The results from this study show that reproduction in alpine R. acris is affected by different abiotic and biotic factors throughout the growing season, and between years. This is partly in agreement with our predictions, however a higher temperature was also important for a higher seed mass later in the growing season, and a higher flower density increased seed number earlier in the growing season. In addition, we found no pollen limitation in any of the snowmelt stages, suggesting that pollinators were not restricting reproduction in our study system.
Temperature increased both seed mass and number, indicating that temperature is a limiting factor in this alpine system. This was also found by Totland (1999), where temperature was experimentally increased using open top chambers. A higher temperature can speed up the maturation process in plants (Totland & Birks, 1996), especially in plants like R. acris that have green photosynthetic achenes. In addition, we found that temperatures effect on reproduction varied throughout the season, which could be related to the plants experiencing more benign temperatures at different periods during the growing season (Totland, 1993).
Our study site experienced frost in early august both years, damaging some of the seeds. This is contrary to what has been found in other systems, where frost events have been predicted to be more frequent early in the season (Inouye, 2008). Frost damage has also been detected previously by Totland (1997) on R. acris in our study area. A total of 33 individuals suffered from frost damage in our study, and individuals growing in the later snowmelt stages had the highest seed loss. This suggests that plants with seeds earlier in their developing phase are more sensitive to frost. Frost events later in the season was also found in Neuner et al. (2020), where undamaged Leucanthemopsis alpina individuals were only found in sheltered microhabitats.
Flowering later in the growing season also influenced seed mass and number of seeds produced. Later flowering individuals had a lower reproductive output, also found in Totland (1994), who suggested that individuals flowering later in the growing season had shorter longevity, meaning less time for pollinator visits and seed maturation. However, no pollen limitation was found throughout the whole flowering season our study, indicating that a lower seed mass and less seeds did not stem from a lack of flower visits. Previous research from the same area show contrasting results, were some find a pollen limitation on seed mass (Hegland & Totland, 2007; Totland, 1997), while others do not (Totland & Eide, 1999). However, when assessing number of seeds none of the studies found pollen limitation (Totland, 1997; Totland & Birks, 1996). This could indicate that the harsh alpine environment prevent the plant from utilizing all the supplemental pollen (Totland, 2004), and could also explain why only half of the gynoecium on R. acris developed into seeds in our study. We did however find a negative effect of supplemental pollination in the earliest stage. There could be several reasons for this, such as pollen crowding or stigma receptivity missed (Young & Young, 1992). Lundemo and Totland (2007) found the same in Dryas octopetala and suggested that due to the method being the same for all hand pollinating events, it is less likely that the hand pollination itself limited seed production, but support the fact that the species is not pollen limited.
A higher density of flowering R. acris in the surroundings resulted in a lower seed mass in general in 2017, this effect was not found in 2016. However, a higher density of surrounding R. acris individuals resulted in more seeds produced in 2016. There was almost four times as many flowering R. acris individuals in 2017 compared to 2016, potentially causing R. acris individuals in 2017 to experience a higher competition. As we found no pollen limitation for seed mass, a competition might be for resources, such as nutrients (Klanderud & Totland, 2005), rather than pollinators. R. acris is pollinated mainly by dipterans who tend to visit neighboring flowers (Totland, 1993, 1994), therefore a higher density could also be favorable, as we also found in 2016, when a higher density of flowers resulted in a higher seed production.
The drivers for plants reproductive output are closely linked to seasonal changes and variation in climate (Forrest & Miller-Rushing, 2010). We found both timing of snowmelt and temperature to be important factors for reproductive output in R. acris in our study, and even though we found no evidence for pollen limitation, it does not mean that this will continue to be the case. Increased temperatures with climate change are expected to result in changes in snow cover and spring snow melt date, where an earlier snowmelt due to warmer climate can cause a shift in species composition, favoring faster growing and taller plants (Jonas et al., 2008). Totland (1997) suggested that there is already an observable selection toward earlier emergence of R. acris at Finse due to a stronger increase in pollen limitation later in the season. An earlier snowmelt with no change in the frost dates can also be problematic for early flowering plants (Inouye, 2008), and this study have detected that R. acris reproductive output is sensitive to periods of frost.