. Ultimately, a cubic spline model combines the separate pieces to form a single uniform function to represent the data.20
$${Y}_{ij}={\pi }_{0i}+{\pi }_{1i}{t}_{ij}+{\pi }_{2i}{t}_{ij}^{2}+{\pi }_{3i}{t}_{ij}^{3}+\sum _{k=1}^{K}{\pi }_{(k+3)i}{\left({t}_{ij}-{ϵ}_{k}\right)}_{+}^{3}+{\epsilon }_{ij}$$
where\({\left(t-ϵ\right)}_{+}=\left\{\begin{array}{cc}0& if t\le ϵ\\ t-ϵ& if t>ϵ\end{array}\right\}\)
In Eq. (1), ctDNA measurements (or a transformation thereof) captured over time are represented by the \({Y}_{ij}{\prime }s\), where \(i\) is used to index patients and \(j\) indexes the measurement occasion. Timepoints captured within the patient are given by \({t}_{ij}\), \(ϵ\) is the value of the \({k}^{th}\) knot, the \({\pi }_{ri}{\prime }s\) are the \(r\) response parameters, where each i.e. \({\pi }_{0i}\), \({\pi }_{1i}\), \(\cdots , {\pi }_{(k+3)i}\) varies across patients i.e. the random effects, and, \({\epsilon }_{ij}\) is the error term and is assumed to be normally distributed with a mean of 0 and variance \({\sigma }^{2}\). The response parameters are especially important as they collectively govern the shape of each patient’s unique longitudinal ctDNA trajectory and serve to bridge the first and second-level equations.
The significance of the second-level equations is they contain information about individual patient characteristics and associate these characteristics with the response parameters themselves. The second-level equations are given below.
$${\pi }_{ri}={\beta }_{r0}+\sum _{c=1}^{{C}_{r}}{\beta }_{rc}{X}_{ci}+{e}_{ri}$$
where, \({X}_{ci}\) represents a desired patient characteristic, \({\beta }_{rc}\) captures the linear relationship between the response parameter and the patient characteristic, \({\beta }_{r0}\) is the intercept for each corresponding \({\pi }_{ri}\), and \({e}_{ri}\) represents a random component and is assumed to adhere to the following multivariate normal distribution:
When the model contains covariates, it is referred to as a conditional model, otherwise it is an unconditional model. The unconditional model provides results at the cohort level and the conditional model is responsible for producing patient-level results.
A final, yet important element of the proposed methodology comes in the form of velocity plots, which are useful when examining the direction and speed in which ctDNA levels change at a given point in time i.e. the instantaneous rate of change (IRC) is of interest. Each model generated patient trajectory has at its heart, a cubic spline. An advantageous property of cubic splines is they are twice differentiable, thus, the IRC at a given time point can be calculated.21 In the case of the adopted spline model, this amounts to taking the first derivative of Eq. (1) with respect to time resulting in:
$$\frac{{dY}_{ij}}{d{t}_{ij}}={\pi }_{1i}+2{\pi }_{2i}{t}_{ij}+3{\pi }_{3i}{t}_{ij}^{2}+\sum _{k=1}^{K}{3\pi }_{(k+3)i}{\left({t}_{ij}-{ϵ}_{k}\right)}_{+}^{2}$$
The value of the IRC is given by the slope of the line tangent to the patient trajectory, where positive values correspond to an increasing IRC, negative values to decrease, and IRC values of zero indicate either a peak or trough was reached, or that the trajectory is flat. The further the IRC value is from zero, the more extreme the rate of change is.
Data were extracted using SAS software package 9.4 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA) and all statistical analysis for the HCSREM was performed using R version 4.1.3. A total of 400 patients with advanced NSCLC were identified from the GuardantINFORM database as having at least three G360 tests. Seventy-three patients were excluded as their first test was more than 120 days after therapy initiation and five were excluded due to germline mutations. Of the remaining patients, 163 received anti-EGFR therapy with a total of 561 ctDNA longitudinal measurements, where these 163 patients defined the cohort used in the analysis. The average age of these patients was 62 years, 66% of them were females, average line of anti-EGFR therapy was 1 and the average time between G360 test and treatment initiation was 0 days (range − 115 days to 30 days) (Table 1).
Table 1
Summary of Patient Characteristics
Characteristics (Total N = 163)
%/Standard Deviation
Age (years)
ELIX score
Current or prior smoker
Line of anti-EGFR therapy
Time between G360 test and treatment initiation (days)
ctDNA (%)*
Deceased at the end of study period
*ctDNA value was extracted from each test and summarized, thus includes multiple ctDNA values for each patient. |
[Insert Table 1]
To meet model assumptions, ctDNA levels, expressed as a percentage, were transformed into logits. Histograms in Fig. 1 show that logit transformation of ctDNA level alleviated the extreme skewness of the raw data. Likewise, the logit transformed spaghetti plot accentuates the complexity and variability of ctDNA level over time, both within and between patients.
[Insert Fig. 1]
In our example we concentrate on conducting an exploratory investigation of the data. To begin, an unconditional model was fit to the transformed data using knots set at 50, 125, 250, 500, 750, 1000, and 1250 days respectively. To ensure consistency, other knot orientations were explored, although different orientations did little to alter results. Results are presented graphically as spline model parameter estimates are difficult to interpret although parameter estimates and related output are provided in the supplemental information for reference.22 The graphical manifestation of the unconditional model, referred to as a response pattern, is presented in Fig. 2.
[Insert Fig. 2]
The response pattern (given in black) suggests ctDNA levels drop substantially between the first G360 test and 30 days, then rise rapidly until 150 days, at which point ctDNA levels dip slightly and rise again at around 300 days, although at a less extreme rate. Additionally, from 550 days to 1000 days ctDNA levels drop, and then rise again from 1000 to 1600 days. The corresponding 95% confidence band expand over time as the number of datapoints decreases. The flexibility built into the unconditional model revealed details hidden within the data that simpler models would not detect. Despite this, the unconditional model only estimates the response pattern for the cohort and does not account for the contingency that patients with different characteristics may exhibit different response patterns. To assess the impact of incorporating patient characteristics, a conditional model that incorporated all baseline covariates was fit to the data. As is typical in hierarchical models, all numerical covaries were centered about their respective means (Hofmann and Gavin (1998)). Figure 3 shows how baseline age and health status, as measured by the ELIX score, impact response patterns in female non-smokers receiving their first line of EGFR-TKI treatment. Results are separated by patients who are alive vs deceased. As data becomes sparse after 400 days, we examine the first 400 days only.
[Insert Fig. 3]
Examples presented above reveal that patients with different characteristics have different response patterns. In the top-left panel, the response curve for a 30 and 80-year-old with average ELIX scores are contrasted. These results suggest 80-year-old patients did not exhibit initial post treatment drop in ctDNA levels in comparison with 30-year-old patients who demonstrated a rapid decrease followed by a rapid increase. The top-middle panel indicates response patterns for patients with an average age and a maximum ELIX score of 13 appear to be quite different compared to the same patient with a minimum ELIX score of 0, implying patients with many comorbidities exhibited a delayed treatment response. In the top-right panel, response patterns are displayed for older patients with high comorbidity burden and younger patients who are otherwise healthy, illustrating how the age/health status combination amplifies the disparity in response patterns. Though not shown, beyond 400 days, a decreasing trend in ctDNA values is observed for patients who remained alive at the end of the study while the trend increases for patients who died before study end.
To focus on the response pattern’s behavior, velocity plots that display the IRC for a corresponding response pattern were generated (Fig. 4).
[Insert Fig. 4]
In general, information presented in a velocity plot can be gleaned from the response patterns themselves, but the differences in the response patterns are accentuated when examining them through an IRC lens. Thus, comparing velocity plots can provide additional clues as to where response patterns are similar and where they diverge based on the IRC value. Another advantage of utilizing velocity plots occurs when baseline values between response patterns are dissimilar and therefore differences between response patterns may be due to the fact that biomarker values were different at the onset. In these instances, using velocity plots to make comparisons may be more appropriate as the IRC is invariant to the biomarker’s baseline value.
Interpreting a velocity plot is relatively straightforward. To demonstrate, we focus on the far-left panels. In the first 100 days, velocity plots for 80-year-old alive and deceased patients (red curves) exhibited different patterns. For survivors, the IRC was initially positive but slowed to zero around 20 days (indicating a peak in the corresponding response curve as referenced by the dashed line), and then decreased, where the fastest rate of decrease (-0.026 logits per day) occurred around 43 days. Beyond 43 days the IRC continued to decrease and remained relatively flat past 100 days. In contrast, the velocity plot for 80-year-old deceased patients displays a nearly opposite pattern.